

Have You Seen Our Gospel Choir?, Gerardo Marti
Seminars at Calvin

Socio-behavioural approaches to HIV prevention: ABC and the Role of the Church (Breakout Session #1), Ray Martin
Faith and International Development Conference

Teenagers and Their Sexuality, Rollie Martinson
Group's International Kidstitute

On the Threat of Do-It-Yourself Religion, Martin E. Marty
Lecture Council Series

The Vatican Council: What's in it for Protestants?, Martin E. Marty

Discerning Video Games as Popular Culture, Nathan Martz
Pop Culture Lecture Series

Programming, Story and Video Game Design, Nathan Martz
Pop Culture Lecture Series

Mass Meeting Feature, Marv
Spiritual Awakenings

Gotta Let the Whole Kingdom Come, Sarah Masen and David Dark
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005

Morning Devotions, Ralph Mattson
Christians in Visual Arts

A Forum on Northern Ireland, Brian S. Mawhinney
Lecture Council Series

William Cope Mayer, William Cope Mayer

Disestablishment a Second Time: Public Justice for American Schools, Rockne McCarthy

Religion in American Politics, Rockne McCarthy, Moorhead Kennedy Jr., Cal Thomas, Richard John Neuhaus, and James Skillen

The Hermeneutics of Deliverance-Robison Crusoe and the Future of Christian Interpretation & Canon, Intertextuality, and Determinate Meaning-Understanding Isaiah's "new heavens and new earth"(Isa. 65:17), Brian McCrea and Richard Schultz
Hermeneutics at the Crossroads Conference

Conversation, Conversion and the Case of William Carey, Robert McCutcheon
Seminars in Christian Scholarship

Why Christians Need Animals...And God Does, Too, Jay McDaniel

Beholding God's Glory: John Owen and the Reforming of the Beatific Vision, Suzanne McDonald
Meeter Center Fall Lecture

Keynote Session: Implicit Moral Knowledge, Ralph McInerny
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law

Brown, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Broadcast

Calvin Visit (Repitition) March 18, 1965, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Broadcast

Mac. Monday, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Broadcast

Untitled Radio Show on 20th Century Reformation, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Broadcast

WFUR Radio Station At the Civic Auditorium, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Broadcast

WFUR Radio Station March 2, 1965, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Broadcast

WFUR Radio Station March 23, 1965, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Broadcast

WFUR Radio Station March 24, 1965, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Broadcast

WFUR Radio Station March 25, 1965, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Broadcast

WFUR Radio Station March 26, 1965, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Broadcast

WFUR Radio Station Unknown Date, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Broadcast

Context, Contours, Contents: Towards a Description of Calvin's Understanding of Worship, Elsie Ann McKee
Tenth Colloquium of Calvin & Calvin Studies

Inflation and Unemployment, Paul McKraken
Business Luncheon

Reaching Out to Troubled Youth, Gordon McLean

Race to Unity: Removing the Wedge, Ray McMillian and Diane White-Clayton

Challenging Prejudice: Creating a Theology of Acceptance and Reconciliation in the Schools of Northern Ireland, Vincent McNally
Seminars in Christian Scholarship

Discovering Racism Among Us, Janice McWherter
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)

The Story of Meijer's, Hank Meijer
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)

When the Earth Quakes, Clarence Menninga
Noontime Series

The Comi-Tragic Vision of Peter DeVries, Arlin G. Meyer
Henrietta Ten Harmsel Reception

Women on the Cutting Edge, Beverley Meyer, Judy Clucker, Jane Vanderhaagen, and Leanne Van Dyke
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

Conflict Management & Reconciliation, Robert Meyering, Denise Zoeterman, Louis M. Tamminga, and Vernon Geurkink
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

Equipping the Saints-Conflict Management and Reconciliation, Robert Meyering, Denise Zoeterman, Louis M. Tamminga, and Vernon Geurkink
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

Hospitality for Women in Local Church Leadership, Steve Meyer, Claudia Beversluis, Fran Hackney, and Carl Kammeraad
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

Faith Searching for Historic Relevance, Jose Miguez-Bonino
Lecture Council Series

The Gospel of Affinity, John Milbank
Modernity, Postmodernity, and the Future of Hope

African American Consultation, Albert G. Miller
African American Consultation

Calvinism In Switzerland, Charles Miller

Restoration, Charles Miller

Restoration, Reaction, and Revolution, Charles Miller

World War I, Charles Miller

The American West in Search of a National Identity, Clyde Miller
Mellema Program Inaugural Lecture

Literature and Scripture: An "Impossible Filiation", J. Hillis Miller

Medieval Tech: Intended as Teaching Aids to Instruct the People, Malcolm Miller

Medieval Tech: Intended as Teaching Aids to Instruct the People, Malcolm Miller

Prayer and Worship, Patrick D. Miller Jr.
Praise & Lament Conference

The Form and Theology of Biblical Prayer, Patrick D. Miller Jr. and John Stek
Praise & Lament Conference

Models for North American Economic Restoration, S. Miller and J.D. Bishop
Business 1997

Address at Calvin College, William Milliken

Press Conference in Calvin College Band Room, William Milliken

Being Financially Responsible, Phyllis Wordhouse Mini

Christ and Culture, Theodore Minnema

Speaker at Foreign Language Conference 1, Anthony Mollica
Foreign Language Conference

Speaker at Foreign Language Conference 2, Anthony Mollica
Foreign Language Conference

Speaker at Foreign Language Conference 3, Anthony Mollica
Foreign Language Conference

Guest Church of the Holy Spirit-On the Future of Christianity, Jürgen Moltmann
Guest Lectures

Progress of Abyss-Remembering the Future of the Modern World, Jürgen Moltmann
Modernity, Postmodernity, and the Future of Hope

The Place of Resources in World Evangelization, Stanley Mooneyham
Committee on World Evangelization

A Jungian Perspective on Barriers to Cross-Cultural, Robert Moore

Natural Law and the Sciences: An Integrationist Account, Gerson Moreno-Riano
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law

All-Campus Activities Program Lecture, Hans Morgenthau

A Liberation Theology? Three Faces of Puritanism in the English Revolution, John Morrill
Puritanism and its Discontents

A Journey, Richard J. Mouw
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

Assessing Christian Scholarship-Where We've Been and Where We're Going, Richard J. Mouw
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Business as a Christian Calling, Richard J. Mouw
Business 1997 Conference

Christian View of Man, Richard J. Mouw
Christian Perspectives on Learning (CPOL)

Thorn-In-The-Flesh Decision-Making: A Christian Overview of the Ethics of Treatment, Richard J. Mouw
Medical Ethics Conference

The Moral Majority and its Effect on Education, Richard J. Mouw and David Wood

A Long Look Back: The Anti-slavery Movement, Underground Railroad, and Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Owen Muelder
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)

Was a Calvin a Calvinist?, Richard Muller
Teaching Development Series

Natural Law, Political Philosophy, and the Justification of Legal Punishment, Mark C. Murphy
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law

Natural Law, the Common Good, and the Political Order, Mark C. Murphy
Political Thought After Liberalism Conference

Anglo-American Postmodernity--Really?, Nancey Murphy
Jellema Lecture

Christian Physicalist, Nancey Murphy
Jellema Lecture

Charles Murray Discussion, Charles Murray

Evolution Matters-Death, Predation, Extinction and ... a Loving Creator?, Michael Murray
Jellema Lecture

Evolution Matters-Does Evolution Explain Religion?, Michael Murray
Jellema Lecture

Plenary #4, Celestin Musekura
Faith and International Development Conference

Plenary #7, Celestin Musekura
Faith and International Development Conference

Welcome and Opening Session, Celestin Musekura
Faith and International Development Conference

Welcome and Opening Plenary Session: Ida Mutoigo, Ida Mutoigo
Faith and International Development Conference

Shall They Till with Their Own Hoes? Extraversion and SBC Missions, 1950-2000, Isaac Mwase
Seminars in Christian Scholarship

Working with the Poor, Bryant Myers

Pursuit Personal/Social Well Being, David G. Myers
Christian Association for Psychological Studies

Yin and Yang in Psychology and Christianity, David G. Myers
Christian College Coalition

Sexual Orientation and Identity-Psychological and Christian Perspectives, David G. Myers and Mark Yarhouse
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Christianity in the Marketplace, Mary Naber, John Stapleford, and Steve Vanderveen
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Controlling China's Pollution, John Copeland Nagle
Byker Chair

Our Father Who Art in Hell: Jonestown Discussion, National Public Radio

Our Father Who Art in Hell: Jonestown Presentation, National Public Radio

Communication/Mission, Joel Nederhood