
Conference Proceedings

Concluding Business Session, Various
Conference on Justice in the International Economic Order

Opening Business Session, Nicholas Wolterstorff and Tjaart Van der Walt
Conference on Justice in the International Economic Order


The Impossible Possibility, Calvin College


Appropriation, Deterence, Charles H. Anderton and Varghese Manaloor
Globalization and Inequality

Nuclear Energy Debate with D. Langford, Rod Bailey and D. Langford

The Christian and Drama, Paul Bergsma, Dave Brad, Len Schrader, Sherry Goody, and Vals Nykamp
Commons Series

Interview of Anna Bratt, Anna Bratt

Interview re Providence CRC Move, Herbert J. Brink

Interview between Calvin Staff, Herbert J. Brinks, Dirk W. Jellema, and William Harry Jellema

Convergence and Cross, John E. Charalambakis and J.D. Richardson
Globalization and Inequality

Tamrat Layne Interview, Todd Cioffi and Tamrat Layne

Seminary Situation of 1952, Willis DeBoer and Leonard Sweetman
Nola Oppewall Interviews

Realism and Naturalism in Art, Pete De Bore, Bev Rus, Jen Terpstra, and Vals Nykamp
Commons Series

Interview with William B. Eerdmans, William B. Eerdmans

Interview with William B. Eerdmans, William B. Eerdmans

Preferences for Workers? Worker Rights and the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, Kimberly Ann Elliot and John Wassenaar
Globalization and Inequality

Integration and Disintegration in the Global Economy, Robert C. Feenstra and J.D. Richardson
Globalization and Inequality

Interview with Cornel West and Lupe Fiasco, Lupe Fiasco and Cornel West
Festival of Faith and Music

Role of Women in the CRC, Sue H. Goliber

Protestant Missionary Activity in Latin America, Roger Greenway
Latin American Congress

American Women in Poverty, Rebecca A. Harens and Doug L. Koopman
Globalization and Inequality

The Christian Involvement in Politics, Mike Hart, Terry Clawson, Dave Zanstra, and Vals Nykamp
Commons Series

Interview of The President of Calvin College America, John Hiemenga

New Curriculum Interview, J.P. Hoekenga

Interview with William Henry Jellema, William Henry Jellema and Dirk Jellema

Christian School Interview, Henry Kuiper

Interview with Rienk Bouke Kuiper, Rienk Bouke Kuiper

Purpose of Chimes, John La Grand, Marlon Van Elderen, Mark Wageveld, and Vals Nykamp
Commons Series

Interview with Frederick F. Manfred, Frederick F. Manfred

Interview with Frederick F. Manfred, Frederick F. Manfred

U.S. Wage Ineguality, Tracy Miller and J.D. Richardson
Globalization and Inequality

Cornelius Plantinga Sr., Cornelius Plantinga Sr.

History of the National Union of Christian School, Richard Postma

The Christian and Art, Bev Rus, Jen Terpstra, Hank Mellus, and Vals Nykamp
Commons Series

Rev. R.J. Rushdoony vs. Lester DeKoster, R.J. Rushdoony and Lester DeKoster

Interview with Mr. and Mrs. Poutsma, Gertrude Schilthouse and Mr. and Mrs. Poutsma

World War 2 in the Netherlands, A.J. Schornagel-Vander Hart

Interview Re: Lansing, Illinois, John J. Schuringa

Interview on German Classis of the CRC, John Schuurman

Does the Sector Bias of Skill-Biased Technological Change Explain Changing Wage Inequality?, Matthew G. Slaughter and Barry Ritchey
Globalization and Inequality

Interview of Rena Smedes, Rena Smedes

Charismatic Religion, Gender Relations, and Modernization in Latin America, David Smilde
Latin American Congress

Interview on Japan Missions History, Harvey Smit

Interview on Missionary Work in Nigeria, Nell Breen Smith

Interview on Missionary Work in Nigeria, Nell Breen Smith

Canadian Trade, Stephen L.S. Smith, Michael A. Anderson, and Doug L. Koopman
Globalization and Inequality

Some Celebrative Observations, William Spoelhof

The Bible, Rocks and Time, Ralph Stearly, Davis Young, and Susan Felch

A Conversation with Masaaki Suzuki, Masaaki Suzuki and John D. Witvliet

On the Genevan Psalter, Seymour Swets

Tippet/Mouw Talk, Krista Tippett and Richard J. Mouw

National Union of Christian Schools Interview, John Van Bruggen

Christian Schools in the Midwest, J.A. Vander Ark

Trade Liberalization and Inequality in Indonesia: The Recent Evidence, Evert VanDerHeide and Barry Ritchey
Globalization and Inequality

Changes in Relative Wages, Timothy Wedding and Varghese Manaloor
Globalization and Inequality

Interview re: Scrip Plan in Grand Rapids, George Welsh

The Scrip Plan in Grand Rapids, George Welsh

Sacred Music, Arv Wierda, Judy Derrida, Harriet Vander Waal, and Vals Nykamp
Commons Series

The Dynamics of Latin American Pentecostalism, Evertt Wilson
Latin American Congress

Fitzgerald's Prophecy: The Dutch Heritage, John Witte, Seymour Swets, and Egbert (ER) R. Post

The Christian and Social Work, Harry Zwarver, Ron Youkenron, Sharon Draft, John DeWitt, and Vals Nykamp
Commons Series


Islam, Adel Abadeer
Heritage Alumni Event

Preaching Helps, Elizabeth Achtemeier
Praise & Lament Conference

Preaching the Song of Praise and Lament, Elizabeth Achtemeier
Praise & Lament Conference

Panel Discussion-Achtemeier, Brueggemann, Froehlich, Miller, Patton, Elizabeth Achtemeier, Walter Brueggemann, Karlfried Froehlich, Patrick D. Miller Jr., and John Patton
Praise & Lament Conference

Anthropomorphism: The Christian Double Standard, Carol Adams
Animals and the Kingdom of God

Socialism Part 1, Mortimer Adler

Socialism Part 2, Mortimer Adler

Covert Incest and Sexual Addiction, Sunday, June 23, Ken A.
Spiritual Awakenings

Taking Pop Culture Back to the People: The Church as a Catalyst of Local Culture, Brent Aldrich, Chris Smith, and Ragan Sutterfield
Pop Culture Lecture

Choosing to Include the Great Diversity of the City, Dennis Alexander

State, Society, and the Family-A Qur'anic Worldview: Gender and Family in the Qur'an, Azizah al-Hibri
Jellema Lecture

State, Society, and the Family-A Qur'anic Worldview: Religion and the State in Islam, Azizah al-Hibri
Jellema Lecture

The Crisis in Basra, Haider Alsaedy
War Awareness Series, 2008

Does Science Discredit Religion?, William P. Alston
Seminars in Christian Scholarship

Migration and the Transformation of Latino Religious Identities in the U.S., Andrea Althoff

Genetic Control, Elving Anderson

Protestant Church Growth in Latin America, Sheldon Annis
Latin American Congress

Healthy Sexuality and Aging, Saturday, June 22, Anonymous
Spiritual Awakenings

Prison Outreach, Saturday, June 22, Anonymous
Spiritual Awakenings

Purpose of God in Christian Education, The, Daniel Aragon
Kuyers Institute

Poetic Justice, Amanda Armour

The Role of the Christian Scholar in Applied Music, Anton Armstrong, Peter Kenote, Mark Moliterno, Charsie Sawyer, and John Varineau
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Darwinian Moral Sense and Biblical Religion, Larry Arnhart
Biology and Purpose-Altruism, Morality & Human Nature in Evolution Theory

Plenary Discussion Following Larry Arnhart and John Hare, Larry Arnhart and John Hare
Biology and Purpose-Altruism, Morality & Human Nature in Evolution Theory

Locke, Althusius and the Theoretical Grounds of the Federal State, Nicholas Aroney
Political Thought After Liberalism Conference

Old Law, Best Constitution, Nicholas Aroney
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law

Fistulas and African Women's Health, Steven D. Arrowsmith

A Tribute to Peter J. Steen, Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship
AACS Conference

Calvin in Genf, 1536-1538, Calvin in Strassburg, Cornelis Augustijn and Richard Horcsik
International Congress on Calvin Research

Discussions of Addresses, Cornelis Augustijn and Richard Horcsik
International Congress on Calvin Research

Treatment & Rehabilitation of Juvenile Delinquents: What's Promising and What's Not? - Session 4, John Aulisa, Matt; Fenske, Nelson Griffis, and Kathy Bailey
Youth Crime Conference 2001

Student Activities at Taylor University, Steve Austin
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005

Political Roles of Evangelicals in Mexican Democracy from 1991 to the 2006 Presidential Elections, Mariano Avila
Nagel Institute

Changing the Subject from 'Self' to 'Person': From a Psychological to Sacramental Understanding of Who We Are, Gil Bailie
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture

Women of the Reformation, Roland Bainton

Scientific Humanism, Carl Bajema

Counter-Culture as a Way of Life Part 1, Clifford Bajema

Counter-Culture as a Way of Life Part 2, Clifford Bajema

Social Security: A System for Mutual Support, Robert M. Ball
Conference on Older Adults