Epics of Love, Henry Stob
Morgan Lectures
Epics of Love and Justice, Henry Stob
Morgan Lectures
Nuclear War, Henry Stob
The New Morality, Henry Stob
Crumbs From Your Table: U2 and Justice, Steve Stockman
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005
Discovering Eternal Truth in Unlikely Music, Steve Stockman
Pop Culture Lecture Series
iPodic Obedience: Music to Transform Your Soul and Society, Steve Stockman
Steve Stockman, Keynote Session 1, Steve Stockman
Festival of Faith & Music, 2003
Steve Stockman, Workshop, Steve Stockman
Festival of Faith & Music, 2003
The Reconciliation Movement in Northern Ireland, Steve Stockman
Human Freedom, H.G. Stoker
Meditation: A Resource to Recovery, Saturday, June 22, Tom S.
Spiritual Awakenings
Meditation: Values of Practice, Sunday, June 23, Tom S.
Spiritual Awakenings
The Institutional Church and Our Institutions, Allan Storkey
Visiting Professor Calvin Center
The Monologue of Secularism, Jeffery Stout
Jellema Lecture
The Spirit of Democracy, Jeffery Stout
Jellema Lecture
Foreign Language Conference, Lorraine Strasheim
Love and the Trinitarian Concept of Personhood, Stephen Stratton
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture
On the CRC and the Common Man, Earl Strikwerda
The Civil War in Retrospect after 1863 Part 1, Earl Strikwerda
The Civil War in Retrospect after 1863 Part 2, Earl Strikwerda
World War 1 and After, Earl Strikwerda
History 101 Lecture
World War 1 and After Part 2, Earl Strikwerda
History 101 Lecture
World War I, Earl Strikwerda
The Problem of Suffering, Elenore Stump
Seminars at Calvin
Jim Crow's Last Stand: The Struggle for Civil Rights in the Suburban North, Thomas Sugrue
Press Conference - William Sullivan, US Ambassador to Iran, William Sullivan
Promoting Congregational and Staff Awareness, Donald Sunman
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference
Jonathan Edwards on Religious Imagination, Anna Svetlikova
Church School Curricula, Beth A. Swagman
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference
The Case of MEMENTO, S.E. Sweeney
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture
Lecture by Leonard Sweetman, Leonard Sweetman
Chicago's Dutch Scavengers, Robert Swierenga
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)
Garbios: Chicago's Dutch Scavengers, Robert Swierenga
Noontime Series
Place of Van Hinte in Dutch Immigrant History; Language, Religion, and the Printing Press: The Dutch American, Robert Swierenga and Hendrik Edelman
Conference on Dutch-American Studies
God and Morality, Richard Swinburne
Science, Philosophy, & Belief Seminar
Beyond the Iron Curtain: Hungering for New Business Alliances, Csaba Szabo
Hungarian Economics
Contextual Theology as Mutual Correction in the World Church, Charles Taber
Seminars in Christian Scholarship
Churches on the Cutting Edge, Elaine Tamminga, Mary Gengerink, Marvin Hoogland, Rodney Molder, and Mary Sweeringa
Partnership in the Gospel Conference
Public Education in General and Grand Rapids Public Schools in Particular, Bernard J. Taylor
Noontime Series
Reading Scripture with Our Foremothers, Marion Taylor
Augustine, Heidegger, and Gadamer-Hearkening to the Inner Word & Limited Incarnation-Revisiting the Searle/Derrida Debate in Christian Context, Mark Tazelaar and James K.A. Smith
Hermeneutics at the Crossroads Conference
When Cultures Meet, Gary Tega
Calvin-Western Sectional
Jacobus Revius, Henrietta Ten Harmsel
Revius Readings, Henrietta Ten Harmsel
Sietze Buning and the CRC: Critique, Laughter, Loyalty, Henrietta Ten Harmsel, Henry Baron, and Clarence Walhout
Animals and the Kingdom of God, Bryant Terry
Animals and the Kingdom of God
1940's at Calvin, Richard Tiemersma
Economic Order, John Tiemstra
Money, Capital, and Oil, John Tiemstra
Christian Scholarship and the Changing Center of World Christianity, Tite Tienou
Christian Scholarship...For What?
Long Term Effects Of Abuse, Judi Tieri and Donna Terpstra
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference
Nutrition and Dieting, Peter Tigchelaar
Portable Calvin
Chaucer, John J. Timmerman
Flannery O'Connor, John J. Timmerman
Little Foxes in the...Calvin College, John J. Timmerman
Wiersma Memorial Lecture, John J. Timmerman
Wiersma Memorial Lecture
Discussion Concerning the English Department at Calvin College, John J. Timmerman and Henry Zylstra
Discussion Concerning the Teaching of English, John J. Timmerman and Henry Zylstra
Where Am I Wearing? A Global Tour to the Countries, Factories, and People that Make Our Clothes, Kelsey Timmerman
Anti-Calvinists and the Republican Threat in Early Stuart Cambridge, Margo Todd
Puritanism and its Discontents
The Cost of Development, Michelle Sheba Tolentino
Faith and International Development Conference
The Future of Marxism, Joseph Ton
The Music of the Church, Dale Topp
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention
Refugee Resettlement, My Uyen Tran and Dona Abbott
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)
Who Cares? Public and Private Caring and the Rethinking of Citizenship, Joan Tronto
Can We Meet the Needs of Both Young and Old?, John E. Tropman
Conference on Older Adults
Good, Better, Best: A Staggered Approach to Passing the Buch in Medical Care, John E. Tropman
Conference on Older Adults
Godzilla and Japanese Culture, William Tsutsui
Three Case Studies and Discussion, David Tubergen
Medical Ethics Conference
Evangelism: Great Commission or World Transformation?, Pieter C. Tuit
Theology and Practice of Evangelism in Today's World Conference
A Nation Searching for a Country, Daniel Turp
Lecture Council Series
When Romance Crosses Cultures: Overcoming Obstacles & Celebrating Intimacy in Cross-Cultural Relationships, Naji Umran and Anne Zaci
Sexuality Series
Labor Management Relations, William J. Usery
Christians in Visual Arts, Marcus Uzilevsky
Christians in Visual Arts
Testing and Evaluating in the Foreign Language Classroom 1, Rebecca Valette
Foreign Language Conference
Testing and Evaluating in the Foreign Language Classroom 2, Rebecca Valette
Foreign Language Conference
The Great Dao, Elena Valussi
A Virtual Tour of ArtPrize, Elizabeth Van Arragon
Noontime Series
This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land: Symbolizing a National Ideal in American Regionalist Art, Elizabeth VanArragon
Art Gallery Event
Between Nature and Nationality: The Hague School in the Nineteenth Century: Panel Discussion, Lisa Van Arragon, Henry Luttikhuizen, Craig Hanson, and James D. Bratt
The Themes of Nature in Three Generations of Canadian Literature, Aileen Van Beilen
The Role of Churches in the Peace Process in Africa, Jan van Butselaar
Seminars in Christian Scholarship
Culture, Christianity, and Witchcraft in an African Context, Todd Vanden Berg
Seminars in Christian Scholarship
Changing Face of Christianity: Africa, the West and the World, Todd Vanden Berg, Lamin Sanneh, Richard Plantinga, and Joel Carpenter
Every Man Heard Them Speak in His Own Language, James Vanden Bosch
Guideling re: Home Missions and Luke Society, Marvin P. Vanden Bosch
Signs of Abuse-How Can I Tell by your Talk/Action, Robert VandePol
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference
Wednesday Evening Worship, Al Vander Griend
Coffee Break Sectionals and Worship Services
Living a Lighthouse Lifestyle, Alvin VanderGriend
Special Interest Day
Jubilee: A Centennial Convocation, William Vander Haak and Mark O. Hatfield
Centennial Convocation with the Ambassador of the Netherlands, William Vander Haak, A.R. Tammenoms Bakker, and John Primus
Barth, Bell, and Hell, Kees van der Kooi
Planning for Y2K: Preparing Yourself, Your Church, Your Community, Steven VanderLeest
Noontime Series
Jobs, Internships and Opportunities, Part I (Breakout Session #2a), Scott Vander Ley, Kimberly Cutler, and Abby Reac
Faith and International Development Conference
The Uses of Psychology in Therapy, James Vander May
The Significance of Rare Dutch Books, David Vander Meulen
Dutch Heritage Month
Mimic of Reverend Henry Beets's Independence Day Oration of July 4, 1899, William Vander Ploeg
How to Respond to a Crisis When You Are Unprepared, Daniel Vandersteen
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference
The Pregnant Present and the Pull of the Future, George Vandervelde
AACS Niagara Conference