Content Posted in 2024
Dutch American Historical Workshop, 2 of 5, Peter DeKlerk and Stanley (Sietze Buning) Wiersma
Dutch American Historical Workshop, 3 of 5, Stanley Wiersma, J.W. Schulte Nordholt, and Gerald DeJong
Dutch American Historical Workshop, 4 of 5, Gerald DeJong, Robert Swierenga, Harry Boonstra, and Walter Lagerwey
Dutch American Historical Workshop, 5 of 5, Walter Lagerwey
Dutch Disease or European Dilemma: Have Dutch Tolerance and Multiculturalism Failed?, Geert Mak
Dutch Disease or European Dilemma: Q&A!, Geert Mak
Dutch Identity at Home and Abroad, J.W. Schulte Nordholt
Dutch Psalms Sung By Mrs. A. Van Dellen, Mrs. Alfred Van Dellen
Dutch Reformation and East Friesland "Reformed Beginnings," 1518-1530, James Tanis
Duty or Delight: Labor and Prayer in the Middle Ages, John Van Engen
Dying and Rising with Christ, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Dying Well: Reclaiming the End of Life, Ira Byock
Dying with Christ, Rising with Christ, David Cherwien, Marva Dawn, Judy Britts, Carl Stam, Cathy Feenstra, Dan Jongewaard, Kevin Soodsma, Ben McCullough, and Jessica Meendering
Dynamics of a Team or Staff Ministry, Robert Nykamp
Dynastic Consolidation, Robert Bolt
Dynastic States, Robert Bolt
Earliest Christianity and Criticism, Paul Maier
Earliest Christianity and Criticism, Paul Maier
Early Europe, Dirk William Jellema
Earth's Age and Dinosaurs #5, Calvin College
Easter Vigil - Worship 5, John F. Schuurman
East Leonard Performance Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
East Leonard Performance Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
East, West, North, South-Tensions in the International Order, Bernard Zylstra
Easy, Bright, Fluorescence Demonstration of Buffer Action, Mariana Dykstra, Yejin Chung, and Mark Muyskens
Eating Disorders: How to Help a Friend?, Trina Weber
Economic Justice and the Future, C.M.E. (Erich) Leistner and Eugene R. Dykema
Economic Order, John Tiemstra
Economics 1 of 4, Eugene R. Dykema
Economics 2 of 4, Eugene R. Dykema
Economics 3 of 4, Eugene R. Dykema
Economics 4 of 4, Eugene R. Dykema
Ecstasy and Intimacy: When the Holy Spirit Meets the Human Spirit, Edith Humphrey
Ecumenical Liturgical Agreement and the CRC, Robert Polman
Educating for Shalom in Engineering, Julie Wildschut
Education, Peter J. Steen
Education Project, John Schuurman
Education / Youth Ministry, Salem Avenue Church
Edward Parmentier, Harpsichord, Edward Parmentier
Efter de wolk ; Mienskiplik gebed, Sierd Woudstra and Louis M. Tamminga
Eighteenth Century Music, Joyce Folkertsma, John Heerspink, Edward Huls, Cornelius Plantinga Jr., and Ruth Rus
Einstein's God: Conversations about Science and the Human Spirit, Krista Tippett
Elders and Family Life, Henry Holstege
Elders Seminar, John Howard Yoder
Elders Seminar, John Howard Yoder
Elders Seminar, John Howard Yoder
Elders Seminar, John Howard Yoder
Elders Seminar Part 3, John Howard Yoder
Elders Seminar Part 4, John Howard Yoder
Elders Seminar Part 7, John Howard Yoder
Election and Preaching, G.C. Berkouwer
Eliminating Depression Rationally, Maxie Maultsby
El Reino de Dios, las Misiones, y la Justicia Social, Rene Padilla
Emerging Adulthood and Faith(Calvin Shorts), Jonathan P. Hill
Emerging Trends in Contemporary Hymnody, Carl Daw
Emeritus Professors, A.E. Broene, J.G. Vanden Bosch, H.J.G. Van Andel, K. Drost, L. Flokstra, Philip Hoekstra, and William Harry Jellema
Enacted Prayer, Jeff Barker
End-Care Decisions: A Christian Perspective, T. Rottman
Endoplasmic reticulum morphology regulation by RTN4 modulates neuronal regeneration by curbing luminal transport., Laura M. Westrate, Pierre Parutto, Cecile C. Crapart, Elena F. Koslover, Edward Avezov, and Tasuku Konno
Endurance, Wayne Joosse
Endurance, Encouragement and Hope; Chosen for Justice, Paul Schrotenboer
Energy: Bicycles or Corvettes, Vernon J. Ehlers
Energy/Environment Crisis, Stuart Udall
Energy Systems for Urban Churches, Dennis W. Bakke
Engaged Encounter, Joseph F. Girzone
Engineering CAReS: Measuring Basic Psychological Needs in the Engineering Workplace, Jennifer J. VanAntwerp, Denise Wilson, and Shruti Misra
Engineering, Design and the Christian Faith, Derek Schuurman
Engineering, Design and the Christian Faith with Dr. Derek Schuurman, Dr. Derek Schuurman
Engineering Students Provide Key Insights for Habitat for Humanity, Matt Kucinski
Engineering Students Shifting Carbon Into Neutral at Calvin University, Matt Kucinski
Enhancing a Global Perspective on Campus, Larry Braskamp
Enlightenment, George Mish Marsden
Enlightenment, George Mish Marsden
Enoch - Approved by God, James R. Kok
Enriching Marriage and Family Life, Howard Clinebell
Envy: The Enemy of Love, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Ephesians: A Model of Integral (Holistic) Worship, Mariano Avila
Epics of Justice, Henry Stob
Epics of Love, Henry Stob
Epics of Love and Justice, Henry Stob
Equipping the Saints-Conflict Management and Reconciliation, Robert Meyering, Denise Zoeterman, Louis M. Tamminga, and Vernon Geurkink
Erosion at the Front - Inauguration of Henry De Moor, Henry De Moor
Escape from Trial, Henry Exoo
ESN Conversation: A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers, Derek Schuurman
Essential Beliefs, Ronald Feenstra
Essential Marks of Preaching Today, John R.W. Stott
Essential Taylor: A Cry in Disappointment, Gardner C. Taylor
Essential Taylor: A Strange Question in A Cemetery, Gardner C. Taylor
Establishing Alternative Schools, Peter J. Steen
Estimation of useful-stage energy returns on investment for fossil fuels and implications for renewable energy systems, Emmanuel Aramendia, Paul E. Brockway, Peter G. Taylor, Jonathan B. Norman, Matthew K. Heun, and Zeke Marshal;
Ethical Challenges in Sales and Marketing, John van der Woerd and Joel Hugen
Ethical Hermeneutics and the Theater-Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice & The Knowledge that One Does Not Know-Gadamer, Levertov, and the Hermeneutics of the Question, Benne Faber and Christina Bieber
Ethics and the Real Jesus, Gordon Graham
Ethics and the World of Work, Kent Druyvensteyn
Ethics, Education, and Civic Life: Dealing with Diversity, Jean Bethke Elshtain
Ethics Job and the Global Economy, Daniel Finn
Ethics of John Calvin, S.B. Twiss
Ethiopia Shall Soon Stretch Out Their Hands Unto God, Andrew Walls
Ethnic Diversity in the Church Part 1, Eugene Rubingh, Violeta Lopez-Gonzaga, and Roger Greenway
Ethnic Diversity in the Church Part 2, Eugene Rubingh, Violeta Lopez-Gonzaga, and Roger Greenway
Ethnic Diversity in the Church Part 3, Eugene Rubingh, Violeta Lopez-Gonzaga, and Roger Greenway
Ethnicity, Pluralism, & Racism in American Church and Society, Orlando Costas
Ethnomusicological Perspectives on the Transformation of Congregational Song, Horace Clarence Boyer
Ethno-Sociolinguistic Inquiry into Pell Dutch, Phillip Weber
Evaluating the Good: A Reply to Richardson, James K.A. Smith
Evaluation and description of nature-based engineering stream restoration through Dutton Shadyside Park, Julie Wildschut, Andrea Lubberts, David P. Warners, and Haley Weesies
Evangelicals and Social Concerns, Marlin Van Elderen
Evangelism: Great Commission or World Transformation?, Pieter C. Tuit
Evangelism in Urban America, Donald E. Hammer
Evening Coffee Break Programs (Sectional #8), Christian Reformed Church
Evening Discussion-Children's Singing, Various
Evening Discussion; My Beloved Is Mine and I am His- Mixed Marriages, John Hellinga
Evening Plenary and Prayer Service, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Evening Service, Ezell Wiggins
Evening Service, Larry Harris
Evening Worship; Conference Opening, Various
Evening Worship; Hymn Festival, Various
Evening Worship; Service of Lament, Various
Evening Worship with the Drama "Elijah", Various
Every Man Heard Them Speak in His Own Language, James Vanden Bosch
Evolution: Hope or Hype?, Niles Eldredge and Philip Johnson
Evolution Matters-Death, Predation, Extinction and ... a Loving Creator?, Michael Murray
Evolution Matters-Does Evolution Explain Religion?, Michael Murray
Evolution, Relational Reality, and the Image of God, William Hurlbut
Excellence in Teaching, Larry Richards
Excellence, Success, and the Protective Function of Common Grace in Accounting, Jason Stansbury, Marilyn Stansbury, and Debra Snyder
Exchanging the Worship Wars for World-Changing Worship, Stanley Grenz
Executive Function, Disability, and Agency, Kevin Timpe
Exegetical Sticking Points, Andrew Bandstra and Norman Shepherd
Exemplary Teacher Award, Gaylen Byker
Exercising Healthy Skepticism of Artificial Intelligence, Derek Schuurman
Experimental Roots: Dutch Calvinistic Preaching, Cornelis Pronk
Explorations in Worship and Culture, John Witvliet, Cheryl Bear, and Najla Kassab
Exploring Foundations for Moral Responsibility, Peggy Way
Exploring Virtue Formation and Virtue-by-Proxy in Artificial Intelligence, Derek Schuurman
Exposition from the Book of Jonah, Ajith Fernando
Exposition of Colossians 1:28,29, John R.W. Stott
Exposition of Psalm 42 and 43, Elmer C. Smick
Expository Preaching in the Narrative Mode, Eugene Lowry
Extending the Reformed Faith in Church and the World, Sam Patterson
Extra Nos and In Nobis by Calvin in Pneumatological Perspective, Willem van't Spijker
Faces of Forgiveness-Theological Contributions, LeRon Shults
Facing My Own Death, Earl Grollman
Facing the World Food Crisis, Georg Borgstrom
FAC Program, Robert Meyering and John J. Timmerman
Factors Contributing to the Rapid Growth of the Korean Church, John E. Kim
Faculty and Trustees Meeting February 10, 1988, Calvin College
Faculty and Trustees Meeting February 1988, Calvin College
Faculty & Board Meeting, Calvin College
Faculty Forum, Calvin College
Faculty Meeting December 2, 1985, Calvin College
Faculty Meeting January 28, 1985, Calvin College
Faculty Meeting May 13, 1985, Calvin College
Faculty Meeting May 13, 1985 Part 2, Calvin College
Faculty Meeting November 5, 1984, Calvin College
Faculty Meeting November 5, 1984, Calvin College
Faculty Meeting October 17, 1985, Calvin College
Faculty Meeting October 7, 1985, Calvin College
Faculty Meeting October 8, 1984, Calvin College
Faculty Meeting October 9, 1984, Calvin College
Faculty Party, Egbert (E.R.) R. Post
Faculty Recital Program: Marilyn Rutgers, pianist; Roel Bijkerk, violinist, Marilyn Rutgers and Roel Bijkerk
Faculty Workshop on 3rd Culture Students, Garth Bevin, Sylvia Amoha, Nareen Das, Nadia Zeltuhiena, and Pitchong (Alex) Lee
Failure, Faith and Success, Milton Kuyers, Mary Vermeer Andringa, and Terry Van Der Aa
Faith and Citizenship with Reference to Africa: A Comparative Inquiry Part 1, Lamin Sanneh
Faith and Designing Technology, Derek Schuurman
Faith and Engineering, Derek Schuurman
Faith and Evolution, Alvin Plantinga
Faith and Freedom in Contemporary China, Kelly Clark
Faith and Pilgrimage, Brother John of Taizé
Faith and Science, Alvin C. Plantinga
Faith and Weapons of Math Destruction, Derek Schuurman
Faith at Work in the Disciplines, Calvin College
Faith Searching for Historic Relevance, Jose Miguez-Bonino
Faith Without A Blush; There are No Junk Yards, Paul Bremer and Galen Meyer
Fall Conference August 29, 1995, Mark Schwehn and Gaylen Byker
Fall Music Festival November 1, 1968 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival November 1, 1968 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival November 2, 1956 Tape 1, Calvin College Band
Fall Music Festival November 2, 1956 Tape 2, Calvin College Band
Fall Music Festival November 3, 1972 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival November 3, 1972 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival November 4, 1960, Calvin College Band and Calvin College Orchestra
Fall Music Festival November 4, 1966 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival November 4, 1966 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival November 5, 1971 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival November 5, 1971 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 21, 1977 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 21, 1977 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 23, 1964 Tape 1, Calvin College Band and Calvin College Orchestra
Fall Music Festival October 23, 1964 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 25, 1974 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 25, 1974 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 25, 1980 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 25, 1980 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 26, 1973 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 26, 1973 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 26, 1979 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 26, 1979 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 27, 1967 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 27, 1967 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 27, 1978 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 27, 1978 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 27, 1979, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 27, 1979 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 27, 1979 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 29, 1965 Tape 1, Radio Choir, Meistersingers, and Acapella Choir
Fall Music Festival October 29, 1965 Tape 2, Calvin College Band and Calvin College Orchestra
Fall Music Festival October 29, 1976 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 29, 1976 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 29, 1983 Tape 1, Fall Music Festival
Fall Music Festival October 29, 1983 Tape 2, Fall Music Festival
Fall Music Festival October 30, 1969 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 30, 1969 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 30, 1970 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 30, 1970 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 30, 1981 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 30, 1981 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 31, 1975 Tape 1, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival October 31, 1975 Tape 2, Calvin College
Fall Music Festival Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band
Fall Music Festival Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Fall Music Festival with Orchestra, Calvin College Band and Calvin College Orchestra
Fall Music Festival with Orchestra, Calvin College Band and Calvin College Orchestra
Fall Music Festival with Orchestra, Calvin College Band and Calvin College Orchestra
F.A.M.E. Benefit Concert, F.A.M.E.
Families Small And Great, S.F. Bayne
Family Atmosphere Control or Grace?, Donald Sloat
Family Business Transitions: A Panel, Hessel Bouma III, Paxton Duthler, and John Vander Ploeg
Family Matters: Church Support, Majorie Thompson
Farewell Speech, M.J. Wyngaarden
Farewell To Plymouth Heights CRC, Wilbert Van Dyk
Fascism, Samuel Greydanus
Fashioning Faith with Scholarship, Melissa Fritsch and Mark Regnerus
Fashions in Folly: Sin and Character in the 90s, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Father Joseph Driscoll, Joseph Driscoll
Father-Like He Tends and Spares Us, Dale Cooper
Favorite Sermon Illustrations, Stephen W. Brown
F.C.M. Annual Business Mtg. 1998, F.C.M.
Fearless Speech, Courageous Eyes: A Theological Engagement with Freedom of Expression, James K.A. Smith
Feelings on Death / Visitation, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Fellowship Banquet, Egbert (E.R.) R. Post
Feminine Language for God, John Cooper and Tom Bogart
Feminism is Not the Story of My Life, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese
Festival Evening Prayer, Leonora Tubbs Tisdale
Festival Evening Prayer, James F. Kay
Festival of Evening Prayer, Cleophas J. LaRue, Kristin Saldine, Martin Jean, and Mark Miller
Festival of Hymns; Evening Series, Various
Festival of Psalms, Wendell Kimbrough
Festival of Psalms; Evening Series, Various
Fifth MidWest Band Festival Tape 1, MidWest Band Festival
Fifth MidWest Band Festival Tape 2, MidWest Band
Fig Leaves, Bernard Pekelder
Filling of the Holy Spirit, Anthony A. Hoekema
Filling Potholes in our Spiritual Journey, Donald Postema
Filmmaking: For Love of Creatures and Creator, Bill Mason
Finally, My Brothers & My Sisters, Dick J. Oostenink and Wilbert M. Van Dyk
Finally, My Brothers & My Sisters (Ephesians 6:10-24), Wilbert M. Van Dyk
Final Words from the Invited Guests, Michael Perry, Jean Porter, and Richard Bernstein
Final Worship & Closing, Calvin College
Financial Structures for Third World Economic Development, Gaylen Byker
Finding a Self to Love, David Holley
Finding a Voice for Faith: Engaging Imagination in Liturgical Prayer and Congregational Song, Carl Daw
Finding God in the Movies, Roy Anker
Finding the Center; Defining the Boundaries Subject: CRC Concerns, Craig Van Gelder
Finishing the Reformation, Ralph W. Neighbour
Fireside Chat with Lauren Winner, Lauren Winner
First Communion given at East Leonard CRC, William Haverkamp
First CRC 50th Anniversary, Christian Reformed Church
First CRC Evening Service, Christian Reformed Church
Fistulas and African Women's Health, Steven D. Arrowsmith
Fitzgerald's Prophecy: The Dutch Heritage, John Witte Jr., Seymour Swets, and Egbert (ER) R. Post
Five Kinds of Leaders, Donald A. McGavran
Five Loaves and Two Fishes, Marilee Melvin
Five Things Pastors Face in Ministry For Which They Have Not Been Trained, J. Robert Clinton
Flagstaff Mission Conference 50th Anniversary, Cornelius Kuipers
Flannery O'Connor, John J. Timmerman
Flood Protection and Land Reclamation in the Netherlands, Robert Hoeksema
Floristic Quality Assessments of Remnant Natural Areas in the Greater Grand Rapids, Michigan Region: Evaluating Botanical Change Since the 1890s, Alan W. Stockdale, Garrett Crow, and David P. Warners
Fluorescent pH indicators for classroom demonstration of buffer action, Mark Muyskens, Mariana Dykstra, and Yejin Chung
Folk Concert, William Evenhouse
Follow Me, S.F. Bayne
Follow The Lamb (Revelation 14:1-5, Exodus 23:20-21) at Eastern Avenue CRC, Richard J. Mouw
Food, Georg Borgstrom
For A Healthier Story Hour (Sectional #22), Christian Reformed Church
Foreign Language Conference, Lorraine Strasheim
Foreign Language Conference Afternoon Lecture, Robert Lafayette
Foreign Language Conference Evening Lecture, Robert Lafayette
For Everything there is a Season, Dorothy House
Forgetful But Not Forgotten: A Christian Perspective on Dementia, Memory, and Unlimited Love, Stephen G. Post
Forging a Christian College Core Curriculum, Derek Schuurman
Forgive and Forget, Lewis B. Smedes
Forgiven and Forgiving (Lord's Day 51), James A. De Jong
Forgiveness of Sins, G.M. Docherty
Forgiving Sin in an Angry Age, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
For God Alone My Soul Waits in Silence, Calvin Symposium on Worship Committee
For-going FOREIGN-AID, Shane Gilbert
Formal Opening, William Spoelhof
Formation, Grace, and Pneumatology: Or, Where's the Spirit in Gregory's Augustine?, James K.A. Smith
For Your Sake and For My Sake (Is. 43:14-44:5) Sermon, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Fostering Religious Freedom in China: Are Property Rights the Key?, Kevin den Dulk
Foundation of Rock and Sand (Matthew 7:24-27), Albert Martin
Four Chapters of the Easter Story; Three Times Blessed, Andrew Kuyvenhoven and Wilbert M. Van Dyk
Four Components of Christian Character: Part 1 - Discernment Courage, Lewis B. Smedes
Four Components of Christian Character: Part 2 - Commitment Truthfulness, Lewis B. Smedes
Franklin Performance, Calvin College A Capella
Freedom and Framework, Spirit and Truth: Recovering Biblical Worship, N.T. Wright
Freedom and Framework, Spirit and Truth: Recovering Biblical Worship, N. T. Wright
Freedom and Sin in the Theology of Jacob Arminius, E. Dekker
Freedom and the incarnation, Timothy Pawl and Kevin Timpe
Free from the Law with Christ, Andrew Bandstra
Freekanomics: Book of the Quarter Panel Discussion, Calvin Van Reken, John Rottman, Scott Hoezee, and Darwin Glassford
Free Market and a Free Society, Thomas Sowell
French Chapel, Various
French Revolution, Dale Kenneth Van Kley
French Revolution, Dale Kenneth Van Kley
French Revolution, Dale Kenneth Van Kley
French Revolution, Dale Kenneth Van Kley
Friday Chapel, Bert Kruithof
Friday Evening Worship, Roberta Hestenes
Friday Morning Worship, Roberta Hestenes
Friday Morning Worship Service, Various
Friday Night Reminiscing, Harry VanderMeer, Leonard J. Hofman, and George F. Vander Weit
Friday Noon Organ Recital Series, John Hamersma
Friendship Evangelism Seminar, Christian Reformed Church
Friendship in a Christian Context, James Olthuis
Friendships in the Ministry, Donna Walters
Friends of the Groom, Friends of the Groom
Frisian Church Service (50th & Final), Louis M. Tamminga, Hindrik Baron, Koen Zondag, Wiebe Buursma, Hindrik Gysen, and Sierd Woudstra
Frisian (Language Learning System), Bernard J. Fridsma
From Bebo to Bob in 2 Years: How an Anabaptist College Engages Popular Culture Through Live Music, Jeff Rioux
From Biblical Text to Sermon Manuscript in the Book of Revelation, Gregory K. Beale
From Calvin's Cathedral to Crystal Cathedral, Harry Boonstra
From Christendom to World Christianity: Missions and the Demographic Transformation of the Church, Andrew Walls
From Glory to Glory, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and Paul Scott Wilson
From Glory to Glory, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and Paul Scott Wilson
From Guernica to Hiroshima to Baghdad: The Normalization of the State Crime of Terror-Bombing Civilians, Ronald Kramer
From Imitating Language to a Language of Imitation: Puritan-Indian Discourse in Early New England and Staging a Puritan Saint: Cotton Mather's Magnalia Christi Americana, Richard Pointer and Stephen Woolsey
From Marxism to Christianity, Eugene D. Genovese
From Natural to Supernatural: Exploring the Relations between Two Kinds of Basic Knowledge, Mark E. Roberts
From Passive to Participative Worship, Constance Cherry
From Story to Stories, Katherine Paterson
From Success to Significance: Transitioning Instead of Retirement, Dennis Hoekstra and Preston Kool
From Text to Sermon : Preaching John's Prologue, Timothy Brown
From the Pentagon in Washington to CTS, Herman Keizer
From the Ridiculous to the Divine, Friends of the Groom
From Worship Leaders to Worship Ministers - Plenary 3, Marty Haugen
Function of the Liturigical Assembly on Israel's Journey, John D. Witvliet
Functions of Elders and Deacons, Dean Deppe
Fundamentalism in Late Antiquity? The Christianity of Epiphanius of Cyprus, Young Kim
Fundamentalism in the CRC, Gordon Spykman
Fundamentalism in the CRC Part 2, Gordon Spykman
Fundamentalist History, Secular Myth, and the Media's God Problem, Jeff Sharlet
Fund Raising...the Pro's Speak, Robert F. Duncan
Funeral of Mike DeJong, Calvin College
Funeral Service, John DeVries
Funeral Service for Angeline Spoelhof, Calvin College
Future Concerns of Chaplaincy, Herm Keizer
Future of Israel, Anthony A. Hoekema
Futurology and Eschatology, Egbert Schuurman
Games Scientists Play, Alvin C. Plantinga
Garbios: Chicago's Dutch Scavengers, Robert Swierenga
Gary Bauer Speech, Gary Bauer
Gathering God's Growing Family, 400,000 by 2,000, John Rozeboom
Gender and Competition: Book of the Quarter Discussion Session 1, Kathleen DeBoer
Gender and Competition: Book of The Quarter Discussion Session 2, Kathleen DeBoer
Gender and Competition: How Men and Women Apporach Work and Play Differently, Kathleen De Boer
Gender Communication-Patterns and Attitudes, Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen
Gender, Culture, and Physicality: Paradoxes and Taboos, Helen Sterk and Annelies Knoppers
Gender Roles-Stability and Change in the Context of a Christian World View, Annelies Knoppers and Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen
General and Specialized Education, Donald Oppewal and Howard Reinstra
General Conference Banquet, Larry Harris
Generating Assignments in Science Methods Using Research-based Transparency: Challenging Preservice Teachers to Do Likewise, University of Northern Iowa and Crystal Bruxvoort
Genesis 1-11: Myth or History?, David J. Engelsma
Genes, Medicine, and Your Future, Francis Collins
Genetic Control, Irving Anderson
Genetic Control, Elving Anderson
'Genetic' Predestination?, Bartha Knoppers
German Calvinism in Crisis: The Heidelberg Conflict Over Church Discipline 1568-1571, Charles Gunnoe
Getting Away from It All Together!, Sunday, June 23, Art F. and Grant J.
Getting Past the Fish: The Book of Jonah for Christian Worship, Carol Bechtel
Gezon Auditorium Dedication, Leonard Hofman
Gezon Auditorium Dedication Part 2, Leonard Hofman
Gift of the Spirit, S.F. Bayne
Glenn Bulthuis Musical Performance, Glenn Bulthuis
Global Catholicism: Reality and Prospects, Bryan Froehle
Globalization and Inequality, David J. Richardson
Globalization, Faith, and Our Academic Vocations, Max L. Stackhouse
Global Perspectives on Worship, Emily R. Brink, Jorge Lockward, Setri Nyomi, and Roberta R. King
Global Projections for the Reformed Faith, Ed Luidens
Global Warming: Fact or Fiction?, Tom Ackerman
Glorify the Lord with Me, Dale Cooper
Glory Unto Glory: Through Us, Walter Wangerin
Goal Attainment and Quality of Life through Inclusive College, Kate Strater, Mia Kurkechian, and Kassandra Weber
Goal Setting / Project Tape 4 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
God and Caesar; The Pentecost Proclamation, Edward A. Van Baak
God and Conscience, John Webster
God and Evil, Peter van Inwagen
God and Morality, Richard Swinburne
God and the Church in Acts of the Apostles: Getting the Story Straight, Beverly R. Gaventa
God Be With You 2 Corinthians 5:16ff. 13:11, Clarence Boosma
God Calls Men and Women in Partnership, Marchiene Reinstra
God Does Not Hate Sheep, Donald S. Ewing
God Everlasting!, Dale Cooper
God, His Word and the Quran, Ernest Hahn
God is a Feminist, David Sieplinga
God is on the Side of the Poor, Ronald J. Sider
God, Israel, and the Future of the Nations in Biblical Perspective, Chris Wright
God Looks at the City Lecture 1, Harvie Conn
God Looks at the City Lecture 2, Harvie Conn
God Looks at the City Lecture 3, Harvie Conn
Godly Living Amid Growing Godlessness, Peter Y. DeJong
God Made Them Male and Female, Cherith Nordling
God of Newness, John N. Oswalt
God Of Our Losses: II Corinthians 1: 2-5, Joseph Bayly
God Plays Piano Too: The Spiritual Lives of Disabled Children, Brett Webb-Mitchell
God's Call for Justice, Tjaart Van der Walt
God's Call for Justice Part 2, Tjaart Van der Walt
God's Calling Cards, C. Stephens Evans
God Sends His Love: The Mystery and Gift of Preaching, Scott Hoezee
God's Freedom for Women 1, Marchiene Rienstra
God's Freedom for Women 2, Marchiene Rienstra
God's Loyalty, Donald S. Ewing
God's Might or Military Might?, Herman Keizer
God's Name in Vain: The Wrongs and Rights of Religion in Politics, Stephen Carter
God's New Whiz Kids? Korean American Evangelicals on Campus, Rebecca Kim
God's Recipe for Worry; The Crippling Victory, Mel Flikkema
God's Show Piece; God is Faithful, David Engelhard
God's Thankful People; If God is for us, Anthony Hoekma and Elco Oostendorp
God's Visionary Purpose for the Church (Romans 11:11-22), Paul Murphy
God's Will & America's Destiny, Joel Nederhood
God's Word for Covenant Living, Gordon Spykman
God, The Father Almighty, G.M. Docherty
God vs. Gangs: Resurrecting Hope for Our Children, Eugene Rivers
God Wearing Skin, Dale Cooper
Godzilla and Japanese Culture, William Tsutsui
Goethe Faust, Clarence Boersma
Going Public, Peter J. Steen
Going to Samaria, John Perkins
Gold, Technology, and Wisdom, Derek Schuurman
Good, Better, Best: A Staggered Approach to Passing the Buch in Medical Care, John E. Tropman
Good Cities or Cities of the Good?: Radical Augustinians, Social Structures, and Normative Critique, Lambert Zuidervaart
Good Guys, Bad Guys, and Us Guys, Haddon Robinson
Goodly Heritage, Calvin College
Good Preaching Takes Good Elders, Howard Vanderwell
Go Out and Make Disciples, Carlos Ortiz
Gospel Festival Outline, Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee
Gospel in the Street, J. Piet
Gospel Jubilee Service: A Celebration through Songs and Readings, Andre Thomas
Gotta Let the Whole Kingdom Come, Sarah Masen and David Dark
Gotta Wanna - An attitude of Righteousness; Where is God when We Hurt?, Al Hoogewind
Grace Amid the Vices, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung and Alicia Cohn
Grace and Renewal (Session 1), Jim Smith and Richard Poster
Grace and Renewal (Session 1) Part 2, Jim Smith and Richard Poster
Graced Infirmities: The Institutional Church, the Expansive Mission of Calvin College, John D. Witvliet
Grace, Law or Both?, Frank Carl Roberts
Grand Haven Christian School Centennial Celebration, Egbert (E.R.) R. Post
Grand Rapids, MI Boston Square CRC 50th Anniversary, Alex DeJong
Grand Rapids, MI Eastern Ave. CRC 75th Anniversary, Christian Reformed Church
Grand Rapids, MI Eastern Ave. CRC Centennial Service, William Haverkamp
Grand Rapids, MI Eastern Ave. CRC Centennial Service: Morning Service Communion, Melvin Hugen
Grand Rapids, MI. Eastern Avenue CRC 75th Anniversary, Christian Reformed Church
Grand Rapids, MI Roosevelt Park Community CRC Reminiscences, Herman Steenstra, Herman Leestma, Johan Westra, and Jess Oppewal
Grandville CRC Isaiah 53:4-6, Y.P. De Jong
Grandville CRC John 15:16, Y.P. De Jong
Great Expectations (Lord's Day 50), James A. De Jong
Greek City States, Henry Ippel
Greek Mind, Dirk William Jellema
Greek Mind, Dirk William Jellema
Greek Mind, Dirk William Jellema
Greek Polis, M. Howard Rienstra
Greg Van Mersbergen Memorial, Calvin College
Grief Issues, Carla M. Beach
Grief Relief, Marilyn Heavilin
Griffins' off-season signings prepare team for 2013-14 season, David V. Urban
Griffins Youth Foundation, City of Grand Rapids celebrate expansion of Griff's Ice House, David V. Urban
Group A Workshop, David Bazan
Group B Workshops, Bill Mallonee
Group C Workshops, Sufjan Stevens
Group D Workshop, John Ringhofer and Daniel Smith
Growing Cities-A Global Perspective, Roger Greenway
Growing City Churches-Models From Around the World, Roger Greenway
Growing City Workers-God's Co-workers In Metropolis, Roger Greenway
Growing Into Ministry, Juan Carlos Ortiz
Growing Up, John A. Redhead
Growing Up in Postwar Germany, Barbara Carvill
Grown Up Children, S.F. Bayne
Guatemala Experience, Jim Dekker and Rose Dekker
Guest Church of the Holy Spirit-On the Future of Christianity, Jürgen Moltmann
Guest Post: A Well-Read Post, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Guideling re: Home Missions and Luke Society, Marvin P. Vanden Bosch
Guns and Oil in the Gulf: A View from Amman, Bert De Vries
Gut Theology, Bernard Pekelder
Habakkuk (Tape 1), Elmer C. Smick
Habakkuk (Tape 2), Elmer C. Smick
Habakkuk (Tape 3), Elmer C. Smick
Habakkuk (Tape 4), Elmer C. Smick
Habakkuk (Tape 5), Elmer C. Smick
Habakkuk (Tape 6), Elmer C. Smick
Habitat for Humanity, Millard Fuller
Habits of the High-Tech Heart: Living Virtuously in the Information Age, Quentin Schultze
Half-time Show, Peter VanderSluis and Sidney Youngsma
Handel's Messiah, Calvin College Oratorio Society
Handel's Messiah 1983, Calvin College Oratorio Society
Handling our Tension, Calvin Theological Seminary
Hands-on Parallel & Distributed Computing with Rasperry Pi Devices and Clusters, Elizabeth Shoop, Suzanne J. Matthews, Richard Brown, and Joel C. Adams
Happiness Is, Tymen Hofman
Happiness on the Brain: The Neuroscience of Happiness, Part 1, Kevin Corcoran
Hard Choices: Limited Social Dollars and Unlimited Medical Need, Marc J. Roberts
Harmony and War: Confucian Culture and Chinese Power Politics, Yuan-kang Wang
Harp's Delight, Mallarme Trio
Have We Been Too Hard on Thomas Aquinas?, A Vos
Have You Seen Our Gospel Choir?, Gerardo Marti
Headlands of Integrity, Frederick F. Manfred
Headship-Fact or Fallacy?, Louis A. Vos, Beth Bandstra, Jan DeWal, and Marvin Hoogland
Healing & Deliverance for the Homosexual, Colin Cook
Healing Following the Death of a Spouse, Susan Zonnebelt-Smeenge and R. DeVries
Healing Prayer: Spiritual Renewal and Its Interface with Emotional Healing, Peter Boelens
Healthy Sexuality and Aging, Saturday, June 22, Anonymous
He Annoints Us as God's Servants, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Hearing & Doing: Discipleship and Mission in Today's Culture, Calvin Theological Seminary
Hearing Iterative and Recursive Behavior: Sonification Improves Student Understanding, Joel C. Adams and Hayworth Anderson
He Ascended to Heaven, Dale Cooper
Heaven, Billy Sunday
He Intercedes for His Children, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Helping a Choir Sing Better, Jason Max Ferdinand and The Aeolians
Helping Children Understand the Psalms, Robert Keeley
Helping Families Grow Closer to God: Worship Beyond Sunday Morning, Steve Burger
Helping Hurting People Forgive-Coping with Hard Cases, Lewis B. Smedes
Helping Hurting People Forgive-Do's and Don’t's for a Ministry, Lewis B. Smedes
Helping Hurting People Forgive: Some Do's and Don'ts, Lewis B. Smedes
Helping Hurting People Forgive-Understanding the Process, Lewis B. Smedes
Helping Hurting People Forgive: Understanding the Process, Lewis B. Smedes
Helping People Include People with Disabilities, Barbara J. Newman
Helping People Sing Their Hearts Out: A Sampler of Recently Written Music, Calvin College
Helping Your Pastor Become a Better Preacher: Tools for Those Tricky Conversations, Mary S. Hulst
He Makes Us God's Temple, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Hendrik Pieter Scholte and the Land of Promise, Ronald Rietveld
Henry Holstege at 1998 Chaplains Conference, Henry Holstege
Henry Holstege at 1998 Chaplains Conference Part 2, Henry Holstege
Henry Schultze Memorial Service, William Spoelhof
Henry Zylstra Reading Poetry - Bredon Hill, Henry Zylstra
Henry Zylstra Reading Poetry - Testament of Beauty, Henry Zylstra
Henry Zylstra Reading Poetry - Under Milkwood, Henry Zylstra
Heritage of the Heart, Peter Eldersveld
Heritage Reunion, Calvin College
Hermeneutics, Jeffrey Weima
Hermeneutics 2, Jeffrey Weima
Hermeneutics and Pauline Studies, Anthony Thiselton
Herr Peter Squentz: A German Baroque Comedy, G. Grisham
Her Story, Nell Smith (Breen)
He Shall Come Again, Dale Cooper
He Sits at God's Right Hand, Dale Cooper
He's Such a Nice Guy, If Only..., Calvin College
Hidden with Christ, Colossians 3; What God Requires, Micah 6, James Daane
Hierarchy vs. Partnership: What Scripture and Social Science Tell Us about Good Marriages, Marjorie Gunnoe
Hildegard of Bingen Lecture-Recital, Calvin College
His Creative Faith, E.M. Frank
His Enduring Presence, E.M. Frank
His Magnetic Call, E.M. Frank
His Name is Jesus (Lord's Day 11), Wilbert M. Van Dyk
His Redemptive Concern, E.M. Frank
His Resolute Face; Harvest Time in Cities, Timothy Monsma and Dale Cooper
His Strange Secret, E.M. Frank
Historical Theology Preaching, John R. De Witt
History 101 Discussion, Dirk William Jellema
History of Church Renewal, John Howard Yoder
History of Liturgy in the Christian Reformed Church, John Vriend
History of the National Union of Christian School, Richard Postma
History of the United Church of South India, Sundar Clarke
His Ultimate Victory, E.M. Frank and Theodore Ferris
Holding Close Both the Wonder and the Wounds, Kevin Timpe
Holistic Ministry, Lem Tucker
Holkeboer Farewell, Gilbert Holkeboer
Holland on Skates: An Evening of Dutch Ice Stories with Hylke Speerstra, Hylke Speerstra
Holy Catholic Church, G.M. Docherty
Holy Worldliness: Culture and the Problem of Evil, Ken Heffner
Home Care for Persons with AIDS, Marilyn Medenblik
Homecoming, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Homecoming Chapel, Calvin College Alumni Choir
Homecoming Kickoff, Donald Vroon
Homies and Hermanos: God and Gangs in Central America, Robert Brennmen
Homosexuality, Michael Williams
Homosexuality, E. Mansell Pattison
Homosexuality: The Clinical Case for Change, Mel Hugen
Homosexuality: The Way of Deliverance, Lee Lefebre
Honors Convocation 1961: Excellence and Social Action, Roger Heyns
Honors Convocation 1962: The Word and the World, Jean H. Hagstrum
Honors Convocation 1963: Five Joys of College Teaching, Ben Euwema
Honors Convocation 1973: Or What's a College for?, Frank H.T. Rhodes
Honors Convocation 1974: The Honorable Acamedician, Bernard Van't Hul
Honors Convocation 1975: The Shape of Excellence, Henry Stob
Honors Convocation 1979: Fools and Scholars, M. Howard Rienstra
Honors Convocation 1980: Mind on Fire, E. Beatrice Batson
Honors Convocation 1981: Cross-Cultural Comparisons, Alan Storkey
Honors Convocation 1982: The Point of It, Barbara Reynolds
Honors Convocation 1983: Bits from the Bard's Buffet, Richard R. Tiemersma
Honors Convocation 1984: The End of Knowing, Roger Lundin
Honors Convocation 1985: Your Ultimate Address, Henrietta Ten Harmsel
Honors Convocation 1986: In the Year of Our Lord, 2006, Peter A. DeVos
Honors Convocation 1987: The Calling of the Creative Minority, William M. Wiebenga
Honors Convocation 1988: Christian Liberal Arts Education, George M. Marsden
Honors Convocation 1989, Ivy George
Honors Convocation 1990: On the Bottom Floor, David Livingstone
Honors Convocation 1991: Open a Window on God's World, Gordon Spykman
Honors Convocation 1992, Bette Bosma
Honors Convocation, 1993, Calvin College
Honors Convocation, 1994, Calvin College
Honors Convocation 1995, Paul Zwier
Honors Convocation 1996, David Hoekema
Honors Convocation 1997, Henry J. Baron
Honors Convocation 1999, Joy Bonnema and Aaron Genzink
Honors Convocation 2000, Larry Louters
Honors Convocation 2001, Laura Smit and Joe Lapp
Honors Convocation 2002: Meaning to Measure, Matthew Walhout
Honors Convocation, 2004, Kevin Corcoran and Carla Joy Van Dyke
Honors Convocation 2007, Karen Saupe and Ryan Cruise
Honors Convocation 2008, Bruce Berglund and Karen Kaashoek
Honors Convocation 2009: Fix Your Eyes On…, Crystal Bruxvoort and Corey Velgersdyk
Honors Convocation 2010, Curt Blankespoor and Emma Slager
Honors Convocation 2011, Benita Wolters-Fredlund
Honors Convocation 2021, Karie Riddle, Juliana Knot, Kumar Sinniah, Abena Oduro, Tuba Jaherun, and Ethan J. Houskamp
Honors Convocation 2022, Michael K. Le Roy, Noah Toly, Carolyn Anderson, Bryce Bundens, Gary Schmidt, Tiffany Kajiwara, and Lauren Henderson
Honors Convocation 2023, Wiebe Boer, Noah Toly, Emily Helder, Nathan Anderson, Eleanor Lee, Craig Hanson, and Abigail Ham
Honors Convocation 2024, Gregory Elzinga, Mary Hulst, Noah Toly, Katherine Van Liere, Annalise Holcomb, Visakuo Tsurho, and Jesse McCurdy
Honors Program for Henry Stob, Calvin Theological Seminary
Hope and Healing for the Homosexual, Colin D. Cook
Hope and Healing for the Homosexual: Ethics and Theology, Elizabeth R. Moberly
Hope and Healing for the Homosexual: New Psychological Perspective, Elizabeth R. Moberly
Hope for Africa, Joel Carpenter
Hopeful, Suffering Selves, Bert Hodges
Hope & Healing for the Homosexual: Four Stages of Healing, Douglas Houck
Hope in the Public Sphere, Donald Marshall
Hope of the World, Theodore Ferris
Hope Session 8, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Hoping, Lewis B. Smedes
Hospice Ministry Presentation, Dennis Kamper, Stan DeVries, Carol Fliestra, Bill Moxey, and Jerry Frens
Hospitality for Women in Local Church Leadership, Steve Meyer, Claudia Beversluis, Fran Hackney, and Carl Kammeraad
How 4th Century Christians Celebrated the Lord's Supper and Why We Should Care, John D. Witvliet
How Calvin Fathered the Renaissance in Christian Philosophy, Nicholas Wolterstorff
How Can Christians Help the Poor?, John Perkins
How Can it Hurt So Bad When It Feels So Good?, William Lenters
How Can One Search for God? The Paradox of Inquiry in Augustine's Confessions, Scott MacDonald
How Central is Central Asia--3,000 Years of Asia in 50 Minutes, S. Frederick Starr
How Christian Faith Can Sustain the Life of the Mind-Personal Reflections, Jeanne Heffernan, Susan Felch, Mark Schwehn, and Shirley Showalter
How Christians Respond to Suffering and Oppresion, Vern Sterk
How Does a Christian Face the Future?, Marvin Baarman
How Does Our Ministry Help Persons, Anyway?, Larry VandeCreek
How Do We Help People?, Calvin Theological Seminary
How Do You Care When Everything is Falling Apart?, Melvin Hugen
How Far is Too Far?, R.C. Sproul
How Gathering God's Growing Family Can Succeed, and Why it Ought?, John Rozeboom
How God Became King: Why We've All Misunderstood the Gospels, N.T. Wright
How God Changes Lives (Session 2), Calvin College
How God Disappeared from the Netherlands, Gerben Groenewoud
How God Persuades that the Bible is the Word of God, John Gerstener
How Immigration is Changing the Face of American Religion, Jose Casanova
How in the World is CRWRC?, Roy Berkenbosch
How Not to Leave Behind What We've Learned, Gordon D. Fee et al.
How Prison Ministry Is Transforming the Church and Its Worship, David Schuringa
How Public Worship is Like Jazz Music - Plenary 4, John D. Witvliet
How Race Works in Multiracial Churches, Gerardo Marti
How Should One Choose a First Charge After Graduating from CTS?, Duane A. Visser
How Should We Then Live?, Charles Colson
How Should We Worship?, Dale Cooper
How the Christian Community Can Shape Patient and Physician Perspecitves, Allen Verhey
How the Middle Class Remade Music, Leon B. Plantinga
How Then Shall We Engineer?, Derek Schuurman
How to be Filled with the Holy Spirit, Bill Bright
How To Begin A Christian Experience, Samuel Shoemaker
How to Be Happy: An Interview with Kevin Corcoran, Kevin Corcoran and Evan Rosa
How to be Happy in College and the Rest of Your Whole Life, Laura Smit
How to be Interesting Even Though You're Preaching, Tom Ozinga
How to be the Best Church in Town Philemon 2:1-13, James Forbes
How to Deal with Religious Experience, Paul J. Visser
How to Fail in Preaching, William H. Willimon
How to Find God (on YouTube), James K.A. Smith
How to Hold a Charette: Building with Community Input (Session 5b), Jonathan Bradford
How to Influence Your Church, Joan Flikkema
How to Lead, Howard Hendricks
How to Lead Fabulous Class Discussions, Michael Brandwein
How to Love the Lord with All Your Mind, Mary Hulst
How to Make a Mess of Things in the Sixteenth-Century Low Countries, Bret Rothstein
How to Make People Respect You, Haddon Robinson
How to Preach on the Subject of Abuse, Diane Maodush-Pitzer
How to Raise Your Parents, David Augsburger
How to Recognize Opportunity, W.K. Kerr
How to Respond to a Crisis When You Are Unprepared, Daniel Vandersteen
How to Respond When Disclosure Happens, Tom Cottrell
How to Respond When the Accused is a Colleague Calvin College, Barbara Pekich
How to Win the Culture War, Peter Kreeft
How to Witness to Jews, Rosen, Sydney, and Reed
How to Witness to Jews Part 2, Rosen, Sydney, and Reed
How We Learn in Church (Even When No-one is "Teaching"), David Smith
Human Depravity, David Jussely
Human Freedom, H.G. Stoker
Humanism: Nature-Freedom, Peter J. Steen
Human Meanings of Ordination, Marchiene Rienstra
Human Stem-Cell Research: Where Do We Go From Here?, Mark Hughes
Human Suffering and A Responsive God, James R. Kok
Human Treatment and the Future for People with Special Needs, Burton Blatt
Hymn Accompaniment: Improving Congregational Singing, Rudolf Zuiderveld
Hymnal Showcase, Milvoces Para Celebrar, Various
Hymnal Showcase-Presbyterian Church of Canada's Book of Praise, Judy Archer Green
Hymn Festival; A Service of Prayer and Praise, Marnie Giesbrecht and Joachim Segger
Hymnody for Worship: Choosing Psalms and Hymns (1 of 3), Emily Brink and Jack Reiffer
Hymnody for Worship: Choosing Psalms and Hymns (2 of 3), Emily Brink and Jack Reiffer
Hymnody for Worship: Choosing Psalms and Hymns (3 of 3), Emily Brink and Jack Reiffer
Hymn Selectioin as Pastoral Care, Carl Daw
Hymns for Holy Week, Calvin College
Hymns for the Church Today, Bertus F. Polman
Hymn Society Hymn Festival 1, Emily Brink and Loretta Manzara
Hymn Society Hymn Festival 2, Howard Vanderwell and Hillcrest CRC
Hymn Society Hymn Festival 3, Carl P. Daw and Huw Lewis
Hymn Society Hymn Festival 4, Various
Hymn Traditions New to the Psalter Hymnal; Plenary Session, Jack Reiffer and Emily Brink
Hymn Tune Writer, Roy Hopp
I Believe, G.M. Docherty
I Believe in God the Creator, Herman Hanko
I Believe In God, The Father Almighty, Eugene Carson Blake
Idolatry in Relationships, Wayne Joosse
If God Give the Increase, Sidney Youngsma
If God is Good and Sovereign, Why Lament?, Nicholas Wolterstorff
If Not You, Who? The Reformation Heritage and the Transformation of America, Os Guinness
I Know, It's Only Rock and Roll, But God Likes It, Likes It, Yes He Does, Doesn't He?, Albert Pedulla
Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus, Dinesh D'Souza
Imagination in Preaching, Marion Snapper
Imagination in Teaching and Preaching, Marion Snapper
Imaginative Options for Prelude, Offertory, Postlude, Emily R. Brink and A James Heynen
I'm a Philosopher. We Can't Think Our Way Out of This Mess. (The Intelligence of Love), James K.A. Smith
I'm Listening Lord, Jo Ilbrink
Impact of Archeology on Old Testament Studies, Geraty
Impact of Modernity: Lausanne II-Manilla, Os Guinness
Impact of Music In Worship in 20th Century Culture, John Worst
Imperialism, Henry Ippel
Imperialism, Ronald Albert Wells
Imperialism, Ronald Albert Wells
Imperialism, Human Rights, and Christian Mission Today Part 1, Samuel Escobar
Imperialism, Human Rights, and Christian Mission Today Part 2, Samuel Escobar
Implication of Teen Trends (2 of 3), Donald Posterski
Implications for Teen Trends (3 of 3), Donald Posterski
Implications of Linear A & the Common Background of Greek & Hebrew Civilization, Cyrus Gordon
Implications of the Ascension for Everyday Life, Laura Smit
Improvisation: A Conversation about Pastoral Excellence, David Wood
I Must be Dreaming: A Christian View of the Meaning of Dreams, Kay Lindskoog
Inaugural Kuyper Lecture, Mark A. Noll
Inaugural Sermon at Allendale Second CRC, Robert D. Ritsema
Inaugural Worship Service, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Inaugurated Eschatology in the Apocalypse, Andrew Bandstra
In Celebration of Martin Luther King Day, Creative Justice, James Skillen
In Christ's Common Hospital, Dale Cooper
Including People With Disabilities in the Life of the Church, Baan Vander and Thomas Hoeksma
Incorporating evidence-based teaching practices in a civil/environmental engineering course to improve learning, Julie Anne Wildschut
In Defense of the Voucher System, Frank Fortkamp
Indian Cousins, Calvin Theological Seminary
Industrial Chaplaincy - Stories that Make Us Unique, Lawrie Styles
Industrialism and Marxism, Henry G. Hekman
Infant Baptism, Con, Paul Jewett
Infants, Nursing Mother and Father: Paul's Portrayal of a Pastor, Jeffrey A.D. Weima
In Fellowship with God; The Inseparable Love of God, Marinus Goote and George Gritter
Inflation and Unemployment, Paul McKraken
Influence of the New Theology, Reinus Arntzen
In His Presence-The Basics of Praise and Worship, Colleen Reinders and Grace Moes
Initia-Calvini: The Matrix of Calvin's Reformation, Heiko Oberman
Initia-Calvin: The Matrix of Calvin's Reformation - A Discussion, Heike Oberman
In man dy 't twa soannen hie. Matteus 21:28-32, Jelle Nutma
Inner City Ministry, Clifton Rhodes Jr.
Inner Healing, Steven King
Innovations in Policing Juvenile Delinquents: What's Working and What's Not? - Session2, Kevin Belk, Liqun Cao, and Peter Manning
In Places Where They Sing, Howard Slenk
In Rememberance of Me, 1 Corinthians 11; The House of God: And I Knew it Not, Genesis 28, James Daane
Ins and Outs of Doctrinal Preaching: Case Study-Justification, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Ins and Outs of Doctrinal Preaching-Case Study Sin and Evil, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Ins and Outs of Doctrinal Preaching-Problems and Challenges of Doctrinal Preaching, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
In Search of the 'NuHomiletic', Laura Truax, Scott Hoezee, Paul Scott Wilson, and Ron Rienstra
Inspirational Devotional by Andrew Kuyvenhoven, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Inspirational Devotional by Andrew Kuyvenhoven Part 2, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Inspiration of the Scriptures, Jerome Julien
Installation at Calvary CRC in Seattle, Washington, Garrett D. Pars
Institutional Racism, Peter DeJong
Instrumental Faculty Recital Tape 1, Calvin College
Instrumental Faculty Recital Tape 2, Calvin College Faculty
Integrating Worship and Preaching, William H. Willimon
Integration and Disintegration in the Global Economy, Robert C. Feenstra and J.D. Richardson
Integration of Faith and Learning-A Re-examination, Crystal Downing, David Guthrie, and Rita Lester
Intellectual Development in Adults, Gloria Goris Stronks
Intelligent Design: Why it should NOT be Taught in HS Biology Class...and how to Debunk "Science = Atheism", Robert Russell
Interactions between Science and Philosophy: Newton on Space and Body, Carey (CJ) James Majeski and Steve Wykstra
Intercultural Effectiveness in Ministry, Judy Schram
Interdependence with RCJ in the 80's, 1 of 2, R.D. Sytsma
Interdependence with RCJ in the 80's, 2 of 2, R.D. Sytsma
Intergenerational Worship: Is It Reasonable? Is It Possible?, Norma Malefyt, Stanley Mast, and Howard Vanderwell
Interpretation of 1 Corinthians 10:1-11, Andrew Bandstra
Interpreting Children's Literature-The Case for a Special Hermeneutics & Literality Matters, Karen Coats and Glenn Fetzer
Interpreting the Christian Bible, Richard Swineburne
Interpretive Reading, Marchiene Rienstra
Intertestamental Eschatology & Biblical Anthropology: Monism/ Dualism Debate, John Cooper
Intervener Survival: Safety, Leviton Greenstone
Intervention Procedure: Suicide, Leviton Greenstone
Interview and Q & A with Rev. Davis, David Davis
Interview: Bethesda Hospital Association, M. Bosch
Interview between Calvin Staff, Herbert J. Brinks, Dirk William Jellema, and William Harry Jellema
Interview Concerning Manfred, John DeBie and Pete Oppewall
Interview of Anna Bratt, Anna Bratt
Interview of Rena Smedes, Rena Smedes
Interview of The President of Calvin College America, John J. Hiemenga
Interview on German Classis of the CRC, John Schuurman
Interview on Japan Missions History, Harvey Smit
Interview on Louis Campau, Herman Hoogerhyde and Egbert (E.R.) R. Post
Interview on Maxine Schnall Show, WCAV AM Radio, Herbert Links
Interview on Missionary Work in Latin America-Argentina, Jerry Pott
Interview on Missionary Work in Nigeria, Nell Smith (Breen)
Interview on Missionary Work in Nigeria, Nell Smith (Breen)
Interview on Missionary Work in Nigeria, Jennie Stielstra
Interview on Mission Work, Jerry Pott
Interview Re: Lansing, Illinois, John J. Schuringa
Interview re Providence CRC Move, Herbert J. Brink
Interview re: Scrip Plan in Grand Rapids, George Welsh
Interview: The Mission Fields in New Mexico, J. DeGroat
Interview: The Words We Use To Preach and Sermon: What Are We Going to Be, Frederick Buechner
Interview with Arthur DeKruyter, Arthur DeKruyter
Interview with Bastian Kruithof, Bastian Kruithof
Interview with Bernard Fridsma, Bernard J. Fridsma
Interview with Cornel West and Lupe Fiasco, Lupe Fiasco and Cornel West
Interview with Dallas Willard, Cornelius J. Plantinga Jr. and Dallas Willard
Interview with Elbert Kooistra, Elbert Kooistra
Interview with E.R. Post, Egbert (E.R.) R. Post
Interview with Frederick F. Manfred, Frederick F. Manfred
Interview with Frederick F. Manfred, Frederick F. Manfred
Interview with George Brander Part 1, George Brander
Interview with George Brander Part 2, George Brander
Interview with Gordon Spykman, Gordon Spykman
Interview with Haddon Robinson, Haddon Robinson
Interview with Henry Stob and Brinks, Henry Stob and Brinks
Interview with John and Gladys Schuring, John Schuring and Gladys Schuring
Interview with John Daling, John Daling
Interview with John Timmerman, John J. Timmerman
Interview with John Tuls, John Tuls
Interview with J. Vander Ploeg, J. Vander Ploeg
Interview with Kent R. Hughes, Kent R. Hughes
Interview with Lyons A. Christopher, Lyons A. Christopher
Interview with Malcolm Cronk, Malcolm Cronk
Interview with Mr. and Mrs. Poutsma, Gertrude Schilthouse and Mr. and Mrs. Poutsma
Interview with Rienk Bouke Kuiper, Rienk Bouke Kuiper
Interview with Tunis Prins, Tunis Prins
Interview with William B. Eerdmans, William B. Eerdmans
Interview with William B. Eerdmans, William B. Eerdmans
Interview with William Harry Jellema, William Harry Jellema and Dirk William Jellema
Interview with William Spoelhof 1, William Spoelhof
Interview with William Spoelhof 2, William Spoelhof
Interview with William Spoelhof 3, William Spoelhof
In the Realm of the Coeds, Lori Witt
Intoduction to Food, Calvin DeWitt
Introducing a Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers, Derek Schuurman
Introducing Pascal-bot: What Would Pascal Say?, Derek Schuurman
Introducing the New Psalter Hymnal to Your Congregation, Emily R. Brink
Introduction, Dale Kenneth Van Kley
Introduction, George Mish Marsden
Introduction: American Scientific Affiliation, Clark Pinnock
Introduction: Practices, Faith, and Pedagogy in "Teaching and Christian Practices: Reshaping Faith and Learning", David I. Smith and James K.A. Smith
Introduction Tape 1 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Introduction: Themes and Purposes of Child Rearing, Chuck Zimmer and Helene Vander Werff
Introduction to the Seminary Lectures, John H. Kromminga
Invitation to Adventure!, Dale Cooper
Invitation to Rest; Paul's Plea For a Slave, William Stob
Involving Youth in Worship, Vogel Sytsma
iPodic Obedience: Music to Transform Your Soul and Society, Steve Stockman
Iran's Revolution and Christ's; The Role of Education in Middle Eastern Change, C. George Fry and George Jennings
Iron to Iron, One to Another, Scott Stehouwer
Irreducible Complexity, Scott Minnich
Isaiah 6-The Vision of God and the Prophet's Mission, Willem A.M. Beuken
Isaiah in Christian Liturgy, John D. Witvliet
Is America Crazy?, John Leo
Is distracting technology damaging our capacity for concentration and contemplation?, Derek Schuurman
Is God an Unnecessary Hypothesis?, Peter Van Inwagen
Is God in control of History? (A South African Perspective), Adrio Konig
Islam, Bert DeVries
Islam, Adel Abadeer
Islamic Reformation: An Overdue Quest, Saad Eddin Ibrahim
Is South Africa Changing?, Sipho Hlakanyana
Issues and Creation Evidences #1, Calvin College
Issues and Mentalities in the Church, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Issues Facing the CRC Synod 2000, Arie C. Leder, Henry Zwaanstra, and Becker
Issues In Persons and Pedagogy, Bert Hodges, Glenn Sanders, and Ron Wright
Issues in the Pastor's Life Today, John Chandler
Issues of the Law, Gordon Quist
Issues of the Reformation: Salvation By Grace Through Faith, Robert Brinsmead
Issues of the Reformation: The Authority of Scripture, Robert Brinsmead
Issues of the Reformation: The Priesthood of All Believers, Robert Brinsmead
Is the Bible Scientifically True?, Richard Bube
Is the Christian Faith Relevant Anymore?, Mike Yaconelli
Is the Church Depressed, or Just Sad?, Jaco J. Hamman
Is the Church in Trouble?, Wallace M. Alston
Is the Church Society's Keeper?, Lynn Jappinga
Is the Church Still Interesting?, Joel Nederhood
Is the Church Worth It?, Neil Carlson, Edwin I. Hernandez, and Amanda Stek
Is the Historians' Jesus Historical?, C. Stephen Evans
Is the Medium the Message: The Gospel According to Television?, Quentin J. Schultze
Is There A Barley Field Burning?, William Romanowski
Is There a Crisis in Bible Translation?, John H. Stek, Bruce Metzger, and James Barr
Is There a Future for Christian Schools?, Dennis Hoekstra
Is There an African Philosophy?, Lucius Outlaw
Is There an Evolutionary Foundation for Human Morality?, John E. Hare
Is there an "Unfinished Agenda" in the CRC? Debate About Women's Ordination, Emily R. Brink, James A. De Jong, Henry De Moor, and Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Is There a Place for the Nation in Modern American History?, James LaGrand
Is There More to Acid Rain Than Acid and Rain?, Kathleen Weathers
Is There Salvation Beyond the Reach of the Gospel?, Neal Punt
Is There Still a Place for Psalm-Singing in Worship?, Greg Sheer
Is this Your Sister? Brother? A Look at Local Sex-Trafficking, Anthony Bender and Mary Dekker
Is us wetter net skjinner? II Ken. 5, J.D. Hellinga, H.J. Baron, and M. Gysen Hindrik
It Is Finished, Bernard Pekelder
"It's who I am": Scout embraces his Eagle identity, David V. Urban
It Takes a Village to Form a Christian Scholar, Derek Schuurman
I Walked One Day, D.H. Walters
I Want My MTV, William Romanowski
I Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You, Diet Erlich
I Will Send You; Assurance is not a Guessing Game, Richard Hertel
Jacobus Revius, Henrietta Ten Harmsel
Jacques Lefevre d'Etaples As A Bridge Figure Between Humanism and Calvinism, Philip Edgecumbe Hughes
Jacques Maritan's Conception of History, Richard Francis Crane
James Smith Memorial Service, Calvin College
James Smith Memorial Service, Calvin College
JAN KRIST, Jan Krist
Jan Overduin, Organ, Jan Overduin
Jazz Homiletics, Eugene Lowry
Jazz Vespers - 2008 Calvin Symposium on Worship, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Jefferson's Legacy: A Call to Civic Responsibility, Rebecca Rimel
Jesus and the Gospel: 3 Decades of Research, Tjitze Baarda
Jesus, Ascended Lord, G.M. Docherty
Jesus as Healer, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Edgar Boeve, Timothy Brown, Walter Arnold III, Cornelius Plantinga, Leanne Van Dyk, Dewey Heetderks, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Randall Engle, and Jack Roeda
Jesus' Call to Repentance, Jacob W. Uitvlugt
Jesus Christ as Liberator, Jorge Lara-Braud
Jesus Christ, Son and Lord, G.M. Docherty and S.F. Bayne
Jesus Condemned and Crucified, Dale Cooper
Jesus, Crucified Savior, G.M. Docherty
Jesus, Human and Divine, G.M. Docherty
Jesus or Barabbas?, Bernard Pekelder
Jesus: Our Worship Leader, Ron Man
Jesus: People of Israel and the Gentiles, Ernest Hahn
Jesus Resurrection; The Hope of the World; The Arrest of the Arrester, Wilbert M. Van Dyk and John W. V
Jesus & the Gospel; 3 Decades of Research: Luke 12:13-14, Tjitze Baarda
Jesus the Jewish Rabbi, Ray Vander Laan
Jesus the Jewish Rabbi Part 2, Ray Vander Laan
Jesus the Messiah, William Hendriksen
Jesus-The Pilgrim and the Destination, Brother John of Taizé
Jesus Yes--Church Yes!, Dale Cooper
Je t'aime, mon chou-chou! Premarital Conversion, Terry Lapinsky
Jews for Jesus, Barry Ruben
Jim Crow's Last Stand: The Struggle for Civil Rights in the Suburban North, Thomas Sugrue
Jobs, Internships and Opportunities, Part I (Breakout Session #2a), Scott Vander Ley, Kimberly Cutler, and Abby Reac
John Calvin 500th Birthday: NPR Interview, Guy Raz and Karin Maag
John Calvin: A Theologian for an Age of Limits, Donald Mckim
John Calvin Meets The Creature From the Black Lagoon, William Romanowski
John Calvin Meets the Creature of the Black Lagoon: Popular Entertainment, William Romanowski
John Calvin Rediscovered: The Impact of His Social and Economic Thought, James D. Bratt and Karim Maag
John Calvin's Eucharistic Piety, Brian A. Gerrish
John Dewey, Peter J. Steen
John D. Witvliet, Student Recital, John D. Witvliet
John Hamersma, Organ 1, John Hamersma
John Hamersma, Organ 2, John Hamersma
John Hamersma, Organ April 2, 1961, John Hamersma
John Hamersma, Organ February 28, 1964 Tape 1, John Hamersma
John Hamersma, Organ February 28, 1964 Tape 2, John Hamersma
John Hamersma Organ Recital June 18, 1978, John Hamersma
John Hamersma Organ Recital October 4, 1974 Tape 1, John Hamersma
John Hamersma Organ Recital October 4, 1974 Tape 2, John Hamersma
John H. Kromminga Retirement Dinner, John H. Kromminga
John Hooper's Discontent and 'Reformers' or 'Puritans'? Francis Bacon's Response to Elizabethan Puritanism, Jim Ehrhard and Kenneth Hovey
John Muir and the Religion of Nature, Donald Worster
John the Seer, William Hendriksen
Joint Meeting with Synod and Keynote Address, Leonard Hofman
Joint Meeting with Synod and Keynote Address 2, Howard Vanderwell
Jonathan Edwards, Jack Van Ens
Jonathan Edwards on Religious Imagination, Anna Svetlikova
Journey on a Promise, Ben Patterson
Joy and Suffering, Wayne Joosse
J. S. Bach and the Church, A. Casper Honders
Jubilee 1980: The Search for Physical Meaning, Arie Leegwater
Jubilee '78 Contemporary Music: Pulling the Strings of Your Heart, William Romanowski
Jubilee: A Centennial Convocation, William Vander Haak and Mark O. Hatfield
Jubilee for Justice...Sounding the Trumpet of Justice, John B. Hulst
Jubilee: Transformation Strategies, Hugh A. Koops
Justice 1 of 6, Peter A. DeVos
Justice 2 of 6, Peter A. DeVos
Justice 4 of 6, Peter A. DeVos
Justice 5 of 6, Peter A. DeVos
Justice and Courage: Will We Rise to God's Challenge?, Carlos Hernández
Justice and Righteousness, Sidney H. Rooy
Justice and the Quartet of the Vulnerable, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Justice and the Quartet of the Vulnerable, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Justice as a Virtue, Jean Porter
Justice for the Environment, Joyce Ribbens
Justice in the Old Testament, Rolf Knierim
Justice That Restores: How Christian Worldview Impacts the Justice System, Charles Colson
Justified By Faith Alone, Martin Lloyd-Jones
Karen Togtman Memorial, Karen Togtman
Kathy Tigchelaar Memorial, Kathy Tigchelaar
Keep Crying; Sons or Slaves, Clarence Vos and Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Keeping Up with the Church Music Scene, Salem Avenue Church
KEN HEFFNER, Ken Heffner
Kenneth Koch, Cincinnatian, Poet of Confetti, Lew Klatt
Kenneth W. Kuyper Memorial Service, Calvin College
Kerken in America (Churches in America), Graafschap, Svenna Harvers, Plaggemans, Ypma, Hoofdman, Lucas, Bouwsma, Vander Worp, Vriesland, and Sander de Haan
Key Ideas Series, Frank Tillapaugh
Key Issues and Challenges (1988-1993), Anthony J. Diekema
Keynote Address, Philip Yancey
Keynote Address, Patrick Keifert
Keynote Address, Paul Maier
Keynote Address, Paul Maier
Keynote Address, David Hanson
Keynote Address, Thomas G. Long
Keynote Address, Gordon Spykman, John Timmerman, and Howard Van Til
Keynote Address, Glenn Loury
Keynote Address 2, Patrick Keifert
Keynote Address 2, Philip Yancey
Keynote Lecture, Lewis B. Smedes
Keynote Session: Implicit Moral Knowledge, Ralph McInerny
Kingdom, Church, World, Herman Ridderbos and Edmund Clowney
Kingdom Mission and Christian Missions, Rene Padilla
Kingdom of Christ in Bucer and Calvin, Willem van't Spijker
Kingdom Priorities for Missionary Work, Rene Padilla
King James Rule Lecture, Gordon Campbell
Knollcrest Band, Calvin Knollcrest Band
Knollcrest Evening Worship Service, Calvin Seminary Choir
Know Who You Are, John R.W. Stott
Know Who You Are (I Peter 2:1-12), John Stott
Korean Protestant Church in Modern Times, Mark Achtemeier
Kuitert and the Barthians in the Netherlands, Hendrikus Berkof
Kuyper's Contribution, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Kuyper's Legacy in South Africa, H. Russel Botman
Kuyper's Mis/Perceptions on American Religion and Politics, James D. Bratt
Labor Management Relations, William J. Usery
Lament and Hope, Peter Kreeft
Lament as Part of Life, Nicholas Wolterstorff
L'amour et la foi catholique dans Les Malheurs de l'amour de Catherine Bernard, Jolene Vos-Camy
Language in Preaching, Kuitert
Language Lab, J.B. Hoekstra
Late Medieval Politics, Dale Kenneth Van Kley
Laughing At or With God, Ben Patterson
Law, Justice, and Urban Life, Lynn Buzzard and Charles Hogren
Leaders Breaking Down Barriers: Sport as a Model to Bridge the Racial Divide, Richard Lapchick
Leadership, Frank Tillapaugh
Leadership and Communication, Duane Kelderman
Leadership Commitments in Coffee Break (Sectional #9), Christian Reformed Church
Leadership from Inside Out, Wesley Granberg-Michaelson
Leadership in Congregations, Peter Steinke
Leadership in the Church, Larry Richards
Leadership Part 2, Frank Tillapaugh
Leadership Series: Revisiting the Gift of Leadership, Gary J. Bekker and Craig Van Gelder
Leading a Congregation through Changes in Worship Practices, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Leading Her To Jesus (Sectional #10), Christian Reformed Church
Leading into the 21st Century, John C. Maxwell
Leading in White Spaces: The Experience of African American Pastors as Leaders in the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA), Colin P. Watson Sr.
Leading Through Volunteers, Bill Hybels
Leading with Light: Using Video Projectors Wisely, Steven Koster
Learning (by) Stories: A Future for Christian Education, James K.A. Smith
Learning How to Be Holy & Worldly, Richard J. Mouw
Learning Points for Preaching, Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Ronald Feenstra, Lyle D. Bierma, Ronald Nydam, Leonard Kuyvenhoven, Steven Sandage, and LeRon Shults
Learning to Live Rationally Tape 4 of 6, Maxie Maultsby
Learning to Pray (Sectional #21), Christian Reformed Church
Lebanon, A Shema
Lecture and Questions, Katherine Paterson
Lecture by Leonard Sweetman, Leonard Sweetman
Lecture by Paul Schrader, Paul Shrader
Lecture for the Friends of American Business, Carl Huele
Lecture from Bas van Fraassen, Bas van Fraassen
Lecture on Litugy, Bryan D. Spinks
Lecture on Scripture, Andrew Walls
Lecture on Spiritual Warfare, Jeff Stamm
Lectures on Psalm 23, Cathy Barrow Williams
Lee Ingersoll, Guitar, Lee Ingersoll
Lee Street Performance Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
Lee Street Performance Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
Left Behind: A Century of Failed School Reform, Diane Ravitch
Legal Obligations and Liabilities for People in Ministry, Ronald L. Foster
Leman-Thursday; Relationships: Christian and Non-Christian Worlds, Kevin Leman
Leman-Wednesday; Relationships: Christian and Non-Christian Worlds, Kevin Leman
Lengthening Our Cords-Can We Open the Front Door of the Christian Reformed Church?, Craig Van Gelder
Lengthening the Cords and Strengthening the Stakes, Charsie Sawyer and John Hamersma
Lent: Jesus Call Us to Discipleship - Worship 4, John Bell
Lest We Forget, J.W. Hamilton
Let God Help You Find Peace of Mind, John A. Redhead
Let God's Word be Alive, 2011 - Event Recap, Anne Zaki
Let God's Word Be Alive, 2011 - Outlines and Notes, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Let God's Word Be Alive, 2011 - Worship Book, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Let the Church be the Church Tape 1, Charles Van Engen
Let the Church be the Church Tape 2, Charles Van Engen
Let the Church be the Church Tape 3, Charles Van Engen
Let There Be Light: Modern Cosmogony and Biblical Creation, Owen Gingerich
Letting Go Versus Forgiveness, Melvin Hugen and Albert Seinen
Let Us Run With Perseverance; Memory and Hope, William Evertsberg and Russ Palsrok
L'Histoire du Slodat (no narration); Stravinsky, Igor Stravinsky
L'Histoire Du Soldat, Igor Stravinsky
L'Histoire Du Soldat, Igor Stravinsky
L'Histoire Du Soldat, Igor Stravinsky
L'Histoire du Soldat (no narration), Igor Stravinsky
Liberal Education and the Christian Viewpoint, William Herberg
Liberal Education at a Christian College, William Harry Jellema
Liberal Education at a Christian College, William Harry Jellema
Liberal Education at a Christian College, William Harry Jellema
Liberal Education for a Pluralistic Society: Why Religious Voices Must Not Be Silenced, David A. Hoekema
Liberalism, Communitarianism, and the Political Theory of Antebellum Women, Mark Hall
Liberating Technology?, Derek Schuurman
Liberation Theology, Jorge Lara-Braud
Liberation Theology & Social Justice, Sidney Rooy
Liberation Theology: Will it Work?, Michael Novak
Liberia Populated Places 2024: Human Landscape Edition 1.0, Addison Arendt and Jason E. VanHorn
Liberia Populated Places 2024: Natural Landscape Edition 1.0, Addison Arendt and Jason E. VanHorn
License to Kill...But When?, David Cook
Life After Death, Anthony A. Hoekema
Life as a Movie Migrant: A Look at Motion Picture Production Design, Jeannine Oppewall
Life as a Psalm; Hallowed Be Thy Name, Gary VanDalfsen and Theodore Minnema
Life as the Human Good, Phillip Goggans
Life Everlasting, G.M. Docherty
Life in the Parsonage, Ruth Senter
Life of Freedom Under God, Clarence Boomsma
Lifestyles in View of the Second Coming, Richard Mattox
Life Together, Todd Cioffi, Andrew Webster, Jasmine Wilson, Daniel Kamacho, Kelly Larsen, and Jack Organ
Life with the National Forests: Work Worth Doing, Joel Holtrop and Jessica Holtrop
Lift up the Child, Derek Noble
Lift Up Your Hearts: John Calvin's Catholic Faith, James K.A. Smith
Lion in Your Loins, Gordon Dahnke
Listening to the Listener When We Preach, Timothy Brown
Literary Perspective on the Transformation of Congregational Song, Nathan Mitchell
Literature and Scripture: An "Impossible Filiation", J. Hillis Miller
Little Christians in Big Business, Anthony J. Campolo
Little Deaths, Earl Grollman
Little Foxes in the...Calvin College, John J. Timmerman
Little Foxes in the Vineyards, John J. Timmerman
Liturgical Integrity - What are the Issues, Howard Hageman
Liturgical Perspectives on the Transformation of Congregational Song, Karen Westerfield Tucker
Liturgical Unity in the Second Service, Morris Greidanus
Liturgy and Renewal, Henry Wildeboer
Liturgy and Society, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Liturgy and the Visual Arts, Edgar Boeve
Liturgy: Recent Developments in North America, Carl Kromminga
Liturgy: Recent Developments in the Nederlands, A. Casper Honders
Liturgy: Where Do We go From Here?, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Live by the Spirit, Bill Zeilstra
Living a Lighthouse Lifestyle, Alvin VanderGriend
Living And Dying, S.F. Bayne
Living and Dying with Cancer, Lois Jaffe
Living as Chosen People, Karen Campbell and Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Living By Faith, Jack Roeda
Living in Light and Justice, Jonathan Hehn OSL, Choral Scholars, and Kate Williams
Living Under the God of Grace, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Peter Jonker, Jason Max Ferdinand, and The Aeolians
Living Under the Influence: Eager Desire to Trust and Obey the Bible, God's Spirit-Inspired Word, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: Generous Humility and Compassion: A Servant Spirit, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: God Present and Active, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: Longing to Delight and Honor God, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: Self-Searching and Self-Denial: A Servant Spirit, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: Simplicity of Spirit, Adult in Knowledge, Childlike in Directness and Wonder, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: Vivid Awareness of the Greatness and Goodness of God, Dale Cooper
Living Under the Influence: Worshipful Intimacy with Jesus Christ, Dale Cooper
Living Wills, T. Rottman
Living with Decisions, Melvin Hugen
Living with War: Views from Aman, Bert DeVries
Local Church: A Reformed Model, Arthur Besteman
Local Church Leadership, Linda Male, Vicky Menning, Bruce Menning, and Laura Smit
Local Eagle Scout continues his Scouting journey, David V. Urban
Local journalism instructor reflects on The Rapidian's role in his development, David V. Urban
Local Option - Solution?, John Bolt, DeKoster, Tamminga, and Zwaanstra
Locke, Althusius and the Theoretical Grounds of the Federal State, Nicholas Aroney
Logotherapy and Existentialism, Viktor E. Frankl
Long Term Care -- Who Should Pay?, Larry M. Diamond
Long Term Effects Of Abuse, Judi Tieri and Donna Terpstra
Long Term Sobriety, Saturday, June 22, Francie E.
Looking in Before Reaching Out, David Livermore
Lord, Is It I?, Dale Cooper
Lordship, Servanthood, & the Contemporary State, John Howard Yoder
Losing our Memories and Gaining Our Souls, Glenn Weaver
Louisiana Repertory Jazz Ensemble, Louisiana Repertory Jazz Ensemble
Love and the Trinitarian Concept of Personhood, Stephen Stratton
Love Beyond Degree; A Look in God's Mirror, W.M. Brink
Love Beyond Knowledge, Grace Beyond Imagination : A History of Calvin Theological Seminary and Calvin College Written on the Occasion of Calvin's 125th Anniversary, Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary
Love, Inc.-Linking Churches with People in Need, Virgil Gulker
Love, Law, and Liberty, Dewey J. Hoitenga
Love Your Neighborhood, Eric Jacobsen
Loving Your Neighbor In and Through Worship Practices, John A. Azumah, Najla Kassab, Mark MacDonald, Phillip McKinley, Ruth Padilla DeBorst, and Kristen Verhulst
Luis Palau Crusade, Luis Palau
Lukan Paul: Recovering the Pastoral Dimension, Beverly R. Gaventa
Luke 4:14-30, Troy Beretta
Luke and the Leftovers-Jesus and the Children, Harvie Conn
Luke and the Leftovers: Jesus and the Children, Harvie Conn
Luke and the Leftovers-Jesus and the Lost, Harvie Conn
Luke and the Leftovers: Jesus and the Lost, Harvie Conn
Luke and the Leftovers-Jesus and the Poor, Harvie Conn
Luke and the Leftovers: Jesus and the Poor, Harvie Conn
Lull & His Mission to Muslims, C. George Fry
Luminal transport through intact endoplasmic reticulum limits the magnitude of localized Ca2+ signals, Laura M. Westrate, Cécile C. Crapart, Zubenelgenubi C. Scott, Tasuku Konno, Aman Sharma, Pierre Parutto, David M. D. Bailey, Edward Avezov, and Elena F. Koslover
Luncheon Lecture, John Perkins
Lykwols- It wurd fan Gods Oerwinning, W.D. Buursma
Mac. Monday, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
Magnificent Church, E.G. Hunt
Maintaining Mental Health: The Healing Role of Christian Community, James R. Kok
Major Millenial Systems, Anthony A. Hoekema
Major Theological Controversies in the Korean Presbyterian Church, John E. Kim
Making a Home (II Corinthians 5:16), Bill Zeilstra
Making Disciples, Juan Carlos Ortiz
Making Disciples-Jesus' Way of Affecting Lives, Richard Correll
Making Sense of a 'Religious' University, Patrick Byrne, Larry Lyon, Donald Schmeltekopf, and Keith Wilson
Making Sense of Calvin's Paradoxes on Assurance of Faith, Joel R. Beeke
Making Story Hour Work (Sectional #11), Christian Reformed Church
Making the Decisions, Anamarie Joosse
Making Worship Sensitive to Survivors, Amy Van Gunst
Man, Accidents and God, Theodore Ferris
Managed Care for the 21st Century, L. Everett Koop
Management and Market Lecture, Thomas Kamp
Management as Ministry, Richard De Ridder
Managing Change in the Life of the Local Church, John Huegli
Managing Time More Tape 3 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Managing Water in the Netherlands, Siebe Schaap
Managing Your Day Around God (Sectional #12), Christian Reformed Church
Man and Christian Perspectives, Leonard Verduin
Man and Nature, Loren Wilkerson
Man as Heaven: Ordered Passion in Moments of Anger, Mark McMinn
Manhatten Speech, Henry Zylstra
Man in Orbit, Don Gardner
Man in Search of Meaning: Two Dialogues, Viktor E. Frankl
Man the Maker Relationship to Creation, Loren Wilkerson
March Time, Calvin College Concert Band
María de San José Salazar’s Mount Carmel: Global Identity through the Natural World in Libro de las recreaciones, Alisa Tigchelaar, Antónia Conde, Fábio Mário, Luísa Vilela, and José Eduardo Franco
Marine Devotional Field Hymnal, Calvin Theological Seminary
Mark Campbell at Chaplain's Conference, Mark Campbell
Marketing Art, Michael Pettit and Marcus Uzilevsky
Marriage and Family, Henry Holstege
Marriage and Family, James Olthuis
Marriage and Friendship as Troth, James Olthuis
Marriage: Are You Serious? Dream World, Time of Disillusion (Part 2 of 5), Urban G. Steinmetz and Kenneth Bray
Marriage: Are You Serious? Instruction; Dream World Stage (Part 1 of 5), Urban G. Steinmetz and Kenneth Bray
Marriage: Are You Serious? The Sounds of Disillusion; From Disillusion to Misery (Part 3 of 5), Urban G. Steinmetz and Kenneth Bray
Marriage: Are You Serious? Time of Awakening; Time of Love (Part 5 of 5), Urban G. Steinmetz and Kenneth Bray
Marriage: Are You Serious? Time of Misery; Easing the Tensions (Part 4 of 5), Urban G. Steinmetz and Kenneth Bray
Marriage & Family Crises: Hostage Situations, Leviton Greenstone
Marrying In the Lord vs. Unequally Yoked, Carolyn Wharton
Mars Hill Demo Tape, Calvin Theological Seminary
Mars Hill Tapes, James Gilbert, William Everdell, David Walsh, Alan Jacobs, Jeffrey Meikle, Jeffrey Burton Russell, Roger Lundin, and Gordon Kreplin
Martyrologies as Microcosm: The Theory of the Reformers as Tales of Ultimate Witness, Robert Kolb
Marxism: A Challenge to Evangelical Theology, Samuel Escobar
Marxism & Religion: The Paradox of Church Growth in Ethiopia, Tibebe Eshete
Masculinity Theory-Secular Meets Sacred, Helen Sterk
Mass Meeting Feature, Marv
Mass Meeting Feature, Saturday, June 22, Jean O
Master, Joseph F. Girzone
Matthew 10, John Weidenaar
Matthew Zimmerman at 1998 Chaplains Conference, Matthew Zimmerman
Matthew Zimmerman at 1998 Chaplains Conference Part 2, Matthew Zimmerman
McGavran's Homogeneous Unit Principle and Mission Strategy, Paul Bergsma
Meaningful Worship in a Changing Culture, 2001 - Flyer, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Meaning of One Human Life: More Than a Player on a Stage, Shirley Roels
Medallion Ceremony, Class of 1959, Howard Vanderwell
Media Mania- How to Help Churches in Communication Trouble?, Quentin J. Schultze
Medical Dilemmas: Care and Technology, Ruth Groenhout
Medieval Mind, M. Howard Rienstra
Medieval Tech: Intended as Teaching Aids to Instruct the People, Malcolm Miller
Medieval Tech: Intended as Teaching Aids to Instruct the People, Malcolm Miller
Meditation: A Resource to Recovery, Saturday, June 22, Tom S.
Meditation on Christ's Nativity, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Meditation: Values of Practice, Sunday, June 23, Tom S.
Meeter Center Newsletter, Fall 1988, Number 2, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Fall 1989, Number 4, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Fall 1990, Number 6, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Fall 1991, Number 8, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Fall 1992, Number 10, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Fall 1993, Number 12, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Fall 1994, Number 14, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Fall 1995, Number 16, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter Spring 1988, Nunber 1, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Spring 1989, Number 3, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Spring 1990, Number 5, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Spring 1991, Number 7, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Spring 1992, Number 9, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Spring 1993, Number 11, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Spring 1994, Number 13, Richard C. Gamble
Meeter Center Newsletter, Spring 1995, Number 15, Richard C. Gamble
Meeting a Stranger: A Covenantal Account of Sacramental Presence, Michael Horton
Meeting at the Modern Crossroads-Fiction, History, and Christian Understanding & The Improvisation of Hermeneutics-Some Jazz Lessons, Roger Lundin and Bruce Ellis Benson
Meet the Hymnwriter: The Hymns of Carl Daw, Carl Daw
Mega Trends in Missions, David Stravers
Meistersingers Concert, Calvin Meistersingers
Meistersingers Musicale Moonlight Musical, Calvin Meistersingers
Meistersingers Spring Musical, Calvin Meistersingers
Meistersingers Unknown Date Tape 1, Calvin Meistersingers
Meistersingers Unknown Date Tape 2, Calvin Meistersingers
Mel Flikkema, Saturday AM, Mel Flikkema
Memorial Chapel for Stanley Wiersma, Calvin College
Memorial Service, William P. DeJong
Memorial Service at Calvin College, John De Vries
Memorial Service for Henry Zylstra, John Weidenaar
Memorial Service in Honor of Donna Zilstra, Calvin College
Memorial to Rev. M. Vander Zwaag, William Masselink
Memories of Grundy College, John J. Timmerman
Men, Machines and the Image of God, Donald MacKay
Men's Life Workshop (Sectional #13), Christian Reformed Church
Mental Health in the Home, Calvin Theological Seminary
Mentoring Musicians, Greg Scheer
Men, Women, and Change, John Scanzoni and Letha Scanzoni
Merold Westphal, Meeter Center, Merold Westphal
Metaphor, Meaning, and Embodiment, Elaine Botha
Method of Ministry: Discipleship Training, John Oak
Michelle Loyd-Paige Lecture, Michelle Loyd-Paige
Michigan Intercollegiate Honors Band Tape 1, Michigan Intercollegiate Honors Band
Michigan Intercollegiate Honors Band Tape 2, Michigan Intercollegiate Honors Band
Mid-America Reformed Seminary, John H. Piersma
Mid-America Seminary, Lester R. DeKoster
Middle East Conflict, Antonie Wessels
Mid-life Crisis-A Problem . . ., Haddon Robinson
MidWest Band Festival, MidWest Band
MidWest Band Festival Tape 1, MidWest Band
MidWest Band Festival Tape 2, MidWest Band
Mid-Western Conference on School Vocal and Instrumental Music, Calvin College Orchestra
Mid-Western Conference on School Vocal and Instrumental Music, Calvin College Orchestra
Migration and the Transformation of Latino Religious Identities in the U.S., Andrea Althoff
Mimic of Reverend Henry Beets's Independence Day Oration of July 4, 1899, William Vander Ploeg
Mind of a Writer, Frederick F. Manfred
Mini Lectures, Wayne Joose, Anthony J. Diekema, and Dale Cooper
Mini Recital, Jean Martin
Mini Recital, Michael Bauer
Mini Recital, Mark Miller and Tyrone Stanley
Mini Recital, David Hurd
Mini Recital, Eileen Guenther
Mini Recital, Joan Lippincott
Ministering Crossculturally, Joel Van Dyke
Ministering to HIV/AIDS Patients and Dying Person Part 1, Veldheer, DeYoung, Vanderwel, and Quist
Ministering to HIV/AIDS Patients and Dying Person Part 2, Veldheer, DeYoung, Vanderwel, and Quist
Ministering to HIV/AIDS Patients and Dying Person Part 3, Veldheer, DeYoung, Vanderwel, and Quist
Ministering to the Divorced (Sectional #14), Christian Reformed Church
Minister's Cassette Service, Calvin Theological Seminary
Minister's Colloquium on Advent Preaching Part 1, John H. Stek and Andrew Bandstra
Minister's Colloquium on Advent Preaching Part 2, John H. Stek and Andrew Bandstra
Minister's Colloquium on Advent Preaching Part 3, John H. Stek and Andrew Bandstra
Minister's Colloquium on Advent Preaching Part 4, John H. Stek and Andrew Bandstra
Minister's Conference Lecture, Craig Van Gelder
Ministers' Institute: Communicating the Gospel, David A. Hubbard
Ministers' Institute: Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology: God, Christ, and Salvation, Robert B. Strimple
Ministers' Institute: Helping Hurting People Forgive-Coping with Hard Cases, Lewis Smedes
Ministers' Institute: Imagination in Preaching, Marion Snapper
Ministers' Institute: Little Foxes in the Vineyards, John J. Timmerman
Ministers' Institute: Love, Inc.-Linking Churches with People in Need, Virgil Gulker
Ministers' Institute: Science and the Christian Faith, Clarence Menninga
Ministers' Institute: Scripture- The Church and Its Authority, James DeJong
Ministers' Institute: Styles of Pastoral Leadership, Sidney Draayer
Ministers' Institute: The Pentecost, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Ministers of the Word: Priests Faithful in God's House, Arie C. Leder
Ministers' Quartet: Reunion Program, Donald Drost, Dick Walters, Louis Voskuil, and Ralph Heynen
Ministry in Culturally Diverse Areas, Richard Tobias
Ministry Resources in Community Systems, William Ipema
Ministry Through Bible Distribution, Richard Worthing-Davies
Ministry To Aids Victims, George Cooper, Harold DeJong, and Don Steenhoek
Ministry to Older People, Jane Lentis
Ministry to Older People (Part 1), Jane Lentis
Ministry to Older People (Part 2), Jane Lentis
Ministry to People with Alcohol-Related Problems, Martin Doot and Alexander De Jonge
Ministry to Persons Who Are Homosexual, Van Noord, Zandstra, Hugen, and Zandstra
Ministry to the Retiring and the Aged, Henry Holstege
Misconceptions of Islam, Worsi, Muhammed Saleh, Kemran Deradihm, Ahmed Hwadie, Debbie McGee, and McGee
Misled, Glenn Bulthuis
Missa Solemnis, Calvin College Choir
Missing The Highest, J.W. Hamilton
Missio as Confessio (2 of 3), Gary Simpson
Missio as Promisio (1 of 3), Gary Simpson
Missio as Vocatio (3 of 3), Gary Simpson
Missiological Significance of Korean Diaspora, Jung Woon Suh
Missiology Interview Part 1, John Schuringa
Missiology Interview Part 2, John Schuringa
Mission and Evangelism through Human Need, Andrew D. Macrae
Mission and Theology, Jung Woon Suh
Missionary Interview - Nigeria, Nell Smith (Breen)
Missionary Interview - Nigeria Part 2, Jennie Stielstra
Missionary Interview with Former Director of CRC Foreign and Indian Missions 1952-1975, Henry Evenhouse
Missionary Paul and his Man Agrippa, Dewey J. Hoitenga
Missionary Thinking about Religious Pluralism at Tambaram 1938: Hendrik Kraemer and His Critics, Richard Plantinga
Mission as Reconciliation: An Agenda for Mission and Theology, Tite Tienou
Mission at the Periphery: A Galilian Model, Orlanda Costas
Mission in the 21st Century, Dana Robert
Mission of the College, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Missions and the End of History, Ralph Winter
Missions at Crown Point, NM, Jack Van Bruggen and Geert Van Bruggen
Missions in China, Edward A. Van Baak
Missions in Japan, Edward A. Van Baak
Mission to Heal, Glenn Geelhoed
Mission to the World: Changing Perspectives in American Protestantism, 1910-2010, Brian Stanley
Misunderstandings in Human Communication, Julia T. Wood
Mobilizing Hope: Faith Inspired Activism for a Post-Civil Rights Generation, Adam Taylor
Models for Christian Education, Steve Bouma-Prediger, Mark Edwards, and Brian Walsh
Models for North American Economic Restoration, S. Miller and J.D. Bishop
Models, Meaning, and Metaphor, Stanley (Sietze Buning) Wiersma
Modern Architecture After Modernism, Robert A.M. Stern
Modernizing State Government, George Romney
Modern Theology, Cornelius Van Til
MOD Music for Brass, Calvin College
Molding Clay or Chiseling Stone, Marti Ensign
Monday Afternoon Worship Service, Calvin Theological Seminary
Monday Morning Worship Service, Calvin Theological Seminary
Money, Capital, and Oil, John Tiemstra
Monks and Markets: Culture, Economics, and Good Cities, Philip Bess
MOPS - Mothers of Pre-Schoolers, Frank Tillapaugh
Moral Discernment in Chaplaincy, Richard J. Mouw
Moral Ecology, Disabilities, and Human Agency, Kevin Timpe
Moral Education in the Classroom: A Lived Experiment, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Morality and Literature Part 1, James W. Ingles
Morality and Literature Part 2, James W. Ingles
Morality, Religion, Politics, Michael Perry
Moral Perspectives on Dying, Earl Grollman
Morning Devotions, Chris Heuertz
Morning Devotions, Chris Heuertz
Morning Devotions, Ralph Mattson
Morning Prayer, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Morning Prayer, Leonard Kuyvenhoven and Kathleen Smith
Morning Prayers, John Stott
Morning Prayer Service, Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee
Morning Service, Larry Harris
Morning Service, Christian Huissen
Morning Worship, Various
Morning Worship, Various
Morning Worship-Christ, our Reason for Hope, Ian Pitt-Watson
Morning Worship Service, Various
Morning Worship Service, Various
Morning Worship Service, Various
Morning Worship Service, Various
Morning Worship Service, Larry Harris
Morning Worship Service, R.C. Reynolds
Morning Worship Service with the Lord's Supper, Various
Morning Worship: Singing in Jail, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Morning Worship-The Love of Christ, Ian Pitt-Watson
Morning Worship-The Touch of Christ, Ian Pitt-Watson
Morning Worship-"Words for Now: Jesus, the Preacher at Work", Ernest Campbell
Morning Worship-"Words for Now: Where Does Your Bible Begin?", Ernest Campbell
Most Important Half of Preaching: The use of Imagery in Worship and Preaching, C.L. Bartow
Motivation in Life / Subject of Suicide, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Motivation Techniques for Director (Sectional #15), Christian Reformed Church
Motives & Models for 1980's: Metro Ministries in Housing, Carl S. Dudley
Mountain Moving Faith, Calvin Theological Seminary
Moving from Text to Subtext, Craig Barnes
Moving Toward Preaching Extemporaneously, Quentin Schultze
Multi-cultural Lecture; Kerken in Noord-Amerika 1, Calvin Theological Seminary
Multi-cultural Lecture; Kerken in Noord-Amerika 2, Calvin Theological Seminary
Multi-cultural Lecture; Kerken in Noord-Amerika 3, Calvin Theological Seminary
Multi-Ethnic Conference- Keynote Speaker and Respondents, Calvin Theological Seminary
Multi-Ethnic Conference- Keynote Speaker and Respondents 2, Calvin Theological Seminary
Multi-Ethnic Conference- Keynote Speaker and Respondents: Building Bridges, Robert Price, Juan Flores, Sandra Bunn, Jai-Sung Shim, Ath Sem, and Stanley Jim
Multi-Ethnic Service, Various
Multi-ethnic Service, Various
Multi-Ethnic Worship Service, Christian Reformed Church
Multigenerational as the Context for Ministry, Gilbert Rendle
Multi-Media Preaching: Body, Voice, Sound, Screen, Mary Hulst and Quentin Schultze
Multiple Addictions, Saturday, June 22, Don L.
Multi-Staff Ministries, Ed Dobson
Mundt Show - Polkinghorne's Book "The Faith of a Physicist", John Polkinghorne and Todd Mundt
Mundy Park Christian Fellowship 25th Anniversary, Mundy Park Christian Fellowship
Musical, FBFA
Musical Legacy of Luther, Calvin College
Music and Community, Dale Topp
Music, Emotion, and Worship: Is There Anything to Fear?, Jeremy Begbie
Music Festival, Calvin College A Capella Choir, Radio Choir, Meistersingers, Calvin College Concert Band, and Calvin College Concert Orchestra
Music for Church School, Char Larsen
Music for Winds and Voices, Calvin College Concert Band
Music From Calvin, Pilot Program
Music From Calvin #45, Calvin College Concert Band
Music From Calvin #46, Mayfair Choir and Organ
Music From Calvin #47, Orchestra Haydn Symphony Handel Concerto
Music From Calvin #48, Calvin College Concert Band
Music From Calvin #49, Scripps Trpt. Recital
Music From Calvin #50, String Orchestra Hartoc
Music From Calvin #51, Calvin College Concert Band and Calvin College Chamber Band
Music From Calvin #52, Calvin College Concert Band and Calvin College Chamber Band
Music From Calvin - Themes, Calvin College
Music in the Church, John Hamersma
Music in the Church; Questions and Answers, Calvin College
Music in the Church; Questions and Answers, Calvin College
Music in the Church; Questions and Answers, John Hamersma
Music of the Church: Toward Liturgical and Aesthetic Integrity, Emily R. Brink
Music of the Church: Toward Liturgical and Aesthetic Integrity, Emily R. Brink
Music of the Reformation Period, Noah Greenberg
Music's Mission, Linda J. Clark
Musings of D.W. Jellema, Dirk William Jellema
Muslim Community and Kingdom, David Shenk
Muslim Mission After Beirut Massacre, J. Dudley Woodberry
My Experience with Medical Missions in Africa, Jason Fader
My First White Friend: Confessions on Race, Love, and Forgiveness, Patricia Raybon
My God, My God, Why?, Dale Cooper
My Ministry to First Calgary, T.E. Hofman
My Name is Judas, Bernard Pekelder
My Name is Peter, Bernard Pekelder
My Name is Peter, Arthur DeKruyter
My Name is Thomas, Bernard Pekelder
My Name is Unknown, Bernard Pekelder
My Peace, Henry Exoo
My Servant, You are Israel-A Study in Canonical Reading (Isaiah 49), Christopher R. Seitz
Mystery Cycle: Creation 1993, Calvin College Alumni
Mystery Cycle: Creation 1994, Calvin College Alumni
Mystery Cycle: Creation Archive, Calvin College Alumni
My Story, Barbara Omolade
My Teacher: A Broken Leg, Edward Ericson
National Union of Christian Schools Interview, John Van Bruggen
Natural Childbirth Panel Discussion, Jeffrey Frank, Gretchen Zuiderveen, and Carl Brandt
Naturalism and Nature's Integrity: Providence, Evolution and the Promise of Nature, John Haught
Naturalism and Nature's Integrity: Science, Religion and Epistemology, Alvin C. Plantinga
Natural Law and Marketing Education, Maria Lai-Ling Lam
Natural Law and the Noetic Effects of Sin: The Faculty of Reason in Francis Turretin's Theological Anthropolog, Stephen J. Grabill
Natural Law and the Sciences: An Integrationist Account, Gerson Moreno-Riano
Natural Law, Political Philosophy, and the Justification of Legal Punishment, Mark C. Murphy
Natural Law, the Common Good, and the Political Order, Mark C. Murphy
Navajo Code Talkers, Everett Nienhouse
NCATE Report on Calvin College, NCATE
NCMSLC: Conference Theme, Calvin College
NCMSLC: Conference Theme Capstone, Calvin College
NCMSLC: Plenary I, Herma Williams
NCMSLC: Plenary II, Herma Williams
NCRV-TV Program on Abraham Kuyper, NCRV
Necessary Journeys - What is Wilderness and Why Should We Care?, Harsten Heuer
Necessity for Reforming the Church, W. Robert Godfrey
Necessity of Creation, Robert Grossman
Necessity of the New Birth, John R. De Witt
Needed...X-Rated Christians, Henry Velzen
Negative Theology, Hilary Putnam
Neoconstantinianism, James Dekker
Neo-Scientism, Peter J. Steen
Network, Bruce Bugbee
Networking in the Christian Academy and Beyond, Norman Klassen, Beryl Hugen, and Paul Borgman
Never a Dull Resurrection, Henry De Rooy
New Beginnings in Life, Allen Verhey
New Curriculum Interview, J.P. Hoekenga
New Dialogue Between Philosophy and Theology, Arthur Holmes
New Directions in Christian Philosophy, Kevin Corcoran, Del Ratzsch, Nicholas Wolterstorff, and Lambert Zuidervaart
New Directions in Language Teaching, Wilga Rivers
New Directions in Reformed Theology: Implications for College and Community, Ford Lewis Battles
New Era, MI CRC Centennial Service, AM, Jacob Hasper and Simon Viss
New Era, MI CRC Centennial Service, AM, Ronald J. Noorman and Jacob C. Weeda
New Era, MI CRC Centennial Service, PM, Sidney Newhouse and John A. Botting
New Era, MI CRC Centennial Service, PM, Simon Wolfert, George R. Mossel, and Richard J. VandeKieft
New Light on Early Christianity in Trans-Jordan, Bastiaan Van Elderen
Newly Relocated to NYC: A Singer-Songwriter's Experience, Rachel Zylstra
New Models and Skills, Gilbert Rendle
New Psalms and Hymns, Bert Polman
New Religious Movements in Primal Society, Harold Turner
New Roots for Agriculture, Wes Jackson
New Theology and Missions, Runia
New Urbanism 101 (Session 1), Victor Dover
New World Quartet, New World Quartet
New Worship-Another Language Change?, James D. Bratt
NICK PURDY & JOSH JACKSON, Nick Purdy and Josh Jackson
Nigeria, I Love You, Panem Percy Paul
Nimble Believing: Dickinson, Ricœur and the Conflict of Interpretations, Roger Lundin
No Doubt?, Bernard Pekelder
Nola Oppewall Interviews, William Vander Haak
No Mother Half So Mild, Dale Cooper
No Neutral Ground, Acts 12:1-9, Allen Schipper
Non Hymn-Based Organ Music, Randall Engle
Normative Objectivity and Realism, Ernest Sosa
Norm Forum - Concerned Members of the CRC, Howard Van Till and Norman De Jong
No Room in the Inn, J.W. Hamilton
North Frisian Male Chorus with the Schubert Club Male Chorus, Tape 1, North Frisian Male Chorus with the Schubert Club Male Chorus
North Frisian Male Chorus with the Schubert Club Male Chorus, Tape 2, North Frisian Male Chorus with the Schubert Club Male Chorus
Not as Orphans, Dale Cooper
Notes from the Cosmic Sea, James K.A. Smith
Notes toward a Rhetorical Aesthetics-Calvin's Theory of Exchange, Michael Vander Weele
Not Everyone That Says Unti Me Lord, Lord (Matthew 7:21-23), Albert Martin
Not for Sale Tour, David Batstone
Not Mine to Keep, Donald G. Lester, Robert Skinner, Earle Craford, Glenn Moore, Charles T. Leber, and Raymond Campbell
Not Mine To Keep, Lester Donald
Nouthetic Counseling, Jay Adams
Nuclear Energy Debate with D. Langford, Rod Bailey and D. Langford
Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Accidents, Nuclear War. Final Warning: The Legacy of Chernobyl, Robert P. Gale
Nuclear Holocaust and Christian Hope, Ronald J. Sider
Nuclear War, Henry Stob
Nuclear Winter: Snowjob or Science?, Thomas Ackerman
Nurse Pinning Ceremony, 1997 Part 1, Calvin College
Nurse Pinning Ceremony, 2005, Calvin College
Nursing Pinning Ceremony. 1997 Part 2, Calvin College
Nursing Pinning Ceremony, 2003, Calvin College
Nursing Pinning Ceremony, 2004, Calvin College
Nursing Pinning Ceremony, 2009, Cheryl Feenstra
Nursing Pinning Ceremony, 2011, Calvin College
Nurturing Faith in Youth and Young Adults, Douglas Kamstra
Nutrition and Dieting, Peter Tigchelaar
Nuts and Bolts of Church Discipline, Otha Aden
Nuturing Faith in Children, Patricia Nederveld
Nuturing Faith in Young Children (Sectional #17), Christian Reformed Church
O!, Dale Cooper
Objections to Rational Self Counselling Tape 6 of 6, Maxie Maultsby
Obtaining Goals Tape 9 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Of Covenants, Contracts & American Politics, James Skillen
Of Duchesses and Sin Eaters: The Pattern of Story, Gary Schmidt
Offended at Christmas, Bernard Pekelder
Of Windmills and Candlelight: Will We Run Out of Power?, Paolo Ribeiro
O humano do futuro-The human of Future, Derek Schuurman
Old Law, Best Constitution, Nicholas Aroney
Old Man New Man, Rolf Veenstra
Old Testament Contributions to Ecclesiology: Engaging and Extending the Insights of John Howard Yoder, John C. Nugent
Old Testament's Motivated Concern for the Underprivileged, David H. Engelhard
Old Time Religion Broadcast, Henry Exoo
Old Time Religion-Music, Old Time Religion Broadcast
On Apartheid, Allan A. Boesak
On Appointment as Officer in the Order of Oranje-Nassau, Walter Lagerway
On Being All Thing to All Men, Lavonn D. Brown
On Belonging, Henry Stob
On Christian Plilosophy in an Age of Terror, Eugene Rivers
On Christian Scholarship, Alvin C. Plantinga
One Fourth of the Nation: Catholicism and Politics in 2005, Peter Steinfels
On Elijah Cycle in 1 Kings, De Graaf
Oneness in Evangelism, E.W. Crawford, Raymon G. Campbell, S.C. Weir, R.W. Lloyd, and J.W. Hamilton
Oneness in Fellowship, Raymon G. Campbell
Oneness in Theology, J.D. Bishop
One Year Later, Donald Wilson
On Kuyper and Technology, or How a Voice From the Past Can Speak to our Digital Age, Derek Schuurman
On Letting People Die, Lewis B. Smedes
On Not Lying: Faithfulness in the Age of "Hurry Up and Matter!", David Dark
On Reading Scripture, Clayton Libolt
On Recovering a Theological Base for Pastoral Care, Ruth Tiffany Barnhouse
On the Bork Nomination, James Skillen
On the CRC and the Common Man, Earl Strikwerda
On the Eve of the Medieval: The Middle East as Starting Point and Destination, John Hockenberry
On the Genevan Psalter, Seymour Swets
On the Mountain of the Tao-Wind: An Experiment in Chinese Christian Theology, Brendan Pelphrey
On the right track? Energy use, carbon emissions, and intensities of world rail transportation, 1840–2020, Bernardo Tostes, Sofia T. Henriques, Paul E. Brockway, Matthew Kuperus Heun, Tiago Domingos, and Tânia Sousa
On the Threat of Do-It-Yourself Religion, Martin E. Marty
On Understanding Each Other, Bernard Pekelder
Opening Business Session, Nicholas Wolterstorff and Tjaart Van der Walt
Opening Convocation 1959: The Pursuit of Excellence, William Spoelhof
Opening Convocation 1966: Edify, William Spoelhof
Opening Convocation 1967: Bridge Makers, William Spoelhof
Opening Convocation 1968: Christian Power, William Spoelhof
Opening Convocation 1974: I Plight Thee My Troth, William Spoelhof
Opening Convocation 1975: An Irrevocable Trust, William Spoelhof
Opening Convocation 1976: Toward Christian Community, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1977: In Pursuit of Christian Excellence, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1978: The Cultivation of Wisdom, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1979: On Verge of Discovery, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1980: A Sense of Purpose, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1981: The Bottom Line, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1982: A More Excellent Way, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1983: Ethnocentrism, Essentials, and Excellence, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1984: On the Significance of Small Things, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1985: Toward Discerning Hearts, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1986: Demands for Discipleship, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1989: Unless a College, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1990: Dreaming Dreams-The imagination and Moral Theology, Ted Minnema
Opening Convocation 1991: What is a Christian Worldview For?, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1992: Reformed Apologetics and the Challenge of Post-Modernism, John Cooper
Opening Convocation, 1993, Calvin College
Opening Convocation 1994: Get a Life, Anthony J. Diekema
Opening Convocation 1995: Habits of the Mind, Gaylen Byker
Opening Convocation, 1996, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Opening Convocation 1998: Intellectual Love, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Opening Convocation 1999: Duty-A Light to Guide, a Rod to Check, Dale Cooper, Cornelius Plantinga Jr., and Gaylen Byker
Opening Convocation 2000: On Truthfulness as a Vocation, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Opening Convocation 2002: Celebrating the New Year-Habits of Reflection, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Opening Convocation 2003: Intellectual Courage, Gaylen Byker
Opening Convocation 2004: Academia Coram Deo, Gaylen Byker
Opening Convocation 2008: The Psalms-Near to God to Trust and Obey, Gaylen Byker
Opening Convocation 2009: Calvin Peanut Butter Cups, Mary Hulst
Opening Convocation 2010: Yes! And…, Mary Hulst
Opening Convocation 2011: Near to God-To Trust and Obey, Gaylen Byker
Opening Convocation 2012: Truth and Grace, Michael K. Le Roy
Opening Convocation 2013: Honor God in Our Learning, Michael K. Le Roy
Opening Convocation 2014, Michael K. Le Roy
Opening Convocation 2015: How Can We Know the Way?, Michael K. Le Roy
Opening Convocation 2016: Discernment in a Disrupted Age, Michael K. Le Roy
Opening Convocation 2017: Christ's Agents of Renewal Reflecting God's Glory, Michael K. Le Roy
Opening Convocation 2018: While You Walk Along, Michael K. Le Roy
Opening Convocation 2019: The Next Chapter, Michael K. Le Roy
Opening Convocation 2020: Destination-Love and Good Deeds, Michael K. Le Roy
Opening Convocation 2021: Humility First, Second, and Third, Michael K. Le Roy
Opening Convocation 2022: Educational Framework, Nain Miranda, Amber Warners, Sean Sword, and Eric Washington
Opening Convocation 2023, Wiebe Boer, Noah Toly, Irene Kraegel, Adejoke Ayoola, Bear de Boo, Jesús Delgado, and Mary Hulst
Opening Remarks and First Plenary Session, Carl Daw, Holtrop, and Juel
Opening Session, Calvin College
Opening Session: Our Son Has AIDS, Peter Medenblik and Grace Medenblik
Opening the Field, R.D. Sytsma
Opening Worship, Scott Hoezee
Opening Worship, Scott Hoezee
Opening Worship and Plenary Sessions, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Opening Worship in the Chapel, David Davis
Opening Worship Service, ICCR Congress
Opening Worship Service, Calvin College
Opening Worship Service. Fifth Quadrennial International Congress on Calvin Research, Calvin College
Opening Worship Service. REC, Calvin Theological Seminary
Opera Workshop Interim Performance, Tape 1, Calvin College
Opera Workshop Interim Performance, Tape 2, Calvin College
Opportunities in Prison Chaplaincy, John Lamsma
Ordination of Women: Probing the Hermeneutical Question, Albert Wolters
O Rest in the Lord, Helene Hekman Gezon and Calvin College Oratorio Society
Organ-Chamber Orchestra, Organ-Chamber Orchestra
Organizing for Evangelism, Salem Avenue Church
Organ Music for Holy Week, Judy Congdon, Robert Glick, and Bradley Welch
Organ Repertoire on Psalter Hymnal Tunes, Joan Ringerwole
Our Change of Masters, C.H. Spurgeon
Our Christian Heritage - Past, Gerard VanGroningen
Our Christian Heritage - Present, Gerard VanGraningen
Our Daily Bread, Uko Zylstra
Our Everyday Speech and the Impression We Make, William Beeners
Our Father-Mother In Heaven: Inclusive Language for God, John Cooper
Our Father Who Art in Heaven: Prayer and the People in Calvin's Geneva, Thomas A. Lambert
Our Father Who Art in Hell: Jonestown Discussion, National Public Radio
Our Father Who Art in Hell: Jonestown Presentation, National Public Radio
Our Friend Peter, Marie Post
Our God Reigns, Jack DeVos and Rosemary DeVos
Our National Beatitude Christ's Cup and Ours, Arthur DeKruyter
Our New Post Civil Rights Reality: A Christian Perspective, Eugene Rivers
Our Only Comfort, Jerry Pott
Our Peculiarities---Shall we Preserve Them?, Herbert J. Brinks
Our Union With Christ, David Schelhaas, Jerelyn Schelhaas, Carl Stam, Roger Lueders, Dan Jongewaard, Sonja Brue, Horace Boyer, Jorge Lockward, Nancy Meendering, Marva Dawn, David Cherwien, Kevin Soodsma, Ben McCullough, and Sean Covington
Our Unity, David Holwerda
Out of the Sex Industry-The Story of Anny Donewald and Eve's Angels, Anny Donewald
Overcoming Challenges to Racial and Ethnic Diversity, Gerardo Marti
Overcoming the Fear of Failure Tape 3 of 6, Maxie Maultsby
Over the Rhine, Over the Rhine
Owen on the Holy Spirit, Part 2: Ministry of the Spirit in the Life of the Believer, Sinclair Ferguson
Owned or on it's own (Sectional #18), Christian Reformed Church
Owning Our Own Stories, Lewis B. Smedes
Own Your Education, John Hare
P2P Tutoring Lecture, Calvin College
Pacifism, Henry Stob and Dewey J. Hoitenga
Pageant Music, Calvin College Orchestra
Palestinian Refugees, Humanitarian Assistance, and Creataive Peace-Building, Alain Weaver
Panel Discussion, Herman Ridderbos, Elaine Botha, and Nicholas Wolterstorff
Panel Discussion, John F. Walvoord and Philip Edgecumbe Hughes
Panel Discussion, John H. Kromminga, Edward Kenosquip, Jack De Groat, James Gilbert Cannon, Jocito, and Fernando Aviles
Panel Discussion-Achtemeier, Brueggemann, Froehlich, Miller, Patton, Elizabeth Achtemeier, Walter Brueggemann, Karlfried Froehlich, Patrick D. Miller Jr., and John Patton
Panel Discussion-Assessing the State of Christian Scholarship, Joel Carpenter, L. DeAne Lagerquist, Richard J. Mouw, and Alan Wolfe
Panel Discussion of Sermons, Arie Leder, Willem A.M. Beuken, John N. Oswalt, Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Jack Roeda, and Christopher R. Seitz
Panel Discussion on Church Art Galleries, Elizabeth Steele Halstead and Makoto Fujimura
Panel Discussion On Preaching and Culture, Timothy Brown, Derrick Lewis Noble, and Brian P. Bosscher
Panel Discussion on Ridderbos' Lecture of 4/17/75, Cook, Richard Oudersluys, Herman Ridderbos, and VanElderen
Panel Discussion on The Christian and Social Responsibility, Karen DeVos, Gerald Vandezande, Ronald J. Slider, and Leonard Verduin
Panel Discussion--Plenary and break-out speakers, Various
Panel Discussions, Bradley Stenberg, Joe Lamigo, David Strabers, Bassam Madany, and Kennedy Smart
Panel Discussions on CRC Synod, William Haverkamp, Koster, Melvin Hugen, and Henry Stob
Panel Discussion- Themes from the book, Searching for home, Ronald J. Nydam and Calvin Theological Seminary
Panel Discussion with Calvin College Faculty, David Fuentes, David Laverell, Steve Matheson, and Ellen Van't Hof
Panel Response to Lecture on Reformed Worship, Wayne Brouwer, Carl Kromminga, John Suk, John H. Stek, and Nicholas Wolterstorff
Parenting for Partnership, Colette De Nooyer
Passages in the Pastorate, Robert deVries, Louis M. Tamminga, and Lugene (Arch) A. Bazuin
Paste: Signs of Life, Nick Purdy and Josh Jackson
Pastoral Care and Shame, John Patton
Pastoral Care: Coming along side our churches, Dirk Evans
Pastoral Care: Coming along side ourselves, Dirk Evans
Pastoral Care of the Retarded and their Families, Krystene Antvelink and Dottie Wiersma
Pastoral Concerns for Homosexuals, Ted Minnema
Pastoral Imagination in the School of Christ, John Bolt
Pastoral Leadership in Conflict, Melvin Hugen
Pastoral Leadership Strategies, Melvin Hugen
Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy, Joseph M. Breitenbeck
Pastoral Letter on the Nuclear Arms Race, Thomas J. Gumbleton
Pastoral Renewal, Henry Wildeboer
Pastoral Tasks as Theological Occasions, Wallace M. Alston
Pastoring the Homosexual, Melvin Hugen
Pastoring Toward the Partnership Church and 1992, Ruth Hoffman and Melvin Hugen
Pastors and Wives Fellowship, Robert Anderson
Pastor's Wife-The Myths and Models, Mirth Vos
Pathologies of Power: Rethinking Health and Human Rights in the Global Era, Paul Farmer
Paul Rorem Discussion: A Review of "Eight Years of Calvin Research", Richard C. Gamble
Paul's Call on the Damascus Road: Galatians 1:10-17, N.T. Wright
Paul's Prayer of Thanksgiving, T.E. Hofman
Paul the Missionary, William Hendriksen
Peacemakers Crying for Justice, Gordon Negen
Peace Surpassing All Our Dreams; A Sermon for Children, Peter Van Elderen and Seymour Van Dyken
Pedagogical Rhythms: Practices and Reflections on Practices. In Smith James K. A. & Smith David (eds.), Teaching, Learning, and Christian Practice, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Pella and its People - the First Seventy-eight Years, Richard L. Doyle
Pella, IA First CRC Psalm Sing, Christian Reformed Church
Pentecost, Dale Cooper
Pentecost, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
People are Dying: The Politics of AIDS in Africa, Amy Patterson
People Movements, Donald A. McGavran
Performance of Beethoven's 9th, Grand Rapids Symphony
Perplexities of Abortion, Wayne E. Oates
Persistent Problems Confronting Bible Translators, Bruce Metzger
Personal Account of Captivity in Iran, Kathryn Koob
Personal Commitments and Professional Ethics, Farley
Personal Devotions, Nelle VanderArk
Personal Identity: Postmodern or Transmodern?, Jim Norwine
Personal Religion; If With All Your Hearts, James Daane
Personal Spirituality, Organized Religion & Public Life in the Pacific Northwest, Patricia O'Connell Killen
Personhood and the Perception of Truth in the Age of AI, Derek Schuurman
Perspectivalism and Christian Knowledge, Merold Westphal
Perspectives 2, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives 3, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives April 10, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives April 19, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives December 17, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives December 19, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives December 3, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives December 5, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives February 11, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives February 13, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives February 20, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives February 22, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives February 27, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives February 4, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives February 6, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives for Advance, John H. Kromminga
Perspectives July 17, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives March 11, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives March 15, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives March 4, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives March 8, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives May 8, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives November 12, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives November 19, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives November 21, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives November 26, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives November 28, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives November 7, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives October 10, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives October 15, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives October 17, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives October 29, William Harry Jellema
Perspectives on Ecumenism, Phillip Sigal
Perspectives on the Slums of Nairobi, Kenya: What is the Role of the Churches?, Christine Bodewes
Perspectives on Urban Church Typologies, Yoshio Fukuyama
Persuasion and Public Theology, James K.A. Smith
Persuasion in Calvin's Theology, E. David Willis
Peter De Vries Speech, Peter De Vries
Petrouchka Stravinsky, Igor Stravinsky
Petrouchka Stravinsky, Igor Stravinsky and .
Petrouchka Stravinsky, Igor Stravinsky and .
Pew View, Egbert (ER) R. Post
Philobiblon, Lester R. DeKoster
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 1, Evan Runner
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 10, Evan Runner
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 11, Evan Runner
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 12, Evan Runner
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 13, Evan Runner
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 2, Evan Runner
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 3, Evan Runner
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 4, Evan Runner
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 5, Evan Runner
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 6, Evan Runner
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 7, Evan Runner
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 8, Evan Runner
Philosophical Prolegomena Part 9, Evan Runner
Philosophy of Ministry: A Study on the Church, John Oak
Physical Healing, Len VanderZee
Pilgrims of Christ on the Muslim Road: Exploring a New Path Between Two Faiths, Paul-Gordon Chandler
Pilgrims of Christ on the Muslim Road: Exploring a New Path Between Two Faiths, Paul-Gordon Chandler
Pilgrims on Planet Hollywood-Christian Scholarship and Popular Culture, Rodney Clapp and Robert Johnston
Pilgrim's Progress, Henry Bast
Pipes Alive! Illuminating the Text, Arousing the Heart, Mark Brombaugh
Pippert-Friday; Where Do We Go From Here?, Rebecca M. Pippert
Pippert-Thursday; Response, God's and Ours, Rebecca M. Pippert
Pippert-Tuesday, Rebecca M. Pippert
Pippert-Wednesday; If I'm So New, Why Do I Feel So Old?, Rebecca M. Pippert
Place of Van Hinte in Dutch Immigrant History; Language, Religion, and the Printing Press: The Dutch American, Robert Swierenga and Hendrik Edelman
Plain Sense and the Word of God, Clayton Libolt
Plain Sense and the Word of God-Panel Discussion, Clayton Libolt, Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Barry Bandstra, William T. Koopmans, Paul Ingeneri, and Bastiaan Van Elderen
Plaisier Family Story, Plaisier Family
Planning and Leading Worship as a Pastoral Task, John D. Witvliet
Planning a Service By Committee, Claudia Beversluis
Planning a Service by Liturgy, Roy Hopp
Planning for Y2K: Preparing Yourself, Your Church, Your Community, Steven VanderLeest
Playing God: Creativity and Cultural Power, Andy Crouch
Please Help Me- I Want To See (Sectional #19), Christian Reformed Church
Plenary, Calvin Theological Seminary
Plenary #2, Peter Okaalet
Plenary #2: Edward Cardoza, Edward Cardoza
Plenary #3, Roy Berkenbosch
Plenary #3: Ernso Jean Louis, Ernso Jean Louis
Plenary #4, Celestin Musekura
Plenary #4: Luis Noda, Luis Noda
Plenary #5, Augusto De La Torre
Plenary #5: Panel Discussion, Andy Ryskamp, Luis Noda, and Edward Cardoza
Plenary #6, Linda Robelo
Plenary #7, Celestin Musekura
Plenary Discussion Following Larry Arnhart and John Hare, Larry Arnhart and John E. Hare
Plenary Session, Robert Webber
Plenary Session, Emily Brink
Plenary Session, John Bell
Plenary Session, John Bell
Plenary Session 1, Peggy Wan and David Augsburger
Plenary Session 1: America's Families, Henry Holstege
Plenary Session 1: Why Marriage Matters-The Community's Stake in Marriage, Linda J. Waite
Plenary Session 2, Peggy Wan and David Augsburger
Plenary Session 2: Fatherless America, David Blankenhorn
Plenary Session 2: The Divorce Culture and the Next Generation, Barbara Defoe Whitehead
Plenary Session 3: Marriage and Moral Responsibility, William J. Doherty
Plenary Session 3: Women and Families, Sidney Callahan
Plenary Session 4: Children and Youth, Alan C. Page
Plenary Session 5: Church and Family, David M. Larson
Plenary Session 6: Supporting Families, Kay Coles James
Plenary Session I, Marva Dawn
Plenary session II, John D. Witvliet
Plenary Session III, Marva Dawn
Plenary Session & Response; Session IV: Law, Morality, & Culture, Johann Van der Vyver
Pluralism-A Defense of Religious Exclusivism, Alvin C. Plantinga
Poetic Justice, Amanda Armour
Poetry and Pentecost: In Every Voice a Story, David Dark
Polis and Natural Law: The Moral Authority of the Urban Transect, Philip Bess
Political, Cultural, and Spiritual State of the Union, Cal Thomas
Political Discourse and the Task of Government-Nurturing Christian Citizens and Public Servants, Paul DeWeese and James Skillen
Political Lifestyle of Jesus, Paul Henry
Political Roles of Evangelicals in Mexican Democracy from 1991 to the 2006 Presidential Elections, Mariano Avila
Politics and Evangelism in Central America, Paul Bergsma
Politics of Rapture: The Social Network of Premillenialist Websites, Paula Booke
Polity, Henry De Moor
Polity 2, Henry De Moor
Polls, the Mass Media, and American Politics, Walter De Vries
Popular Ecumenism at the Grass Roots Level from a Roman Catholic, James F. Fisher
Popular Resistance in Palestine: A History of Hope and Empowerment, Mazin Qumsiyeh
Population Issues, Rodger Rice
Population: Programs and Policy, Rodger Rice
Postcard, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Postmodernism-Opportunities and Dangers, Peter Kreeft
Postmodernism, Worship, and Evangelism, James K.A. Smith
Post-Modern Philosophy and Christian Faith, Merold Westphal
Postponing Discipleship, Bernard Pekelder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and its Effects on Soldiers Coming Home, Brandon Lyon
Post-Western Christian Resurgence: Too Much, Too Early?, Lamin Sanneh
Power and Economics, Gerald Vandezande
Power vs. Justice: Growing Crisis in World Politics, James Skillen
Practicing Hope, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Praise and Worship, Calvin College
Praise and Worship/ Evangelism (Sectional #20), Christian Reformed Church
Praise Him with Organ, Various
Prayer and Imagination, Gladys Verhulst
Prayer and the Family, Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen, Anita DeBoer, Dottie Vanderpool, Claudia Beversluis, and Barbara Carvill
Prayer and Worship, Patrick D. Miller Jr.
Prayer in the Life of a Third Millennium Monastery: What We're Learning, Jenn Tendero and Tony Tendero
Prayer & Preparation for Expository Preaching, Stephen W. Brown
Prayer Service Commemorating the Baptism of Jesus, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Prayer Service for Synod, Hofman
Praying for Shalom in the Psalms, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Praying to Our Father, Paul Bremer
Preachers and Their Voices, Christian Helmus
Preaching, Sidney Greidanus
Preaching 1 Peter, Dennis R. Edwards
Preaching 2, Sidney Greidanus
Preaching and Ethics, William H. Willimon
Preaching and Teaching from Romans: All Israel's and the Church's Task, N.T. Wright
Preaching and Teaching from Romans: God's Gospel, God's Son, God's Righteousness, N.T. Wright
Preaching and Teaching from Romans: New Exodus, New Creation, New Humanity, N.T. Wright
Preaching Apocalyptic? You've Got to be Kidding!, Gordon D. Fee
Preaching as Celebration, Frank Thomas
Preaching as Teaching and Proclamation, Paul Scott Wilson
Preaching Christ from the Gospels, Anthony Carter
Preaching Christ-How Sermons Grow, Ian Pitt-Watson
Preaching: Eternal Verities-Contemporary Insanities, Joel Nederhood
Preaching for Fun & Profit, Joel Nederhood
Preaching from the Books of Samuel, Stanley Walters
Preaching from the Books of Samuel Part 2, Stanley Walters
Preaching Helps, Elizabeth Achtemeier
Preaching in a Postmodern Culture, Mary Hulst, Scott Hoezee, Michael Quicke, Tod Bolsinger, and Thomas Long
Preaching Interview, Ralph L. Lewis
Preaching Interview, Jay Kesler
Preaching Interview, Richard C. Halverson
Preaching Interview, John Guest
Preaching in the Modern Society, Haddon Robinson
Preaching in the Power of the Spirit (with a Global-South Twist), David Beelen, Leopoldo Sánchez, and Scott Hoezee
Preaching in the Spirit, Albert Martin
Preaching Luke 15, Timothy Brown
Preaching Old Testament Apocalyptic to a New Testament Church, Daniel I. Block
Preaching on the Apocalypse, Andrew Bandstra
Preaching Prophecy Today-Amillenial Position, Philip Edgecumbe Hughes
Preaching Prophecy Today-Premillenial Position, John F. Walvoord
Preaching Sin Gracefully, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Preaching Sin Gracefully, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Preaching the Moral Message of the Bible, Lewis B. Smedes
Preaching the Song of Praise and Lament, Elizabeth Achtemeier
Preaching Through the Revelation-A Workshop, Gordon D. Fee
Preaching to Believers, John Ortberg
Preaching to Expose the Principalities and Powers, Marva Dawn
Preaching to Listeners Who Do Not Remember, Fred Craddock
Preaching to Listeners Who Remember, Fred Craddock
Preaching to Pagans, William H. Willimon
Preaching to Unbelievers, John Ortberg
Preferences for Workers? Worker Rights and the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, Kimberly Ann Elliot and John Wassenaar
Preliminary Activities, R.D. Sytsma
Premilenialism and Social Pessimism, Vernon Grounds
Preparation for Dialogue with Marxists: The Doctrine Concerning the State in Power, J. Verkuyl
Preparation for Dialogue with Marxists: The Issue of Atheism, J. Verkuyl
Preparation for Dialogue with Marxists: The View of Man in Marxism/Leninism, J Verkuyl
Preparing the Preacher, Stuart Briscoe
Prerequisites for Genuine Obedience, Walter Brueggemann
Presentation and Overview of Sigler's Art from 1971-1984, Hollis Sigler
Presentation Covenant Children Partaking of Lord's Supper, Carl Zylstra and A. Helder
Present Trends in Mission in India Today, Sundar Clarke
Presidents in Trouble: What Does History Tell Us?, Michael Beschloss
Press Conference in Calvin College Band Room, William Milliken
Press Conference - William Sullivan, US Ambassador to Iran, William Sullivan
Price Controls, Marvin Kosters
Primal Abortions: Simple and Repetitive, E.Y. Postma
Primal Religions as Substructure of Christianity, Gillian Bediako
Princeton Christian Reformed Church Worship Conference Part 1, John D. Witvliet
Princeton Christian Reformed Church Worship Conference Part 2, John D. Witvliet
Principals and Practice of Exegesis, William Hendriksen
Principals and Principles: Organ Building for Christian Congergations, John Boody, Quentin J. Faulkner, Eileen Guenther, James F. Kay, and Porter
Principios de la exposición bíblica, Mariano Ávila Arteaga
Principle and Practice, Henry Stob
Principles in Biblical Evangelism Part 1, Iain Murray
Principles in Biblical Evangelism Part 2, Iain Murray
Principles in Biblical Evangelism Part 3, Iain Murray
Principles of Justice, Jean Porter
Prism 1952, Calvin College
Prism 1953, Calvin College
Prism 1954, Calvin College