

Morality and Literature Part 1, James W. Ingles

Morality and Literature Part 2, James W. Ingles

Age of Reason, Henry Ippel

Age of Reason, Henry Ippel

Ancient Near East, Henry Ippel

Calvinism and Government, Henry Ippel

Calvinism and Politics, Henry Ippel

Greek City States, Henry Ippel

Imperialism, Henry Ippel

Roman Republic, Henry Ippel

Dutch American Historical Workshop, 1 of 5, Henry Ippel, Anthony J. Diekema, Elton Bruins, Henry Brinks, and Conrad Bult
Dutch American Historical Workshop

New Roots for Agriculture, Wes Jackson
Focus on the Environment

The Theology of Staying Put and Identity, Access, and Witness (Session 3), Eric Jacobsen
Testimony of Place: Building Churches & Neighborhoods

What If There Is A God Who Really Loves You?, Wayne Jacobsen
Seminars in Christian Scholarship

Why Were the Dutch in New Netherlands, Anyway?, Jaap Jacobs

Christian and the Business Risk, Jack Jagt and Scott Korthuis
Business 1997

Plenary Session 6: Supporting Families, Kay Coles James
Pine Rest Family Summit 1

The Narrative Metaphor and Wesleyan Theology, Peter Jankowski
Loss of the Self in a Postmodern Therapeutic Culture

The Humanities and the Future of the University, David Lyle Jeffrey
Veritas Forum 2000

Why Everybody Needs a Masterplot, David Lyle Jeffrey
Veritas Forum 2000

Communism, Dirk William Jellema

Communism, Dirk William Jellema

Early Europe, Dirk William Jellema

Greek Mind, Dirk William Jellema

Greek Mind, Dirk William Jellema

Greek Mind, Dirk William Jellema

History 101 Discussion, Dirk William Jellema

Musings of D.W. Jellema, Dirk William Jellema

Should We Fight for the Right?, Dirk William Jellema

Communism-Case for Indoctrination, William Harry Jellema

Liberal Education at a Christian College, William Harry Jellema

Liberal Education at a Christian College, William Harry Jellema

Liberal Education at a Christian College, William Harry Jellema

Perspectives 2, William Harry Jellema

Perspectives 3, William Harry Jellema

Problems in the Christian School, William Harry Jellema

Tail Wags the Dog (re:Education), William Harry Jellema

The Reason for Rationality, William Harry Jellema

Word for this World, William Harry Jellema

Some Comments on Education in the Arab World, George Jennings
Christian Witness to Muslims

The Interrelationships of African American, Christian, and Scholarly Identities, Willie James Jennings
Seminars in Christian Scholarship

Visible Signs/Invisible Works: Whiteness as a Theological Problem, Willie James Jennings
Seminars in Christian Scholarship

Adult Children of Sexually Dysfunctionally Families, Saturday, June 22, Grant J.
Spiritual Awakenings

Affirmation: Changing Our Core Beliefs, Saturday, June 22, Grant J. and Art F.
Spiritual Awakenings

Psychology, Science, and Methods, Stanton L. Jones
Christian College Coalition

CPOL Lecture, Wayne Joose and Dale Cooper

Mini Lectures, Wayne Joose, Anthony J. Diekema, and Dale Cooper

Self-Image: The Windows Through Which We See Life, Wayne Joosse
Sundays at Calvin

Deliverance, Tom Kaastra
Signs and Wonders Conference

A Theology of the Body-Love, Happiness and Sex, Christopher Kaczor
Sexuality Series

The Natural Law and the Death Penalty, Christopher Kaczor
Written on the Heart: The Tradition of Natural Law

Two Music Masters and their Protégé, Carl Kaiser, Linda Hoisington, and Lisa Walhout
Noontime Series

The Rule of Law and the Role of Religion in Contemporary China, Weng Kaixin

Hospice Ministry Presentation, Dennis Kamper, Stan DeVries, Carol Fliestra, Bill Moxey, and Jerry Frens
Ministry Presentation

Management and Market Lecture, Thomas Kamp

Transcendent Noise and Beautiful Ugliness: Dismantling the Aesthetic Hierarchy in the Church, Michael Kaufmann
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005

View from Jordan: Challenges and Opportunities in the Middle East, Karim Kawar

The Challenge of AIDS in Higher Education, Richard Keeling
Association for Christians in Student Development

This Christian Writer Business, Garret Keizer
Wiersma Memorial Lecture

The Impact of War, Herman Keizer
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)

Tracing the Influence of Neo-Conservatives on the War in Iraq, Herman Keizer
War Awareness Series, 2008

Was the use of military force justified in Iraq and Afghanistan?, Herman Keizer
War Awareness Series, 2008

Wedding Rehearsals - Who's On First?!?, Duane Kelderman
Special Interest Day

Responses to Plenary Speaker, J. Kennedy and G. Gronbacher
Session I: Kuyper & Reformed Social Teaching

The Problem of 'Catholic Scholarship', Mary Keys and Cyril O'Regan
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Personal Spirituality, Organized Religion & Public Life in the Pacific Northwest, Patricia O'Connell Killen
Mellema Lectures

God's New Whiz Kids? Korean American Evangelicals on Campus, Rebecca Kim
Korean Lectureship

Christianity and Culture in Korea, Seyoon Kim
Multicultural Lecture Series

The Mission of Christian Higher Education: The Case for a Korean Christian University, Young-Gil Kim

African American Scholars in Higher Education, Brenda King, Isaac Mwase, and Barbara Omolade
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Calvinism and Social Welfare, Robert Kingdon
Calvin Studies Center

Inner Healing, Steven King
Signs and Wonders Conference

Networking in the Christian Academy and Beyond, Norman Klassen, Beryl Hugen, and Paul Borgman
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Stealing Ham's Descendants: The Dutch Trade in African Slaves, 1600-1800, Willem Klooster

Gender Roles-Stability and Change in the Context of a Christian World View, Annelies Knoppers and Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen
Partnership in the Gospel Conference

Puritanism and its Discontents Concluding Session, Laura Lunger Knoppers
Puritanism and its Discontents

Christ in Heaven and the Life of Faith on Earth: Exploring the Message of Hebrews, Craig Koester

Child Slavery in Ghana, James Kofi-Annan

5 Keys and 10 Tactics for a Kind and Caring Life, James R. Kok
Conference on Care and Kindness

Maintaining Mental Health: The Healing Role of Christian Community, James R. Kok

You Are Far More Than You Think You Are, James R. Kok
Conference on Care and Kindness

Truth in Kierkegaard, Kenneth Konyndyk
Jellema Lecture

Combining Scholarship and Popularization-Ethics, Public Policy, and Holistic Ministry, Doug L. Koopman and Ronald J. Sider
Christian Scholarship...For What?

Jubilee: Transformation Strategies, Hugh A. Koops

Behind and Beyond "Blood Diamonds", Paul Kortenhoven and Mary Kortenhoven
Calvin Academy for Lifelong Learning (CALL)

Are Low Wage Jobs Undermining the Middle Class?, Marvin Kosters
Calvin College Business Forum

Price Controls, Marvin Kosters

The Functions of Criticism, Hilton Kramer
Christians in Visual Arts

From Guernica to Hiroshima to Baghdad: The Normalization of the State Crime of Terror-Bombing Civilians, Ronald Kramer
War Awareness Series, 2008

A Reflutation of Moral Relativism, Peter Kreeft
Veritas Forum 2000

Lament and Hope, Peter Kreeft
Veritas Forum 2000

Postmodernism-Opportunities and Dangers, Peter Kreeft
Veritas Forum 2000

Tough Questions and Christianity, Peter Kreeft
Veritas Forum 2000

Why be a Christian?, Peter Kreeft
Veritas Forum 2000

Space, the Final Frontier, M. Krishnan
Lecture Council Series

JAN KRIST, Jan Krist
Festival of Faith & Music, 2003

When the Muse Won't Play: Now What?, Jan Krist
Festival of Faith & Music, 2005

Aren't You Going to Be My Mommy Anymore? Grief As It Affects the Care Giver, Carol Kromminga, Peter Niewiek, and Marcie DeBlaey

The Gospel of Power (Romans 1:16-17), John H. Kromminga
Guest Lecturer

The Ministry of the Church, John H. Kromminga
Federation of CR Men's Societies Convention