

Wrap-up: Concluding Panel Discussion, Lamin Sanneh
Seminars in Christian Scholarship

Lengthening the Cords and Strengthening the Stakes, Charsie Sawyer and John Hamersma
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Men, Women, and Change, John Scanzoni and Letha Scanzoni
Lecture Council Series

The Role of Women in Home, Church, and Society, Letha Scanzoni

Wiersma Memorial Lecture, James Schaap
Wiersma Memorial Lecture

Managing Water in the Netherlands, Siebe Schaap
Dutch Heritage Month

Songs for Ascension-Looking Beyond Your Hymnal, Greg Scheer
Ascension Conference

Church in North Africa, Sam Schlorff
Christian Witness to Muslims

Uses of the Qur'an, Sam Schlorff
Christian Witness to Muslims

Book of the Quarter: Fall 2003, Gary Schmidt

The WCC and the Social Gospel, Paul Schrotenboer

50-Year Career in the Ministry, Robert Schuller

Dutch Identity at Home and Abroad, J.W. Schulte Nordholt

T.V. and the Family, Quentin Schultze
Portable Calvin

Education Project, John Schuurman

The New Reproductive Technologies, Suzanne Scorsone
Veritas Forum 2000

The Columbine Redemption - Session 6, Darrell Scott
Youth Crime Conference 2001

Disclosure Issues, Randy Scott
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference

The Temptation of Philosophy-The Platonic Triumph of Logic over Rhetoric, Calvin Seerveld
Jellema Lecture

Troubadour Philosophy and a Doxological Aesthetics with Art of Plaint, Calvin Seerveld
Jellema Lecture

Fundamentalist History, Secular Myth, and the Media's God Problem, Jeff Sharlet

American Scientific Affiliation Banquet, Sheaffer and Clark Pinnock
American Scientific Affiliation

Is There Still a Place for Psalm-Singing in Worship?, Greg Sheer
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)

Muslim Community and Kingdom, David Shenk
Christian Witness to Muslims

Crime and Delinquency in School Settings - Session 1, Lois Shepard, Bob Goethal, Larry Johnson, and Artis Williams
Youth Crime Conference 2001

Breakout 1: The Courts and Crisis in Marriage, James E. Sheridan
Pine Rest Family Summit 2

Breakout 2: Smart Marriages, James E. Sheridan
Pine Rest Family Summit 2

Costumes as Communication, Margot Shevill

Lecture by Paul Schrader, Paul Shrader

Faces of Forgiveness-Theological Contributions, LeRon Shults
Preaching Forgiveness Conference

American Friends Service Committee Meeting, Ronald J. Sider

Nuclear Holocaust and Christian Hope, Ronald J. Sider
Lecture Council Series

Responses to Kingdom Powers, David Sieplinga, Tom Kaastra, and Len VanderZee
Signs and Wonders Conference

Presentation and Overview of Sigler's Art from 1971-1984, Hollis Sigler

The Politics of World Hunger, Arthur Simon
Lecture Council Series

A Woman's Journey (Personal Story), Saturday, June 22, Jill S.
Spiritual Awakenings

Power vs. Justice: Growing Crisis in World Politics, James Skillen

African Independent Church Leaders' Knowledge and Attitutes about HIV, Dianne Slager
Nagel Institute

Classic Antiquity in the Painting of Rembrandt, Leonard Slatkes

A Fast Ride with Cowboys of the Americas, Richard Slatta
Seminars at Calvin

Being a Christian in the Video Gaming Industry, Bill Slease
Sexuality Series

Developing a Healthy Congregation, Donald Sloat and Peter Larsen
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference

Conference on Expository Preaching Tape A, Lewis B. Smedes

Conference on Expository Preaching Tape B, Lewis B. Smedes

Forgive and Forget, Lewis B. Smedes
Oak Brook Ministers Conference

Helping Hurting People Forgive: Some Do's and Don'ts, Lewis B. Smedes
Oak Brook Ministers Conference

Helping Hurting People Forgive: Understanding the Process, Lewis B. Smedes
Oak Brook Ministers Conference

On Letting People Die, Lewis B. Smedes
Medical Ethics Conference

Smedes Lecture 1, Lewis B. Smedes

Smedes: Lecture 2, Lewis B. Smedes

Smedes: Lecture 3, Lewis B. Smedes

The 2000 Campaign, Corwin Smidt
Noontime Series

Christopher Smit, Christopher Smit
Festival of Faith & Music, 2003

Her Story, Nell Smith (Breen)

Understanding the Religious and Spiritual Lives of Emerging Adults in the U.S., Christian Smith
Bouma Lecture Series

Daniel Smith, Daniel Smith
Festival of Faith & Music, 2003

Christian Faith and Cultural Diversity, David Smith

How We Learn in Church (Even When No-one is "Teaching"), David Smith
Seminars at Calvin

Thomas Aquinas on the Relationship between the Natural Law and the Old Law, Randall B. Smith
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law

Implications of the Ascension for Everyday Life, Laura Smit
Ascension Conference

Calvinette Leaders Convention, Arnold Snoeyink

Reaching Unchurched Teenagers, Buster Soaries
Group's International Kidstitute

Normative Objectivity and Realism, Ernest Sosa
Realism and Antirealism Conference

Responses to Plenary Speaker, Koyzis Spalding
Session III: Religious Liberty & Pluralism

Holland on Skates: An Evening of Dutch Ice Stories with Hylke Speerstra, Hylke Speerstra

Before Liberalism: Responsible Government in Medieval Europe, William Spellman
Political Thought After Liberalism Conference

Lecture on Litugy, Bryan D. Spinks
Christianity, Cultures, and Worship Worldwide

Worship & Culture: A Continuing Debate, Bryan D. Spinks
Seminars in Christian Scholarship

The Interdisciplinary Study of Christian Worship, Bryan D. Spinks, John Wilson, and John D. Witvliet
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Academic Procession, William Spoelhof

South African Panorama, William Spoelhof

The Marginalia Archive, Molly Springfield

A Protestant Looks at the Vatican Council, Gordon Spykman

Christian Politics, Gordon Spykman
International Political Conference

The Church's Marching Orders: Between D-Day and V-Day, Gordon Spykman
AACS Niagara Conference

Debate on Report 44: Spykman and DeKoster, Gordon Spykman and Lester R. DeKoster

Mission to the World: Changing Perspectives in American Protestantism, 1910-2010, Brian Stanley

Counter Cultures, Cultural Anarchism and the Presence of the Future Kingdom, Peter J. Steen
AACS Niagara Conference

Establishing Alternative Schools, Peter J. Steen
Conference on Christian Education

Going Public, Peter J. Steen

Neo-Scientism, Peter J. Steen
Conference on Christian Education

Quo Vadis: Where Are We Going?, Peter J. Steen

Stewardship: The Calling of Our God, Peter J. Steen
Conference on Stewardship

What is Society?--Natural and Moral Law, Peter J. Steen

You are Great, Charles Steenstra
Calvinette Counselors Convention

Protestantism: The State and Society in Guatemala, Timothy Steigenga
Latin American Congress

Marriage: Are You Serious? Dream World, Time of Disillusion (Part 2 of 5), Urban G. Steinmetz and Kenneth Bray

Marriage: Are You Serious? Instruction; Dream World Stage (Part 1 of 5), Urban G. Steinmetz and Kenneth Bray

Marriage: Are You Serious? The Sounds of Disillusion; From Disillusion to Misery (Part 3 of 5), Urban G. Steinmetz and Kenneth Bray

Marriage: Are You Serious? Time of Awakening; Time of Love (Part 5 of 5), Urban G. Steinmetz and Kenneth Bray

Marriage: Are You Serious? Time of Misery; Easing the Tensions (Part 4 of 5), Urban G. Steinmetz and Kenneth Bray

Building Programs 101 (Preconference Session), Fred Sterenberg
Testimony of Place: Building Churches & Neighborhoods

Masculinity Theory-Secular Meets Sacred, Helen Sterk
Sexuality Series

William Spoelhof Chair Lecture, Helen Sterk

Gender, Culture, and Physicality: Paradoxes and Taboos, Helen Sterk and Annelies Knoppers

Modern Architecture After Modernism, Robert A.M. Stern
Lecture Council Series

Closeting 'Nature': A Christian Critique of the Revolutionary View of Human Freedom, William R. Stevenson Jr.
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law

Group C Workshops, Sufjan Stevens
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005

The Future of Music, James Stewart
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005

Epics of Justice, Henry Stob
Morgan Lectures