The Purpose of God in Christian Education, Daniel Aragon
Kuyers Institute
Poetic Justice, Amanda Armour
The Role of the Christian Scholar in Applied Music, Anton Armstrong, Peter Kenote, Mark Moliterno, Charsie Sawyer, and John Varineau
Christian Scholarship...For What?
Darwinian Moral Sense and Biblical Religion, Larry Arnhart
Biology and Purpose-Altruism, Morality & Human Nature in Evolution Theory
Plenary Discussion Following Larry Arnhart and John Hare, Larry Arnhart and John E. Hare
Biology and Purpose-Altruism, Morality & Human Nature in Evolution Theory
Locke, Althusius and the Theoretical Grounds of the Federal State, Nicholas Aroney
Political Thought After Liberalism Conference
Old Law, Best Constitution, Nicholas Aroney
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law
Fistulas and African Women's Health, Steven D. Arrowsmith
A Tribute to Peter J. Steen, Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship
AACS Conference
Calvin in Genf, 1536-1538, Calvin in Strassburg, Cornelis Augustijn and Richard Horcsik
International Congress on Calvin Research
Discussions of Addresses, Cornelis Augustijn and Richard Horcsik
International Congress on Calvin Research
Treatment & Rehabilitation of Juvenile Delinquents: What's Promising and What's Not? - Session 4, John Aulisa, Matt Fenske, Nelson Griffis, and Kathy Bailey
Youth Crime Conference 2001
Student Activities at Taylor University, Steve Austin
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005
Political Roles of Evangelicals in Mexican Democracy from 1991 to the 2006 Presidential Elections, Mariano Avila
Nagel Institute
Changing the Subject from 'Self' to 'Person': From a Psychological to Sacramental Understanding of Who We Are, Gil Bailie
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture
Women of the Reformation, Roland Bainton
Scientific Humanism, Carl Bajema
Counter-Culture as a Way of Life Part 1, Clifford Bajema
Counter-Culture as a Way of Life Part 2, Clifford Bajema
The Right to Life, Clifford Bajema
Baldwin Christian School 65th Anniversary Program, Baldwin Christian School
65th Anniversary Program
Social Security: A System for Mutual Support, Robert M. Ball
Conference on Older Adults
Angels in the New Testament, Andrew Bandstra
The Ministry of the Church, Andrew Bandstra
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention
Why Religion is Natural and Theology is Not, Justin Barrett
Seminars at Calvin
Not for Sale Tour, David Batstone
Shakespeare's Sense of History, Roy Battenhouse
Calvin's Visit to Grand Rapids: A Forgotten Episode in the History of the Church, Ford Lewis Battles
New Directions in Reformed Theology: Implications for College and Community, Ford Lewis Battles
The Threat Posed by Calvinism to the Kingdom of Satan in Late 20th Century, Ford Lewis Battles
Gary Bauer Speech, Gary Bauer
A Theological Critique of Capitalism, Gregory Baum
Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food, Gene Baur
Calvin's China Connection, Daniel Bays and Kelly Clark
Noontime Series
Themes in World History, Daniel Bays, Bert deVries, Douglas Howard, Robert Sweetman, and Thor Wagstrom
Christian Scholarship...For What?
DAVID BAZAN, David Bazan
Festival of Faith & Music, 2003
Group A Workshop, David Bazan
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005
Grief Issues, Carla M. Beach
Making Congregations Safe Places Conference
Technology and the Self, John Bechtold
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture
Triple Team Ministry, Benjamin J. Becksvoort, Robert W. Vance, and Dale W. Vander Veen
Calvin-Western Sectional
Why the History of Sexuality Ought to be Taught at Christian Colleges and Universities, Gail Bederman
Sexuality Series
Primal Religions as Substructure of Christianity, Gillian Bediako
Nagel Institute
The Emergence of World Christianity and the Remaking of Theology, Kwame Bediako
Nagel Institute
Making Sense of Calvin's Paradoxes on Assurance of Faith, Joel R. Beeke
Tenth Colloquium of Calvin & Calvin Studies
Why the Bible Says Sex is for Marriage, David Beelen
Sexuality Series
Twelve Steps of Intimacy in Dating and Marriage, Melanie Beelen and Dave Beelen
Innovations in Policing Juvenile Delinquents: What's Working and What's Not? - Session2, Kevin Belk, Liqun Cao, and Peter Manning
Youth Crime Conference 2001
Is this Your Sister? Brother? A Look at Local Sex-Trafficking, Anthony Bender and Mary Dekker
Sexuality Series
Revisioning History in Christian Scholarship, Margaret Bendroth, Ronald Albert Wells, Perry Bush, William Katerberg, and Shirley Mullen
Christian Scholarship...For What?
What Works in American Education, William J. Bennet
Calvin College Republican Club
The Year the Distance Died, Ken Bergsma
Plenary #3, Roy Berkenbosch
Faith and International Development Conference
What Kind of Liberalism? What Kind of Democracy?, Richard Bernstein
Political Thought After Liberalism Conference
Monks and Markets: Culture, Economics, and Good Cities, Philip Bess
Polis and Natural Law: The Moral Authority of the Urban Transect, Philip Bess
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law
Work...The Church...And The Cities, Samuel Betanzas
Urban Congress
Conversation with John and Aleida Beuker and Ron Voogt, John Beuker, Aleida Beuker, and Ron Voogt
Symposium, Henry Beversluis, Anthony J. Diekema, Peter Haan, and George VanGroningen
Christian Schools International
Christianity in the Public Square, David Billings, Deborah Bowen, and Barbara Omolade
Christian Scholarship...For What?
Diversity in the Workplace, J.D. Bishop and Milton Kuyers
Business 1997
Where is Calvin?, Norman Blake
Christianity and 20th Century English Literature, Harry Blamires
Lecture Council Series
Plenary Session 2: Fatherless America, David Blankenhorn
Pine Rest Family Summit 1
Human Treatment and the Future for People with Special Needs, Burton Blatt
A Review of Themes and Issues of Public Health, Kenneth Bloem
Lecture Council Series
The Age of Women: Gender, Age, and Health, Sheila Bluhm
Gender Studies Program Lecture
Ancient Religious Texts, Modern Christian Audience, Markus Bockmuehl, David Holwerda, Arie Leder, Cornelius Plantinga Jr., and James VanderKam
Christian Scholarship...For What?
Perspectives on the Slums of Nairobi, Kenya: What is the Role of the Churches?, Christine Bodewes
A Naturalistic Theory of Moral Genesis, Christopher Boehm
Biology and Purpose-Altruism, Morality & Human Nature in Evolution Theory
Healing Prayer: Spiritual Renewal and Its Interface with Emotional Healing, Peter Boelens
Special Interest 2002
Anatomy of a Social Revolution, Harry R. Boer
Goethe Faust, Clarence Boersma
View from the Launching Pad-The Next Generation of Christian Scholars, Wiebe Boer, Sam Glass, Sarah K. Hamersma, and Christina Van Dyke
Christian Scholarship...For What?
A Day with Allan Boesak, Allan A. Boesak
Where is Calvin?, Edgar Boeve, M Walter, John Primus, and Howard Slenk
The Doctrine of Jesus Christ, John Bolt
Dynastic Consolidation, Robert Bolt
Dynastic States, Robert Bolt
What Does the Future Hold for the Phillipines?, Raymond Bonner
Politics of Rapture: The Social Network of Premillenialist Websites, Paula Booke
The Word of South America, Juan S. Boonstra
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention
The Impact of Postmodernism, Wayne Booth and Mark Schwehn
Christian Humanitarian Work-Past, Present, Future, Dirk B. Booy, Paul Kortenhoven, and Nicholas Wolterstorff
Faith and International Development Conference
Facing the World Food Crisis, Georg Borgstrom
Food, Georg Borgstrom
World Food Crisis, Georg Borgstrom
The Politics of the Judicial System, Robert Bork
Calvin College Today
The Golden Cycle of Prayer & Praise in the Psalter & in the Christian Liturgy, Carl J. Bosma and John D. Witvliet
Praise & Lament Conference
Self and Nonself, M. Bosma
Shining Hours in the Bitter Woods, James Bosscher
Noontime Series
Christian Social Philosophy in a Shrinking World, Elaine Botha
Conflict and Resolution in South Africa, Elaine Botha
Metaphor, Meaning, and Embodiment, Elaine Botha
The Role of Metaphor in Christian Scholarship, Elaine Botha, Barbara Carvill, and David Smith
Christian Scholarship...For What?
Kuyper's Legacy in South Africa, H. Russel Botman
Bullets, Bombs, and Fast Talk: Twenty-five years of FBI War Stories, Jim Botting
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)
Calvinism Part 1, Clarence Bouma
Calvinism Part 2, Clarence Bouma
Family Business Transitions: A Panel, Hessel Bouma III, Paxton Duthler, and John Vander Ploeg
Business 1997
Models for Christian Education, Steve Bouma-Prediger, Mark Edwards, and Brian Walsh
Christian Scholarship...For What?