Content Posted in 2024
125th Anniversary Celebration of the CRC, Lester R. DeKoster and Gerard Van Groningen
125th CRC Anniversary: Debate, Gordon Spykman and Lester R. DeKoster
125th CRC Anniversary: Panel Discussion, James DeJong, Fred H. Klooster, John R. Sittema, and Tuininga
125th CRC Anniversary: The Perennial Question, An Anniversary Answer, John Primus
125 Years at Calvin Theological Seminary--Impact on the Christian Reformed Church and the World, Henry Zwaanstra
125 Years at Calvin Theological Seminary--The Faculty, Richard (Dick) Harms
125 Years at Calvin Theological Seminary--The Students, James A. DeJong
1,400 Sermons Later: Reflections On The Preacher's Craft, Howard Edington
150 jaar Holland/Zeeland, Calvin Theological Seminary
150th Anniversary of the CRC: Assessing the Past - Anticipating the Future, Richard Mouw
150th Anniversary of the CRC: Family, Church and Society in the 21st Century, Bertha Mook
150th Anniversary of the CRC: From One Generation to Another, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
150th Anniversary of the CRC: Humor in the Faces of the CRC and What About a Bicentennial?, Mary Jane Pories and James C. Schaap
150th Anniversary of the CRC: I was Glad...A Call to Worship; Worship in the CRC: Toward a Sanctifying Set of Questions for Use Back Home, Laura Carpenter, Gordon Pols, Jack Roeda, Rick Williams, and John D. Witvliet
150th Anniversary of the CRC: Reformed Faith and the Global Church, Setri Nyomi
150th Anniversary of the CRC: Two Voices on the Future, Tim Blackmon
16th and 17th Century Music, Calvin College
1940's at Calvin, Richard Tiemersma
1953 Reunion Service and Medallion Ceremony, Various
1968 Middle East Tour Banquet Program, Dick L. Van Halsema
1979 COLAM Brochure, COLAM Committee
1983 COLAM Brochure, COLAM Committee
1991 COLAM Brochure, COLAM Committee
1995 COLAM Program Book, COLAM Committee
1999 COLAM Program Book, COLAM Committee
19th Century Mind, George Mish Marsden
19th Century Mind, George Mish Marsden
2001 COLAM Program Book, COLAM Committee
2004 Fall ENGR333 Final Report on Co-Generation (Section A), Matt DeKam, Chris Wiesehan, Jason Flietstra, Jeremy Hanson, Brian Katerberg, Kevin Palmer, Aaron Svacha, Aaron Buys, Josh Blocker, Matt Vredevoogd, Andrew Huisjen, Thomas Totoe, Andy VanderMoren, and Chris VanRoekel
2004 Fall ENGR333 Final Report on Wind Generation (Section B), Terry Austen, Kristin De Groot, Matt Ooms, Andy Van Noord, Kurt Koubal, Dan Kuiper, Andy Wermel, Ryan DeWall, Eddie Lucas, and Dawn Svenkeson
2004 Fall Student Seminar, Matt DeKam, Chris Wiesehan, Jason Flietstra, Jeremy Hanson, Brian Katerberg, Kevin Palmer, Aaron Svacha, Aaron Buys, Josh Blocker, Matt Vredevoogd, Andrew Huisjen, Thomas Totoe, Andy VanderMoren, Chris VanRoekel, Terry Austen, Kristin De Groot, Matt Ooms, Andy Van Noord, Kurt Koubal, Dan Kuiper, Andy Wermel, Ryan DeWall, Eddie Lucas, and Dawn Svenkeson
2005 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2006 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2006 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report, 2006 Fall ENGR333
2006 Fall ENGR333 Project Posters, 2006 Fall ENGR333
2007 ENGR333/BIOL354 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2007 Fall ENGR333/BIOL354 Project Final Report, 2007 Fall ENGR333 and 2007 Fall BIOL354
2007 Fall ENGR333/BIOL354 Project Footprint Poster, 2007 Fall ENGR333 and 2007 Fall BIOL354
2007 Fall ENGR333/BIOL354 Project Solutions Poster, 2007 Fall ENGR333 and 2007 Fall BIOL354
2008 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2008 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report, 2008 Fall ENGR333
2009 Postcard, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
2009 Worship Booklet, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
2010 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2010 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report, 2010 Fall ENGR333
2010 Spring ENGR333 Poster 1, Eric Ledy, Rachel Jelgerhuis, Jasper Gondhi, Michael Gondhi, Steve Brink, John Mantel, Kyle Harvey, Jim VenLeeuwen, Jacob Speelman, Mitch Brummel, Tyler Van Dongen, Nathan Van Heukelum, Lynette Hromada, Jen Meneely, Matthew Brouwer, Marc Eberlein, Steve DeMaagd, Tim Opperwall, Andrew DeJong, Joel Love, Alex Boelkins, Amanda Hollinger, Betsy Huyser, Jason Dornbos, Jason Handlogten, Justin Karsten, and Matt Milan
2010 Spring ENGR333 Poster 2, Eric Ledy, Rachel Jelgerhuis, Jasper Gondhi, Michael Gondhi, Steve Brink, John Mantel, Kyle Harvey, Jim VanLeeuwen, Jacob Speelman, Mitch Brummel, Tyler Van Dongen, Nathan Van Heukelum, Lynette Hromada, Jen Meneely, Matthew Brouwer, Marc Eberlein, Steve DeMaagd, Tim Opperwall, Andrew DeJong, Joel Love, Alex Boelkins, Amanda Hollinger, Betsy Huyser, Jason Dornbos, Jason Handlogten, Justin Karsten, and Matt Milan
2010 Spring ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2010 Spring ENGR333 Project Final Report, Eric Ledy, Rachel Jelgerhuis, Jasper Gondhi, Michael Gondhi, Steve Brink, John Mantel, Kyle Harvey, Jim VanLeeuwen, Jacob Speelman, Mitch Brummel, Tyler Van Dongen, Nathan Van Heukelum, Lynette Hromada, Jen Meneely, Matthew Brouwer, Marc Eberlein, Steve DeMaagd, Tim Opperwall, Andrew DeJong, Joel Love, Alex Boelkins, Amanda Hollinger, Betsy Huyser, Jason Dornbos, Jason Handlogten, Justin Karsten, and Matt Milan
2010 Spring ENGR333 Project Seminar Presentation, Eric Ledy, Rachel Jelgerhuis, Jasper Gondhi, Michael Gondhi, Steve Brink, John Mantel, Kyle Harvey, Jim VanLeeuwen, Jacob Speelman, Mitch Brummel, Tyler Van Dongen, Nathan Van Heukelum, Lynette Hromada, Jen Meneely, Matthew Brouwer, Marc Eberlein, Steve DeMaagd, Tim Opperwall, Andrew DeJong, Joel Love, Alex Boelkins, Amanda Hollinger, Betsy Huyser, Jason Dornbos, Jason Handlogten, Justin Karsten, and Matt Milan
2011 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2011 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report, Fall 2011 ENGR333
2011 Fall ENGR333 Student Seminar Presentation, 2011 Fall ENGR333
2012 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2012 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report, 2012 Fall ENGR333
2012 Fall ENGR333 Student Seminar Presentation, 2012 Fall ENGR333
2013 Fall ENGR333 Fuel and Facilities Poster, 2013 Fall ENGR333
2013 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2013 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report, 2013 Fall ENGR333
2013 Fall ENGR333 Student Seminar Presentation, Claire Philippi, Karl Bratt, Mike Houtman, and Brandon Koster
2013 Fall ENGR333 Vehicle Poster, 2013 Fall ENGR333
2014 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2014 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report, John Sherwood, Jonathan Crow, Nicolaas Ourensma, Zak DeVries, Andy Frandsen, Jack Kregel, Ryan Rhodes, Connor VanDongen, Schieffer Kwong, Jee Myung Kim, Matthew DeYoung, Jeff DeMaagd, Tyler DeVries, Doug Faber, Garrick Hershberger, Jake DeRooy, Dustin Brouwer, David Evenhouse, Patrick Anderson, Thomas Brown, Ed Smit, Joel Smith, Thane Symens, Kaitlyn Weinstein, Seth Koetje, Nick Memmelaar, Austin Juza, Matt Ramaker, Ryan DeMeester, Jordan Newhof, Wes Richards, and Josh VanderByl
2014 Fall ENGR333 Student Seminar Presentation, John Sherwood, Jonathan Crow, Nicolaas Ourensma, Zak DeVries, Andy Frandsen, Jack Kregel, Ryan Rhodes, Connor VanDongen, Schieffer Kwong, Jee Myung Kim, Matthew DeYoung, Jeff DeMaagd, Tyler DeVries, Doug Faber, Garrick Hershberger, Jake DeRooy, Dustin Brouwer, David Evenhouse, Patrick Anderson, Thomas Brown, Ed Smit, Joel Smith, Thane Symens, Kaitlyn Weinstein, Seth Koetje, Nick Memmelaar, Austin Juza, Matt Ramaker, Ryan DeMeester, Jordan Newhof, Wes Richards, and Josh VanderByl
2015 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2015 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report, Zach Carney, Vicent Rovedatti, Caleb Meindertsma, Daniel DeVries, Tobin Tarantowski, Hanfei Niu, Kemal Talen, Ayo Ayoola, Dalton Veurink, Mitch DuBois, Jacob Milhorn, Joseph Cha, Andrew Bouma, Lance Jensen, Se Ge Jung, J. Alex Karr, Stephen Lander, Justin Cooper, Zach Veenstra, Ross Tenney, and Phil Van Strien
2015 Fall ENGR333 Student Seminar Presentation, Justin Cooper, Ross Tenney, Philip Van Strien, Zach Veenstra, Ayo Ayoola, Hanfei Niu, Kemal Talen, Dalton Veurink, Lance Jensen, Se Ge Jung, Alex Karr, Stephen Lander, Andrew Bouma, Joseph Cha, Mitch DuBois, Jacob Milhorn, Caleb Meindertsma, Dan DeVries, Tobin Tarantowski, Zach Carney, and Vincent Rovedatti
2017 Fall ENGR333 Poster (Section A), Trevor Nyeholt, Francis Kapesa, Justin Thalmayer, Erik Karlson, Kyle van Veen, Kirk Brink, Steven Tarske, Brent Homan, Nathan de Haan, Paul Bootsma, Megan Anders, Philip Holmes, Melanie Fox, Noah Pirrotta, Abigail Berkompas, Ben Wellman, Halley Press, Christopher Greaves, Josh Templeman, Tim Bosch, Jake Zandstra, and Hendrik Vermeulen
2017 Fall ENGR333 Poster (Section B), Eric Ball, Mitchell DeBruin, Raymond Kolocek, Edwin Kpodzro, Jacob VandeKieft, Nate Anderson, Brennan Steenhoek, Darbi Meyer, Derek Vermerris, Jessica Bouma, Devon Loerop, Reuben Saarloos, Richard Amoh, Matthew Boelens, Tyson Butler, Laura van Winkle, Alex Keizer, Kwame Ohemeng, Cameron Richman, and Julie Van De Riet
2017 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2017 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report (Section A), Trevor Nyeholt, Francis Kapesa, Justin Thalmayer, Erik Karlson, Kyle van Veen, Kirk Brink, Steven Tarske, Brent Homan, Nathan de Haan, Paul Bootsma, Megan Anders, Philip Holmes, Melanie Fox, Noah Pirrotta, Abigail Berkompas, Ben Wellman, Halley Press, Christopher Greaves, Josh Templeman, Tim Bosch, Jake Zandstra, and Hendrik Vermeulen
2017 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report (Section B), Eric Ball, Mitchell DeBruin, Raymond Kolocek, Edwin Kpodzro, Jacob VandeKieft, Nate Anderson, Brennan Steenhoek, Darbi Meyer, Derek Vermerris, Jessica Bouma, Devon Loerop, Reuben Saarloos, Richmond Amoh, Matthew Boelens, Tyson Butler, Laura Van Winkle, Alex Keizer, Kwame Ohemeng, Cameron Richman, and Julie Van De Riet
2017 Fall ENGR333 Seminar Preservation, Trevor Nyeholt, Erik Karlson, Cam Richman, and Tyson Butler
2017 Spring ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2017 Spring ENGR333 Project Final Report (Section A), Devin Auld, Scott Bokach, Joshua Bronner, Alex Meador, Ryan Hoek, Robert Lanser, Matthew Lenko, Elliot Slenk, Brendan Biesboer, Kyle Mailhot, Nate Zylstra, Jonah Engel, Rich Floro, Björn Krebs, Ethan Postmus, Cameron Bell, Caleb Bieske, Chris Griffin, Bernice Portugal, Ryan Beezhold, Dillon Carhuff, Ian McClaskie, Jared VanderKlay, Rounak Chatterjee, Toby Dalla Santa, Jenny Haney, Joel Hoskins, and Caleb Senyshyn
2017 Spring ENGR333 Project Final Report (Section B), Daniel Dick, Nathan Swaim, Jonathan Sager, Ellen Reidy, Jordan Swets, Joel Van Dyke, Connor Macdonald, Josiah Markvluwer, Justin Rohlicek, John Lee, Zach Mouw, Daniel Wharton, Sam Hanover, Jay Noyola, Adam Christenson, Scott Stamper, Aaron Tucker, Bethany Waanders, Joel Schaefer, Maddie Collins, Matthew Cok, Philip Kim, and Steve Vanden Berg
2017 Spring ENGR333 Seminar Presentation, Jonah Engel, Rich Floro, Björn Krebs, Ethan Postmus, Brendan Biesboer, Kyle Mailhot, Nate Zylstra, Ryan Beezhold, Dillon Carhuff, Ian McClaskie, Jared VanderKlay, Rounak Chatterjee, Toby Dalla Santa, Jennifer Haney, Joel Hoskins, Caleb Senyshyn, Alex Meador, Scott Bokach, Devin Auld, Joshua Bronner, Elliot Slenk, Matthew Lenko, Robert Lanser, Ryan Hoek, Cameron Bell, Caleb Bieske, Chris Griffin, Bernice Portugal, Sam Hanover, Dan Wharton, Jay Noyola, Zachary Mouw, John Lee, Daniel Dick, Jonathan Sager, Nathan Swaim, Ellen Reidy, Jordan Swets, Joel Van Dyke, Connor Macdonald, Josiah Markvluwer, Justin Rohlicek, Adam Christensen, Scott Stamper, Aaron Tucker, Bethany Waanders, Joel Schaefer, Maddie Collins, Matthew Cok, Philip Kim, and Steve Vanden Berg
2018 Fall ENGR333 Poster, Alexander Cooper, Katie Diekema, Grace Fasipe, Daniella Sugijanto, Alec DeJonge, Timothy Dykhuis, Breanna Kooiman, Samuel Olson, Brennan Boice, Tyler Gustman, Daniel Norton, Christopher VanWhye, Robert Capozzoli, Jared Minderhoud, Clark Richeson, Nathan Schuyten, and 2018 Fall ENGR333 Section A
2018 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2018 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report (Section A), 2018 Fall ENGR333 Section A
2018 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report (Section B), Alexander Cooper, Katie Diekema, Grace Fasipe, Daniella Sugijanto, Alec DeJonge, Timothy Dykhuis, Breanna Kooiman, Samuel Olson, Brennan Boice, Tyler Gustman, Daniel Norton, Christopher VanWhye, Robert Capozzoli, Jared Minderhoud, Clark Richeson, and Nathan Schuyten
2018 Fall ENGR333 Seminar Presentation, Rachel Evans, Alex Gross, Daniella Sugijanto, and Jake Shaarda
2019 Fall ENGR333 Poster, Megan Black, Evan Block, Jacob Deysher, Zach Erickson, Peter Atma, John Macy, Paul Steenwyk, Justin Skaggs, Justin Eekhoff, Adam Marquardt, Alan Samdel, Nathan Van Wyhe, Zach Ashenfelter, Brett Ermer, Clayton Lockwood, Ryan Schierbeek, Andrew Zerull, Matthew Buist, Hannah Chilkiewicz, Nathan Hall, Holly Straup, Ivy Chipinda, Andrew Huston, Peter Oh, Tony Vander Ploeg, Josh Hallenbeck, Cameron Ilbrink, Bridget Pertzsch, Lillie Spackman, Zuber Abdella, Michael Merz, Nathan Schuten, Abigail Willson, William Benneh, Marcus Gelder, Steven VanAst, Tyler Johnson, Christopher Pappageorge, and Trevor Sando
2019 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2019 Fall ENGR333 Project Final Report, Megan Black, Evan Block, Jacob Deysher, Zach Erickson, Peter Atma, John Macy, Paul Steenwyk, Justin Skaggs, Justin Eekhoff, Adam Marquardt, Alan Samdel, Nathan Van Wyhe, Zach Ashenfelter, Brett Ermer, Clayton Lockwood, Ryan Schierbeek, Andrew Zerull, Matthew Buist, Hannah Chilkiewicz, Nathan Hall, Holly Straup, Ivy Chipinda, Andrew Huston, Peter Oh, Tony Vander Ploeg, Josh Hallenbeck, Cameron Ilbrink, Bridget Pertzsch, Lillie Spackman, Zuber Abdella, Michael Merz, Nathan Schuten, Abigail Willson, William Benneh, Marcus Gelder, Steven VanAst, Tyler Johnson, Christopher Pappageorge, and Trevor Sando
2019 Fall ENGR333 Seminar Presentation, Ivy Chipinda, Andrew Huston, Adam Marquardt, and Lillie Spackman
2020 Fall ENGR333 A-Days Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2021 Fall ENGR333 Poster, Section A, Gerald Darkey, Jonathan Jansma, Chris Singh, Ryan Whitney, Adam Brunsting, Adam Tjoelker, Jack Van Der Molen, Cornelius van Liere, Derrick Bittner, William Terpstra, Matthew Winkle, Kelsey Yen, Kasen Anderson, Jack Cahalane, Samantha Krupa, James Kulaga, Chukwudubem Nweke, Nathan Holwerda, Jacob Meulink, John Stehouwer, Isaac Spackman, and Moses Yang
2021 Fall ENGR333 Poster, Section B, Calvin University 2021 ENGR Section B
2021 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2021 Fall ENGR333 Project Section A Final Report, Gerald Darkey, Jonathan Jansma, Chris Singh, Ryan Whitney, Adam Brunsting, Adam Tjoelker, Jack Van Der Molen, Cornelius van Liere, Derrick Bittner, William Terpstra, Matthew Winkle, Kelsey Yen, Kasen Anderson, Jack Cahalane, Samantha Krupa, James Kulaga, Chukwudubem Nweke, Nathan Holwerda, Jacob Meulink, John Stehouwer, Isaac Spackman, and Moses Yang
2021 Fall ENGR333 Project Section B Final Report, Calvin University 2021 ENGR333 Section B
2021 Fall ENGR333 Seminar Presentation, Anika Huizinga, John Stehouwer, William Terpstra, and Duncan Waanders
2022 Fall ENGR333 Poster, Section A, Dat Cao, Izuchi Ebeku, Samuel Hoover, Sawyer Masselink, Ian VanderKooi, Matthew Carlson, Jacob Heeres, Anthony Nykamp, Jacob VanWyngarden, Nate Anderson, Anna Giboney, Gia Mien Le, Jonathan Washburn, Jess Camp, Ryan MacIntyre, Aubree Peters, Alin Stoica, Drew Stoneburner, Claire Sheppard, Alayna Spiering, Reid Veneman, and James Viel
2022 Fall ENGR333 Poster, Section B, Nicholas Paternoster, Nick Grossman, Jared Ruba, Zac Runhaar, Caleb Styf, Anne Ghata, Micah Lee, Thomas Noble, Liam Austin, Kai Barboza, Mark Bekhet, Jordan Tuter, Jacob Tanis, Sara VanSolkema, Aidan Bakker, Ben Casey, Sarah MacCarthy, Elise Miera, and Christine VanOyen
2022 Fall ENGR333 Project Assignment, Matthew K. Heun
2022 Fall ENGR333 Project Section A Final Report, Dat Cao, Sam Hoover, Sawyer Masselink, Ian VanderKooi, Matthew Carlson, Jacob Heeres, Anthony Nykamp, Jacob Wyngarden, Nate Anderson, Anna Giboney, Gia Mien Le, Jonathan Washburn, Jess Camp, Aubree Peters, Alin Stoica, Drew Stoneburner, Claire Sheppard, Alayna Spiering, Reid Veneman, and James Viel
2022 Fall ENGR333 Project Section B Final Report, Nicholas Paternoster, Nick Grossman, Jared Ruba, Zac Runhaar, Caleb Styf, Anne Ghata, Micah Lee, Thomas Noble, Liam Austin, Kai Barboza, Mark Bekhet, Jordan Tuter, Jacob Tanis, Sara VanSolkema, Aidan Bakker, Ben Casey, Sarah McCarthy, Elise Miera, and Christine VanOyen
2022 Fall ENGR333 Seminar Presentation, Jordan Tuter, Aidan Bakker, Samuel Hoover, and Jessica Camp
2023 Fall ENGR333 Section A final report, Owen Kalsbeek, Panashe Makuvaro, Luke Penning, Caleb Gaffner, David Visser, Jared Skaggs, Stephen Langerak, Kyle Borror, Caleb Clark, Michael Lanning, Brayden Raches, Sam Mennega, Seth DeVries, Kyle VanDusen, and Hayden White
2023 Fall ENGR333 Section A Poster, Owen Kalsbeek, Panashe Makuvaro, Luke Penning, Caleb Gaffner, David Visser, Jared Skaggs, Stephen Langerak, Kyle Borror, Caleb Clark, Michael Lanning, Brayden Raches, Sam Mennega, Seth DeVries, Kyle VanDusen, and Hayden White
2023 Fall ENGR333 Section B final report, Ally Gauss, Stuart Johnston, Zachary Rozendal, Nora TerBeek, Samantha Bush, Daniel Cordeiro, David Harris, Nathan Zylstra, Mikayla Bindon, David Schmurr, Zachary Swart, Micah VanDeBurg, David Conhoff, Mitchell Cook, Yonggi Kim, and Mark Schultz
2023 Fall ENGR333 Section B Poster, Ally Gauss, Stuart Johnston, Zachary Rozendal, Nora TerBeek, Samantha Bush, Daniel Cordeiro, David Harris, Nathan Zylstra, Mikayla Bindon, David Schmurr, Zachary Swart, Micah VanDeBurg, David Conhoff, Mitchell Cook, Yonggi Kim, and Mark Schultz
2023 Fall ENGR333 Seminar Presentation File, Michael Lanning, Panashe Makuvaro, David Harris, and Stuart Johnston
2023 Fall ENGR333 Seminar Presentation Video, Michael Lanning, Panashe Makuvaro, David Harris, and Stuart Johnston
20th Century Mind, George Mish Marsden
20th Century Music Concert Tape 1, Calvin College
20th Century Music Concert Tape 2, Calvin College
20th Century Organ Music, Calvin College Music Department
20th Century Social Teaching in the Papal Encyclicals, Maciej Zieba
20 Years of Professing, Derek Schuurman
25 Year Anniversary, T. Geuzebroek
2nd Thessalonians 2: Paul's Gratitude & Affectionate Exhortation, John J. Hiemenga
400th Anniversary of the Genevan Psalter, Roger Ritberg and Calvin Theological Seminary
40 Years as a Federal Depository Library, Vernon J. Ehlers and Bill Stevenson
50th Reunion Medallion Ceremony, 2008, Calvin College
50-Year Career in the Ministry, Robert Schuller
5 Keys and 10 Tactics for a Kind and Caring Life, James R. Kok
75th Anniversary of Calvin Theater, Edgar Boeve and Patricia Vandenberg
75th Anniversary of Grandville Avenue CRC in GR MI, John H. Piersma
80 Acres, Ronald Jager
Abdiel’s Preaching the Word ‘Out of Season’: An Allusion to 2 Timothy 4:2 in Milton’s Paradise Lost 5:850, David V. Urban
A Beautiful Gesture, A Fragrant Gift, Dale Cooper
A Biblical Bais for Social Concern, Carl F.H. Henry
Abiding in Christ; The Other God's in the Temple, Melvin Hugen and James A. De Jong
A Black Church Theology for the Eighties, John Porter
Abortion, Al Hoksbergen and Ray Kretzehmer
About Barbara J. Newman, Barbara J. Newman
About Brazil, William Muller
About Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
About Dale Cooper, Dale Cooper
About Emily R. Brink, Emily R. Brink
About Howard D. Vanderwell, Howard Vanderwell
About Norma de Waal Malefyt, Norma de Waal Malefyt
Abraham Kuyper: A Life in Religious Politics, James D. Bratt
Abraham Kuyper and Race: A New Look, James Bratt
Abraham Kuyper in his Historical Context, Mark A. Noll
Abraham Kuyper's Socio-Political Vision and Response Part 1, James D. Bratt and Peter Heslam
Abraham Kuyper's Socio-Political Vision and Response Part 2, James D. Bratt and Peter Heslam
A Brief History of COLAM, Howard Slenk
A Bright Outlook in a Dark Future, Henry Meeter
A Broader, Bolder Approach to Education, Pedro Noguera
Abuse as Sin, Michael Rascoe
Academic Freedom and Christian Scholarship, Anthony J. Diekema, Edward E. Ericson, Hessel Bouma III, Claudia Beversluis, and Lee Hardy
Academic Procession, William Spoelhof
A Call to Faithfulness-Biblical Preaching in the Modern World #1, John R.W. Stott
A Call to Faithfulness-Models of Pastoral Ministry (I Corinthians 4) #2, John R.W. Stott
Acceptance / Keeping Away from People, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Acceptance or Resignation: Tape 3 of 5, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Accompany Them With Singing: The Recovery of Authentic Christian Funeral Practices, Thomas G. Long
ACDA Choral Festival, American Choral Directors Association
Achieving Connected Education with Collaborative Change, Steven Gilbert
A Christian Argument for Political Self-Restraint, Edward Langerak
A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers, Derek Schuurman, Ethan J. Bruce, and Steven H. VanderLeest
A Christian Perspective on AI, Automation and Tech, Derek Schuurman
A Christian Perspective on Big Business, William Diehl
A Christian Response to Poverty: Reflections on an Urban, Lois McKinney
A Christian's Responsibility in Contemporary Society, Gerald VandeZande
A Christian View of Man, John Cooper
A Christian Vision for Marriage, David Gushee
A Closing Prayer, Bernard Pekelder
A Cloud of Witnesses, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
A Community Rising, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
A Conference on Women in Church Office, Various
A Continent for the Taking: The Tragedy and Hope of Africa, Howard French
A Conversation about Worship, N.T. Wright
A conversation on computer science and faith, Derek Schuurman
A Conversation on Love, Henry Stob
A Conversation with Dr. Derek Schuurman, Derek Schuurman
A conversation with Dr. Derek Schuurman about developing responsible technology, Derek Schuurman
A Conversation with Dr. Derek Schuurman for the Ride Home with John and Kathy, Derek Schuurman
A Conversation with Frank Deford: Writing, Sports, and Frolics, Frank Deford
A Conversation with Masaaki Suzuki, Masaaki Suzuki and John D. Witvliet
A Conversation with Meindert De Jong, Meindert De Jong and Richard (Dick) Harms
A country-level primary-final-useful (CL-PFU) energy and exergy database: overview of its construction and 1971–2020 world-level efficiency results, Paul E. Brockway, Matthew Kuperus Heun, Zeke Marshall, Emmanuel Aramendia, Paul Steenwyk, Thomas Relph, Michelle Widjanarko, Jeonghoo (James) Kim, Anjana Sainju, and Julian Irtube
A Critical Edition of the Prefacing Dedicatory Letters in An Abridgement of the Institution of Christian Religion... (1586), Gwendolyn Fulkerson
A Critique of Left Behind Thinking (Popular Dispensationalism), Lyle Bierma
A Critique of the Promise Keepers Movement, John Suk
Across America: The Aspect of A Crisis, Raymon G. Campbell
Action Examples-Bella Vista Church, John Frye and Kurt Dillinger
Action Examples-Georgetown CRC, Renee Plaggemeyer, Edward Tamminga, and Norma Bouwkamp
Action Examples-Kentwood Community Church, H. Charles Roost
Active Listening (Sectional #1), Christian Reformed Church
Acton on Tap event to provide forum to discuss threats to religious liberty, David V. Urban
Adamic Administration, John Murray
A Darwinian Argument from Evil, Paul Robert Draper
A Day of Worship | Sam Ha | Calvin Seminary, Sam Ha
A Day with Allan Boesak, Allan A. Boesak
Address at Calvin College, William Milliken
A Democratic China? Will Internet Trade and Capitalism Transform China?, Orville Schell
A Distant Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, Ronald Takaki
Adult Children of Sexually Dysfunctionally Families, Saturday, June 22, Grant J.
Advanced Counseling Techniques, Keith Olson
Advanced Vocals and Vocal Arranging, Vikki Cook
Advent, Bernard Pekelder
Advent: The Coming of Christ - Worship 1, Various
Adventures on the Appalachian Trail: True Stories of Lightning Strikes, Stalkers, and World Records, Jennifer Pharr Davis
Advising Students and Discerning Direction, Derek Schuurman
A Face Like This One-The Significance of the Doctrine of the Ascension, Gerrit Scott Dawson
A Fast Ride with Cowboys of the Americas, Richard Slatta
A Federal Judge Looks at Sentencing, John Feikens
Affirmation: Changing Our Core Beliefs, Saturday, June 22, Grant J. and Art F.
Affirmative Action Panel Discussion Part 1, Calvin College
Affirmative Action Panel Discussion Part 2, Calvin College
A Firm Foundation: Biblical Principles of Worship, Ron Man
A Flight of Words in Honor of a New Home, Laura Bardolph, George Harper, Lew Klatt, Andrew Steiner, and Walter Wangerin
A Forum on Northern Ireland, Brian S. Mawhinney
African American Consultation, Albert G. Miller
African American Scholars in Higher Education, Brenda King, Isaac Mwase, and Barbara Omolade
African Christian Initiatives: Some Lessons for the West, Cephas Omenyo
African Independent Church Leaders' Knowledge and Attitutes about HIV, Dianne Slager
Africa Today: Democracy, Factionalism, and Brain Drain, Deborah Ajakaiye
Afro-American Poetry, Abraham Davis Jr.
Afscheiding Celebration, Calvin Theological Seminary
After Billy Graham: The Future of American Protestantism, Randall Balmer
After Fifty Years, Homer Hoeksema
Afternoon Worship, Ruth Hoffman
After the Cold War: Global Peace or Global Pieces, David Aikman
Again I Say, Rejoice: Rejoice and Be Steadfast, Dick L. Van Halsema
Again I Say, Rejoice: Rejoice in Serving, Dick L. Van Halsema
Again I Say, Rejoice: Rejoice in Suffering, Dick L. Van Halsema
Again I Say, Rejoice: Rejoice in the Savior, Dick L. Van Halsema
Against Idolatry & Love's Reason, George Connell and Norman Wirzba
Against Multiverse Theodicies, Bradley Monton
Against Naturalism, Alvin C. Plantinga
Agency and Neuroscience: A Conversation Between Philosophy and Psychology, Kevin Timpe and James Van Slyke
A General Theory of Love: The Psychobiology of the Ties That Bind, Thomas Lewis
Age of Reason, Henry Ippel
Age of Reason, Henry Ippel
Aging and Approaching Death, Earl Grollman
Aging, Medical Care, and Dying, Henry Holstege
A Glimpse of Pastoral Leadership in a Multi-Racial Church, Richard Williams
A Good Answer to a Bad Question; Coming Near to God, Peter Van Elderen and Edwin Ruels
A Goodly Heritage, Montana Amsterdam
A Graduate Student Panel, James H. Olthuis
A Healing Homiletic: Preaching and Disability, Jim Swanson and Karen Broekstra
A Heart-Stoppingly Grand Invitation, Dale Cooper
A History of Liturgy in the Christian Reformed Church, John Vriend
A History of Music in the Christian Reformed Church, Bert Polman
A Hymnal from Past to Present, Bert Polman
A Hymn Text Writer's Odyssey, Gracia Grindal
AI and the Biblical Story - FaithTech Online Meetup, Derek Schuurman
AI and the Biblical Story: Thoughts from a Christian Computer Scientist, Derek Schuurman
AI and the Church, Derek Schuurman
AI and Truth in a Post-Epistemic World, Derek Schuurman
AIDS 2001: The Odyssey of an Expanding Tragedy, Brian Wispelwey
AIDS 2001: The Odyssey of an Expanding Tragedy, Brian Wispelwey
AIDS: Myths and Facts, Steven Kraker
AI&Faith Interview with Derek Schuurman, Derek Schuurman
AI in Education: Villain, Savior, or Something Else?, Derek Schuurman
AI Jesus?, Derek Schuurman
Air Traffic Control 101, Craig Buma
A Journey, Richard J. Mouw
A Journey in Ministry in Bangladesh, Kohima Daring
A Jungian Perspective on Barriers to Cross-Cultural, Robert Moore
A Kenya Recue: The Story of Fear, Faith, and Gratitude, Jamie Cook, Dean Vander Mey, Brittanie VanderMey, and Aubrey VanderMey
A Korean Classis in the CRC, Alexander Pak
A Labor not in Vain; Lord's Day, George Whyte
Al Ackerman Show, Al Ackerman
Albertus Rook's Farewell Address, Albertus Rooks
Alcoholism and the Miracle of Intervention, Allan Hoogewind
A Letter to a Young Professor, Derek Schuurman
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Ed Ericson
A Liberation Theology? Three Faces of Puritanism in the English Revolution, John Morrill
All-Campus Activities Program Lecture, Hans Morgenthau
Alleluia, Songs of Praise, Jack DeVos and Rosemary DeVos
Allendale, MI Second CRC Dedication Service, Christian Reformed Church
Allen Verhey Session 1, Allan Verhey
Allen Verhey Session 2, Allan Verhey
All Kinds of Minds: The Importance of Developing Each Person's Unique Strengths, Temple Grandin
All of Life as Worship, with Theological Librarian, PhD Candidate, and Author Sam Ha, Sam Neulsaem Ha
All Seminary Conference, Calvin Theological Seminary
All Your Wonderous Works Proclaim, Dale Cooper
Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other, Sherry Turkle
A Long Look Back: The Anti-slavery Movement, Underground Railroad, and Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Owen Muelder
A Low-Cost Classroom Network without the Internet, Derek Schuurman
Alternative Protestantism, John Milbank
Alternative Seminary Speech, Peter Y. DeJong
Alumni Chapel, 2/9/1979, Richard Westmaas
Alumni Homecoming Chapel, 3/2/1962, John Vander Ark
Always With Us? The Movement to End Homelessness in the US, Bill Pitkin
AM and PM Services at Woodlawn CRC, Joel Nederhood
Amazing Grace, Lewis B. Smedes
Amazing Grace: The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation, Jonathan Kozol
American Civil Religion: A Historical Perspective, Henry Zwaanstra
American Civil Religion: Justice in a Land of Diversity, Nicholas Wolterstorff
American Friends Service Committee Meeting, Ronald J. Sider
American Greatness, Alan Wolfe
American Revolution, M. Howard Rienstra
American Roots(Calvin Shorts), James D. Bratt
American Scientific Affiliation, Clark Pinnock
American Scientific Affiliation, Calvin DeWitt and James Bosscher
American Scientific Affiliation Banquet, Sheaffer and Clark Pinnock
American Scientific Affiliation Panel Discussion, Peter A. DeVos, L Wilkinson, Vernon J. Ehlers, and Eugene R. Dykema
American Women in Poverty, Rebecca A. Harens and Doug L. Koopman
America's Emerging Religious Landscape: An Interview with Richard N. Ostling, Nathan Bierma and Richard N. Ostling
A Mid-Inauguration? A Meditation on Isaiah 6, Christopher R. Seitz
A Missionary Confession of Faith, Donald A. McGavran
A Moratorium and a Vision, James Heynen
Amos the Prophet: Message of Hope, Clarence Vos
A Multitude of Rational Beings United, Oliver O'Donovan
An Abecedary of Poetry, Garrison Flint Keillor
An Alternative Muse, Edwin Van Kley
An Anabaptist Perspective on Cross-Cultural Ministry, John I. Smucker
A National Standard for Education, Hyman G. Rickover
A Nation Searching for a Country, Daniel Turp
Anatomy of a Crisis: Maladaptive Behavior, Leviton Greenstone
Anatomy of a Social Revolution, Harry R. Boer
Anatomy of Conflict; Role of Conflict in the Kingdom of God, Melvin Hugen
An Attitude of Gratitude, John Dawson
A Naturalistic Theory of Moral Genesis, Christopher Boehm
Ancient Man #4, Calvin College
Ancient Near East, Henry Ippel
Ancient Religious Texts, Modern Christian Audience, Markus Bockmuehl, David Holwerda, Arie Leder, Cornelius Plantinga Jr., and James VanderKam
And God Lets Them; God's Big Ugly Stick, Stan Mast
And How Does it All End?, Edmund Steimle
An Educational Agenda for Young Pastors, Robert Devries
An Encounter with the Future: Addressing the Challenge, Harold Pluimer
An End-of-the-Century Appraisal of our Politics and Government, David Broder
An Evening of Chamber Music Tape 1, Calvin College Chamber Music
An Evening of Chamber Music Tape 2, Calvin College Chamber Music
An Evening with Mozart (1 of 3), Calvin College Orchestra
An Evening with Mozart (3 of 3), Calvin College Orchestra
An Evolutionary Argument Against Atheism, Alvin C. Plantinga
A New Look At Pride, David Myers
A New Name, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
A New Natural Law Defense for Moral Realism, Gloria L. Zuniga
A New Vision for the Church-Bringing Outreach and Evangelism from the Edges to the Core, John Rozeboom
A New Zealander's New Hymns, Colin Gibson
Angels in the New Testament, Andrew Bandstra
Anger Management, On Earth as it is in Heaven: What Christians Have Learned About Cursing Over the Years, John L. Thompson
Anglo-American Postmodernity--Really?, Nancey Murphy
A Night with Sietze Buning, Stanley (Sietze Buning) Wiersma
Animals and the Kingdom of God, John E. Hare
Animals and the Kingdom of God, Bryant Terry
An Interview with Virginia Satir, Ernest Kramer and Virginia Satir
An Introduction to Natural Resources, Calvin DeWitt
An Invitation to Study Theology, Ronald J. Feenstra
Ann Arbor Concert, Calvin College Concert Band
Anniversary Reflections Part 1, John H. Kromminga
Anniversary Reflections Part 2, John H. Kromminga
An Orthodox Church Called to Repent, Revelation 2:12-17, Andrew Cammenga Jr.
A (Not So) Secular Saint, James K.A. Smith
Anthropomorphism: The Christian Double Standard, Carol Adams
Anti-Calvinists and the Republican Threat in Early Stuart Cambridge, Margo Todd
Anton Armstrong, Auditions, Anton Armstrong
An Unlikely Success: Reformed Higher Education in Calvin’s Geneva and 21st Century Grand Rapids, Karin Maag
An Urban Church Revitalization Process, Raymond Bakke
Any Room for Jesus? Christology in an age of Ethnic Fragmentation, Tite Tienou
Apartheid in South Africa, Dennis Brutus
A Partner, Not a Yes-man, Ben Patterson
A Pastor's Reflection on Pain and Suffering, James R. Kok
A Pat on the Back, Bernard Pekelder
A Peek into the Precolonial History of the TIV, John Orkar
A Personal Journey, Lillian Grissen
A Personal Journey (Seminar 1), Earl F. Palmer
A Philosophical Position on the State, H.G. Stoker
A Pilgrimage Into Faith, John Westerhoff III
A Pilgrimage of Reconciliation, Brother John of Taizé
A Plain Turkish Tyranny: Images of the Turk in Anti-Puritan Polemic, 1640-1660 and Praise and Prophesying: Mary Chudleigh's Song of the Three Children Paraphrased, Glen Sanders and Barbara Olive
Apostolic Preaching, Roger Greenway
Applying Christ-centered Preaching-Without Moralism, Bryan Chapell
Applying Research-Based Models to Improve Learning, Crystal Bruxvoort, Deb Buursma, Jim Jadrich, Kara Sevensma, Don Tellinghuisen, Marj Terpstra, and Jo-Ann Van Reeuwyk
Approaches to Evangelism in Charismatic Movement, Ross Whetstone
Approaching the Cults, Anthony A. Hoekema
Appropriation, Deterence, Charles H. Anderton and Varghese Manaloor
A Preferential Option for the Poor, Robert Sirico
A Protestant Looks at the Vatican Council, Gordon Spykman
A Psalter for the 21st Century; Plenary Session, Emily Brink
Aquinas on the Vice of Sloth: Three Interpretive Issues, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
A radio interview on "Karl and June", Derek Schuurman
A Rare Type; Jesus Reveals Divine Compassion, Arie C. Leder and Joel DeBoer
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Root Colonization and Inoculum Propagules in Deciduos Floodplain Forests of Southwestern Michigan, USA, Peter G. Avis, Sara D. Foster, and Paul D. Olexia
“Arduous and Difficult to Obtain”: Teaching as a Hopeful Educational Practice, David I. Smith
A Reasonable Morality-Honor and Authority, Lewis B. Smedes
A Reasonable Morality-Sex and Fidelity, Lewis B. Smedes
A Reasonable Morality-Truthfulness and Trust, Lewis B. Smedes
A Reception for Scholars, Calvin College
A Reflutation of Moral Relativism, Peter Kreeft
Are Low Wage Jobs Undermining the Middle Class?, Marvin Kosters
Aren't You Going to Be My Mommy Anymore? Grief As It Affects the Care Giver, Carol Kromminga, Peter Niewiek, and Marcie DeBlaey
A Response to Smith's "Continental Philosophy of Religion: Prescriptions for a Healthy Subdiscipline", Bruce Ellis Benson
Are There Any Just Wars?, John Howard Yoder
A Retrospect on Religious Policies & Practices in Socialist China, Gu Chang-Sheng
A Review of Eight Years of Calvin Research, Richard C. Gamble
A Review of Themes and Issues of Public Health, Kenneth Bloem
A Review of the Study Committee's Report on Science, David Holwerda
Are You the Son of God?, Dale Cooper
Argentina Panel Dicussion: Social Justice, Dan Miller, Adel Abadeer, Mariano Avila, Sidney Rooy, and Jay Blaikescore
Arise, Shine, for Your Light Has Come - Opening Service for Epiphany, Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee
Arlington Midwest: A Statement of Peace, Richa
A Roadmap of American Religion, Richard N. Ostling
A Roundtable Discussion, John D. Witvliet
Art and Spirituality: Seeing with Vincent Van Gogh, Donald Postema
Art Department Lecture, Harold Broudy
Art Gallery Lecture, Herm De Vries
Artifical Intelligence in Academia, James E. Carpp and Crystal N. Bruxvoort
Artificial Intelligence, Derek Schuurman
Artificial Intelligence and the Christian Faith, Derek Schuurman
Artificial Intelligence: Discerning a Christian Response, Derek Schuurman
Artificial Intelligence: Discerning a Christian Response, Derek Schuurman
Artificial Intelligence Roundtable, Derek Schuurman, Eddy Wu, and Jeremy Peckham
Art in the Service of Liturgy, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Artistic Action and Unceasing Worship, Harold Best
As a Grain of Mustard Seed, Bert Pusch
As Alert as Possible, Dale Cooper
Ascension: The Lord Reigns! - Worship 6, George Cooper
A Scrap of Bread & The Right Conscience, David Foxgrover
A Search for Justice and Peace, Nicholas Wolterstorff
A Sense of Humor Helps, Frank De Jong
A Sermon on World Peace, John J. Hiemenga
Asian Elephants in European Culture, Donald F. Lach
Asiatic Interest and Approach to Calvin's Theology, N. Wantanabe
As it us by de hannen ofbrekt; I Kroniken 28:3a, B.J. Fridsma and H.J. Baron
Asking Questions, Coaching, Calvin College
A Social Scientific Critique of Hierarchical and Egalitarian Models of Christian Marriage, Majorie Gunnoe
A Song Worth Singing, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and Stephen Breck Reid
A Spirituality for Public Life, Parker Palmer
A Spirituality for Real-World Living (Part 1), Gordon MacDonald
A Spirituality for Real-World Living (Part 2), Gordon MacDonald
A Spirituality for Real-World Living (Part 3), Gordon MacDonald
A Spiritual Mindset, Wayne Brasser
A Spouse's Story, Stephen J. Love
Assessing Christian Scholarship-Where We've Been and Where We're Going, Richard J. Mouw
Assumptions the Grow Teachers, Maryellen Weimer
A Student's View, Betsy Boerman
A Thankful People, Dale Cooper
A Theological Critique of Capitalism, Gregory Baum
A Theological Understanding of the Liturgy as the Work of the Spirit, Simon Chan
A Theology of the Body-Love, Happiness and Sex, Christopher Kaczor
A Theology of Urban Ministry, David Frenchak
A Thief in Paradise, James D. Kennedy
Athletics in the 90s: A Decade of Change, Richard Schultz
A Tiger in Your Tank: The Anatomy of Christian Reformed Missiology, John Boer
A Time to Be Silent, Dale Cooper
Atonement as the Ecclesio-Christological Practice of Forgiveness in John Milbank, Hans Boersma
Atonement-Bridging the Gap, John Hare
A Tradition of Civility: The Natural Law in History and Public Discourse, Jean Porter
A Tribute to Peter J. Steen, Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship
Attracting the Non-Christian (Sectional #2), Christian Reformed Church
Augustine, Heidegger, and Gadamer-Hearkening to the Inner Word & Limited Incarnation-Revisiting the Searle/Derrida Debate in Christian Context, Mark Tazelaar and James K.A. Smith
A Unique Partnership, James Carrington and Milt Kuyers
Authentic Christianity, Bill Hybels
Authentic Worship in a Changing Culture, 2001 - Flyer, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Authentic Worship in a Changing Culture, 2001 - Worship Book, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Authority and Rebellion: The Jew and Modern Literature, Chaim Potok
Autism and Your Church, Barbara J. Newman
Autism Awareness in the Church with Dr. Kevin Timpe, Kevin Timpe
Auto Industry in Relation to World and National Economy, Don DeLarossa
Avant-Garde Concert May 9, 1974, Calvin College
Avant-Garde Concert September 29, 1981, 1 of 2, Calvin College
Avant-Garde Concert September 29, 1981, 2 of 2, Calvin College
Avant-Garde Festival April 21, 1982 (Tape 2 of 3), Calvin College
Avant-Garde Festival April 21, 1982 (Tape 3 of 3), Calvin College
Avant-Garde Festival: Festival of the Flute April 21, 1982 (Tape 1 of 3), Calvin College
Avant-Garde Festival May 2, 1979 Tape 1, Calvin College
Avant-Garde Festival May 2, 1979 Tape 2, Calvin College
A View from Latin America: An Interview with Gerardo Oberman, Jorge Lockward and Gerardo Oberman
A View from My Window in Washington, DC, Vernon J. Ehlers
A Virtual Tour of ArtPrize, Elizabeth Van Arragon
A Warm Hand in a Cold Glove (John 11:25), John Vriend
A Woman's Journey (Personal Story), Saturday, June 22, Jill S.
Back to the Future: The United States and the New World Order, Luis Lugo
Balanced Vision: Prayer-filled (Session 3), Calvin College
Balanced Vision: Virtue Spirit (Session 4), Calvin College
Baldwin Christian School 65th Anniversary Program, Baldwin Christian School
Banana Peels, Melvin Hugen
Band Concert December 7, 1960, Calvin College Band
Band Concerts 1960 Spring Tour, 1 of 3, Calvin College Concert Band
Band Concerts 1960 Spring Tour, 3 of 3, Calvin College Concert Band
Banquet, Christian Reformed Church
Banquet Program, Philip Yancey
Banquet Program, David Hanson
Banquet Program, Christian Reformed Church
Baptism and Eucharist: Early Celebration and Practice, Joyce Ann Zimmerman
Baptism and the Lord's Supper: Embraced by the Triune God, Leonard VanderZee
Baptism and the Transformation of Youths' Vocational Imaginations, Fred P. Edie
Baptism: A Sacrament for the Whole Congregation, Lyle D. Bierma
Barriers and Bridges to Friendship, Ruth Senter
Barth, Bell, and Hell, Kees van der Kooi
Basic Issues in Bible Reading, J.P. Fokkelman
Basketball Half-Time Show: Calvin vs. Adrian, Calvin College
Basketball Half-Time Show: Calvin vs. Alma, Calvin College
Basketball Half-Time Show: Calvin vs. Central Michigan, Calvin College
Basketball Half-Time Show: Calvin vs. Ferris, Calvin College
Basketball Half-time show: Calvin vs. Grand Valley, Calvin College
Basketball Half-Time Show: Calvin vs. Hope, Calvin College
Basketball Half-Time Show: Calvin vs. Kalamazoo, Calvin College
Basketball Half-Time Show: Calvin vs. Olivet, Calvin College
Basketball Half-Time Show: Calvin vs. Olivet, Calvin College
Bearing the Marks of Jesus: A History of the Christian Reformed Church in Cuba, Eduardo B. Pedraza and Daniel R. Miller
Beauty Will Save the World: Jonathan Edwards and Abraham Kuyper on Glory and Beauty, John Bolt
Because of Who We Are: A Fresh Perspective on Calvin’s Doctrine of the Image of God and Human Dignity, Sam Neulsaem Ha
Becoming Acquainted with Grief, Derek Schuurman
Becoming a Worship-Centered Congregation: The Process of Change in Congregation, Jane Rogers Vann
Beethoven 9th-Grand Rapids Symphony with Capella, Calvin College A Capella
Beethoven Revisited in the Era of AIDS, Phillip Hoekstra
Before Liberalism: Responsible Government in Medieval Europe, William Spellman
Before Virtue: Alasdair MacIntyre and Natural Law, Thomas D. Pearson
Behind and Beyond "Blood Diamonds", Paul Kortenhoven and Mary Kortenhoven
Beholding God's Glory: John Owen and the Reforming of the Beatific Vision, Suzanne McDonald
Behold the Lamb of God: Music and Art for the Holy Week Hymn Festival, Bert Poleman
Being a Chaplain: Calling, Charity, Conversation, Jaco J. Hamman
Being a Christian in the Video Gaming Industry, Bill Slease
Being Bound to God: Covenant or Participation?, Justin Holcomb
Being Financially Responsible, Phyllis Wordhouse Mini
Being Useful Servants - Isaiah, Peter, and Paul, Wayne Joosse
Belonging, Dale Cooper
Be Narrow - An Old Commandment Made New…, E.W. Crawford, G.R. Campbell, and C. Bowles
Bereavement in Hospice Care: A Roundtable for Hospice Chaplines, Barbara McLaughlin
Be Steadfast, 1 Corinthians 15; Justice of God, Romans 3, James Daane
Better Together: The Call for People with and without Disabilities to Worship, Serve, Learn, and Live Alongside Each Other, Erik W. Carter
Between Font and Table, David Davis
Between Nature and Nationality: The Hague School in the Nineteenth Century: Panel Discussion, Lisa Van Arragon, Henry Luttikhuizen, Craig Hanson, and James D. Bratt
Between Thomas and Zwingli: Introducing Calvin's Doctrine of the Eucharist to RO, Laura Smit
Beyond Bullet Points: Creative Uses of Visual Technology for Preaching, Mary Hulst
Beyond Minjung Theology, Jung Woon Suh
Beyond Multi-Culturalism to True Community, Nikki Toyama-Szeto
Beyond Political Moralisms, Paul Henry
Beyond the Iron Curtain: Hungering for New Business Alliances, Csaba Szabo
Beyond the Shores of Africa: Extraversion and the Afrocentric Theology of Mensa Otabil, Christian van Gorder
Beza: Guide for the Faithful Life, J. Raitt
Bible School, Gilbert Holkeboer
Bible Study #2 on Matthew 8-13, Perry Recker
Bible Study #4 on Matthew 23-28, Perry Recker
Bible Translation: What Direction Now?, James Barr
Biblical Authority in Secular America, R.H. Dilday Jr.
Biblical Inerrancy, James Daane
Biblical Insights from Habakkuk Scrolls, William Brownlee
Biblical Justice and Pragmatic Politics, Stephen Monsma
Biblical Mandate for Mission & Evangelism in an Urban Setting, Andrew D. Macrae
Biblical Preaching For Today, Joel C. Gregory
Biblical Seed for Psychological Harvest, Mark P. Cosgrove
Biblical Theological Issues of the Lament, Walter Brueggemann and John Stek
Biblical Theology for Urban Ministry, Raymond Bakke
Biblical Theology of the Conquest of Canaan, G.E. Wright
Biblical Typology: Yesterday and Today, John Stek
Big Business and the City Part 1, Gerald Vandezande
Big Business and the City Part 2, Gerald Vandezande
Big Rapids, MI Fellowship CRC 10th Anniversary, Christian Reformed Church
Biography & Spiritual Formation, Ruth Tucker
Biotech Century: The Harnessing the Gene and Remaking the World, Jeremy Rifkin
Black and White: Friend or Enemy?, William Pannell
Black Culture and Musicology, Jeremiah Wright
Black English: The Politics of Linguistic Diversity, Bernard Van't Hul
Black Movement and Ministry, C.T. Vivian
Black Preaching, Abraham Davis
Black Theology and the Black Experience, Eric Lincoln
Black Theology: An Interpretation of Urban Ministry, George Cummings
Black Theology-Ethical Directions for Politics, J. Deotis Roberts
Blaming the Victim, David Claerbaut
Blended Worship: Good for the Body, Ron Man
Bless this Mess, Bernard Pekelder
Bloom Where You're Planted, Lavonn D. Brown
Blythefield Christian Reformed Church Worship Conference Part 1, John D. Witvliet
Blythefield Christian Reformed Church Worship Conference Part 2, John D. Witvliet
Board of Trustee Commissioning Service, Calvin Theological Seminary
Board of Trustees Highlights, William Spoelhof
Bodies on the Margins: A Multitude of Voices, Kevin Timpe
Bog Flora in the Grand Rapids, Michigan, Area: A Comparative Study Across Sites and Over Time o 1901 to 2017, Devani Antuma Jolman, Jenna L. Van Donselaar, David P. Warners, and Garrett E. Crow
Boldness On The Day of Judgment, S.F. Bayne
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, Eric Metaxas
Book #2 of the Quarter, Ronald J. Nydam
Book of the Quarter Discussion, Frederick Buechner
Book of the Quarter: Fall 2003, Gary Schmidt
Book review of Josh Larsen's recent book "Fear Not", Craig Mattson
Born Again Politics, Richard J. Mouw
Botanical Assessment of Remnant Floodplain Habitats Along Plaster Creek, Kent County, Michigan: Assessing Changes Since the 1890s, Haley R. Weesies, Garrett Crow, and David Warners
Botanical Inventory Highlights and Management Considerations for Covenant Park, David Warners, Garrett Crow, and Haley Weesies
Boundaries in a Counseling Relationship, Philip Ellis
Brain Washing Which Almost Worked; Silence in Heaven, Henry DeMoor
Brass Quintet and Horn Quartet February 24, 1970, Calvin College
Brass Recital March 7, 1961, Calvin College
Breakout 1: The Courts and Crisis in Marriage, James E. Sheridan
Breakout 2: Smart Marriages, James E. Sheridan
Bringham Memorial Lecture, James Forbes
Bringing Hymns to Life: Techniques and Resources for the Inspiring Congregation Singing from the Organ Bench, John Ferguson
Bringing Jesus... Through Children (Sectional #3), Christian Reformed Church
Broader Vision: Fully Embracing People with Disabilities in Christian Higher Education, Perspectives, Kevin Timpe
Brochure - 10th Symposium on Worship and the Arts, Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee
Brochure - 2001 Calvin Symposium on Worship and the Arts, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Brochure - 2003 Calvin Symposium on Worship and the Arts, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Brochure - 2005 Calvin Symposium on Worship, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Brown, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
Bruce Harwood, Violin, Bruce Harwood
Brummel Chair Installation, Ron Blankespoor
Building a Leadership Team Tape 6 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Building a Responsive Self in a Post-Relativistic World: The Contribution of Mikhail Bakhtin, Caryl Emerson
Building Bridges: Domestic Abuse and the Faith Community, Jennifer Marcum
Building Communication Skills (Sectional #4), Christian Reformed Church
Building God's Kingdom Through Christian Economic Development, Ghenadie Russu
Building on the Peace: Bosnia Two Years After the Dayton Accords, Richard Holbrooke
Building Prevailing Churches, Bill Hybels
Building Programs 101 (Preconference Session), Fred Sterenberg
Building Relationships with Children (Sectional #5), Christian Reformed Church
Building Staff Unity (Sectional #6), Christian Reformed Church
Building the Youth Ministry Leadership Team, Salem Avenue Church
Building Up the Law with Christ, Andrew Bandstra
Bullets, Bombs, and Fast Talk: Twenty-five years of FBI War Stories, Jim Botting
Bunker Interpretive Center Dedication, Calvin College
Bureaucracy in the CRC, Lester R. DeKoster
Bureaucratic Theology, David A. Hubbard
Buried Treasure?, James K.A. Smith
Burma on the Brink: Can a Southeast Asia Disaster Zone Achieve Democracy and Environmental Justice?, Edith Mirante
Business as a Christian Calling, Richard J. Mouw
Business Matters Lunch, Harvey Gainey
Business Meeting, Christian Reformed Church
Business Meeting, 1 of 2, Calvin College
Business Meeting, 2 of 2, Calvin College
Byker Farewell: God's Grace and Gratitude, Calvin College
By Whose Standard, Judith Mullins
Byzantium, Bert DeVries
Caesar's Book and the Lamb's Book, Bernard Pekelder
Caledonia Conference Forum, Part 2, John Cooper and Mark Vanderhart
Calgary, AB First CRC 25th Anniversary, 1 of 3, T.E. Hofman
Calgary, AB First CRC 25th Anniversary, 2 of 3, T.E. Hofman
Calgary, AB First CRC 25th Anniversary, 3 of 3, T.E. Hofman
Called to Serve Evaluation, Calvin Theological Seminary
Calling Stories, Shane Claiborne
Call to Discipleship (Session 6), Calvin College
Call to Faithfulness: Lecture 3/3, John R.W. Stott
Calvary Christian Reformed Church Worship Conference Part 1, John D. Witvliet
Calvary Christian Reformed Worship Conference Part 2, John D. Witvliet
Calvary CRC, Christian Reformed Church
Calvin & 16th Century Spirituality: Comparisons and Contrasts, Richard C. Gamble
Calvin 84 Roughs, Calvin College Admissions Office
Calvin and the Challenge of Situational Ethics, I. John Hesselink
Calvin and the Holy Spirit Part 1, Jelle Faber
Calvin and the Holy Spirit Part 2, Brian G. Armstrong, James A. De Jong, and Jelle Faber
Calvin as Theologian and Exegete, Richard C. Gamble
Calvin at Geneva, John Bratt
Calvin, Beza, and the Exegetical History of Romans 13:1-7, Richard Muller
Calvin Business Interaction, Max DuPree
Calvin Campus Development Campaign: Alumni Promo Disc, William Spoelhof
Calvin Campus Development Campaign Meeting, Sidney Youngsma
Calvin Campus Development Campaign Meeting, 1983, Calvin College
Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship Dedication, John VandenBerg, Anthony Diekema, and Andrew Bandstra
Calvin Choir Performance, Calvin College Choir
Calvin Choral School Choir, Calvin Choral School Choir
Calvin Choral School Choir July 15, 1983, Calvin Choral School Choir
Calvin Choral School Choir July 31, 1981 Tape 2, Calvin Choral School Choir
Calvin College A Capella Choir, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Calvin College A Capella Choir, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Calvin College A Capella Choir, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Calvin College A Capella Choir, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Calvin College A Capella Choir April 28, 1968 Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Calvin College A Capella Choir April 28, 1968 Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Calvin College A Capella Choir December 17, 1967, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Calvin College A Capella Choir May 3, 1970, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Calvin College A Capella Concert, Calvin College A Capella
Calvin College A Capella Concert May 9, 1969, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Calvin College A Capella Disc #1, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Calvin College A Capella Disc #2, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Calvin College Admissions Office, 1st File 1980's, Calvin College
Calvin College Admissions Office, 2nd File 1980's, Calvin College
Calvin College Admissions Office, 3rd File 1980's, Calvin College
Calvin College Admissions Office, 4th File 1980's, Calvin College
Calvin College Admissions Slide Show, 1984, Calvin College
Calvin College Admissions Slide Show, 1984-1985, Calvin College
Calvin College Admissions Slide Show, Duplication Master 1983-1984, Calvin College
Calvin College Admissions Slide Show, Mixed Master 1980's, Calvin College
Calvin College Admissions Slide Show, Music Only 1980's, Calvin College
Calvin College Band Concert December 13, 1965, Calvin College Band
Calvin College Band Concert December 2, 1960, Calvin College Band
Calvin College Building Organ, Calvin College
Calvin College Campus Tour; Freshman Orientation - late 1980s (Parody), Calvin College
Calvin College Centennial Radio Spots, Calvin College
Calvin College Chamber Band and Calvin College Concert Band December 4 1959 Tape 1, College Chamber Band and Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Chamber Band and Calvin College Concert Band December 4 1959 Tape 2, College Chamber Band and Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Chamber Band Concert April 24, 1963, Calvin College Chamber Band
Calvin College Chamber Band Concert November 25, 1958, Calvin College Chamber Band
Calvin College Chamber Band December 8, 1962, Calvin College Chamber Band
Calvin College Chamber Music Concert April 24, 1962, Calvin College Orchestra and Ruth K. Rus
Calvin College Chamber Music Concert April 29, 1969, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra
Calvin College Chamber Music Concert May 10, 1960, Calvin College Chamber Music
Calvin College Chamber Music Concert May 2, 1961, Calvin College Chamber Music
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra April 22, 1971 Tape 1, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra, Calvin College Collegium Singers, Calvin College String Quartet, and Leanne Beckering
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra April 22, 1971 Tape 2, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra, Calvin College Collegium Singers, Calvin College String Quartet, and Leanne Beckering
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra April 24, 1973, 1 of 2, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra April 24, 1973, 2 of 2, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra April 25, 1972, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra November 15, 1967 Tape 1, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra November 15, 1967 Tape 2, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra November 17, 1970, 1 of 2, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra November 17, 1970, 2 of 2, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra November 19, 1968 Tape 1, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra November 19, 1968 Tape 2, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra October 14, 1971 Tape 1, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra, Calvin College String Quartet, Sharon Gillenwater, and Calvin College Collegium Singers
Calvin College Chamber Orchestra October 14, 1971 Tape 2, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra, Calvin College String Quartet, Sharon Gillenwater, and Calvin College Collegium Singers
Calvin College Commencement 1973: Disciples in a Secular Age, Myron Augsburger
Calvin College Commencement 1974: Facing Issues Squarely, Charles Mackenzie
Calvin College Commencement 1975: Our School-Heritage and Challenge, Henry Stob
Calvin College Commencement 1976: The Spirit of '76 and the Calvin Heritage, John Primus
Calvin College Commencement 1977: Influence and Responsibility, John H. Kromminga
Calvin College Commencement 1978: Stern Daughter of the Voice of God, Richard Tiemersma
Calvin College Commencement 1979: The Thoughtful Person, William Spoelhof
Calvin College Commencement 1981: Knowledge is Power, Allan A. Boesak
Calvin College Commencement 1982: The Heart of the Matter, John Vanden Berg
Calvin College Commencement 1983: Varieties of Ignorance, M. Howard Rienstra
Calvin College Commencement 1984: Any Questions?, Richard J. Mouw
Calvin College Commencement 1985: Expectations, Bernard E. Pekelder
Calvin College Commencement 1986: A Good Spot on This Earth, Edward E. Ericson
Calvin College Commencement 1987: Flying Upside Down, John A. Bernbaum
Calvin College Commencement: 1988, Henry Holstege Jr.
Calvin College Commencement 1989: The Gift of Failure, John H. Timmerman
Calvin College Commencement 1990: Last Minute Instructions, Roger W. Heyns
Calvin College Commencement 1991: The Allure and Peril of Professional Success, Nathan Hatch
Calvin College Commencement: 1992, Quentin Schultze
Calvin College Commencement 1993: Loud Laments, Quiet Joy, James D. Bratt
Calvin College Commencement: 1994, Vernon J. Ehlers
Calvin College Commencement: 1996, Roberta Green Ahmanson
Calvin College Commencement 1997: Beyond Survival, Wallace H. Bratt
Calvin College Commencement: 1998, Lewis Smedes
Calvin College Commencement: 1999, Gloria Goris Strinks
Calvin College Commencement: 2000, Alvin Plantinga
Calvin College Commencement: 2001, Wiliam H. Rehnquist
Calvin College Commencement 2003: A Road Map for Life, John M. Perkins
Calvin College Commencement 2009: Athletes of the Faith, Ken Bratt
Calvin College Commencement 2010: What It's All About, Richard J. Mouw
Calvin College Commencement 2011: One Thing Needful, Jennifer Holberg
Calvin College Commencement 2012: Whatever You Get-Get Wisdom, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Calvin College Commencement 2013: Investing in the Future, Kumar Sinniah
Calvin College Commencement 2014: The Memory in the Seed, Claudia Beversluis
Calvin College Commencement 2015: 115 Things, Mark Labberton
Calvin College Commencement 2016: In on the Miracle, Jane Zwart
Calvin College Commencement 2017: Gratitude-From our Little Selves to a Larger World, Bryan J. Dik
Calvin College Commencement 2018: I Have Set Before You an Open Door, John Ortberg
Calvin College Commencement 2019: Lessons from the Nest, Gayle Ermer
Calvin College Commons Opening Introduction and Close, Vals Nykamp
Calvin College Concert Band, 1 of 3, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band, 2 of 3, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band and Calvin College Chamber Band December 3 1964, Calvin College Concert Band and Calvin College Chamber Band
Calvin College Concert Band and the Calvin College Chamber Band April 30 1966 Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band and Calvin College Chamber Band
Calvin College Concert Band and the Calvin College Chamber Band April 30 1966 Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band and Calvin College Chamber Band
Calvin College Concert Band and the Calvin College Chamber Band April 9 1965, 2 of 3, Calvin College Concert Band and Calvin College Chamber Band
Calvin College Concert Band and the Calvin College Chamber Band April 9 1965, 3 of 3, Calvin College Concert Band and Calvin College Chamber Band
Calvin College Concert Band and the Calvin College Chamber Band May 8 1962 Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band and Calvin College Chamber Band
Calvin College Concert Band and the Calvin College Chamber Band May 8 1962 Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band and Calvin College Chamber Band
Calvin College Concert Band and the Calvin College Chamber Band November 16 1962, Calvin College Concert Band and Calvin College Chamber Band
Calvin College Concert Band and Wind Ensemble April 10 1970, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 11 1969, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 12 1982 Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 12 1982 Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 13 1971, 1 of 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 13 1971, 2 of 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 13 1980, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 19 1967 Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 19 1967 Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 21 1972 Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 21 1972 Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 24 1963, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 30 1977 Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band April 30 1977 Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 10 1971, 1 of 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 10 1971, 2 of 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 1 1967, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 1 1973 Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 1 1973 Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 1 1979 Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 1 1979 Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 15 1972, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 2 1966, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 2 1978, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 3 1976 Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 3 1976 Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 4 1964 Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 4 1964 Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 5 1963, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 6 1968, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 7 1987, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band December 9 1975, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band February 24 1970, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band (Hill Aud), Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band January 13 1967, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band January 21 1969, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band March 12 1976, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band March 15 1977, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band March 16 1962, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band March 21 1981, 1 of 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band March 21 1981, 2 of 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band March 28 1979, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band March 3 1967, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band March 6 1963, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band May 1 1961, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band May 2 1975 Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band May 2 1975 Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band, May 3 1973, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band May 4 1973, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band May 5 1964, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band May 6 1978, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band May 7 1958, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band May 8 1976, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band November 21 1969 Tape 1, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band November 21 1969 Tape 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band November 21 1981, 1 of 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band November 21 1981, 2 of 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band November 22 1980, 1 of 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band November 22 1980, 2 of 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band, November 23 1974, 1 of 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band, November 23 1974, 2 of 2, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Concert Band November 29 1977, Calvin College Concert Band
Calvin College Faculty Conference, Calvin College
Calvin College Homecoming 1971, Calvin College
Calvin College: Music, Colleguim Singers
Calvin College Music P.E. Building Organ, Calvin College
Calvin College Orchestra April 21 1964, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra at Fall Festival November 1 1957, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra at Fall Festival November 2 1956 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra at Fall Festival November 2 1956 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert 1963, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert April 25 1961 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert April 25 1961 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert March 18 1967 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert March 18 1967 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert March 18 1969 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert March 18 1969 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert March 19 1968 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert March 19 1968 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert May 1 1962 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert May 1 1962 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert May 3 1960 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert May 3 1960 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert May 3 1980, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Concert November 14 1975, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performace May 3 1966 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance April 23 1976, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance April 23 1979 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance April 23 1979 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance April 27 1965 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance April 27 1965 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance April 28 1978, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance January 19 1973 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance January 19 1973 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance March 15 1975 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance March 15 1975 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance March 16 1971, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance March 18 1974 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance March 18 1974 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance March 20 1973 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance March 20 1973 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance March 21 1972, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance May 1 1981 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance May 1 1981 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance May 1 1982, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance May 3 1966 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance May 7 1977 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance May 7 1977 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance May 7 1983 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance May 7 1983 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 10 1979, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 11 1977 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 11 1977 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 11 1978, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 12 1976 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 12 1976 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 13 1982, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 19 1983 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 19 1983 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 28 1972 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 28 1972 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 3 1973 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 3 1973 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 7 1981 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 7 1981 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 8 1974 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 8 1974 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 8 1980 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance November 8 1980 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Orchestra Performance October 20 1972, Calvin College Orchestra
Calvin College Promo (c.1970's-1990's), Calvin College Admissions Office
Calvin College Science Building Dedication, Calvin College
Calvin College Stage Band May 1, 1974 Tape 1, Calvin College Stage Band
Calvin College Stage Band May 1, 1974 Tape 2, Calvin College Stage Band
Calvin College String Quartet April 11, 1979 Tape 1, Calvin College String Quartet
Calvin College String Quartet April 11, 1979 Tape 2, Calvin College String Quartet
Calvin Combined Band Concert February 23, 1984 Tape 1, Calvin Combined Band
Calvin Combined Band Concert February 23, 1984 Tape 2, Calvin Combined Band
Calvin Combined Band Concert February 24, 1983 Tape 1, Calvin Combined Band
Calvin Combined Band Concert February 24, 1983 Tape 2, Calvin Combined Band
Calvin Combined Band Concert February 25, 1982, Calvin Combined Band
Calvin Combined Band Concert February 26, 1980 Tape 1, Calvin Combined Band
Calvin Combined Band Concert February 26, 1980 Tape 2, Calvin Combined Band
Calvin Combined Band Concert February 26, 1985, Calvin Combined Band
Calvin Combined Band Concert November 26, 1985, Calvin Combined Band
Calvin Combined Band Concert November 3, 1981, Calvin Combined Band
Calvin Courier, Fall 1996, Number 18, Richard C. Gamble
Calvin Courier, Fall 1997, Number 20, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 1998, Number 22, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 1999, Number 24, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2000, Number 26, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2001, Number 28, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2002, Number 30, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2003, Number 32, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2004, Number 34, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2005, Number 36, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2006, Number 38, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2007, Number 40, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2008, Number 42, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2009, Number 44, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2010, Number 46, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2011, Number 48, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2012, Number 50, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2013, Number 52, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2014, Number 54, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2015, Number 56, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2016, Number 58, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2017, Number 60, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2018, Number 62, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2019, Number 64, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2020, Number 66, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2021, Number 68, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Fall 2022, Number 69, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 1996, Number 17, Richard C. Gamble
Calvin Courier, Spring 1997, Number 19, Richard A. Muller
Calvin Courier, Spring 1998, Number 21, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 1999, Number 23, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2000, Number 25, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2001, Number 27, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2002, Number 29, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2003, Number 31, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2004, Number 33, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2005, Number 35, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2006, Number 37, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2007, Number 39, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2008, Number 41, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2009, Number 43, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2010, Number 45, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2011, Number 47, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2012, Number 49, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2013, Number 51, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2014, Number 53, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2015, Number 55, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2016, Number 57, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2017, Number 59, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2018, Number 61, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2019, Number 63, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2020, Number 65, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2021, Number 67, Karin Maag
Calvin Courier, Spring 2023, Number 70, Karin Maag
Calvin Engineering Students Help Habitat for Humanity, Calvin University
Calvinette Leaders Convention, Arnold Snoeyink
Calvin Faces the Future, Calvin College
Calvin Hour Programs #11, Calvin College
Calvin Hour Programs #13, Calvin College
Calvin Hour Programs #4, Calvin College
Calvin Hour Programs #8, Calvin College
Calvin in Geneva & Calvin in Strassburg, Richard Horcsik and Cornelius Augustijn
Calvin in Genf, 1536-1538, Calvin in Strassburg, Cornelis Augustijn and Richard Horcsik
Calvinism and Chaplaincy Ethics, Richard J. Mouw
Calvinism and Government, Henry Ippel
Calvinism and Missions Part 1, Harold Dekker
Calvinism and Missions Part 2, Harold Dekker
Calvinism and Music Part 1, James De Jonge
Calvinism and Music Part 2, James De Jonge
Calvinism and Politics, Henry Ippel
Calvinism and Revelation, John Weidenaar
Calvinism and Science, Thedford Dirkse
Calvinism and Social Welfare, Robert Kingdon
Calvinism in America, John Bratt
Calvinism in Latin America, David Vila
Calvinism In Switzerland, Charles Miller
Calvinism in the Netherlands Part 1, Walter Lagerwey
Calvinism in the Netherlands Part 2, Walter Lagerwey
Calvinism Part 1, Clarence Bouma
Calvinism Part 2, Clarence Bouma
Calvinist Influence on Racial Thoughts in America: The Career of Henry Hughes, Herbert Hill
Calvin Jazz Band Concert May 2, 1973 Tape 1, Calvin College Jazz
Calvin Jazz Band Concert May 2, 1973 Tape 2, Calvin College Jazz
Calvin Jazz Ensemble May 15, 1972, Calvin College Jazz
Calvin & Luther on Law & Gospel in Their Galatians Commentaries, I. John Hesselink
Calvin on the Relationship Between Christ's Cross and the Lord's Supper: The Supper as Eucharistic Sacrifice, Joseph Tylenda
Calvin on the Relationship Between Christ's Cross and the Lord's Supper: The Supper as Eucharistic Sacrifice, Joseph Tylenda
Calvin on Word and Spirit Tape 1, Richard C. Gamble
Calvin on Word and Spirit Tape 2, Richard C. Gamble
Calvin's China Connection, Daniel Bays and Kelly Clark
Calvin's Concept of Liturgy and His Commentary on the 1st Tablet, Hughes Oliphant Old
Calvin's Conversion to Teachableness, Wilhelm H. Neuser
Calvin's Doctrine of the Deaconate, Elsie McKee
Calvin Seminary: Past, Future, Present, James A. De Jong
Calvin Seminary Workshop on Substance Abuse, Calvin Theological Seminary
Calvin's Religious Development, John Bratt
Calvin Studio Lab Band April 28, 1981, Calvin College Studio Lab Band
Calvin Studio Lab Band March 12. 1976, Calvin College Studio Lab Band
Calvin Studio Lab Band May 11, 1979, Calvin College Studio Lab Band
Calvin Studio Lab Band May 5, 1982 Tape 1, Calvin College Studio Lab Band
Calvin Studio Lab Band May 5, 1982 Tape 2, Calvin College Studio Lab Band
Calvin Studio Lab Band May 6, 1977 Tape 1, Calvin College Studio Lab Band
Calvin Studio Lab Band May 6, 1977 Tape 2, Calvin College Studio Lab Band
Calvin Studio Lab Band May 9, 1980, Calvin College Studio Lab Band
Calvin's Understanding of the Christian Life, J.R. Walchenbach
Calvin's Visit to Grand Rapids: A Forgotten Episode in the History of the Church, Ford Lewis Battles
Calvin: The Nature and Structure of His Theology, Brian G. Armstrong
Calvin Theological Seminary Choir Concert April 1, 1969, Calvin Theological Seminary
Calvin Theological Seminary Choir Concert April 25, 1971 Tape 1, Calvin Theological Seminary
Calvin Theological Seminary Choir Concert April 25, 1971 Tape 2, Calvin Theological Seminary
Calvin Theological Seminary Choir Concert May 14, 1972, Calvin Theological Seminary
Calvin Theological Seminary Choir Concert May 6, 1973 Tape 1, Calvin Theological Seminary
Calvin Theological Seminary Choir Concert May 6, 1973 Tape 2, Calvin Theological Seminary
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1979: The Pastoral Prospect, Hugh Allan Koops
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1981: Married to Christ, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1982: The Form of a Servant, William Paul Brink
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1983: Priviledge of Being a Calvin Seminary Graduate, John E. Kim
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1984: The Preserving Worker, Henry Stob
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1985: The Irresistable Word, I. John Hesselink
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1987: Visions and Dreams, John H. Kromminga
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1988: The Nature of Ministry, Randall T. Ruble
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1989: The Canons of Detroit and the Brooklyn Confession, Paul Henry
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1990: Serving as a Leader in the Holy Nation, Chuck Colson
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1991, Joel Nederhood
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1993: Ministry Before the Face of God, Wilbert M. Van Dyk
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1995, Anthony J. Diekema
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1998, Louis M. Tamminga
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 1999, David Holwerda
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2002, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2003, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2004, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2005, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2008, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2011, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2012, Julius T. Medenblik
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2017, Julius T. Medenblik
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2018, Julius T. Medenblik
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2019, Julius T. Medenblik
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2020, Julius T. Medenblik
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2021, Julius T. Medenblik
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2022, Julius T. Medenblik
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2023, Julius T. Medenblik
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement 2024, Julius T. Medenblik
Calvin Theological Seminary Commencement: Has the Bible Mastered You?, Edmund P. Clowney
Calvin Theological Seminary Convocation Address, Ronald J. Nydam
Calvin Theological Seminary Convocation Address 2004, Jeffrey A.D. Weima
Calvin University Commencement 2020: Asking a Better Question, Bill Robinson
Calvin University Commencement 2021: High Calling Work, Bill Robinson
Calvin University Commencement 2022: Be My Witnesses: Heroes or Saints?, Michael K. Le Roy
Calvin University Commencement 2023: Be God's Instrument of Change, Akinwumi Adesina
Calvin University Commencement 2024: Embracing the Future After Commencement-Developing Practices to Combat Fear, Arlene Hoogewerf
Calvin Visit (Repitition) March 18, 1965, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
Calvin Western Sectional, Howard Vanderwell
Calvin Women: A History, Shirley Roels
Canadian Trade, Stephen L.S. Smith, Michael A. Anderson, and Doug L. Koopman
Can a Liberal Arts College Survive?, Russell Kirk
Can a Man Bless God? Human Variabilities and Natural Law, James Daane and Arthur Holmes
Can a Natural Law Theorist Justify Religious Civil Liberties?, Terence Cuneo
Can a Reformed Church Be Both True and Catholic?, John Bolt, DeKoster, Kuyvenhoven, Tamminga, and Zwaanstra
Can a Scientist Believe in a Destiny Beyond Death?, John Polkinghorne
Can Athletics Be Distinctively Christian?, Ralph Honderd
Can Science Survive in a Post-Modern World?, David Van Baak
Can Scientists Pray?, John Polkinghorne
Can The CRC Survive Success?, James D. Bratt
Can We Meet the Needs of Both Young and Old?, John E. Tropman
Can Zion Do Without the Servant in Isaiah 40-55?, Annemarieke van der Woude
Capella Album, Calvin College A Capella
Capella April 13, Calvin College A Capella
Capella April 16 Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
Capella April 16 Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
Capella April 29 Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
Capella April 29 Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
Capella April 4, Calvin College A Capella
Capella Chapel December 11, Calvin College A Capella
Capella Choir, Calvin College A Capella
Capella Christmas 1962, Calvin College A Capella
Capella Concert 1962, Calvin College A Capella
Capella December 13, Calvin College A Capella
Capella December 2 Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
Capella December 2 Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
Capella December 6 Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
Capella December 6 Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
Capella December 7 Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
Capella December 7 Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
Capella December 9 Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
Capella December 9 Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
Capella in the Cathedrals of England, Calvin College A Capella
Capella March 21, Calvin College A Capella
Capella March 6, Calvin College A Capella
Capella May 2 Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
Capella May 2 Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
Capella May 3, Calvin College A Capella
Capella May 6 Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
Capella May 6 Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
Capella May 7 Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
Capella May 7 Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
Capella May 8 Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
Capella May 8 Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
Capella Recording Session Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella
Capella Recording Session Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella
Careers in the Helping Careers, Garret Heyns
Caring in a Careless Society, Addie Wyatt
Carpenter Inauguration Service, Joel A. Carpenter
Case for Expositiory Preaching (Seminar 2), Earl F. Palmer
Case Report: Scarcity and Sanctity, Douglas Diekema and Allen Verhey
Case Studies & Practical Suggestions Regarding Boundary Violations, Beth Swaagman
Case Study Followed by Discussion, Floyd Westendorp
Cast Your Net on the Right Side: A New Harvest for the CRC, Dirk J. Hart
Catechism Preaching: Necessity, Jay Wesseling
Catharine Crozier Organ Recital, Tape 1, Catharine Crozier
Catharine Crozier Organ Recital, Tape 2, Catharine Crozier
Catholics and Protestants at the Same Table, Peter Kreeft
CCCS Education Center, Thelma; Meyer and Agnus Struik
CCCS Education Center, Agnus Struik; E. Brower; H. Potoka; Rick Geertsma; Hilda Roukema,; and Coni Huisman
CCCS Education Center, Bert Witvoet, Benita Van Andel, and Mary Kooy
CCCS Education Center, Judy Vos, Sheryl Wiers, Art DeJong, Tena Siebenga, and Tim Hoeksema
CCCS Education Conference, Tim Hoeksema, Vern Boerman, Doug Blomberg, and Ron Wells
CCCS Education Conference 1991, Ronald Albert Wells, Doug Blomberg, and Timothy E. Hoeksema
CCCS Education Conference 1991, Timothy E. Hoeksema, Tena Sienbenga, Leo Van Arragon, Art De Jong, Sheryl Weirs, and Judy Vos
Celebración bilingüe / Bilingual Celebration, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Jorge Lockward, and Gerardo Oberman
Celebrating Grace, Simon Wolfert
Celebrating New Possibilities for City Life, Stanley Hallett and Anne Carlson
Celebration, John Van Ryn
Celebration: Appalachian Ballads, Folksongs, and Stories, Betty Smith
Celebration, Community and Change, William Pannell
Celebration in the City, William Pannell
Censorship and Bias in Public School Textbooks, Paul Vitz
Centennial Convocation with the Ambassador of the Netherlands, William Vander Haak, A.R. Tammenoms Bakker, and John Primus
Centennial Performance, Calvin College A Capella
Central America & Economic Justice: Nicaragua Revisited, Stephen Wykstra
Central Avenue, Calvin College A Capella
Centrality of Worship and Preaching, William E. Hull
Challenge Confronting the Concerned Members, Arthur Besteman
Challenges and Opportunities in Campus Ministry, Willis Van Groningen
Challenges Facing Russia Today, Wendy Helleman
Challenges of Peace in the Middle East, Khalil Jahshan
Challenging Prejudice: Creating a Theology of Acceptance and Reconciliation in the Schools of Northern Ireland, Vincent McNally
Chamber Music Program November 18, 1969, Calvin College Chamber Orchestra
Changes and Continuity in the Church, G.C. Berkouwer
Changes in Relative Wages, Timothy Wedding and Varghese Manaloor
Changes in Sessions, Locations, and Presenters, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Changes in Sessions, Locations, and Presenters - 2007 Calvin Symposium on Worship, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Changing Clothes for Changing Ideals, Patricia Blom
Changing Face of Christianity: Africa, the West and the World, Todd Vanden Berg, Lamin Sanneh, Richard Plantinga, and Joel Carpenter
Changing Hearts and Minds About Animals and Food, Gene Baur
Changing Roles of Women Among Evangelicals, Ruth Tucker
Chapel, 10/14/1958, Walter Lagerway and Henrietta Ten Harmsel
Chapel, 3/7/1979, David Sieplinga
Chapel, 5/10/1979, Dirk Pierik
Chapel, Concert Band, Chapel Concert Band
Chapel Erection Permitted, R.D. Sytsma
Chapel Talk, Harold Dekker
Chapel Talk, 3/13/1979, Charlotte Otten
Chapel Talk, 9/28/1978, William Monsma
Chapel talk given at Belmont University, Derek Schuurman
Chaplaincy in the World Part 1, Calvin College
Chaplaincy in the World Part 2, Calvin College
Chaplain Hoogland, A.M., John J. Hoogland
Chaplain Hoogland, P.M., John J. Hoogland
Chaplain Installation: Mary Hulst, Mary Hulst
Chaplains and Crying Steeples, Jaco J. Hamman
Chaplains at War, Melvin Flikkema
Chaplain's Conference 6-13-1997, Calvin Theological Seminary
Chaplains' Conference Friday, Calvin Theological Seminary
Chaplains' Conference Thursday, Calvin Theological Seminary
Characteristics of a Leader, Howard Hendricks
Charismatic Religion, Gender Relations, and Modernization in Latin America, David Smilde
Charles Murray Discussion, Charles Murray
Charles Wesley Hymn Festival, Bert Polman and Norma deWaal Malefyt
ChatGPT, AI, and the Biblical Story, Derek Schuurman
ChatGPT, AI, and the Biblical Story: Thoughts from a Christian Computer Scientist, Derek Schuurman
ChatGPT and the Rise of AI, Derek C. Schuurman
ChatGPT and the Rise of AI, Derek Schuurman
ChatGPT and the rise of AI, Derek Schuurman
Chaucer, John J. Timmerman
Chemical Dependency: "Saying No is Not Enough", Larry McCarthy
Chemistry Goes Green - Experimental Determination of pKa Values and Metal Binding for Biomolecular Compounds Using 31P NMR Spectroscopy, R.A. Baker, C.D. Tatko, P.J. Tubergen, and M.A. Swartz
Chicago's Dutch Scavengers, Robert Swierenga
Children and Death: Tape 4 of 5, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Children and the Lord's Supper, Dean Deppe
Children and Youth Learn and Practice "Vertical Habits", Betty Grit, Young Kim, Tara Macias, Ellen VanSchoiack, and Sharon Veltema
Childrens' Bulletins-A Tool for Involving Children, Faye Fredericks
Child Slavery in Ghana, James Kofi-Annan
Chimes: April 11, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: April 1, 2011 (April Fools' Edition), Calvin College
Chimes: April 1, 2019 (April Fools' Edition), Calvin College
Chimes: April 1, 2023 (April Fools' Edition), Calvin University
Chimes: April 1, 2024 (April Fools' Edition), Calvin University
Chimes: April 12, 2019, Calvin College
Chimes: April 13, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: April 13, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: April 15, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: April 15, 2024, Calvin University
Chimes: April 16, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: April 17, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: April 20, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: April 20, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: April 21, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: April 22, 2024, Calvin University
Chimes: April 25, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: April 26, 2019, Calvin College
Chimes: April 27, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: April 28, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: April 29, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: April 30, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: April 4, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: April 5, 2019, Calvin College
Chimes: April 6, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: April 7, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: April 8, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: April 9, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: August 31, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: December 10, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: December 11, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: December 1, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: December 2, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: December 2, 2016, Calvin College
Chimes: December 3, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: December 4, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: December 4, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: December 5, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: December 6, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: December 6, 2019, Calvin University
Chimes: December 6, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: December 7, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: December 8, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: December 9, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: December 9, 2016, Calvin College
Chimes: February 10, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: February 10, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: February 11, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: February 12, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: February 12, 2024, Calvin University
Chimes: February 13, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: February 14, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: February 14, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: February 16, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: February 17, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: February 17, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: February 18, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: February 19, 2024, Calvin University
Chimes: February 20, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: February 21, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: February 21, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: February 22, 2019, Calvin College
Chimes: February 23, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: February 24, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: February 24, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: February 25, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: February 26, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: February 26, 2024, Calvin University
Chimes: February 28, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: February 28, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: February 3, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: February 3, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: February 4, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: February 5, 2016, Calvin College
Chimes: February 5, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: February 5, 2024, Calvin University
Chimes: February 6, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: February 7, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: February 7, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: February 8, 2019, Calvin College
Chimes: February 9, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: January 13, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: January 13, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: January 14, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: January 16, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: January 17, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: January 20, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: January 20, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: January 21, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: January 22, 2024, Calvin University
Chimes: January 23, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: January 29, 2024, Calvin University
Chimes: January 30, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: March 10, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: March 11, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: March 13, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: March 14, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: March 16, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: March 18, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: March 18, 2024, Calvin University
Chimes: March 19, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: March 20, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: March 21, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: March 21, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: March 2, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: March 2, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: March 25, 2024, Calvin University
Chimes: March 26, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: March 27, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: March 28, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: March 30, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: March 3, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: March 4, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: March 5, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: March 6, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: March 7, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: March 8, 2019, Calvin College
Chimes: March 9, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: March 9, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: May 2, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: May 3, 2019, Calvin College
Chimes: May 4, 2012, Calvin College
Chimes: May 4, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: May 5, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: May 6, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: May 9, 2014, Calvin College
Chimes: November 10, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: November 11, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: November 11, 2016, Calvin College
Chimes: November 1, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: November 1, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: November 12, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: November 13, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: November 13, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: November 13, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: November 14, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: November 15, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: November 15, 2019, Calvin University
Chimes: November 15, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: November 16, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: November 17, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: November 18, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: November 18, 2016, Calvin College
Chimes: November 19, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: November 20, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: November 2, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: November 22, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: November 30, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: November 3, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: November 4, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: November 4, 2016, Calvin College
Chimes: November 5, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: November 6, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: November 6, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: November 6, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: November 7, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: November 8, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: November 8, 2019, Calvin University
Chimes: November 8, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: November 9, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: October 11, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: October 11, 2019, Calvin University
Chimes: October 1, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: October 12, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: October 13, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: October 14, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: October 14, 2016, Calvin College
Chimes: October 14, 2024, Calvin University
Chimes: October 16, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: October 16, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: October 17, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: October 18, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: October 18, 2019, Calvin University
Chimes: October 18, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: October 19, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: October 20, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: October 21, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: October 21, 2016, Calvin College
Chimes: October 2, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: October 2, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: October 2, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: October 22, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: October 23, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: October 23, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: October 24, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: October 25, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: October 25, 2019, Calvin University
Chimes: October 25, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: October 26, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: October 27, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: October 28, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: October 28, 2016, Calvin College
Chimes: October 29, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: October 30, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: October 30, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: October 30, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: October 31, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: October 3, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: October 4, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: October 4, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: October 5, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: October 6, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: October 7, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: October 7, 2016, Calvin College
Chimes: October 7, 2024, Calvin University
Chimes: October 8, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: October 9, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: October 9, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: October 9, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: September 10, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: September 11, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: September 11, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: September 11, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: September 12, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: September 13, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: September 13, 2019, Calvin University
Chimes: September 13, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: September 14, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: September 15, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: September 16, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: September 16, 2024, Calvin College
Chimes: September 17, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: September 18, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: September 18, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: September 18, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: September 19, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: September 20, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: September 20, 2019, Calvin University
Chimes: September 20, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: September 21, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: September 2, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: September 22, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: September 23, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: September 23, 2024, Calvin College
Chimes: September 24, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: September 25, 2015, Calvin College
Chimes: September 25, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: September 25, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: September 26, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: September 27, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: September 27, 2019, Calvin University
Chimes: September 27, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: September 28, 2018, Calvin College
Chimes: September 29, 2017, Calvin College
Chimes: September 30, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: September 30, 2016, Calvin College
Chimes: September 30, 2024, Calvin College
Chimes: September 3, 2010, Calvin College
Chimes: September 4, 2020, Calvin University
Chimes: September 5, 2023, Calvin University
Chimes: September 6, 2013, Calvin College
Chimes: September 6, 2022, Calvin University
Chimes: September 7, 2011, Calvin College
Chimes: September 7, 2021, Calvin University
Chimes: September 9, 2024, Calvin University
China 1 Discussion, James A. De Jong
China: Advance Through Partnership, Richard Van Houten
China in the World Ahead: Avoiding Cold War II, Harm De Blij
China Today and the Shadow of the Emperors, Jonathan Spence
Choices Facing Churches in Changing Communities, Carl S. Dudley
Choir & Organ: Their Place in Reformed Liturgy, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Choosing Global Songs for Christian Worship in Multiethnic Settings, Roy Palavicini
Choosing to Include the Great Diversity of the City, Dennis Alexander
Choral Literature, Noah Greenberg
Choral Music in the Service of Congregational Singing, John Ferguson
Choral Repertoire- Liturgical Unity, Emily Brink
Chosen in Christ, Ephesians 1:1-14, Derke Bergsma
Christ and Culture, Theodore Minnema
Christ and the Media, Malcolm Muggeridge
Christ and the Powers: New Testament View of the State, Mark A. Hatfield
Christ Centered Therapy: A Counselee's Responsibility Tape 1, Neil T. Anderson
Christ Centered Therapy: A Counselee's Responsibility Tape 2, Neil T. Anderson
Christian Alternatives to Violence The Way of the Cross; Wealth and Poverty in Kingdom Perspective, John Perkins and Virgil Vogt
Christian Alternatives to Violence: Wealth and Poverty in Kingdom Perspective, John Perkins
Christian and the Business Risk, Jack Jagt and Scott Korthuis
Christian Art, Edgar Boeve
Christian Art Groups Encounter, Nigel Goodwin and David Nelson
Christian City Government, M. Howard Rienstra
Christian Defence of Capitalism, Michael Novak
Christian Defence of Capitalism Part 2, Michael Novak
Christian Discipleship (Sectional #7), Christian Reformed Church
Christian Education, David A. Zylstra
Christian Education at Calvin, Calvin College
Christian Education Outside North America, Hajnal Hos, Daryl McCarthy, Teresa McCarthy, and Leroy Seat
Christian Expansion and Social Renewal: Reaping Where Others Sowed, Lamin Sanneh
Christian Faith and Cultural Diversity, David Smith
Christian Faith and Diplomacy, Dominique Decherf
Christian Faith Formation, John Westerhoff III
Christian Higher Education at the End of the 20th Century: Our Changing Mission, Arlin Meyer
Christian Humanitarian Work-Past, Present, Future, Dirk B. Booy, Paul Kortenhoven, and Nicholas Wolterstorff
Christianity, John DeBie
Christianity, John DeBie
Christianity 101: The Marks of a Christian, Bill Hybels
Christianity 101: The Message of the Christian Faith, Bill Hybels
Christianity 101: The Miracle of Christian Life, Bill Hybels
Christianity and 20th Century English Literature, Harry Blamires
Christianity and Culture in Korea, Seyoon Kim
Christianity and Urban Economics, Anthony J. Campolo
Christianity as a Lifestyle for the Future, Adam Daniel Finnerty
Christianity, Business, and Ethics -- Three out of the Three, Anthony J. Diekema, Ken Kuipers, and Betsy Ancker-Johnson
Christianity for the Future, Adam Daniel Finnerty
Christianity in the Marketplace, Mary Naber, John Stapleford, and Steve Vanderveen
Christianity in the Public Square, David Billings, Deborah Bowen, and Barbara Omolade
Christianity, Islam, and the Kingdom of God: Their Relationship from an African Perspective, Kwame Bediako
Christian Learning and Kingdom Strategy, James Heynen
Christian Life Style, Edna Greenway
Christian Management in Turbulent Times, Timothy E. Hoeksema
Christian Ministry & Social Justice, James Skillen
Christian Obediance in a Scientific Age, Donald MacKay
Christian Perspectives: A Beginning of Ground Narrative, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: Basic Cultural Driving Forces, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: Christian Critique of Nature/Grace, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: Ground Motive of Secular Humanism-Nature and Freedom, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: Law Creation Idea vs. Wrong Law Creation Ideas, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: Nature-Grace After Luther, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives on the American Defense System, J. Harold Ellens, Ronald Sharette, and Richard J. Mouw
Christian Perspectives: The Authority of Scripture, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: The Spirit of God, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: What is a Law?, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: What is Philosophy?, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: What is Science and Naïve Experience, Peter J. Steen
Christian Perspectives: What Philosophy Ought to Be ?, Peter J. Steen
Christian Physicalist, Nancey Murphy
Christian Politics, Gordon Spykman
Christian Practical Moral Reflection-Reaching Neglected Audiences Beyond the Academy, Robert Kruschwitz and David Solomon
Christian Pre-Show Music Classical Guitar and Assorted Vocal, Calvin College
Christian Reaction to the Feminist Movement, Elisabeth Elliot
Christian Reformed Association of Staff Ministers, Howard Vanderwell
Christian Reformed Church History, James DeJong
Christian Reformed Church History 2, James DeJong
Christian Reformed Church in Ferment, John H. Kromminga
Christian Reformed Church - Reformed Church of America: Joint Morning Worship Service, Christian Reformed Church and Reformed Church of America
Christian Reformed Church - Reformed Church of America: Joint Worship Service, Christian Reformed Church and Reformed Church of America
Christian Reformed Families, Henry Holstege
Christian Reformed Family: Strength and Weaknesses; Changing American Male and Female, Henry Holstege
Christian Right, Christian Left: The Polarized American Religious Scene, Fleming Rutledge
Christians and Cultural Difference (Calvin Shorts), David I. Smith and Pennylyn Dykstra Pruim
Christians and Muslims Facing the Modern World, A. Wessels
Christians Celebrating Homecoming, John Van Ryn
Christian Scholarship and Alternative Therapies-Complementary or Incompatible, Donal O'Mathuna
Christian Scholarship and Gender Issues, Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen and Douglas Schuurman
Christian Scholarship and Human Responsibility, John E. Hare
Christian Scholarship and Issues Related to the Study of Human Nature, Jim Waller and Keith Wyma
Christian Scholarship and Pedagogy, Marshall Gregory, John Netland, and Marcy Taylor
Christian Scholarship and the Changing Center of World Christianity, Tite Tienou
Christian Scholarship and the Literary Arts-In Search of Sacremental Poetics, Scott Cairns, Scott Holland, and Roger Lundin
Christian Scholarship and the Practice of Science, John Polkinghorne
Christian Scholarship as a Calling-What Does It Mean for Business Faculty?, Terry Etter, Lee Hardy, Bob Husband, Cynthia Moody, Brian Porter, and Steve Vanderveen
Christian Scholarship...for What?, Susan Felch
Christian Scholarship..for Whom?, Elizabeth Conde-Frazier
Christian Scholarship in the Field of Political Science-Its Nature and Purpose, Stephen Hoffman, Doug L. Koopman, and William R. Stevenson Jr.
Christian Scholarship with Whom-Across the Theological Boundaries, Ann Hostetler, Mark Schwehn, Kang Phee Seng, and James Turner
Christian School Interview, Henry Kuiper
Christian Schools: A Dutch-Calvinist Perspective, L. John Van Til
Christian Schools: A Dutch-Calvinist Perspective, L. John Van Til
Christian Schools and the Dutch in the Chicago Area, Nick Yff
Christian Schools in the Midwest, J.A. Vander Ark
Christians in a Time of Greed, Henry Holstege
Christians in the Public Square: Toward a Kinder and Gentler Discipleship, Richard J. Mouw
Christians in Visual Arts, Marcus Uzilevsky
Christian Social Philosophy in a Shrinking World, Elaine Botha
Christian Teachers in Public Schools, Gloria Stronks
Christian View of Man, Richard J. Mouw
Christian Witness (cont'd)/ Sufism as a Bridge, D. Shenk
Christian Woman's Liberation, Letha Scanzoni
Christ in Heaven and the Life of Faith on Earth: Exploring the Message of Hebrews, Craig Koester
Christman Music, Calvin College
Christmas, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Christmas Concert, Calvin College A Capella
Christmas Concert, Calvin College A Capella
Christmas Concert, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Christmas: God Became Human in Christ - Worship 2, Mary Hulst
Christmas Program, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Christopher Smit, Christopher Smit
Christ's Church: Can it face Technology?, John Hesselink
Christ's Memorial, Clarence Vos
Christ's Second Coming, William Monsma
Church against State? Resident Aliens at 25, James K.A. Smith
Church and Mission in China, Daniel Bays
Church and World -- Essential Christianity, Derke Bergsma
Church and World -- Essential Ecclesiology, Derke Bergsma
Church and World -- Essential Proclamation, Derke Bergsma
Church Discipline, Kromminga, De Ridder, and Erffmeyer
Church Disipline, Richard Ridder, Henry Erffmeyer, Edward A. Van Baak, and Verlyn Verbrugge
Church Education and Evangelism, Larry Richards
Churches in Changing Neighborhoods, Carl S. Dudley
Churches on the Cutting Edge, Elaine Tamminga, Mary Gengerink, Marvin Hoogland, Rodney Molder, and Mary Sweeringa
Church Growth Eye, Donald A. McGavran
Church Growth in Black congregations, Willie Jemison
Church In Action In The Home, Crawford Earle
Church in North Africa, Sam Schlorff
Church Planting, John Williams
Church School Curricula, Beth A. Swagman
Church, State, and Toleration: Calvin's Heirs in England, 1645-1689, J. Wayne Baker
Church & State in Islam, Bassam Madany
Cities, Seminaries, and the Kingdom of God, Roger Greenway
Clash of Global and Local Forces: The Case of the Church in India, Paul Hiebert
Classic Antiquity in the Painting of Rembrandt, Leonard Slatkes
Classis Rocky Mountain, Howard Van Till
Class of 1960 Medallion Ceremony, Calvin College
Class of 1962 Medallion Ceremony, Calvin College
Class of '61 Ceremony, Calvin College
Cleansing the Soul, Henry Exoo
Clergy Silence, Rolf Bouma
Clergy Silence, Ralph Bouma and James Van Dam
Clerical Errors or Our Sins of Linguistic Besetment, James VandenBosch
Cloning and the Question of Ethics, Ian Wilmut
Closeting 'Nature': A Christian Critique of the Revolutionary View of Human Freedom, William R. Stevenson Jr.
Closing Session, Calvin Theological Seminary
Closing Session 2, Calvin Theological Seminary
Closing Worship-Sermon, Don Wardlow
Clothed by the LORD-In Wrath He Remembers Mercy, Gordon Hugenberger
CLPFUDatabase: A suite of R packages for energy conversion chain analysis, Matthew Kuperus Heun, Zeke Marshall, and Emmanuel Aramendia
C. Mather, J. McCarthy, L. Peters & the Hunt for Witches, James Bratt
Coaching America's Youngest College Football Team: My Plan, Trent Figg
Coast to Coast: Alumni Program, Calvin College Alumni
College Republicans 3rd District Forum, 1 of 2, Calvin College
College Republicans 3rd District Forum, 2 of 2, Calvin College
Collegium Musicum April 19, 1978, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum April 22, 1978, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum April 27, 1985, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum December 10, 1981 Tape 1, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum December 10, 1981 Tape 2, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum December 2, 1977 Tape 1, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum December 2, 1977 Tape 2, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum December 4, 1979 Tape 1, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum December 4, 1979 Tape 2, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum December 5, 1978, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum December 6, 1985, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum May 10, 1980, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum May 12, 1979, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum May 2, 1986, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum May 5, 1979, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum May 9, 1981, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum November 17, 1973 Tape 1, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum November 17, 1973 Tape 2, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum November 30, 1984 Tape 1, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum November 30, 1984 Tape 2, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum November 9, 1980 Tape 1, Collegium Musicum
Collegium Musicum November 9, 1980 Tape 2, Collegium Musicum
Colloquium on Global Trends in Mission, CTS Faculty
Color Blind: Seeing Beyond Race in a Race-Obsessed World, Ellis Cose
Colossians 1:24-29 'The Mystery', Ruth Hoffman and Melvin Hugen
Combined Reformation Day Services with Fuller Ave. and Neland Ave. CRCs, John H. Kromminga
Combining Scholarship and Popularization-Ethics, Public Policy, and Holistic Ministry, Doug L. Koopman and Ronald J. Sider
Come Let Us Play Christ, Larry Kieft
Come Let Us Worship, J.B. Hulst
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessings, Jason Max Ferdinand and The Aeolians
Come to the Party, Lavonn D. Brown
Commemoration of Retirement, Henry Stob
Commencement Chapel, Various
Commitments, Calvin College
Commitments, Calvin College
Committee Directory, Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee
Committee for Women in the CRC: A Review of Synod, George Monsma Jr., Lillian Grissen, and Phil Quist
Committee for Women in the CRC: Difficult Texts, Harvey Smit
Committee for Women in the CRC: Discussion of Women's Rights, Christian Reformed Church
Committee for Women in the CRC: Do I Belong?, Christian Reformed Church
Committee for Women in the CRC: Headship Committee Report, Anthony Hoekema and Willis De Boer
Committee for Women in the CRC: Headship Panel, Amy Plantinga Pauw, Mel Flikkema, and Josephine Fitzpatrick
Committee for Women in the CRC: How to Use the Bible, Edwin Walhout
Committee for Women in the CRC: Panel Discussion "Headship", Harry Boer, Mildred Yuma, Al Hoksbergen, and Nicholas Wolterstorff
Committee for Women in the CRC: Power to be One, Jane Plantinga Pauw
Committee for Women in the CRC: Reflections on the Resolution of the Women as Deacon Issue at 1984 Synod, Sandra VanderZight, Rog Van Harn, and Louis Roossien
Committee for Women in the CRC: Reformed Worship, Jerome Julien
Committee for Women in the CRC: Results of Survey Regarding Attitudes in CRC Toward Women in Office, Carol Topp and Peter De Jong
Committee for Women in the CRC: The Church, W. Van Dyk
Committee for Women in the CRC: The Church & Her Spiritual Warfare: IDEA, Jelle Tuininga
Committee for Women in the CRC: The Church & Her Spiritual Warfare: Science, Aaldert Mennega
Committee for Women in the CRC: The Contribution of Feminism to Biblical Interpretation, Lynn Jappinga
Committee for Women in the CRC: The Full Use of Women's Spiritual Gifts, Alvin Vander Griend
Committee for Women in the CRC: The Word: Spotlight or Prism, Louis A. Vos
Committee for Women in the CRC: What About Those Sticky Verses?, John Tuinstra
Committee for Women in the CRC: Why I Believe in the Ordination of Women, David Sieplinga, Rae Sieplinga, Vonda Essenberg, and Jim Haveman
Committee for Women in the CRC: Women in Ecclesiastical Office, Martin Lamaire
Committee for Women in the CRC: Women in the Church: What is Our Future?, Sarah Cook
Committee for Women in the CRC: Women in the Image of God, Morris Greidanus
Committee for Women in the CRC: Women, Slaves, Children, and Jews, Melvin Hugen
Communicating Biblical Justice to Our Constituency, Roger Greenway
Communicating Spiritual Values Within the Family, Henry Holstege
Communicating the Gospel, David A. Hubbard
Communicating the Gospel, William Romanowski
Communicating the Message, Clyde E. Fant
Communicating with 20th Century Youth, Stanley (Sietze Buning) Wiersma
Communication in Religion, Eugene Nida
Communication/Mission, Joel Nederhood
Communication/Mission, Joel Nederhood
Communism, Dirk William Jellema
Communism, Dirk William Jellema
Communism-Case for Indoctrination, William Harry Jellema
Communities of Discourse, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Communities of Discourse, Jacob Neusner and Jean Hampton
Community and Sects; What is an American?, Henry Zylstra
Community-Based Reforms of the Justice System, David LaGrand
Community Resources and How to Access Them, Christine Nelson
Comparative Studies of Korean and Japanese Churches, John E. Kim
Compassion and Truth in the Church's Ministry to Homosexuals, Mel Hugen
Compassion: Looking Heavenward, Allen Verhey
Compilation of John Witvliet Music, John D. Witvliet
Complete genome sequences of 9 Rhodococcus equi phages, Randall DeJong and Myles D Radersma, Gabrielle Lathrop, Karena C Moleakunnel, Luke Harlow, Aerin E Baker, Alison J. Chen, Jason G Churu, Carly A Dole, Sophia L Doorn, Ethan M Hill, Anna Howland, Amanda Janvier, Catie M Kramer, Matt J Minasian, Jocelyn R Nieze, Isabella K Perezios, Fiona J Ramsey, Katie L Seinen, Sierra K Swierenga, Michael M Veenstra, Grace E Weaver, Alexandra C White, Esther Yoon
Complex, Unjust Structural Systems, Ronald J. Sider
Components of Management, Richard De Ridder
Computer Application in Church Work, Gerald VanOyen
Concentration Camps - Where is God?, Lewis B. Smedes
Concepts and Things, Susanna Caroselli, Lambert Van Poolen, and Jeff Wright
Concerto Concert February 26 1983, Calvin College Orchestra and Calvin College Student Soloists
Concerto Concert March 3 1981, Calvin College Orchestra and Calvin College Student Soloists
Concerto Concert March 4 1980 Tape 1, Calvin College Orchestra and Calvin College Soloists
Concerto Concert March 4 1980 Tape 2, Calvin College Orchestra and Calvin College Soloists
Concert of Christmas Music, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Concert Time April 19 1960, Calvin College Concert Band
Concert Time April 9 1962, Calvin College Concert Band
Concluding Business Session, Various
Concluding Roundtable, Creston Davis
Conditional Moral Vegetarianism, Terence Cuneo
Conference Issues, Calvin College
Conference on Expository Preaching Tape A, Lewis B. Smedes
Conference on Expository Preaching Tape B, Lewis B. Smedes
Conference on Women and Church Office: Partnership in the Gospel 1, Joan Flikkema and Marty Jager
Conference on Women and Church Office: Partnership in the Gospel 2, Joan Flikkema and Marty Jager
Conference on Women and Church Office: Partnership in the Gospel 3, Joan Flikkema and Marty Jager
Conference Overview and Opening Worship, Calvin Theological Seminary
Conference Overview and Opening Worship 2, Calvin Theological Seminary
Conference Reflections, Melvin Hugen and Marchiene Rienstra
Conference Summation, Lamin Sanneh
Confident Living; Guarded By God, Clarence Boomsma and Peter Van Elderen
Conflict and Resolution in South Africa, Elaine Botha
Conflict in the CRC and the Gospel of Mark, Dean Deppe
Conflict Management & Reconciliation, Robert Meyering, Denise Zoeterman, Louis M. Tamminga, and Vernon Geurkink
Conformity in Business, Karl Zander
Confronting the Denying Perpetrator, Mary Kay Ewing
Confused Compassion, Douglas Houck
Congenital Disabilities and Gender Nonconforming Identities as Parts of God’s Intended Creation, Loren Haarsma, Kevin Timpe, Liran Naranjo- Huebl, and Emily Helder
Congregational Involvement in Worship, Harry Boonstra
Congregational Ministry and National Urban Strategy, William Lesher
Congregations in the City: Which is the Shaper and which the Clay?, Walter Wangerin
Congregations Neighborhoods Places(Calvin Shorts), Mark T. Mulder
Connecting Bytes and Beliefs, Derek Schuurman
Connecting Bytes and Beliefs, Derek Schuurman
Connecting Bytes and Beliefs: A Personal Story, Derek Schuurman
Connecting Bytes and Christian Beliefs, Derek Schuurman
Consensus Tigurinus: Did Calvin Surrender?, Paul E. Rorem
Consensus Tigurinus: Did Calvin Surrender?, Paul E. Rorem
Conservative Critique of the Reagan Administration, William Rusher
Consultation for Assistance in Developing Urban Ministry, Philip Amerson
Consultation with RCJ, R.D. Sytsma
Contemporary Directions, Calvin College
Contemporary Directions Ensemble May 11, 1978, Calvin College
Contemporary Directions Ensemble May 2, 1977 Tape 2, Calvin College
Contemporary Directions Ensemble May 7, 1975 Tape 1, Calvin College
Contemporary Directions Ensemble May 7, 1975 Tape 2, Calvin College
Contemporary Latin Hermeneutics, Mariano Avila
Contemporary Music Ensemble May 2, 1977 Tape 1, Calvin College
Contemporary Preaching: Loss of Memory, Failure of Nerve, Recovery of Voice #1, Thomas Long
Contemporary Roman Catholicism, G.C. Berkouwer
Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology-God, Christ, and Salvation, Robert B. Strimple
Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology: Scripture and Tradition, Robert B. Strimple
Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology: The Church, The World and The Kingdom, Robert B. Strimple
Context, Contours, Contents: Towards a Description of Calvin's Understanding of Worship, Elsie Ann McKee
Contextualization, Robert Recker
Contextualizing Worship: My journey to worship God as a Navajo Christian,, Mark Charles
Contextual Theology as Mutual Correction in the World Church, Charles Taber
Continental Philosophy of Religion: Prescriptions for a Healthy Subdiscipline, James K.A. Smith
Controlled By Love, Wayne Joosse
Controlling China's Pollution, John Copeland Nagle
Control of Morals in Geneva, R.M. Kingdon
Convention Business Meeting, Christian Reformed Church
Convergence and Cross, John E. Charalambakis and J.D. Richardson
Conversation About Coming to America, Walter Lagerwey and Martha Lagerwey
Conversation, Conversion and the Case of William Carey, Robert McCutcheon
Conversation of the Thief on the Cross, Frank De Jong
Conversations Between Worship Leaders and Worship Technicians, Cindy Baron de Jong
Conversation with Derek Schuurman, Derek Schuurman
Conversation with Eugene Peterson, Trygve Johnson and Eugene Peterson
Conversation with John and Aleida Beuker and Ron Voogt, John Beuker, Aleida Beuker, and Ron Voogt
Conversion and Community in Crisis: The Negotiation of Authority in the Antinomian Controversy, 1636-1638 and Works Salvation and Community in The Scarlet Letter, Timothy Hall and Preston Harper
Conversion in Missions-19th Century Revival In America and Germany (2 of 3), Peter Beyerhaus
Conversion in Missions-The Fall into Disgrace of Conversion During the 20th Century (3 of 3), Peter Beyerhaus
Conversion in Missions-Third World Experience of Conversion (1 of 3), Peter Beyerhaus
Convocation 1990: A Call to Christian Living, Various
Convocation 2007, Laura Smit
Convocation in Honor of Dr. Stob, Calvin Theological Seminary
Coping With Grief, Dan Bauman
Core Curriculum Statement of Purpose, 1st Draft., Calvin College
Cornelius Plantinga Sr., Cornelius Plantinga Sr.
Cornerstone Ceremony for Vermeer and Prince Engineering Centers, Calvin College
Corrupted Words Reclaimed, Marva Dawn
Cosmic Christology and the Christian's Role in Creation, Loren Wilkerson
Costumes as Communication, Margot Shevill
Counter-Culture as a Way of Life Part 1, Clifford Bajema
Counter-Culture as a Way of Life Part 2, Clifford Bajema
Counter Cultures, Cultural Anarchism and the Presence of the Future Kingdom, Peter J. Steen
Country-level primary-final-useful (CL-PFU) and world long-run (WLR-PFU) energy and exergy databases, Matthew Kuperus Heun
Court Case and Commendation, Elizabeth Achtemeier
Courting Carefully His Presence, Dale Cooper
Court Processing of Juvenile Delinquent: Issues and Trends - Session 3, Frank, Sandy Metcalf, David Dorr, and Patricia Gardner
Covenant and Pentecost, James C. VanderKam
Covenant Fine Arts Center Dedication, Calvin College
Covenant Fine Arts Center Dedication, Mary Hulst and Gaylen Byker
Covenant Plan for Funding Christian Day School Education, Milt Kuyers
Covert Incest and Sexual Addiction, Sunday, June 23, Ken A.
Cowboys and Farmers-The Pastor's Role in Adult Fall, Robert DeVries
CPOL Lecture, Wayne Joose and Dale Cooper
CPOL Lecture, Dennis Hoekstra, Charles Miller, Don Vroon, Peter De Boer, and Willis De Boer
Cracking the Codes: From Design to Finished Building (Session 7), Summer Rutherford
Craving to be Adored, Dale Cooper
CRC and Common Man, Earl Strikwerda
CRC Evangelism Conference, Stuart Briscoe
CRC in the West and Classis Iowa In Particular, Idzerd Van Dellen
CRC Missionary Work in Brazil, Charlotte Muller
CRC Survey Results, Peter DeJong and Carol Topp
Creating a Child-friendly Culture in Your Church, Robert Keeley
Creating a Healthy Congregation, Peter Steinke
Creating a School Without Failure, William Glasser
Creating Interfaith Church Networks to Address Public, Kim Jefferson
Creating Scripts from the Bible, Dale Savidge
Creation and Early Earth #2, Calvin College
Creation and Evolution, Howard Van Till
Creation and Gospel, Gustaf Wingren
Creation-Evolution, Albert Wolters
Creation Ex Nihilo, Brian Leftow
Creationist vs. Redemptionist View of State and Society, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Creation Out of Nothing and Versus Nothing, Adrio Konig
Creation, Race, and Apartheid, Bernard Zylstra
Creation's Choir Sings Hymns of Praise, Dale Cooper
Creative Hymn Playing, Joachim Segger
Creative Relationships, Gladys Hunt
Creativity and “gadget overload”, Derek Schuurman
Creativity in Reformed Worship, Morris Greidanus
Crime and Delinquency in School Settings - Session 1, Lois Shepard, Bob Goethal, Larry Johnson, and Artis Williams
Crime Scenes: How We Can Tell What Isn't So, Rod Englert
Crisis in the Christian Life, Jeb Stuart Magruder
Critical Edition: A Commentary Upon the Prophecie of Isaiah, Grace Weaver
Critical Edition of The Summe of Christian Religion Delivered by Zacharias Ursinua, Taylor Trenta
Critical Urban Trends & Implications, Stanley Hallett
Critiques of Case Histories, Leonard Greenway, Melvin Hugen, Duane A. Visser, and Jay Adams
CR Ministers' Institute Lecture, Calvin Theological Seminary
CR Ministers' Institutes, Calvin College
Cross-Cultural Congregational Song, Anton Armstrong
Cross-Cultural Discipleship, Gary Teja
Cross-Cultural Relationships Panel, Calvin College
Cruciform Glory, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Cornelius Plantinga Jr, John Ferguson, Jeff Wilson, Pablo Soso, and Todd Farley
Crumbs, Bernard Pekelder
Crumbs From Your Table: U2 and Justice, Steve Stockman
CSI and Its Ministry, Kenneth Swets
C. S. Lewis and His Later Respondents: Letting in Fresh Air, Preventing Questions, and Reimagining A Preface to Paradise Lost, David V. Urban
C. S. Lewis and Satan: A Preface to Paradise Lost and Its Respondents, 1942-1952, David V. Urban
C. S. Lewis’s Complex Relationship with Queer Milton Studies: Indirect Inspiration, Hegemonic Antagonist, and Erased Inconvenient Forerunner, David V. Urban
Cultivating a Deep Love for Scripture, Kevin Adams
Cultivating Attentiveness, Dale Cooper
Cultivating Congregational Hospitality, Dale Cooper
Cultivating Male Leadership, John McNeal
Culturally Diverse and Holistic Worship, Pedrito Maynard-Reid
Cultural Perspectives on the Transformation of Congregational Song, Michael Hamilton
Cultural Politics and the Question of the Existence of God, Richard Rorty
Culture and Pluralism - Plenary Session, Avery Dulles
Culture, Christianity, and Witchcraft in an African Context, Todd Vanden Berg
Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America, James Davidson Hunter
Cumulative Reflections, Michael Bauer, John Boody, Katheryn Nichols, and Nicholas Wolterstorff
Current Issues in the Church, David Holwerda
Current Trends in Missiology, Van Gelderen
Curriculum Revision 1983, Calvin Theological Seminary Student Forum
Curriculum Revision 1984, Calvin Theological Seminary Student Forum
Cursing, Swearing, and Cussing: The Imprecatory Psalms as Holy Profane Speech, W. David O. Taylor
Cyber-Tolkiens? Kuyper-bots?, Derek Schuurman
Daily Bread; Managing Money, Harvey Smit
Dancing About Architecture: Exploring the Connection Between Music and Words, Andy Whitman
Dancing with Dinner, Joel Salatin
Daniel Smith, Daniel Smith
Darwinian Moral Sense and Biblical Religion, Larry Arnhart
Darwin's Evolutionary Ethics Modernized: The Tension Between Loyalty and Sympathy, Peter Richerson
Daughter of the Killing Fields, Theary Seng
Dave Zollo & Greg Brown, Dave Zollo and Greg Brown
DAVID BAZAN, David Bazan
DAVID EUGENE EDWARDS, David Eugene Edwards
David Foster Wallace to the Rescue, James K.A. Smith
David-Myth or Type, Gordon Hugenberger
Dead Man Walking: The Journey, Helen Prejean
Dead Man Walking: The Journey Continues, Helen Prejean
Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible (Earlier Lecture), James C. VanderKam
Dealing with Sexual Material, Art Seagul, Virginia Satir, Harold Greenwald, and Albert Ellis
Death and Dying, Lawrence Den Besten
Death: Enemy or Friend?, Gilbert Meilaender
Death is Different: Investigating Legal Defense in Death Penalty Sentencing, Stephen Henderson
Death of a Child-Meaningful Ministering, Joal Bydalek
Debate between Andrew Kuyvenhoven and Robert Godfrey, Andrew Kuyvenhoven, W. Robert Godfrey, and Ted Plantinga
Debate on Report 44: Spykman and DeKoster, Gordon Spykman and Lester R. DeKoster
Debate on the Moral Majority, Stephen Monsma and David Wood
Debate on Women in Church Office, Joan Flikkema and Nelson Kloosterman
Decision Therapy, Harold Greenwald
Declaration of Dependence, Dale Cooper
Deconstruction and the Interpretation of Christian Faith, John D. Caputo
Dedication of Bernard D. Zondevan Sr. Memorial Organ, John Hamersma
Dedication of H.H. Meeter Center/Hiemenga Hall Addition, Calvin College: Hekman Library
Dedication of Swets Choral Room, Henry DeMots
Dedication Service for Fine Arts Center, Arnold Brink
Defending Pluralism, William Brewbaker
Defining the Integration of Faith and Learning, Derek Schuurman, Esau McCaulley, Todd Rearm, Andrea Scott, and Morgan Feddes Satre
Defusing Fear of Innovations: Facilitating Change in the Church, Edward D. Seely
DeJong Inauguration, Calvin Seminary, James A. DeJong
DeJong Inauguration, Calvin Seminary Part 2, James A. DeJong
DeKoster Honorary Dinner, Lester R. DeKoster
Deliverance, Tom Kaastra
Democracy and/or Postmodern Augustinianism?, Ashley Woodiwiss
Democracy Derailed: Initiative Campaigns and the Power of Money, David Broder
Democratic Education: Redescribing Citizens Beyond the Limits of Liberalism, Simona Goi
Demonology and Mental Illness, Samuel Southard
Denial: Tape 2 of 5, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
DENISON WITMER & DON PERIS, Denison Witmer and Don Peris
Denominational Strategy for Metropolitan Evangelism, Dale Cross
Denver, CO - First Christian Reformed Church - 75th Anniversary Service, First Christian Reformed Church
Depending On God, Theodore Ferris
Depression / Anxiety, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Derald DeYoung, Trombone; John Hamersma, Organ September 26, 1980 Tape 1, Derald DeYoung and John Hamersma
Derald DeYoung, Trombone; John Hamersma, Organ September 26, 1980 Tape 2, Derald DeYoung and John Hamersma
Derald DeYoung, Trombone Recital October 14, 1978, Derald DeYoung
Derald DeYoung, Trombone Recital September 28, 1979 Tape 1, Derald DeYoung
Derald DeYoung, Trombone Recital September 28, 1979 Tape 2, Derald DeYoung
Derald DeYoung, Trombone September 30, 1983 Tape 1, Derald DeYoung
Derald DeYoung, Trombone September 30, 1983 Tape 2, Derald DeYoung
Derek Schuurman on Using Artificial Intelligence in Church, Derek Schuurman
Design and the Origin of Life: DNA by Design, Stephen Meyer
Designed to the Inheritance of Jesus, Dale Cooper
Designing Life's Building Blocks, Jed Macosko
Desiring the Kingdom: Worship, Worldview, and Cultural Formation by James K.A. Smith, Todd C. Ream, Perry L. Glanzer, David S. Guthrie, Steven M. Nolt, David Wright, and James K.A. Smith
Desolate Terror, Accomplished Power (Psalms 22), Bill Zeilstra
Developing a Healthy Congregation, Donald Sloat and Peter Larsen
Developing A Missions Program in the Local Church, Ezell Wiggins
Developing an Incarnational Model of Scripture, Peter Enns
Developing Black Leadership in White Denominations Part 1, James White
Developing Black Leadership in White Denominations Part 2, James White
Developing Capable Young Christians in the Parsonage and Pew, Muriel Stehouwer
Developing People Through Delegation Tape 7 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Developing the Church and Motivating Members, Rich DeVos
Developing Third World Missionary Leaders, Ezequiel Romero
Developing Written Policy Before Crisis Hits, Ronald L. Foster
Developments in Science over the Years, Linus Pauling
DeVries Hall Dedication Lecture, George VanderWoude
Dialectic of Love & Justice, Henry Stob
Dialogues, Westerhoff and Larry Richards
Dialogue with Students and Faculty, Ed Dobson
Diamond Jubilee Pageant: A Tree of Life, Calvin College
Diamond Judilee Pageant: A Tree of Life Part 2, Calvin College
Diekema Inauguration, Calvin College, Anthony J. Diekema
Dietrich Bonhoeffer On Lying - Reflections on America, Stanley Hauerwas
Dilemmas In the Criminal Justice System, Robert G. Culbertson
Diminished Agency: Psychological Science and the Role of Choice in Goals and Actions, James Van Slyke and Kevin Timpe
Directed Self-Placement for Multilingual, Multicultural International Students, Kristine Johnson and Sara Vander Bie
Disability and Inclusive Communities(Calvin Shorts), Kevin Timpe
Disability and the Theodicy of Defeat, Kevin Timpe and Aaron D. Cobb
Disability Enabling Theology: Informing Christian Beliefs--Transforming Christian Practice, Amos Yong
Discerning a Christian Response to AI, Derek Schuurman
Discerning the Voices-Praise and Lament in the Tradition of the Christian Psaltar, Karlfried Froehlich
Discerning the Will of God, Lewis B. Smedes
Discerning Video Games as Popular Culture, Nathan Martz
Discipline and Worship, Daniel Augsburger
Disciplined Disciples, Edward A. Van Baak
Disciplined Zeal: Being a Christian Student at Calvin College, William Stevenson
Discipline with Dignity, Edward Heethuis
Disclosure Issues, Randy Scott
Discovering Eternal Truth in Unlikely Music, Steve Stockman
Discovering God's Treasure, Bernard Pekelder
Discovering Racism Among Us, Janice McWherter
Discovering the Voice of the Listener, David Davis
Discussion and Dialogue on Preaching, Lester R. DeKoster
Discussion: Communities of Discourse, Jean Hampton, Martin E. Marty, Elizabeth Minnich, Jacob Neusner, Miroslav Volf, and Nicholas Wolterstorff
Discussion Concerning the English Department at Calvin College, John J. Timmerman and Henry Zylstra
Discussion Concerning the Teaching of English, John J. Timmerman and Henry Zylstra
Discussion: History 101, M. Howard Rienstra
Discussion: Life in the Crossfire-A Report from the Trenches, John Cox, Lee Hardy, Richard (Rick) Plantinga, and Caroline Simon
Discussion of Addresses by Horcsik & Augustijn, Richard Horcsik and Cornelius Augustijn
Discussion of Calvin Center for Christian Scholarship (CCCS) Goals, Calvin College
Discussion of Goals, Calvin College
Discussion of Goals, Calvin College
Discussion of Goals Part 2, Calvin College
Discussion of Goals Part 3, Calvin College
Discussion of Goals Part 4, Calvin College
Discussion of Professional Studies at Calvin, William Harry Jellema and Henry J. Ryskamp
Discussion of Speech (Urban Strategies), Roger Greenway
Discussion on Bartell Yonkman, Anna Yonkman
Discussion on Roseland, II, George Yff
Discussions of Addresses, Cornelis Augustijn and Richard Horcsik
Discussion with Blodgett Memorial Hospital Nurses, Tony Brower
Discussion with Henry Stob, Henry Stob
Disestablishment a Second Time: Public Justice for American Schools, Rockne McCarthy
Dismantling Racism, Calvin College
Dispensationalism, Anthony A. Hoekema
Distortion to Shalom, Gerald Vandezande
Diversification of the 70's Part 1, R.D. Sytsma
Diversification of the 70's Part 2, R.D. Sytsma
Diversification of the 70's Part 3, R.D. Sytsma
Diversity and Innovation in a Multi-Ethnic Church, Gerardo Marti
Diversity in the Workplace, J.D. Bishop and Milton Kuyers
Divest or Disinvest in South Africa?, Henry Dewitt, James Spiess, Benny Copa, Nicholas Wolterstorff, and Lester R. DeKoster
Divine Discipline, Henry Exoo
Divine Knowledge, Alvin C. Plantinga
Divine Plan Human Tangle, Jack Roeda
Divine Presence, Scott MacDonald
Divine Reverberations, Linda S. Welker
Divorce and the Quo Vades (The Incidence of Divorce in the CRC), Roger Boer
Does America Exist?, Richard Rodriguez
Does Faith Make A Difference?, David Myers
Does God Exist? Debate, William Lane Craig and Tim Kenyon
Does Morality Need God?, John Hare
Does Perception Under Concepts Make the World and God Unknowable?, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Does Science Discredit Religion?, William P. Alston
Does the Reformation Still Matter?(Calvin Shorts), Karin Maag
Does the Sector Bias of Skill-Biased Technological Change Explain Changing Wage Inequality?, Matthew G. Slaughter and Barry Ritchey
Dogs, Pigs, Pearls and Preachers, Haddon Robinson
Doing Theology in the Latin America, Sidney Rooy
Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night: Should Doctors Kill, David Schiedermayer
Don Postema at Chaplain's Conference, Don Postema
Don't Believe Everything That You Breathe: The Importance of Being Skeptical, David Dark
Don't Be Refugees, Be Missionaries! African Immigrants & the New Missionary Encounter with American Society, Jehu J. Hanciles
Don't Forget the People-The Missing Ingredient in Expository Preaching, Stephen W. Brown
Don’t Look Up as a Neil Postman Parable, Derek Schuurman
Don't Worry, Jack Roeda
Doubting Thomas Meets Goliath-Drama in the Service, Debra Freeberg
Downfall: Avoiding the Triple Threat of Money, Sex, and Power in Washington, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Dr. Abraham Kuypers's Conception of the Church, Henry Zwaanstra
Dramatic Readings of Afro-American Poetry, Abraham Davis Jr.
Drawing Near to the Lord, James A. De Jong
Dr. Derek Schuurman on AI and the Kingdom of God, Derek Schuurman
Drive Dull Care Away, Joe Hickerson
Dr. Joseph Abramajtys, Joseph Abramajtys
Dr. Julie Yonker on Mental Health for Boys and Girls, Dr. Julie Yonker
Dr. Peter Steen Lecture at Dordt College 1 of 2, Peter J. Steen
Dr. Peter Steen Lecture at Dordt College 2 of 2, Peter J. Steen
Dr. Steen at Geneva College, Peter J. Steen
Duo Majoya Workshop, Marnie Giesbrecht and Joachim Segger
Dutch American Historical Workshop, 1 of 5, Henry Ippel, Anthony J. Diekema, Elton Bruins, Henry Brinks, and Conrad Bult