Content Posted in 2024
Prism 1957, Calvin College
Prism 1960, Calvin College
Prism 1961, Calvin College
Prism 1962, Calvin College
Prism 1963, Calvin College
Prism 1964, Calvin College
Prism 1965, Calvin College
Prism 1969, Calvin College
Prism 1977, Calvin College
Prism 1978, Calvin College
Prism 1983, Calvin College
Prism 1984, Calvin College
Prism 1985, Calvin College
Prison Chaplain - Hope for the Hopeless, Henry Bouma
Prison Outreach, Saturday, June 22, Anonymous
Probability and the Evidential Argument from Evil, Richard Otte
Problems in the Christian School, William Harry Jellema
Proclaiming the Lord's Death, Leonard Greenway
Proclamation of the Word According to Calvin, John H. Leith
Professional Athletics: Mania, Money, and Morals, Richard M. De Vos
Professionalism for the Teacher, Lester R. DeKoster
Profession of Faith: Can It Be Revitalizaed?, Howard Vanderwell
Profession of Faith: Words of Testimony and Edification, Anthony Van Zanten
Profile of a Defector, Vladislav Krasnov
Program Book, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Program - Calvin Symposium on Worship: Word, Music, Vision, Action
Programming, Story and Video Game Design, Nathan Martz
Progressive Dispensationalism, Darrell Bock
Progress of Abyss-Remembering the Future of the Modern World, Jürgen Moltmann
Project Africa Celebration, Calvin College
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 1, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 10, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 11, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 12, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 13, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 14, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 15, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 16, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 17, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 2, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 3, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 4, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 5, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 6, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 7, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 8, John Bolt
Prolegomena: Intro to Theology Part 9, John Bolt
Promised Reading-The Value of Literature for Readers, Teachers, and Scholars, Deborah Bowen, Dale Brown, Crystal Downing, Susan Felch, and Dean Ward
Promises of God for Our Lives, Wayne Brasser
Promise: The Power to Control the Future, Lewis B. Smedes
Promoting Congregational and Staff Awareness, Donald Sunman
Promoting Healthy Family Relationships, Kathy Love and Stephen J. Love
Prone to Wander, Dale Cooper
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 1, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 10, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 11, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 2, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 3, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 4, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 5, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 6, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 7, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 8, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy and the Book of Revelation Tape 9, Peter J. Steen
Prophecy Today?, O. Palmer Robertson
Prophet: A Contemporary Man (1 of 3), David Englehard
Prophet: A Historical Man (2 of 3), David Englehard
Prophet: An Eschatological Man (3 of 3), David Englehard
Prophets of Israel, Clarence Vos
Prospects for ID as a Research Program: Prospects for Intelligent Design as a Biological Research Program, Paul Nelson
Protestant Church Growth in Latin America, Sheldon Annis
Protestantism: The State and Society in Guatemala, Timothy Steigenga
Protestant Missionary Activity in Latin America, Roger Greenway
Protestants & Catholics: Rivals or Siblings?, Edward Clearly
Providence, Power and Pastoral Care (Part 1), I. John Hesselink
Providence, Power and Pastoral Care (Part 2), I. John Hesselink
Providence, Power and Pastoral Care (Part 3), I. John Hesselink
Providence, Preaching, and Pastoral Care, Scott Hoezee and John Cooper
Provost Commissioning, Calvin College
Provost's Inauguration Lecture, Nathan O. Hatch
Psalm 19:1-3, Cecil De Boer
Psalm 8 and Technology, Derek Schuurman
Psalm 8 includes Computers, Derek Schuurman
Psalm and Hymn Festival, Various
Psalm Festival, 2005 - Worship Book, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Psalms, Calvin College
Psalms 88 and 89-Medieval Reading by Monks and Scholars, Karlfried Froehlich
Psalms Are to Be Heard Everywhere, Calvin Seerveld and Calvin Seerveld
Psalms for Families: Devotions for All Ages, Laura Keeley and Robert J. Keeley
Psalter Hymnal Update, Emily R. Brink
Psychology in the Church, Robert Roberts
Psychology, Science, and Methods, Stanton L. Jones
Public Education in General and Grand Rapids Public Schools in Particular, Bernard J. Taylor
Public Service Announcement for Radio Broadcast, Calvin College
Pulpits, Preachers, and Politics, Corwin Smidt
Pulpits, Preachers, and Politics, Corwin Smidt
Puritanism and its Discontents Concluding Session, Laura Lunger Knoppers
Puritans, Politics, & Portraiture: Oliver Cromwell & the Plain Style, Laura Lunger-Knoppers
Purpaleanie and Other Permurtations, Stanley (Sietze Buning) Wiersma
Purpose for Living, Paul Smith
Purpose of Chimes, John La Grand, Marlon Van Elderen, Mark Wageveld, and Vals Nykamp
Pursuing the Good Life, Kevin Corcoran
Pursuit Personal/Social Well Being, David G. Myers
Putting Rare Books Within Everyone's Reach: Historical Theology and the Post-Reformation Digital Library, Todd Rester and Jordan Ballor
Q&A and Workshop, Bernard Zylstra
Q&A Session, F. Dale Bruner and Timothy Brown
Quality of Care and Cost Controls: Comfortable Myths and Uncomfortable Dilemas, Leon Wyszewianski
Quebec: Our Challenge?, Martin Geleynse
Question and Answer Period, Henry Holstege
Question and Answer Period About Writing, Madeline L'Engle
Question and Answer Session, John H. Stek
Question and Answer Session, Andrew Kuyvenhoven, W. Robert Godfrey, and Ted Plantinga
Question and Answer Session for Dr. Nathan Hatch, Nathan Hatch
Question and Answer Time, W. Robert Godfrey
Questioning the Media, Neil Postman
Questions-Answers, Gordon Spykman
Questions & Answers on Vainglory, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Quo Vadis: Where Are We Going?, Peter J. Steen
Race Matters, Cornel West
Race Rules: Navigating the Color Line, Michael Eric Dyson
Race to Unity: Removing the Wedge, Ray McMillian and Diane White-Clayton
Racing Toward the Goal; Relief For our Distress, Bruce Leiter
Radical Ethics for Urban Pastors, John Porter
Radical Implications of Reformed Theology, Bill Iverson
Rainbows and God, Bernard Pekelder
Rape: Significant Others, Leviton Greenstone
Rapid Progress in the 60's Part 1, R.D. Sytsma
Rapid Progress in the 60's Part 2, R.D. Sytsma
Rational Emotive Imagery Tape 5 of 6, Maxie Maultsby
Reaching Generation X, Likkel, Aviles, and Chun
Reaching Out to Troubled Youth, Gordon McLean
Reaching the Aucas of your Community Tape 1, Harvie Conn
Reaching the Aucas of your Community Tape 2, Harvie Conn
Reaching the Aucas of your Community Tape 3, Harvie Conn
Reaching the Aucas of your Community Tape 4, Harvie Conn
Reaching the Non-Churched, Bill Hybels
Reaching Unchurched Teenagers, Buster Soaries
Reading Revelations for Preaching, Carl J. Bosma
Reading Romances, Mary Vandergoot, Judy Hurdy, Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen, Donna Windsor, Linda Perish, and Mary-Ann Wolters
Readings, Gwendolyn Brooks
Readings and Lectures in the Contemporary Literature, Chaim Potok
Reading Scripture with Our Foremothers, Marion Taylor
Reading The Irony of American History 70 years later, James K.A. Smith
Realism and Naturalism in Art, Pete De Bore, Bev Rus, Jen Terpstra, and Vals Nykamp
Reality Therapy and Marriage Counselling, William Glasser
Reality Therapy & New Stations of the Mind, William Glasser
Real Men Don't Drink Water, Haddon Robinson
Real Solutions for Haiti's Future, Ralph Edmund
Reasons for Belief in God, Richard Swineburne
Rebuilding Broken Worlds, Gordon MacDonald
Receiving the Day, Dorothy Bass
Recent Developments in Church and Theology, H.N. Ridderbos
Recent Developments in Nigeria, John Orkar
Recent Developments in Religious and Value Education in Public Schools, Harry Fernhout and Tom Malcolm
Recent Trends in Doctrine in Roman Catholic Systematics, Philip Hanley
Recent Trends in the Church, Herman Ridderbos
Reception for Letters from Occupied Japan, Henry Zylstra
Reclaiming Adiaphora in Postmodern Times, Jung Suk Rhee
Reclaiming the Church 1. What's on God's Heart (Neh. 1-2:10), Frank Tillapaugh
Reclaiming the Church 2. Rebuilding the Wall (Nehemiah 2:11-4), Frank Tillapaugh
Reclaiming the Church 3. Finishing the Task, Frank Tillapaugh
Reclaiming the Church 4. The Making of the Fortress (a), Frank Tillapaugh
Reclaiming the Church 5. The Making of the Fortress (b), Frank Tillapaugh
Reclaiming the Church 6. Unleashing Our Churches, Frank Tillapaugh
Recollections - 125th Anniversary of Allendale, Egbert (E.R.) R. Post
Recovering from Iconoclasm-Reformational Scholarship and the Visual Arts, Adrienne Dengerink-Chaplin, Henry Luttikhuizen, Tim VanLaar, Nicholas Wolterstorff, and Lambert Zuidervaart
Redemption, James K.A. Smith
Redemptive - Historical Preaching, Tom Ozinga and John H. Stek
Rediscovering the Lord’s Supper: Growing Deeper into the Gospel, Todd Billings
Referrals: Training, Leviton Greenstone
Reflection on Genesis 11:1-9, Derek Schuurman
Reflection on Genesis 2 and Job 28, Derek Schuurman
Reflections on Genesis, John H. Stek
Reflections on Peace and Justice, Francis Xavier Nguyen van Thuan
Reflections on Synod 1991, Howard Vanderwell
Reflections on Synod 1991, Howard Vanderwell
Reflections on the Image of God, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Reflections on the Past Two Decades of World Song, John Lamberton Bell
Reflections on WCC Conference, P. Schrotenboer and John H. Kromminga
Reformation, Frank Carl Roberts
Reformation, M. Howard Rienstra
Reformation at Calvin, Homecoming Committee
Reformation Day Rally, CRC Classis
Reformation Heritage Lecture, Thomas Oden
Reformed Action for Reformed Church, Raymond J. Sikkema
Reformed Bible College Interview, John Schaal
Reformed Bible Institute (Kuyper College) Commencement, Unknown
Reformed Discipleship, Robert Heerema
Reformed Discipleship, Robert Herema
Reformed Education, Mark Zylstra
Reformed Evangelism, Paul Murphy
Reformed Missionary Theory Since 1945, Dick Van Halsema
Reformed Patterns of Discipline in 16th Century Switzerland, J. Wayne Baker and Charles E. Raynal
Reformed Spirituality, James I. Packer
Reformed Theology and Church Growth, John Van Schepen
Reformed Theology and the Seeker-Sensitive Service, Jack Roeda, Emily R. Brink, and Ron Kool
Reforming Public Theology: Two Kingdoms, or Two Cities?, James K.A. Smith
Refugee Resettlement, My Uyen Tran and Dona Abbott
Regarding Friendship in Place-based Development for Colleges and Universities, Craig Mattson
ReGathering, Mary Hulst and Gaylen Byker
Regathering 2004: To the End of the Earth, Richard J. Mouw
ReGathering 2007, Ruth Padilla DeBorst
Regathering 2008: Climate Change & The Global Poor, Elaine Storkey
Regathering 2009: The Church-God Does Global, Setri Nyomi
Regathering 2010: Provide a Cup of Water, Mike Mantel
Regathering 2011, Calvin College
Regathering 2011: Was, Is, and Will Be, Mary Hulst, Luke Adams, David Hoekema, Alison Tuuk, and Kaitlin Diemer
Regathering 2012: Across a Life and Around the World, Gaylen Byker
Regnum-Sacerdotium, Frank Carl Roberts
Relationship of the Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit, Wayne Brasser
Relation Twixt Offices in Church & General Office of Believer, Trimp
Relaxation Seminar, Nancy VanNoord
Religion and Art, Frederick Buechner
Religion and Politics in a New Era, Michael Gerson
Religion and Politics in Islam, Bassam Madany
Religion and Science: Where the Conflict Really Lies, Alvin C. Plantinga
Religion Bridges Falling Down: Secular into the Sacred in Contemporary Caribbean Gospel Music, Patricia Harkins-Pierre
Religion in American Politics, Rockne McCarthy, Moorhead Kennedy Jr., Cal Thomas, Richard John Neuhaus, and James Skillen
Religion in Organizations: Cognition and Behavior, Gary R. Weaver and Jason Stansbury
Religious Freedom, Disability Discrimination, and Civic Virtue, Kevin Timpe
Religious Pluralism & the Question of Truth-Implications for Mission, Harold A. Netland
Relinquishment, Love and Faith, Ronald J. Nydam
Rembrandt and the Protestant, David Smith
Remembering, Mary de Young
Remembering God, Scott Moezee
Remembering Jesus Christ; Farewell Sermon (con't), James Daane
Reminiscing about the Older Days, Bastian Kruithof
Renaissance, Edwin Van Kley
Renaissance, Samuel Greydanus
Renewal and Worship, Henry Wildeboer
Renewal of the City: Faithful to the End, Peter J. Steen
Renewal of the City: Going, Going, Gone, Peter J. Steen
Renewing the Soul, Renewing the Church, Renewing the World, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Reply and Reaction to Church Experiences, William Brink
Report 31: An Interchange with the Author, Clarence Boomsma, Greidanus, and VanderWell
Reporting Live from Afghanistan, Anand Gopal
Report in the United States' Man in Space Program, Project Mercury
Report on the Population-Food Policy Conference, Kenneth Piers and Uko Zylstra
Report: Trends in Ministry, Calvin Theological Seminary
Reprobation, James Daane
Reprobation in Covenant Perspective: Biblical Doctrine, Norman Shepherd
Reprobation in Covenant Perspective: Discussion, Norman Shepherd
Reprobation in Covenant Perspective: Reformed Doctrine, Norman Shepherd
Reproductive Technologies: A Christian Response, James Grier
Resident Aliens? Being Christian Today, William Willimon
Resistance Forces (Lord's Day 52), James A. De Jong
Resistance to the Demands of Love, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Resolving the Contradictory Conclusions from Three Reviews of Controlled Longitudinal Studies of Physical Punishment: A Meta-Analysis, C.J. Ferguson, J. Pritsker, M.L. Gunnoe, and R.E. Larzelere
Respect, Public Justification, and Restraint, Christopher Eberle
Responding to Neighborhood Change: CRC Congregations in Southeast Grand Rapids, 1970-2000, Kevin Dougherty and Mark Mulder
Response and Reading of William Van't Spyker Bucer's Idea, S.B. Twiss and Kittleson
Responses to Kingdom Powers, David Sieplinga, Tom Kaastra, and Len VanderZee
Responses to Plenary Speaker, J. Kennedy and G. Gronbacher
Responses to Plenary Speaker, Koyzis Spalding
Responses to Plenary Speaker & Questions, Hall, White, Griffioen, and Bolt
Responses to the Plenary Speaker, Craig Gay and Bob Goudzwaard
Responsible Automation, Derek Schuurman
Rest and Recreation Work, Dean Deppe
Rest Haven Torchlight Dinner, Egbert (E.R.) R. Post
Restless Devices: an interview with Felicia Wu Song, Derek Schuurman
Restoration, Charles Miller
Restoration, Reaction, and Revolution, Charles Miller
Restoring Lives, Renewing Spirit, Cliff Washington
Resurrecting the Author, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Resurrection Faith, Wayne Joosse
Rethinking (and Redeeming) Theoretical Paradigms, Bruce Gordon, Jennifer Hockenberry, Mark Lindsay, and David Ringer
Rethinking the Framework of History, Jay Green, Eric Miller, Christopher Shannon, and Donald Yerxa
Return to Healthy Living, Saturday, June 22, Carl D.
Reunionfest-Chapel, Calvin College
Revelation 4:2, Richard J. Mouw
Revelation and Faith, Dale Cooper
Revelation, Interpretation Authority-The Book on Adler, Norman Lillegard
Review of Jessica Begon, Disability Through the Lens of Justice in Ethics, 135.2 (2025): 337-342., Kevin Timpe
Review of Laura W. Ekstrom, "God, Suffering, and the Value of Free Will", Kevin Timpe
Review of Noell Birondo and Stewart Braun, eds., "Virtues Reasons", Kevin Timpe and Kaitlyn Eekhoff
Review of The Psychology and Character of Virtue, ed. Craig Steven Titus, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Review of the SIC Report on the Restructuring, Henry De Moor
Revisioning History in Christian Scholarship, Margaret Bendroth, Ronald Albert Wells, Perry Bush, William Katerberg, and Shirley Mullen
Revisiting the Psalms - Plenary 1, John Bell
Revius Readings, Henrietta Ten Harmsel
Reviving the Reformed Faith, Sam Patterson
Rev. R.J. Rushdoony vs. Lester DeKoster, R.J. Rushdoony and Lester R. DeKoster
Rewiring the Brain for Happiness: The Neuroscience of Happiness, Part 2, Kevin Corcoran
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, Ronald J. Sider
Right-Brained Preaching, Vern Vander Zee
Rights of Passage- Birthday in Immortality, Earl Grollman
Risen Indeed, Dale Cooper
Risen Indeed, Dale Cooper
Risen with Jesus, Dale Cooper
Rising With Christ, Cheryl Haan, Jim DeYoung, Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Horace Boyer, Carl Stam, Sonja Brue, David Cherwien, Friends of the Groom, and John D. Witvliet
Rising With Compassion, Deborah Haan, Simon du Toit, Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Marva Dawn, Carl Stam, David Cherwien, Sonja Brue, Friends of the Groom, and Mike Vanden Bosch
Rising With Humility, Barb Hoekstra, Ruth Ruter, Cornelius Plantinga Jr., David Cherwien, Laura Vander Windt, Carl Stam, Friends of the Groom, Erika Van Den Hul, and Jennifer Van Den Hul
Rising With Patience, Karen DeMol, Don Draayer, Friends of the Groom, Cornelius Plantinga Jr., Joan Ringerwole, Henry Duitman, Erika Van Den Hul, Carl Stam, Mike Vanden Bosch, and John L. Witvliet
Robert Clark, Organ, Robert Clark
Role of Reason in Calvin's Theological Anthropology, Charles B. Partee
Role of Women in the CRC, Sue H. Goliber
Roman Republic, M. Howard Rienstra
Roman Republic, Henry Ippel
Romans 14:16-15:19, Jack B. Vos
Room to Speak: Writing and Publishing in the Chinese State, You Guanhui
ROTC Commission, Calvin College
ROTC Commissioning Ceremony, Aaron Rask
ROTC Commissioning Service, Joseph Ku
Royally Welcomed, Dale Cooper
Run to Win, Jo Ilbrink
Russia in Search of Democracy, Vsevolod A. Marinov
Russian Christmas Music, Calvin College Concert Band
Ruth Rus, Piano, Ruth Rus
S.A.A. "Play School", Sunday, June 23, Peter W.
Sacred Dance, Ellen Van't Holf
Sacred Music, Arv Wierda, Judy Derrida, Harriet Vander Waal, and Vals Nykamp
Sacred Time, Holy Ground: Christian Worship and the Practices of Daily Life, Dorothy Bass
Safe in the Lord; When You're Really Forgiven, Peter Van Elderen and Charles Steenstra
Salutary Slander, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Salvation (Luke 23:35-43), Henry Stob
Sanctification Today, W.C. Brownson
Sanctified Speech, Wayne Joosse
Santo, Santo, Santo, Kim Rylaarsdam, Luis Alberto Luna, Jorge Lockward, and Amistad Christiana
Sarah's Children - or - Who is in Control?, Wayne Joosse
Saturday Schedule, Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee
Saul, Handel
Scenes From the Media-Varieties of Persuasion, Irvin Kroese
Schelling and Hegel, Derk Pereboom
Scholarship in Community-Recent Interdisciplinary Projects, Steve Evans, Tremper Longman, and James Marcum
Scholasticism & Orthodoxy in the Reformed Tradition, Richard Muller
Schumann in the 1830's: A Decade of Piano Music, Leon B. Plantinga
Science and Religion Take Practice: Engaging Science as Culture, James K.A. Smith
Science and Religion: War or Peace, Arie Leegwater
Science and Religion-Why Does the Debate Continue?, Alvin C. Plantinga
Science and the Christian Faith, Clarence Menninga
Science and Theology in the Twenty-First Century, John Polkinghorne
Science as Cultural Performance: Leveling the Playing Field in the Theology/Science Conversation, James K.A. Smith
Science on Sunday, Scott Hoezee
Scientific Evidence for Special Creation, Duane Gish
Scientific Humanism, Carl Bajema
Scientism and Spirit of Our Day, Perry Recker
Scottish Reformed Culture and the Douglas Controversy and Of Philistines and Puritans: Matthew Arnold and the Art of Religious Invective, Michael Kugler and John Netland
Scriptural & Confessional Basis for Renewal, Henry Wildeboer
Scriptural Home Seminar, Navigators
Scripture and Confession, G.C. Berkouwer
Scripture as Vernacular and the Birth of Theology, Kwame Bediako
Scripture, Feminism, and Faithfulness, Elizabeth Achtemeier
Scripture, God, and Time, Brian Leftow
Scripture Texts for Preaching, M. Craig Barnes
Scripture-The Church and Its Authority, James A. De Jong
Searching for Home: Spirituality for Restless Souls, M. Craig Barnes
Season 10 Episode 10: The New Face of Evangelicalism, Soong-Chan Rah and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 10 Episode 11: Healthcare Around the World, T.R. Reid and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 10 Episode 12: Wikipedia: Internet Democracy, Jimmy Wales and Karen Saupe
Season 10 Episode 13: Relating with North Korea, Tony Namkung and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 10 Episode 14: Making the Holy Land Holy, Elias Chacour and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 10 Episode 17: African Solutions for African Problems, George Ayittey and Karen Saupe
Season 10 Episode 18: Bringing Hope to Prisoners, Burl Cain and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 10 Episode 19: Feasting at a Food Pantry, Sara Miles and Karen Saupe
Season 10 Episode 1: When Groups Play: Flash Mobs & Urban Experiments, Rob Bliss and Karen Saupe
Season 10 Episode 20: The Power of Writing, Wally Lamb and Karen Saupe
Season 10 Episode 2: Forsaking the Fast Track, John Rodden and Karen Saupe
Season 10 Episode 3: Religion & Reporters: Oil & Water?, Michael Cromartie and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 10 Episode 4: Enfolding Ex-Prisoners, Harold Dean Trulear and Karen Saupe
Season 10 Episode 5: Ethics of Young Adult Literature, Gary Schmidt and Karen Saupe
Season 10 Episode 6: Passing the Plate: Tithing Practices, Patricia Snell and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 10 Episode 7: Accomodating the Autism Spectrum, Laurel Falvo and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 10 Episode 8: Pornography’s Destructive Path, Michael Leahy and Karen Saupe
Season 10 Episode 9: Ethics of Hostage Negotiation, Jim Botting and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 11 Episode 10: Making it to College, Brandy Johnson and Karen Saupe
Season 11 Episode 12: Speaking of Faith, Krista Tippett and Karen Saupe
Season 11 Episode 13: Justice for Cambodians, Theary Seng and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 11 Episode 14: Creativity & Cultural Power, Andy Crouch and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 11 Episode 15: Transforming Troubled Schools, Sajan George and Karen Saupe
Season 11 Episode 16: Female Asian-Americans: Finding a Voice, Nikki Toyama-Szeto and Karen Saupe
Season 11 Episode 17: Exchanging Gangs For Jobs, Greg Boyle and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 11 Episode 18: All Kinds of Minds, Temple Grandin and Karen Saupe
Season 11 Episode 19: Starting a Free African School, Twesigye "Jackson" Kaguri and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 11 Episode 1: Justice for Hondurans, Kurt Ver Beek and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 11 Episode 20: "Look at Me!" Narcissism or Self-Esteem?, Jean M. Twenge and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 11 Episode 21: U.S. Environment: Our History with the Land, Donald Worster and Karen Saupe
Season 11 Episode 22: Making Globalization Work, John Tiemstra and Karen Saupe
Season 11 Episode 23: Democracy & Sharia Law: Can They Coexist?, Jim Skillen and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 11 Episode 2: Lies About Ourselves, Anneshia Freeman and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 11 Episode 3: America's Christian Roots?, Mark Noll, George Marsden, and Skot Welch
Season 11 Episode 4: Defining The Good Life, James K.A. Smith and Karen Saupe
Season 11 Episode 5: Premarital Sex in America, Mark Regnerus and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 11 Episode 6: U.S. Slavery in the North, Katrina Browne, Juanita Brown, and Karen Saupe
Season 11 Episode 7: An Orphan's Story, Rob Mitchell and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 11 Episode 8: Navigating Conflict, Bob Hall and Karen Saupe
Season 11 Episode 9: Engaging with Art, Sheila Wyne and Karen Saupe
Season 12 Episode 10: Bolder Approach to Education, Pedro Noguera and Karen Saupe
Season 12 Episode 11: New Improved Christians, Gabe Lyons and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 12 Episode 12: Creative Farming, Joel Salatin and Karen Saupe
Season 12 Episode 13: Faith-Inspired Activism, Adam Taylor and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 12 Episode 14: Rethinking Life After Death, N.T. Wright and Karen Saupe
Season 12 Episode 15: Bolstering Business in Haiti, Ralph Edmund and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 12 Episode 16: Arab Spring: Revolution or Reformation?, Reza Aslan and Karen Saupe
Season 12 Episode 17: Burma Bound: Story of an Activist, Edith Mirante and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 12 Episode 18: The Soul of Hip Hop, Daniel White Hodge and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 12 Episode 19: The New Monasticism, Shane Claiborne and Karen Saupe
Season 12 Episode 1: Christian, Evolutionist, or Both?, Alvin Plantinga and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 12 Episode 20: Dieting & Exercise: How Much is Too Much?, Trina Weber and Karen Saupe
Season 12 Episode 2: What's So Funny? Exploring Humor, Paul Moes and Karen Saupe
Season 12 Episode 3: Healthier Healthcare Environments, Bonnie Wesorick and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 12 Episode 4: Moral Injuries in War, Herman Keizer and Karen Saupe
Season 12 Episode 5: Does Sexual Orientation Equal Identity?, Janell Williams Paris and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 12 Episode 6: Life as the Dutch Prime Minister, Jan Peter Balkenende and Karen Saupe
Season 12 Episode 8: Ready for Robots?, Sherry Turkle and Karen Saupe
Season 12 Episode 9: Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy, Eric Metaxas and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 13 Episode 10: Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Jenny Yang and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 13 Episode 11: An Evangelical Apology to Mormons, Richard Mouw and Karen Saupe
Season 13 Episode 12: Business Priorities: People or Profit?, Jeff Van Duzer and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 13 Episode 13: Escaping North Korea, Mike Kim and Karen Saupe
Season 13 Episode 14: A Wounded Warrior Finds Hope, Scotty Smiley and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 13 Episode 15: Are Adolescents Abandoned?, Chap Clark and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 13 Episode 17: Child Sex Trafficking: In Your Town Too?, Andy Soper and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 13 Episode 18: Executive Coaching, Rubi Ho and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 13 Episode 19: Rock & Roll Women, Jessica Hopper and Karen Saupe
Season 13 Episode 1: Understanding the Refugee, Dana Doll and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 13 Episode 20: Wage Theft in America, Kim Bobo and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 13 Episode 2: The Seven Deadly Sins, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 13 Episode 3: Molestation: Breaking the Silence, Nicole Braddock Bromley and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 13 Episode 4: Challenges of Pastoring, Mike Van Kampen and Karen Saupe
Season 13 Episode 5: Art as Protest, Mandy Cano Villalobos and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 13 Episode 6: Racial Harmony in the City, Elijah Anderson and Karen Saupe
Season 13 Episode 7: A Faith-Based Community Organizing Story, Vern Hoffman, Jordan Bruxvoort, and Karen Saupe
Season 13 Episode 8: Rootedness: Beyond Skin-Deep, Willie Jennings and Karen Saupe
Season 13 Episode 9: Restoring Hearts in Iraq, Jeremy Courtney, Cody Fisher, and Karen Saupe
Season 1 Episode 1: Baptism When: Infancy or Later?, Bob Nienhuis, John D. Witvliet, and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 3 Episode 2: The Neighborhood Church, Shirley Hoogstra, Maureen Geary, and Eric Jacobsen
Season 6 Episode 1: Issues With Alzheimer's, Hessel Bouma III, Karen Saupe, Ken Andree, and Jean Andree
Season 7 Episode 10: Immigration's Effect on American Religion, Jose Casanova and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 11: Supporting Locally-Owned Businesses, Michael Shuman and Karen Saupe
Season 7 Episode 12: The New Central Asia, S. Frederick Starr and June Hamersma
Season 7 Episode 13: Racial Report Card for Sports, Richard Lapchick and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 15: Authentic Race Relations, Brenda Salter-McNeil and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 16: Fighting Poverty with Film, Gerald Straub and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 17: Enjoying the Bible, N.T. Wright and June Hamersma
Season 7 Episode 18: Giving Forgiveness, Miroslav Volf and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 19: Why Visit Battlefields?, Jeff Shaara and Karen Saupe
Season 7 Episode 1: Making Decisions, Hari Singh and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 20: The Church in African AIDS, Peter Okaalet and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 21: Designing a Lecture Series, June Hamersma and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 22: Socially Responsible Investing, Leonard Van Drunen and Karen Saupe
Season 7 Episode 23: Mothering A Soldier, Donna Allen, Sharon VanderKodde, and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 24: Prisoners Re-Entering Society, David Schuringa and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 2: Saving Community Access Media, Lori Cirivello and Karen Saupe
Season 7 Episode 3: Suburban Christianity, David Goetz and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 4: West Michigan Black History, Randal Jelks and Karen Saupe
Season 7 Episode 5: Fighting Sexual Assault, Steve Thompson and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 6: Teens and the Church, Darwin Glassford and Karen Saupe
Season 7 Episode 7: Separation of Church and State, Michael McConnell and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 7 Episode 8: Short-Term Mission Trips: Helpful to Whom?, David Livermore and Karen Saupe
Season 7 Episode 9: Activism Through Music, John Francis and Karen Saupe
Season 8 Episode 10:Religion's Place in International Relations, Chris Seiple and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 8 Episode 13: Does Humanitarian Relief Relieve?, William Garvelink and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 8 Episode 14: The Changing Face of Illegal Immigration: Mothers and Children, Sonia Nazario and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 8 Episode 16: Who is Gospel Music For?, James Abbington and Karen Saupe
Season 8 Episode 17: Is More Better? Rethinking Consumption, Bill McKibben and Karen Saupe
Season 8 Episode 18: Stand If Able: Disability & the Church, Christopher Smit and Karen Saupe
Season 8 Episode 1: Christians in Palestine, Maria Khoury and Karen Saupe
Season 8 Episode 20: Christians in the Courtroom, Stephen Bloom and Karen Saupe
Season 8 Episode 3: Adults with A.D.D., Oren Mason and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 8 Episode 3: Moral Messages of Disney Films, Annalee Ward and Karen Saupe
Season 8 Episode 5: What Are Schools For?, David Purpel and Karen Saupe
Season 8 Episode 6: Suffering in Marriage, David Gushee and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 8 Episode 7: Lower to Middle Class: Building Bridges, Ron Jimmerson and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 8 Episode 8: Equality or Equity? Defining Justice, Michelle Lloyd-Paige and Karen Saupe
Season 8 Episode 9: Women in Political Leadership, Eleanor Clift and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 9 Episode 10: Giving Advice, Amy Dickinson and Karen Saupe
Season 9 Episode 11: An Orphan Crisis, Kerry Hasenbalg and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 9 Episode 12: The Gifts of Art, Jim Southerland and Karen Saupe
Season 9 Episode 13: Middle East Christianity, Victor Makari and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 9 Episode 14: What Marriage Does, John Witte Jr. and Karen Saupe
Season 9 Episode 15: Presidential Character: An Ethical History, Richard Norton Smith and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 9 Episode 16: Microfinance Miracles, Robert Rooy and Karen Saupe
Season 9 Episode 17: Are Christians Losing Touch?, David Kinnaman and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 9 Episode 18: Plotting Paths to Power, Michael Lindsay and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 9 Episode 19: Connecting Cancer and the Environment, Sandra Steingraber and Karen Saupe
Season 9 Episode 1: Striving Toward Multiethnic Church, Geraldo Marti and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 9 Episode 20: Freeing Today's Slaves, Sharon Cohn Wu and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 9 Episode 21: True Community Development, John Perkins and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 9 Episode 2: Evangelicals and Mary, Timothy George and Karen Saupe
Season 9 Episode 3: Questioning 'Emergent' Churches, Kevin DeYoung, Ted Kluck, and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 9 Episode 4: Progressive Evangelical Politics, Jim Wallis and Karen Saupe
Season 9 Episode 5: Politics by the Bible, Stephen Monsma and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 9 Episode 6: Socially Responsible Clothing, Marta Swain and Karen Saupe
Season 9 Episode 7: Setting Personal & Professional Boundaries, Henry Cloud and Shirley Hoogstra
Season 9 Episode 8: Silent Racism, Barbara Trepagnier and Karen Saupe
Season 9 Episode 9: Explaining 'Emergent' Churches, Peter Rollins and Shirley Hoogstra
Sea to Sea, Claire Elgersma
Second Life: New Creations, Steve Prince
Second Plenary Session, John August Swanson, Thomas G. Long, and John Ferguson
Secret of A Full Life, Theodore Ferris
Secular Humanism, Donald Oppewal, Charlie Ride, and Laurie DeYoung
Secular Humanism, Religion of the Schools, Donald Oppewal
Security for the Days of Insecurity, Henry Exoo
Seeing God In A Desert Storm of Information, Robert Fortner
Seeing Straight in an Upside-Down World: Knowing Ourselves, Knowing God, Mark McMinn
Seeing What is Really Going On, Lewis B. Smedes
Seeing What is Really There: Preaching and the Imagination, W. Hulitt Gloer
Seeing Your Congregation with Expert Eyes: Culture, Race, Ethnicity, a panel, Janel Curry, Kathi Groenendyk, Gail Heffner, Denise Isom, and Mark Mulder
Seeking Shalom through AI, Derek Schuurman
Seeking the Shalom of the City, Ronald D. Pasquariello
Seeking to Minister in Today's World, James A. DeJong
Seeking Truth in Jerusalem, Kent Dobson
Self and Nonself, M. Bosma
Self-Construction Through Consumption Activities, David Burns
Self-Image: The Windows Through Which We See Life, Wayne Joosse
Self-Love (Sectional #23), Christian Reformed Church
Self-Nourishment and Support, Earl Grollman
Self-Transcendence: Theory of Logotherapy, Viktor E. Frankl
Seminary Ground Breaking Ceremony, John Gritter
Seminary Situation of 1952, Willis DeBoer and Leonard Sweetman
Senior Celebration Service, Various
Sensitizing Suburban Churches to Inner-City Needs, Laverne R. Campbell
Sent as Spirit-Filled Disciples of Christ - Worship 7, Various
Sermon at Godwin Heights, Henry Meeter
Sermon at Grandville CRC, John Rickers
Sermon at Grandville CRC, Marinus Vander Zwaag
Sermon at Grandville CRC, Elbert Kooistra
Sermon by Fred Craddock, Fred Craddock
Sermon by H. Ridder, H. Ridder
Sermon by H. Ridder 2, H. Ridder
Sermon-Disarming Grace, Colossians 2:8-15, John Ortberg
Sermon for 25th Anniversary of Caledonia CRC, Richard Stienstra
Sermon Godwin Heights 3, Henry Meeter
Sermon of Peter A. Hoekstra, Peter A. Hoekstra
Sermon on Isaiah 55, Jack Roeda
Sermon on Matthew 2, Richard J. Silveira
Sermon on Matthew 27 and 28, Roger E. Van Harn
Sermon on Psalm 51, Henry Meeter
Sermon on Romans 8, Clarence Boomsma
Sermon Shape as Sermon Itself, Don Wardlow
Servanthood, Wayne Joosse
Servant Leadership, Max De Pree
Service Learning Day Worship, Calvin College
Service (Matt. 19:16-22), Henry Stob
Serving A Sovereign Lord, James R. Kok
Setting Priorities, Salem Avenue Church
Setting Your Purpose as a Pastor's Wife, Gail MacDonald
Seven Deadly Sins and Spiritual Formation, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Seven Deadly Sins - Seriously?, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Seven Variations of Gender in Broken Humanity, Ronald J. Nydam
Seven Ways to Ruin Your Life, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung and Lee C. Camp
Sex Addiction, M. Laaser
Sex, Tech, and Faith: Ethics for a Digital Age, Kate Ott
Sexual Misconduct-Policies and Prevention, D. Edward Emenheiser and Gene Chistofferson
Sexual Orientation and Identity-Psychological and Christian Perspectives, David G. Myers and Mark Yarhouse
Shakespeare's Sense of History, Roy Battenhouse
Shall I Not Drink the Cup, Bernard Pekelder
Shall They Till with Their Own Hoes? Extraversion and SBC Missions, 1950-2000, Isaac Mwase
Shaping a Digital World, Derek Schuurman
Shaping A Digital World Pt 1, Derek Schuurman
Shaping A Digital World Pt 2, Derek Schuurman
Shaping a Digitial World, Derek Schuurman
Shaping Our Skills as Preachers, Ian Pitt-Watson
Shaping Sermons by the Shape of Scripture, Don Wardlow
Shaping the Future of Christianity: A Collective Responsibility, Ben Quarshie
Shared Leadership in the Church, Ridder
Sharing About His Life, John Perkins
Sharing in Christ's Sufferings, Andrew Bandstra
Sharing the Good Things With Teacher, Daniel Cloete
Sheboygan CRC Sermon, Henry Exoo
Sherrow-Thursday; Time and Leisure, Jeanne Sherrow
Sherrow-Wednesday, Jeanne Sherrow
Shi'a and Sunni - What's the Difference, Ernest Hahn
Shining Hours in the Bitter Woods, James Bosscher
Shooting Down Sacred Cows with Satire, Denny Rydberg
Short Attention Span Culture, Robert J. Hughes
Short Term Missions: Do They Make a Difference?, Kurt Ver Beek
Should We Change Our Genes?, James Peterson
Should We Fight for the Right?, Dirk William Jellema
Show, Don't Tell: Keeping Sermons Vivid, Scott Hoezee
Show Us Your Glory, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and Carol Bechtel
Sietze Buning and the CRC: Critique, Laughter, Loyalty, Henrietta Ten Harmsel, Henry Baron, and Clarence Walhout
Sign Posts on the Way of the Coming Kingdom, Gordon Spykman
Signs of Abuse-Can You Really Tell?, William Woerkom
Signs of Abuse-How Can I Tell by your Talk/Action, Robert VandePol
Silicon Snake Oil: A Skeptical View of Computing, Clifford Stoll
Simply Fellow Strugglers, Dale Cooper
Sin and Addiction-A Paradigm, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Sing and Make Noise to the Lord (Sectional #24), Christian Reformed Church
Sin (Gen. 4:1-16), Henry Stob
Singing in the Holy Catholic Church - Plenary 5, John Bell
Singing unto the Lord, Henry DeMots
Single Adult Ministry, Frank Tillapaugh
Singles in Christian Service, Melvin Upchurch
Sin in Christian Thought, Kevin Timpe
Sin: The Greatest Problem, John J. Hiemenga
Six Days in South Africa, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Sixth MidWest Band Festival, MidWest Band
Sixty Nanometers Wide, 200 Million Light-Years Long: Infecting Classrooms & Research Labs with Bacteriophage, John Wertz
Skills for Effective Ministry Tape 5 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Sloth: Laziness About Love, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Smedes Lecture 1, Lewis B. Smedes
Smedes: Lecture 2, Lewis B. Smedes
Smedes: Lecture 3, Lewis B. Smedes
S O, Lew Klatt
Socialism Part 1, Mortimer Adler
Socialism Part 2, Mortimer Adler
Social Security: A System for Mutual Support, Robert M. Ball
Social Work Pinning Ceremony, Calvin College
Socio-behavioural approaches to HIV prevention: ABC and the Role of the Church (Breakout Session #1), Ray Martin
Sociological Nature of Urban Church, Anthony J. Campolo
Sola Scriptura: The Christian Doctrine of Scripture as Translatable, Kwame Bediako
Soldiers Tale, Calvin College
Soldiers Tale, Calvin College
Soldiers Tale, Calvin College
Solzhenitsyn's View of America, Edward Ericson
So Marred, So Beautiful, Dale Cooper
Some Celebrative Observations, William Spoelhof
Some Comments on Education in the Arab World, George Jennings
Some of My Best Friends and Worst Enemies are 'Fundamentalists': The Pros and Cons of a Worldwide Force, Martin Marty
Some Past Doctrinal Decisions Revisited, Gordon Spykman
Some Reflections on Relating Calvin's Exegesis and His Theology, Elsie McKee
Something Old, Something New..., Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue: Principles for Renewing Language in Worship, Debra Rienstra and Ron Rienstra
Some Thoughts on Suicide, Lewis B. Smedes
Some Unfamiliar Aspects of 1st Head of Doctrine in the Preaching of John Calvin, Richard Stauffer
Songs for Ascension-Looking Beyond Your Hymnal, Greg Scheer
Songs of Degrees, Peter Y. DeJong
Songs of Faith Tape 1, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Songs of Faith Tape 2, Calvin College A Capella Choir
Songs that Welcome and Songs that Send, Isaac Wardell and Urban Doxology
Songwriting - Concepting and Crafting Words and Music, Ralston Bowles
Soul Winning Clinic, Daniel White
Soundings of the Past and Sightings of the Future, Ford Lewis Battles
South African Panorama, William Spoelhof
So, You Wanna Be a Soldier? American Indian Warrior Tradition in the U.S. Military, Kimberly R. Huyser
Space, the Final Frontier, M. Krishnan
Speak Dutch 10 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 11 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 12 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 13 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 14 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 15 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 16 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 17 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 18 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 19 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 1 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 20 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 2 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 3 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 4 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 5 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 6 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 7 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 8 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speak Dutch 9 of 20, Walter Lagerwey
Speaker, Anthony J. Diekema
Speaker at Foreign Language Conference 1, Anthony Mollica
Speaker at Foreign Language Conference 2, Anthony Mollica
Speaker at Foreign Language Conference 3, Anthony Mollica
Special Prayer Service for Harmon Hook, Calvin College
Special Service Chapel, Various
Special Service Chapel, Various
Special Synodical Session Commemorating the Centennial Anniversary, William Spoelhof
Specified Complexity: Is There Another Way to Detect Design?, William Dembski
Speech by Malcolm Cronk, Malcolm Cronk
Speech by Sidney Youngsma, Sidney Youngsma
Sphere Sovereignty, Peter J. Steen
Spirit at Work: Assurer, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Engifter, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Exceptional, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Guarantor, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Guide, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Illuminator, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Power to Make Our Lives Anew, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Protector, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Revealer, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Sender, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: The Transformer's Aim, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: The Transformer's Instruments, Dale Cooper
Spirit at Work: Transformer, Dale Cooper
Spirit - Lead Daughters and Sons, Andrew Bandstra
Spiritual Cardiogram, Paul Hardin
Spiritual Crisis in the 1990s: Mind Control, Brainwashing, Cults, and Seduction, David Clark
Spiritual Ecstasy; Almighty Father, James Daane
Spiritual Formation at Seminary, Donald Postema
Spiritual Formation Groups (Session 5), Calvin College
Spiritual Formation Through Public Worship, part 1, Donald Postema
Spiritual Formation Through Public Worship, part 2, Donald Postema
Spiritual Formation Through Public Worship, part 3, Donald Postema
Spiritual Growth / On Drugs, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Spiritual Hygiene for the Spiritual Professional, Leonard Vander Zee
Spirituality and the Implication for Pastoral Care, Bill Lewis
Spirituality: Developing a Helpful Definition, Bill Lewis
Spirituality in the Old Testament, Rolf Knierim
Spirituality in the Reformed Tradition, Richard Lovelace
Spirituality of the Psalter: Early Calvinist Metrical Psalmody in Liturgy and Life, John D. Witvliet
Spiritually Gentle; Jeremiah, Spokesman for God #2: Jeremiah's Temple, Ed Walhout and Theodore Minnema
Spiritual Needs of Young People, James D. Mallory Jr.
Spiritual Neurosis; More Power for You, W.K. Kerr and B Herbert
Spiritual Pilgrimage in an Age of World Religions, Kenneth Woodward
Spiritual (Re)Formation, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Splendor in the Grass Hymn Festival, Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee
Splendor in the Grass (Psalms 103), Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Split Brains - How Many Minds, Donald MacKay
Spoelhof Fieldhouse Complex Press Conference, Nancy Meyer and Gaylen Byker
Spoelhof Memorial Service, Gaylen Byker
Sponsorship: Themes in Recovery, Sunday, June 23, Jean O.
Sport Faith Life(Calvin Shorts), Brian R. Bolt
Stabilize-God Uses Cracked Pots (Sectional #25), Christian Reformed Church
Staff Ministry Forum, Peter C. Hogeterp, Dale W. Vander Veen, Mary Hulst, Paula Triezenberg, and Leonard J. Vander Zee
Standards for Excellence in Worship, Paul Ryan
Standing Up to Life, J.W. Hamilton, C.P. Bowler, and E.M. Frank
Starting Again at Ground Zero: Re-thinking American Politics After 9/11, Douglas L. Koopman
State of the College Address 1990, Anthony J. Diekema
State, Society, and the Family-A Qur'anic Worldview: Gender and Family in the Qur'an, Azizah al-Hibri
State, Society, and the Family-A Qur'anic Worldview: Religion and the State in Islam, Azizah al-Hibri
Stealing Ham's Descendants: The Dutch Trade in African Slaves, 1600-1800, Willem Klooster
Steve Stockman, Keynote Session 1, Steve Stockman
Steve Stockman, Workshop, Steve Stockman
Stewardship, Dennis Hoekstra
Stewardship, Dennis Hoekstra
Stewardship of Creational Resources, Calvin DeWitt
Stewardship: The Calling of Our God, Peter J. Steen
Stories and Songs from the Broadway Stage, Deborah Lew
Stories Jewish Parents Tell Their Children, Harold Kushner
Stories of the Knollcrest Move, Calvin College
Stories that Make Us Unique, Parker Palmer and Nancy Chaffee
Stories that Preach, Dale Brown
Stories that Shape our Ministry, Joan Chittister
Storm and the Reality Studio: Experiments in Telling the Truth, David Dark
Storying Sexual Identity-How Christians Make Meaning of Same-Sex Attractions, Mark Yarhouse
Story of Immigration Experienc in the 1950's, Nic Leen
Story Telling in Story Hour (Sectional #26), Christian Reformed Church
Strange Comfort, Mary Hulst
Strategies for Congregational Involvement, Jay Weener
Strategies for Urban Reconstruction, Stanley Hallett
Strategy for Muslim Lands, J. Dudley Woodberry
Strategy for Urban Ministry, William Ipema
Strategy of Ministry: Discipleship, John Oak
Stravinsky L'Histoire du Slodat (no narration), Calvin College
Street - Sign Chicago: A Missiological Complexity, Manuel Ortiz
Strengthening our Stakes, Craig Van Gelder
Stresses and Burnout among Korean - American Pastors in American Culture, Kwanjik Lee
Stress Management and Burnout, Duane A. Visser
String Orchestra Festival, Calvin College String Orchestra
Structural Indoctrination, Tapio Puolimatka
Structure and Position of Genesis 38, J.P. Fokkelman
Structure-The Church and Its Ministry, James A. De Jong
Student Activities at Taylor University, Steve Austin
Students Create Viable Path for Calvin University to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2030, Matt Kucinski
Studies in the Dying Experience, Lawrence Den Besten
Studies in the Dying Experience, Lawrence Den Besten
Studying Human Behavior "by the Numbers", James Bradley, Loren Haarsma, and Scott VanderStoep
Studying Worship on Seminary Campuses - Event Review and Survey Results, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Style and Class with Sietze Buning, Stanley (Sietze Buning) Wiersma
Styles of Pastoral Leadership, Sidney Draayer
Subdivided By Faith? An Historical Account of Evangelicals and the City, Mark T. Mulder and James K.A. Smith
Subjective Theology, David A. Hubbard
Successful Principles for Christian Education, Ken Van Wyk
Sudden Death: Tape 5 of 5, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Suffering, G.M. Docherty
Suffering: Looking Heavenward, Allen Verhey
Suffering: Sent or Shared, B. Hubert
Suffering Witnesses: To What End?, David Holwerda
Sufficiency of Scripture, John H. Piersma
Sunday Worship, Richard E. Williams
Sunflower Kids: Multiracial Identities and the Coming Age of the Non-White Majority, Kristal Zook
Sunset or Sunrise in Missions, Donald A. McGavran
Supporting Hands, Dale Cooper
Supralapsarianism, or "O Felix Culpa", Alvin C. Plantinga
Surprises in the Kingdom of Heaven; If the Lord is with us, Why do we suffer, Geralderff Meyer and Galen Meyer
Survivors Panel, Earl Grollman
Suspended Communitites or Covenantal Communities?: Reformed Reflections on the Social Thought of Radical Orthodoxy, Jonathan Chaplin
Swallowing Your Gyroscope, Bill Rigg
Swedish Folk Dances, Glenn Bulthuis
Swimmer’s itch control: timely waterfowl brood relocation significantly reduces an avian schistosome population and human cases on recreational lakes., Randall DeJong, Harvey D. Blankespoor, and Curtis L. Blankespoor
Symphany of Psalms, Calvin College
Symphany of Psalms, Calvin College
Symphany of Psalms, Calvin College
Symphony of Winds Muskegon, Harold Geerdes
Symposium, Henry Beversluis, Anthony J. Diekema, Peter Haan, and George VanGroningen
Symposium 2020 Presenter List, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
Symposium 2020 Recap, Chris Meehan
Syncretistic Theology, David A. Hubbard
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Christian Schools and Evangelism, Floyd Kurley
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Cultural Behaviors, Caleb Rosado
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Membership Training, James White
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Opening Address, Kibun Han
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Publications, Cele Mereness
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Social Justice, Philip Tom
Synodical Committee On Race Relations: Worship, Cheryl Stewart
Synod Prayer Service, 1986, Wilbert M. Van Dyk
Systematic Effect of Poverty on Urban Women, Helena Eversole
Systems and Systems Thinking Part 1, Calvin DeWitt
Systems and Systems Thinking Part 2, Calvin DeWitt
Tail Wags the Dog (re:Education), William Harry Jellema
Take This Job and Love It: Reflections On The Preacher's Call, Howard Edington
Taking Pop Culture Back to the People: The Church as a Catalyst of Local Culture, Brent Aldrich, Chris Smith, and Ragan Sutterfield
Taking Time to Seek Jesus (Sectional #27), Christian Reformed Church
Taking up the Cross and Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark, Marvin W. Meyer
Talking About Worship: How to Start and Sustain Faithful Conversations, Jane Rogers Vann
Talking with Tolkien, Derek Schuurman
Talk to Campaigners. Including Van Raalte and First Christian School, Sidney Youngsma and Peter VanderSluis
Talmud in the Art of Ben-Zion and Marc Chagall, CIVA, Christians in the Visual Arts
Tamrat Layne Interview, Todd Cioffi and Tamrat Layne
Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion, Greg Boyle
Teacher Certification Ceremony, Calvin College
Teacher Commissioning Ceremony, Jo-Ann Van Reeuwyk
Teacher Commissioning Ceremony, Calvin College
Teacher Commissioning Ceremony, Calvin College
Teacher Commissioning Ceremony 2008, Susan Hasseler
Teacher Commissioning Ceremony 2016, Michael K. Le Roy, Marj Terpstra, David Smith, Emily J. Jenninga, Robert Keeley, Jane Genzink, Philip Stegink, Susan Verwys, Joanne VanReeuwyk, Karen Saupe, Robert Schoone-Jongen, Gary Talsma, Phil Hash, Jerry Bergsma, Crystal Bruxvoort, and Marcie Pyper
Teachers' Commissioning Ceremony, Robert Keely
Teacher Training Workshop, Donald Oppewal
Teaching as Formation, Arthur Holmes
Teaching as Formation: The Embodied Shape of Apprenticeship, James K.A. Smith
Teaching Bible in the School Part 1, Harry Fernhout
Teaching Bible in the School Part 2, Harry Fernhout
Teaching Catechism, Dennis Hoekstra
Teaching the Vices, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Teaching Tolerance, Morris Dees
Techniques and Technology in the City of God, Peter De Vos
Technology and Government; A Necessary Alliance?, Barry Commoner
Technology and the Biblical Story, Derek Schuurman
Technology and the Biblical Story, Derek Schuurman
Technology and the Opening Chapters of Genesis, Derek Schuurman
Technology and the Self, John Bechtold
Technology and the Story of the Bible, Derek Schuurman
Technology in Worship, John Witvliet
Technology: neither saviour nor villian, Derek Schuurman
Technology or Teleology, Joseph Rychlak
Technology: Things that Think, Michael Hawley
Teenage Fun, Al Gelder and Ron Zwiers
Teenagers and Their Sexuality, Rollie Martinson
Teens and Worship: Encouraging Creative and Meaningful Worship with Teenagers, Sharon Veltema
Television, American Culture, and the Christian Faith, Horace Newcomb
Tenabrae Service, Unknown
Tenebrae Service, 1993, Calvin College
Tenebrae Service, 2010, Laura Smit
Tenebra Service, 2003, Calvin College
Tentmaking, Gary Ginter
Termination of Artificial Feeding, Edward Langerak
Terrorism in an Age of Globalization, Fareed Zakaria
Testimony as Practice: Implications for Preaching, Worship, and a Christian Way of Life, Tom Long
Testimony of a Black Christian in Mississippi, John Perkins
Testing and Evaluating in the Foreign Language Classroom 1, Rebecca Valette
Testing and Evaluating in the Foreign Language Classroom 2, Rebecca Valette
Testing our Talents, Bernard Pekelder
Testing the Media Spirits, Quentin J. Schultze
Test The Spirits, Ernest Campbell
That Kid in the Back Row, the One with the Red Shirt, Gary Schmidt
That Old Quest for a Christian Writer, Stanley (Sietze Buning) Wiersma
That Peculiar Modern American Institution: School Sports, Frank DeFord
That They May Be One (on the 500th Anniversary of the birth of Bucer), James Payton
That You May Believe, Scott Hoezee
Thawing Out God's Frozen People, Mark Gibbs
The 18th Century as Social Barometer: Jonathan Edwards, Helen Westra
The 2000 Campaign, Corwin Smidt
The 2012 Elections: Issues and Answers, David Gergen
The 411 on Youth Ministry, Mark DeVries
The Acropolis of Athens, C.A. Patrides
The Advantages of Being Under Threat: Geneva and the Myth of the Escalade, December 1602, Karin Maag
The Adventures of Calvin's Heirs, William Romanowski
The Aesthetics of Collage in Electronic Music, Adam Wolpa
The Age of Access: The New Culture of Hypercapitalism Where All of Life is a Paid-For-Experience, Jeremy Rifkin
The Age of Women: Gender, Age, and Health, Sheila Bluhm
The Aim of Christian Learning, Peter A. DeVos
The AI Takeover, Derek Schuurman
The Alcoholic, Ernest Belben
The American Athlete as American Hero, Frank Deford
The American Black Experience: A Journey of Loneliness and Rage, Cathy Meeks
The American Revolution, Alistair Cooke
The American Thanksgiving, Karin Maag
The American West in Search of a National Identity, Clyde Miller
The Anatomy of a Seminary, James A. De Jong
The Anatomy of Forgiveness, Harold Dekker
The Art of Finding a Way Through Complexity: An Artist and Historian Reflect, Martin Marty and Micah Marty
The Art of Hope: Imagining Another World in a World that Breaks our Hearts, James K.A. Smith
The Art of the Sermon in Early America, Norman S. Grabo
The Ascension in the Mission, Worship and Education of the Church, Gerrit Scott Dawson
The Authority of Narrative, Marilynne Robinson
The Axis of History: The Middle East After September 11, Charles Krauthammer
The Banner, The Church, and the Word, Lester R. DeKoster
The Baroque Trio April 26, 1981 Tape 1, Baroque Trio
The Baroque Trio April 26, 1981 Tape 2, Baroque Trio
The Baroque Trio March 6, 1975, Baroque Trio
The Baroque Trio October 22, 1980, Baroque Trio
The Basic Encounter Group and Its Process, Carl Rogers
The Basic Human Right to Food: A Biblical Perspective, James Forbes
The Battle for the Bible: The Crisis of Objectivity (1 of 2), Walter Brueggemann
The Beauty of Sex, Philip Holtrop
The Beginnings of Korean Immigration to the United States, Wayne Patterson
The Beginnings of Romantic Music, Leon B. Plantinga
The Best Things In The Worst Times, J.W. Hamilton
The Bethel Bible Series, Donald Bekkering
The Bible & Computer Technology?, Derek Schuurman
The Bible in Preaching, Clyde E. Fant
The Bible, Rocks and Time, Ralph Stearly, Davis Young, and Susan Felch
The Biblical Concept of Divine Sovereignty in Historical Event, Simon De Vries
The Biblical Concept of Divine Sovereignty in Historical Event Part 2, Simon De Vries
The Biblical Doctrine of Reconciliation, H.N. Ridderbos
The Bi-focal Nature of Reformed Liturgy, Nicholas Wolterstorff
The Biographer on His Desert Island, Richard N. Smith
The Bio-Psycho Social Model of Health Care-Weighed in the Balance and Found Wanting, John Patrick
The Birth of the Psalter, Seymour Swets
The Blessed Hope, Henry Exoo
The Blessed Servant, Frank Tillapaugh
The Bloody Flag: Post-Communist Nationalism in Eastern Europe, Juliana Geran Pilon
The Bond: Our Kinship with Animals, Our Call to Defend Them, Wayne Pacelle
The Book of Acts as Roman History, Edward Musgrave Blaiklock
The Book of Isaiah-A Short Course in Biblical Theology, John N. Oswalt
The Call of Nathaniel, Tjitze Baarda
The Call to Renewal Movement and Prophetic Politics, Jim Wallis
The Calvin College Concert Band and the Calvin College Chamber Band December 1 1961, Calvin College Concert Band and Calvin College Chamber Band
The Case for Christian Education, James K.A. Smith
The Case for Infant Baptism, Wilbert M. Van Dyk
The Case of MEMENTO, S.E. Sweeney
The Celebration of Giving, Wayne Joosse
The Challenged and Expanding Church Part 1, Kenneth S. Latournette
The Challenged and Expanding Church Part 2, Kenneth S. Latournette
The Challenged and Expanding Church Part 3, Kenneth S. Latournette
The Challenge of AIDS in Higher Education, Richard Keeling
The Challenge of Biblical Translation, John H. Stek
The Challenge of Biology to Theology, Arthur Peacocke
The Challenge of Globalization, Paul Hiebert and Frances Hiebert
The Challenge of Globalization-Beyond Anti-colonialism, Paul Hiebert and Frances Hiebert
The Challenge of Globalization: The Global Encounter-The Colonial Response, Paul Hiebert and Frances Hiebert
The Challenge of Harbour Chaplaincy, Hans Uittenbosch
The Challenge of Preaching Isaiah, Carl J. Bosma
The Challenge of the Future, Nathan Hatch
The Challenge of Transhumanism, Derek Schuurman
The Challenges of Islam, J. Dudley Woodbury, Burton DeVries, Peter Ipema, and Bassam Madany
The Changes in the Soviet Union and Opportunities to Assist, Joel Nederhood
The Changing Face of the CRC, Tony Van Zanten
The Changing Face of the CRC, Calvin Theological Seminary
The Chaplain as Moral Leader, Richard J. Mouw
The Children of Bethlehem; Friends of God, Peter Van Elderen and Jacob D. Eppinga
The Chinese Attempt to Dominate Korea in the Late 1800's, Wayne Patterson
The Choir Director as Cantor, Anton Armstrong
The Christian and Art, Bev Rus, Jen Terpstra, Hank Mellus, and Vals Nykamp
The Christian and Drama, Paul Bergsma, Dave Brad, Len Schrader, Sherry Goody, and Vals Nykamp
The Christian and Social Responsibilty, Ronald J. Sider
The Christian and Social Work, Harry Zwarver, Ron Youkenron, Sharon Draft, John DeWitt, and Vals Nykamp
The Christian as a Dancer, Barney Steen
The Christian Case for Free Love, Calvin Seerveld
The Christian Citizen Celebrates the Bicentennial, Stephen Monsma
The Christian College, J. Lawrence Burkholder
The Christian Faith in Indonesia: Issues and Opportunities, Peter Pamundji
The Christian Hope in the Crisis of History (Eschatology), Peter Y. DeJong
The Christian Involvement in Politics, Mike Hart, Terry Clawson, Dave Zanstra, and Vals Nykamp
The Christian Reformed Church, Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen
The Christian Reformed Church: Are We an Anacronism?, Joel Nederhood
The Christian School: Asset or Liability to the Mission, Peter De Boer, John Bolt, and Douglas Blomberg
The Christian's Guide, Henry Exoo
The Christian & Social Responsibility, Ronald J. Sider
The Christian's Response to Sexual and Parental Abuse, Beth Swaagman
The Christian's Self-Image, Anthony Hoekema
The Christian's Self-Image, Anthony A. Hoekema
The Christian Teacher, Bernard Zylstra
The Christian, the State and Politics, Stephen Monsma
The Christian Woman, Elisabeth Elliot
The Christian World Hunger, Andy Ryskamp and Karl Westerhof
The Church ad Alcohol Addiction, Herman Kregel
The Church and Evangelism, Orlando Costas
The Church and Public Education, Reid Carpenter
The Church and Religious Persecution(Calvin Shorts), Kevin R. Den Dulk and Robert J. Joustra
The Church and the Challenges of Contemporary American Culture, Gustav Niebuhr
The Church and the Christian Community, Gordon Spykman
The Church and the Elderly-How They Can Serve Each Other, Henry Hostege
The Church and the Process of Change, Cleo Ludwick
The Church and Women Officers, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
The Church as a Theological Community, Wallace M. Alston
The Church as Developer: Thinking About Neighborhoods (Session 2), Benjamin Northrup
The Church as Sacred Space; Thinking about Buildings (Session 6), Benjamin Northrup
The Church, Belonging, and Shalom, Kevin Timpe
The Church Community and Renewal, John Perry
The Churches in South Africa & the South African, John Newby
The Church Goes Underground, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Carl Kromminga, and Hugh A. Koops
The Church In Action On The College Campus, R.W. Lloyd
The Church in a Postmodern World: Implications for Theology, Arie C. Leder, John Bolt, and Robert Devries
The Church in Latin America: Affirming Tradition or Change, Guillarmo Cook
The Church in Mainland China, Gary Roest
The Church & Jews: The Historical Perspective-Persecution, C. David Harley
The Church & Jews: The Mission Perspective-A Christian, C. David Harley
The Church & Jews: The Theological Perspective - is Gospel, C. David Harley
The Church of South India, Rajamanickam Paulraj
The Church's Educational Agenda for the Beginning of the Third Millenium, Robert Devries
The Church's Marching Orders: Between D-Day and V-Day, Gordon Spykman
The Church's Role in Social Justice, Calvin Van Reken and P. Vander Meulen
The Church Today and in the Year 2001, Marion Menning
The Civil War in Retrospect after 1863 Part 1, Earl Strikwerda
The Civil War in Retrospect after 1863 Part 2, Earl Strikwerda
The Collision of Social Media and the Art World, Kevin Buist
The Columbine Redemption - Session 6, Darrell Scott
The Coming of the Kingdom, James R. Kok
The Comi-Tragic Vision of Peter DeVries, Arlin G. Meyer
The Communion of the Suffering, David Read
The Concept of Antithesis, Henry Stob
The Concept of Culture Religion, William Herberg
The Concept of the Kingdom of God: Ancient Near Eastern Backgrounds and Preaching Today, Richard L. Pratt Jr.
The Confrontation Between Christianity and the World's Religions, Richard Plantinga
The Congregation as an Emotional System, Peter Steinke
The Consistory of Geneva 1559-69, E.W. Monter and R.D Linder
The Constitutional Effects of Watergate, Philip Kurland
The Content of Our Character: A New Vision of Race in America, Shelby Steele
The Contexts of Paul's Sticky Wickets, Catherine Clark Koreger
The Cost of Development, Michelle Sheba Tolentino
The Cost of Redemption, Donald Wilson
The Covenant I, George Gritter
The Covenant (I), George Gritter
The Covenant II, George Gritter
The Covenant (II), George Gritter
The Covenant (III), George Gritter
The Covenant Theology of Johannes Cocceius, W.J. Van Asselt
The CRC and World Hunger, Peter Vandermeulen
The CRC: Are We an Anachronism?, Joel Nederhood
The CRC: Homogeneous or Pluriform CRC (The Incidence of Divorce in the CRC), Roger Boer
The CRC in America, John Bratt
The CRC in Canada and the United States: Comparison and Contrast, Louis M. Tamminga and Clarence Boosma
The CRC in Transition: An Analysis of Present Ferment, James A. De Jong
The CRC in Transition: The CRC Under Review, James A. De Jong
The CRC in Transition: Toward a Creative Pastoring, James A. De Jong
The CRC Since World War II: Praising God, A Celebration on the Occasion of John H. Kromminga's Retirement, Clarence Boomsma
The Creation, Calvin DeWitt
The Crisis in Basra, Haider Alsaedy
The Crisis in Biblical Authority, Carl F.H. Henry
The Crisis of Adult Discipleship, Leonard VanderZee
The Crisis of Evolutionary Theory, Carl F.H. Henry
The Crisis of Objectivity: Energy at Midpoint (2 of 2), Walter Brueggemann
The Cross and Violence: Paradox or Reassessment, Leanne Van Dyk
The Crucial Task in Missions, Donald A. McGavran
The Cultivation of Gratitude, 1997, Mel Hugen
The Cultural Context of American Worship, Mark Roeda
The Cultural Mosaic in the CRC, Calvin Theological Seminary
The Current Debate on Religion & Politics, Stephen Monsma
The Day that Grace Reigns, Bernard Pekelder
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible, James Vander Kam
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible Translation, Bruce Metzger
The Death Beyond the Death of God: Reexamining the Theology of the 60's, Richard Lints
The Death of Ethics in America: Overcoming Evil in a Fallen World, Cal Thomas
The Death of Infant Doe, Alan Verhey
The Debatable Gift of the Lord-Office, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
The Debate Over Politics, Jerry S. Herbert
The Decline and Fall of American Liberalism, Christopher Lasch
The Delight of Daniel Mendelsohn, James K.A. Smith
The Democratization of our Cold War Enemy, Jack Matlock
The Departed, Lew Klatt
The Deprivation of Academic Freedom on the West Bank, Sa'eb Erakat
The Devil Has all the Best Stories, James K.A. Smith and David Rutledge
The Digital Humanities: What It Is and Why It Matters, Tim Gloege
The Disciple as Soldier, Calvin Miller
The Divided Society and the Democratic Idea, Glenn Loury
The Divine Handiwork-Evolution and the Wonder of Life, Owen Gingerich
The Doctrine of Jesus Christ, John Bolt
The Doctrine of Scripture and Hermeneutics: The Development, H.M. Vroom
The Doctrine of Scripture in the Works of H. Bavinck, G.C. Berkouwer, and H. Kuitert, Rolf H. Bremmer
The Dollar, Trade, and Debt, Rimmer DeVries
The Draft, Vince Ireenay
The Dutch Reformation and East Friesland: Reformed Revival (1540-1555), James Tanis
The Dynamics of Latin American Pentecostalism, Evertt Wilson
The Early Church Fathers of Genesis 1-2, Ford Lewis Battles
The Early Church in the Trans-Jordan, Bastiaan Van Elderen
The Early Music, Tape 1, Calvin College
The Early Music, Tape 2, Calvin College
The "Ecclesial" Critique of Globalization: Rethinking the Questions, James K.A. Smith
The Economic Powers of Women, Elizabeth Harris
The Economist on the Playground: What My Ten-Year Old Daughter and I Taught Each Other About Economic Justice, Steven E. Landsburg
The Effects of Casual Sex on the Brain, Freda Bush
The Elder as a Person: The Parishoner as a Person, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
The Electric Incarnation, Virginia Stem Owens
The Embodied Preacher, Todd Farley
The Embodied Self, Paul Vitz
The Emergence of World Christianity and the Remaking of Theology, Kwame Bediako
The Emmanuel College Cambridge Election of 1622: The Constraints of a Puritan Institution and Prelates and Politics: Uses of 'Puritan,' 1625-1640, Steven Pointer and Dwight Braugtigam
The Empathy Diaries: A Memoir, Derek Schuurman
The End for Which God Created the World: The Basic Framework of Jonathan Edwards' Theology, Sang Lee
The End is in Sight: The Lord's Return, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
The End of Enclaves: A Reply to Benson, James K.A. Smith
The End of Sexual Identity, Jenell Williams Paris
The endoplasmic reticulum as an active liquid network, Laura M. Westrate, Zubenelgenubi C. Scott, Samuel B. Steen, Greg Huber, and Elena F. Koslover
The End Time #1, Jesus Paradigm; Unto You, Allen Verhey and Ed Walhout
The Enemy Within: "Malcontent Koreans" in the Japanese Empire, Jinhee Lee
The Entrepreneur as College President, Gaylen Byker
The Environment: Progress in the 70's, Challenges in the 80's, Jonathon Ela
The Eschatology of Preaching, Stephen W. Brown
The Essential Difference, Jack Roeda
The Ethics of St. Thomas, Joe Boyle
The Evangelistic Congregation, Robert Schuller
The Evangelistic Outreach, Dick VanHalsema
The Faces of Forgiveness-Psychological Contributions, Steven Sandage
The Fallacy of Just War, David A. Hoekema
The Fall and Geology #3, Calvin College
The Family and Death, Earl Grollman
The Fear of Death: Tape 1 of 5, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
The Fight is O'er - The Ceremony, Ronald Nydam
The Fire Did It, J. Herbert Brink
The First Chapters of Genesis and the Authority of the Bible, Kuitert
The First China Hands: Iberian Visitors to the Ming Empire and the Forgotten Origins of Sinology, Liam Brockey
The Focus of Preaching, R.S. Wallace
The Forgotten Addiction - Panel Discussion, John, Patti, Huey, and Penni
The Forgotten Person I, Henry Exoo
The Form and Theology of Biblical Prayer, Patrick D. Miller Jr. and John Stek
The Formative Power of Image, Tom Schwanda
The Four Hungers Part 1, Frederick F. Manfred
The Four Hungers Part 2, Frederick F. Manfred
The French Bible of 1588, Brian G. Armstrong
The Friday Voice of Faith (1 of 2), Walter Brueggemann
The Functions of Criticism, Hilton Kramer
The Fundamental Meaning of Theology: Archetypal and Ectypal Theology in Seventeenth-Century Reformed Thought, Willem van Asselt
The Future Direction of Calvin Studies? Sam Ha (Calvin Conversations Series), Sam Ha
The Future Face of Russia, James H. Billington
The Future of Christian Higher Education, B.J. Haan
The Future of Education, Sajan George
The Future of Freedom, Fareed Zakaria
The Future of Marxism, Joseph Ton
The Future of Music, James Stewart
The Future of the Ecumenical Movement, Marlin Van Elderen
The Future of the Ministry of Christian Reformed World Missions, Gary J. Bekker
The Future of the New Middle East, Reza Aslan
The Future of the New Testament Church, H. Snyder
The Future of the Old Testament Studies, Horn
The Future of the Organ in Christian Worship, Frank Stoldt
The Future of the Political Process, John Anderson
The Generation of a Lie: A Study of Psalm 12, Coughenour
The Gifted Urban Lay Person, Michael Roschke
The Gift of Leadership, Bill Hybels
The Gift of the Spirit to Believers, Walter J. Chantry
The Global Mission of the Urban Church, Raymond Bakke
The Glory to Be Revealed, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
The Glory We See, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
The Goals of Adolescent Faith Formation, Tom Zamzig
The God of Love: The Love of God, Leon Morris
The God of Providence (Lord's Day 10), Wilbert M. Van Dyk
The God of the Philosophers and the God of the Bible, H.M. Vroom
The God Who Won't Give Up (Genesis 12, Deuteronomy 26:5-9), James Wharton
The God Who Won't Give Up (Genesis 1:3-11), James Wharton
The Golden Cycle of Prayer & Praise in the Psalter & in the Christian Liturgy, Carl J. Bosma and John D. Witvliet
The Golden Echo; and Several Other Poems Read by Henry Zylstra, Henry Zylstra
The Good Grief; Role of the Caregiver, Earl Grollman
The Goodness of God, John A. Redhead, A. Lichterberger, and F.S. Bayne
The Good Samaritan and His Genes, Holmes Rolston
The Good Shepherd; The End Time #3; Disciples in Transition, Ed Walhout and David Engelhard
The Gospel and Nigerian Culture, John Orkar
The Gospel and the Poor, Zylstra, Negen, Monsma, and Ehlers
The Gospel and the Poor Part 1, Ehlers, Monsma, Negen, and Zylstra
The Gospel and the Poor Part 2, Zylstra, Negen, Monsma, and Ehlers
The Gospel and the Poor Part 2, Ehlers, Monsma, Negen, and Zylstra
The Gospel of Affinity, John Milbank
The Gospel of Creation, Gustav Wingren
The Gospel of John-Lecture 1, David Holwerda
The Gospel of John-Lecture 2, David Holwerda
The Gospel of John-Lecture 3, David Holwerda
The Gospel of John-Lecture 4, David Holwerda
The Gospel of John-Lecture 5, David Holwerda
The Gospel of John-Lecture 6, David Holwerda
The Gospel of John-Lecture 7, David Holwerda
The Gospel of John-Lecture 8, David Holwerda
The Gospel of John-Lecture 9, David Holwerda
The Gospel of Power (Romans 1:16-17), John H. Kromminga
The Gospel & Western Culture, George Hunsberger and Waldron Scott
The Great Banquet, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
The Great Dao, Elena Valussi
The Great Debate in Missions, Donald A. McGavran
The Great Testimony, Leroy Christoffels
The Heart of Black Preaching, Cleophus La Rue
The Heart of Christ-centered Preaching, Bryan Chapell
The Heart of Christmas, Derek Schuurman
The Heart of the Leader, Henry Wildeboer
The Heart of the Matter, Philip Lucasse
The Hebrew Psaltar & Christian Worship-From Literary Criticism to Liturgical Practices, John D. Witvliet
The Heritage Class, Calvin College Class of 1948
The Hermeneutics of Deliverance-Robison Crusoe and the Future of Christian Interpretation & Canon, Intertextuality, and Determinate Meaning-Understanding Isaiah's "new heavens and new earth"(Isa. 65:17), Brian McCrea and Richard Schultz
The Hermeneutics of Difference & Overcoming Epistemology, Garrett Green and W. Jay Wood
The Hidden and the Manifest: God and Being, David Bentley Hart
The Hiddenness of God, Peter Van Inwagen
The Historic Creationist: From The Perspective of Theology, Christopher Kaiser
The History and Missionary Activities of Johanna Veenstra, Calvin College
The History of Calvin College, Gaylen Byker and William Spoelhof
The History of Christian Marriages In The West, John Witte Jr.
The History of Christian Philosophy: A Sketch (Part 1), John Vander Stelt
The History of Christian Philosophy: A Sketch (Part 2), John Vander Stelt
The History of Economic Systems, Sander Griffioen
The Holocaust, the Boat People, and the Crisis in Human Values, Richard Rubenstein
The Holy Spirit and Effective Ministry, John R. De Witt
The Holy Spirit and Pastoral Counseling, Albert Martin
The Holy Spirit and Worship, Mariano Avila
The Holy Spirit (Lord's Day 20), Wilbert M. Van Dyk
The Holy Spirit & Mission, Sundar Clarke
The Holy Trinity (Lord's Day 8), Wilbert M. Van Dyk
The Homeless as a Cultural Group, Tom Roddy
The Homiletical Plot Revisited, Eugene Lowry
The Hope and Delay of the Parousia, T. Wilkenson
The Hope of the Church, Anthony A. Hoekema
The Human Act of Forgiveness: Whom Should I?, Lewis B. Smedes
The Human Embryo: Diagnosing Disease, Cloning, Stem Cell Research: We Can, But Should We?, Mark Hughes
The Humanities and the Future of the University, David Lyle Jeffrey
The Humanity of the Preacher: Addressing Community Needs, Clyde E. Fant Jr. and Ian M. Chapman
The Human Side of Management, Richard Ringoen
The Humor and Wit of Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Henry Luttikhuizen
The Hungarian Reformed Church Today, Lorant Hegedus
The Hunger Games and Philosophy: Discipline and the Docile body, Christina Van Dyke
The Hunger Machine, Calvin DeWitt
The Hunger Machine, Part 2, Calvin DeWitt
The Hunger Machine, Part 3, Calvin DeWitt
The Hunger Machine, Part 4, Calvin DeWitt
The Hunger Machine, Part 5, Calvin DeWitt
The Hunger Machine, Part 6, Calvin DeWitt
The Hunger Machine, Part 7, Calvin DeWitt
The Idea of Secular America, Richard Neuhaus
The Identity Crisis of the Urban Church Facing the Future, Raymond Bakke
The Impact of Postmodernism, Wayne Booth and Mark Schwehn
The Impact of War, Herman Keizer
The Import of Calvin's Legacy for Church Music Today, Bertus F. Polman
The Impossible Possibility, Calvin College
The Inaugurated Eschatology of the Great Commision: Reformed, John Van Schepen
The Incidence of Divorce in the CRC, Roger Boer
The Incidence of Divorce in the CRC, Roger Boer
The Incomprehensible God Does Care; The Man Who Heard A Voice, Sierd Woudstra
The Inevitability of Sin, Kevin Timpe
The Infallibility of the State of the Church, Peter De Jong
The Infallible Rule, Charles Krahe
The Infancy Narratives and Criticism, Paul Maier
The Infancy Narratives and Criticism, Paul Maier
The Injustice of American Civil Religions, Rockne McCarthy
The Inn Keeper; The Song of Salvation, Peter Van Elderen and Jacob D. Eppinga
The Institutional Church and Our Institutions, Allan Storkey
The Integrity and Diversity in the Song of the Church, John Lamberton Bell
The Intellectual Discourse of the Extrahuman in Early Imperial China, Justin Winslett
The Interdisciplinary Study of Christian Worship, Bryan D. Spinks, John Wilson, and John D. Witvliet
The Interrelationships of African American, Christian, and Scholarly Identities, Willie James Jennings
The Invisible and the Sublime: A Critical Reading of the Aesthetics of Radical Orthodoxy, Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin
The Iranian Revolution: An Assessment, William H. Sullivan
The Janssen Case, David Holwerda
The Jewish Background of the Lord's Prayer, Philip Sigal
The Jewish Concept of Stewardship and the Problem of Humanism, David Ehrenfeld
The Justice Imperative of the Gospel, Wyn Wright Potter
The Just Price, Eugene R. Dykema
The Just Shall Live: Reformational Reflections on Public Justice and Racist Attitudes, Hendrik Hart
The Kingdom is like Treasure; Making a Home Run, Henry Wildeboer and Tim Monsma
The Kingdom of God in New Testament Theology, Darrell Bock
The Kingdom of God, Missions and Social Justice, Rene Padilla
The Knottiness of Divorce, Ronald J. Nydam
The Laborers in the Vineyard, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
The Lady Elgin Disaster, Valerie van Heest
"The Lamb at the center of the throne", Stanley Mast
The Legacy of the New Netherland Colony for the United States, Janny Venema
The Liberation of Women - Women, Children, Slaves, Melvin Hugen
The Lifelong Journey of Inner Transformation, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
The Light of Faith: A Protestant Perspective, James K.A. Smith
The Light of the World: Imagery in the Gospel of John, Craig Koester
The Limits of Problem Solving, Gilbert Rendle
The Liturgical Year and the Reformed Tradition, Bert Polman
The Liturgy in Use by the Congregation, Leonard Trinterud
The Long Pastorate, Clarence Boomsma
The Long Prayer: Offering Prayers in Public Worship, Scott E. Hoezee
The Lord's Example, the Teacher's Command, Dale Cooper
The Lordship of Christ, George Verver
The Lord's Song in a Foreign Land (1 John 1), Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
The Lord's Supper as an Act of Worship in the Theology and Practice of Calvin, M. Eugene Osterhaven
The Lord was with Joseph, Jack Roeda
The Lost Song; A Ministry of Reconciliation, Gordon Spykman and Lee Koning
The Love That Will Not Let Us Go, Henry Exoo
The Maestro Sings, Seymour Swets
The Majic Bus: An American Educational Odyssey, Douglas Brinkley
The Making of Christians, John Westerhoff III
The Managed Ministry / Pastoral Administration, Salem Avenue Church
The Manna Economy, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and Ellen Davis
The Many Faces of Sin, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
The Marginalia Archive, Molly Springfield
The Marriage of Health and Education, C. Everett Koop
The Mass Media: A Secular Prophet, Joel Nederhood
The Matchless Grace of God, Henry Exoo
Thematic Worship: A Rich Feast for the People of God, Ron Man
The Meaning of History, M. Howard Rienstra
The Meaning of Technology, Derek Schuurman
The Meaning of the Ascension for Christian Scholars, Stephen Davis
The Meaning of the Lord's Supper, Dean Deppe
The Mentor Program in the CRC, Louis M. Tamminga
Theme of the Apocalypse, Leon Morris
Themes in World History, Daniel Bays, Bert deVries, Douglas Howard, Robert Sweetman, and Thor Wagstrom
The Messiness of Marriage, Ronald J. Nydam
The Messiness of Marriage and Relationships in the Midst of Seminary, Ronald J. Nydam
The Methodology of Preaching, Stephen W. Brown
The Middle Wall of Partition, Richard De Ridder
The Mighty Work of God: The State of the Church of Cuba, Obed Martinez
The Mind, the Mood, and the Need of the Unchurched, Robert Schuller
The Ministering Church, William Leslie
The Minister's Wife and Her Fulfillment as a Person, James R. Kok and Duane A. Visser
The Minister's Wife as a Counselor, James R. Kok and Duane A. Visser
The Ministry of the Church, Andrew Bandstra
The Ministry of the Church, John H. Kromminga
The Miracle of Christ, Theodore Ferris
The Missionary Encounter with Culture: Lessons for the Local, Wilbert R. Shenk
The Mission of Christian Higher Education: The Case for a Korean Christian University, Young-Gil Kim
The Missions Curriculum of the Future, Addison Soltau
The Model of Church Growth and an Alternative, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
The Monologue of Secularism, Jeffery Stout
The Moral Crisis of the Telecosm, George Gilder
The Moral Gap, John Hare
The Moral Majority and its Effect on Education, Richard J. Mouw and David Wood
The Multicultural Church- A Biblical Mandate: How Are We, Bing Goei
The Music of the Church, Dale Topp
The Myth of Repressed Memory, Elizabeth Loftus
The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement, Jean M. Twenge
The Narrative Metaphor and Wesleyan Theology, Peter Jankowski
The National Scene: Through My Eyes, Clarence Page
The Natural Law and the Death Penalty, Christopher Kaczor
The Natural, the Connatural, and the Unnatural, J. Budziszewski
The Nature and Purpose of Genesis 1:1 - 2:3, John H. Stek
The Nature of Christian Truth, James Daane
The Nature of Fundamentalism, Al Wolters
The Nature of Spiritual Religion, Iain Murray
The Need and the Responsibility for the Students, Alfred Reynolds
The Need and Wisdom of an Alternative Seminary, Nelson D. Kloosterman
The Need for Workers, Wayne Joosse
The Nerve to Submit; The Way to Peace, Charles Young and Robert Meyering
The New Catholic Catechism & Catholic/Protestant Relations, Robert Rose
The New Christian Right: A Politician's Perspective, Paul Henry
The Newcomer's Group (Sectional #16), Christian Reformed Church
The New Earth, Anthony A. Hoekema
The New Fundamentalism and the Old, George Mish Marsden
The New Intuitive Leadership, Gilbert Rendle
The New Laity, Cliff Christians
The New Literary Criticism of Biblical Narrative: Method & Methodology, John H. Stek and Barry Bandstra
The New Morality, Henry Stob
The New Morality, Leon Morris
The New Reproductive Technologies, Suzanne Scorsone
The New Situation in the European Theology, Gustaf Wingren
The New Testament and the Public Witness of the Church, Esau McCaulley
The Next Christians: How a New Generation is Restoring the Faith, Gabe Lyons
The Nuts and Bolts of Worship Planning, John Witvliet
The Old Testament, The New Testament and Jesus Christ, Rolf Knierim
The Old Time Religion, Leonard Greenway
Theological Affirmation and Political Arrangements: Two Way Traffic, Anna Case-Witers
Theological Basis for Management, Richard De Ridder
Theological Basis for Preaching Today, John R.W. Stott
Theological Education in Africa, Harry Boer
Theological Education in Asia Today, Bong Rim Ro
Theological Education into the 1990s, James A. De Jong
Theological Issues in Missiological Education, G. Goort
Theological Perspective on the Transformation of Congregational Song, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
Theological Reflections on Charismatic Movement, James I. Packer
Theological Stress Points in the New Testament, Frank Thielman
Theology and the Arts: Why They Need Each Other in the Church, Part 1, Jeremy Begbie
Theology and the Arts: Why They Need Each Other in the Church, Part 2, Jeremy Begbie
Theology and the Arts: Why They Need Each Other in the Church, Part 3, Jeremy Begbie
Theology for the Sake of Mission Part 1, Andrew Kirk
Theology for the Sake of Mission Part 2, Andrew Kirk
Theology of Hope, Carl Braaten
The Option for the Poor as a Mark of the Church, L.F. Cormie
The Ordination of Women, Thea Van Halsema
The Ordination of Women: Probing the Hermenuetical Issue, Albert Wolters
The Organist as Pastoral Music, John D. Witvliet
Theory and Praxis, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Hendrik Hart, and Jan Dengerink
Theory of RBT, Emotional ABC's Tape 1 of 6, Maxie Maultsby
The Other, Derrida, James K.A. Smith
The Over-Anxious Mind, Calvin Theological Seminary
The Pain, The Power, & The Promise: Feminist Liberation, Mary Hunt
The Palestine Problem & Christian Duty, Bassam Madany
The Palestinian Question and New Global Realities, Hanan Ashrawi
The Paralytic, Peter Y. DeJong
The Parish Ministry: Would I Do it Again?, Jacob D. Eppinga
The Passion Accounts and Criticism, Paul Maier
The Passion Accounts and Criticism, Paul Maier
The Pastoral Ministry to the Homosexual, Robert Baker
The Pastor as Counselor, Mary Vander Goot
The Pastor as Pacesetter, Arthur Dekruyter
The Pastor as Projected Sacred Image, Carl S. Dudley
The Pastor as Theologian, Wallace M. Alston
The Pastor's Role in Evangelism, Roger Greenway
The Pastor's Role in Ministering to the Bereaved, Robert Zaagman
The Pastor's Role in the Church, John Chandler
The Pentecost, Andrew Kuyvenhoven
The Perseverance of the Saints, Albert Martin
The Persistent Widow, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
The Pharisee and the Tax Collector, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
The Place of Civil Authority, Jim Wallis
The Place of Film Study in Higher Education, James Wall
The Place of Lament in the Liturgy, Nicholas Wolterstorff
The Place of Prayer in World Evangelization, John Reid
The Place of Psalms in Worship, Hughes Oliphant Old
The Place of Resources in World Evangelization, Stanley Mooneyham
The Poetry and Passion of the Psalms, Calvin Seerveld
The Poetry of Astonishment: Preaching the Psalms, Ellen Davis
The Poetry of Spring, Richard Tiemersma
The Pointing Instinct & How to Cultivate It, Lew Klatt
The Politics of Oil, Robert Evans
The Politics of Rich and Poor: Wealth and the American Electorate in the Reagan Aftermath, Kevin Phillips
The Politics of the Judicial System, Robert Bork
The Politics of World Hunger, Arthur Simon
The Power of Preaching, James Daane
The Power of Precision: Job 10, J.P. Fokkelman
The Power of the Pulpit, Ray Lanning
The Preacher and His Voice, Christian Helmus
The Preacher as Minor Poet, M. Craig Barnes
The Preaching Life, Barbara Taylor
The Pregnant Present and the Pull of the Future, George Vandervelde
The Present Religious Situation in Europe: A Challenge for Modern Evangelism, A.R. Kayayan
The President and the Press, Tony Snow
The President's Remarks Prior to Sunday Worship Service, William Spoelhof and Calvin Seminary Choir
The Price of Stones: Building a School for My Village, Twesigye (Jackson) Kaguri
The Problem of 'Catholic Scholarship', Mary Keys and Cyril O'Regan
The Problem of People Transportation, David Vellinga
The Problem of Progress, Sander Griffioen
The Problem of Religious Language, Arthur Holmes
The Problem of Suffering, Elenore Stump
The Problem: Slumbering Laity, John Oak
The Problem with AI is Deeper Than You Think, Derek Schuurman
The Problem with Chatbot Personas, Derek Schuurman
The Process of Dying from the Medical Perspective, Earl Grollman
The Prodigal, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
The Prolongation of Life, James Gustafson
The Prophecy of Amos Class 1, John H. Stek
The Prophecy of Amos Class 2, John H. Stek
The Prophecy of Amos Class 3, John H. Stek
The Prophecy of Amos Class 4, John H. Stek
The Prophecy of Amos Class 5, John H. Stek
The Prophecy of Amos Class 6, John H. Stek
The Prophecy of Amos Class 7, John H. Stek
The Prophecy of Amos Class 8, John H. Stek
The Prophecy of Amos Class 9, John H. Stek
The Prophet: A Man Behind His Times, David Engelhard
The Prophet: A Man Behind His Times 2, David Engelhard
The Psalms, John Lamberton Bell
The Psalms as Poetry, Jim Vanden Bosch
The Purpose of God in Christian Education, Daniel Aragon
The Puzzling and Profound Faith of Abraham Lincoln, Paul Bremer
The Quiet Miracle; Jeremiah, Spokesman for God #5: A Hopeful Future, Ed Walhout and Robert DeVries
The Qumran Scrolls and Scripture, Emanuel Tov
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Ears to Hear, Hearts to Obey, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Eyes to Behold Our Savior's Grandeur, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Feet to Follow Jesus, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Hands to Worship and Embrace the One We Crucified, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Life Stronger Than Death, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Mouths to Taste, Lips to Declare, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: Series Introduction, Dale Cooper
The Radiant Preciousness of Jesus: The Cross 'Of First Importance', Dale Cooper
The Rainbow, Louis M. Tamminga
Therapeutic Attitude / Understanding Affliction, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
The Realistic Idealist, Bernard Pekelder
The Reality of Community, Wayne Joosse
The Reason for Rationality, William Harry Jellema
The Reason for Rationality, William Harry Jellema
The Reconciliation Movement in Northern Ireland, Steve Stockman
The Redemptive Focus of the Kingdom of God, Robert Recker
The Reformed Church in Hungary, Bela Vassady
There I Have Pledged to Set My Foot, Too, Dale Cooper
The Relationship Between Sin and Sickness, Ruth Tiffany Barnhouse
The Relationship between Worship and Evangelism, Lewis Vander Meer
The Religious Bias of Public Education, Donald Oppewal
The Religious Heritage of Rights Talk: A Symposium, John Witte Jr. and Nicholas Wolterstorff
The Reluctant Ruler, Henry DeRooy
The Renaissance Consort, Part 1, Calvin College
The Renaissance Consort, Part 2, Calvin College
The Rending of the Veil (Mark 15:38), James Stewart
There's a Spirit that Transcends the Border: Religious Activists for Immigrant Rights, Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo
The Responsibility...College to the Church Part 1, Lester R. DeKoster
The Responsibility...College to the Church Part 2, Lester R. DeKoster
The Retreat of Protestant Thinking Today, Samuel Escobar
The (Re)Turn to the Person in Contemporary Theory-A Review Essay, James K.A. Smith
The Rhythm of God's Grace, Arthur Paul Boers
The Ride Home, Derek Schuurman
The Right of Private Interpretation, Peter Toon
The Right to Life, Clifford Bajema
The Rise and Fall of Great Preaching: Expository Preaching, James M. Boice
The Rise and Fall of Great Preaching: The State of Preaching Today, James M. Boice
The Road to Jericho; The Road to Calvary, Dirk J. Hart
The Role and Status of Women in the Writings of John Calvin, James D. Bratt
The Role of an Ambassador in U.S. Foreign Relations, Ron Weiser
The Role of Churches in the Peace Process in Africa, Jan van Butselaar
The Role of Communication Studies witin a College Context, Nicholas Wolterstorff
The Role of Elders in Marriage and Divorce, Ronald J. Nydam
The Role of Elders in Marriage and Divorce (Earlier Lecture), Ronald J. Nydam
The Role of Guilt and Shame, Esther J. Waddilove
The Role of Humanity in the Kingdom of God: Theocentrism or Anthropocentrism-A False Dilemma, Richard L. Pratt Jr.
The Role of Law in the Theology of Luther and Calvin, Edward A. Dowey
The Role of Love in the Development of the Self, Karen Coats
The Role of Metaphor in Christian Scholarship, Elaine Botha, Barbara Carvill, and David Smith
The Role of Prayer in the Christian's Life, Roger Greenway
The Role of the Christian Scholar in Applied Music, Anton Armstrong, Peter Kenote, Mark Moliterno, Charsie Sawyer, and John Varineau
The Role of the Church & Criminal Justice Issues, Michael P. Mosher
The Role of the Church in Ministering Among City Systems, Glandion Carney
The Role of the Church in Promotion of Christian Education, Calvin College
The Role of the Holy Spirit in Calvin's Teaching on the Ministry, B.W. Farley and Brian G. Armstrong
The Role of the Ministry Center as a Type of Church, Lew Vander Meer
The Role of the Seeker Service In Reaching Today's Generation, Eugene DeJong, Sidney Greidanus, and Roger Kok
The Role of Women in Home, Church, and Society, Letha Scanzoni
The Roots of Despair, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
The Roots of Liberation Theology, Paul Bergsma
The Roots of Vainglory, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
The Rule of Law and the Role of Religion in Contemporary China, Weng Kaixin
The Sacraments in Reformed Worship, James Kay
The Saving Gospel for a Lost World, Peter Y. DeJong
The Sayings of Jesus in Paul, Seyoon Kim
The Scrip Plan in Grand Rapids, George Welsh
The Scriptorium: A Treasure - Trove in Your Backyard, Scott Carrol
The Search for Extra-terriestrial Life, Loren Haarsma and Larry Molnar
The Secret of Fruitfulness; The Faith of Rahab, John Pasma and Al Vander Griend
The Secrets of Christmas, Henry Exoo
The Secularization of Church Related Colleges and What That Means for Calvin College, George Mish Marsden
The Self at the Human/Computer Interface, Kent Norman
The Self: From the Postmodern Crisis to a Transmodern Solution, Paul Vitz
The Seminary and the Church, T.C. Van Kooten
The Seriousness of Joy, Lewis B. Smedes
The Seven Deadly Sins & Spiritual Formation, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
The Sex Offender, Paul Gebbart
The Sexual Role: The Subject of Divorce, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
The Shadow of a Dead God?, Tomas Halik
The Shame of Joy and Tears, John Patton
The Shape of the U.S., Jay Van Andel
The Shifting Frontiers Of Missions, Raymond Bakke
The Significance of Rare Dutch Books, David Vander Meulen
The Significance of Youth Culture (1 0f 3), Donald Posterski
The Silence of God, Leonard Sweetman
The Sins of Omission, Ford Rowan
The Slaying of Satan's Superman and the Sure Salvation of the Saints, Jeffrey A.D. Weima
The Social Analogy of the Trinity: Doctorinal, Ethical, and Devotional Implications, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
The Social Analogy of the Trinity: Historical and Contemporary Theological Perspectives, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
The Social Dilemma, Derek Schuurman
The Socio-Political Aspect, James Skillen
The Son Who Makes Men Free, Henry Exoo
The Sovereignty of an Active God, Perry Perkins
The Sower, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
The Spirit and Adoption, Andrew Bandstra
The Spirit and Liberation, Joel Nederhood
The Spirit and the New Creation, William Vanderhoven
The Spirit of Democracy, Jeffery Stout
The Spirituality of Ordinary Speech, Timothy Larsen
The Spiritual Life of Children, Robert Coles
The Spread of the Psalter, Seymour Swets
The Standing to Forgive, Glen A. Pettigrove
The State of Evangelical Scholarship, Margaret Bendroth, Arie Leegwater, George Mish Marsden, and Richard J. Mouw
The State of Grand Rapids: Its Challenges and its Future, George Mayor Heartwell
The State of N.A. Homiletics, Eugene Lowry
The State of Race Relations in the Greater Grand Rapids Area, William Hardiman
The Status of Just War Theory, Herman Keizer
The Status of the Fetus, and Abortion and the Language of Mortal, Doudlas Diekema
The Story of Meijer's, Hank Meijer
The Story of Progress and a Path to Responsible Technology, Derek Schuurman
The Story of Sarospatak in Hungary: New Opportunities, Richard Horcsik
The Strange World of Sickness in the Bible, Allen Verhey
The Structure and Problem of Calvin's Theology, Ford Lewis Battles
The Study of the Septuagint as a Theological Discipline, John William Wevers
The Substance of Calvin's Eucharistic Piety, E.D. Willis
The Symbols of the Book of Revelation and Their Function, Gregory K. Beale
The Tails of Two Avian Schistosomes: Paired Exposure Study Demonstrates Trichobilharzia stagnicolae Penetrates Human Skin More Readily than a Novel Avian Schistosome from Planorbella, Nathaniel J. Anderson, Curtis L. Blankespoor, and Randall J. DeJong
The Tap on the Shoulder, Peter Marshall
The Task of a Leader, Henry Wildeboer
The Task of a Mortician, Robert Zaagman
The Task of Christian Eschatology, Wolfhart Pannenberg
The Task of the Church, James A. De Jong
The Techniques of Individual Counseling, Rhule Bykerk
The Temple Scroll and the Trial of Jesus, Otto Betz
The Temptation of Philosophy-The Platonic Triumph of Logic over Rhetoric, Calvin Seerveld
The Ten Commandments in Worship, A. Casper Honders
The Terrible Truth of Self, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
The Text and Canon of the Old Testament, James A. Sanders
The Text: John 1 - A Study of John's Prologue, F. Dale Bruner
The Text : Luke 15 - A Study of the Prodigal Son, F. Dale Bruner
The Theme of Romans, Leon Morris
The Themes of Nature in Three Generations of Canadian Literature, Aileen Van Beilen
The Theological Foundation of French Discipline, Glenn Sunshine
The Theology Behind the Liturgy, Leonard Trinterud
The Theology of Preaching, Stephen W. Brown
The Theology of Staying Put and Identity, Access, and Witness (Session 3), Eric Jacobsen
The Threat Posed by Calvinism to the Kingdom of Satan in Late 20th Century, Ford Lewis Battles
The Threeness/Oneness Problem of the Trinity, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
The Thrill of the Chaste-Finding Fulfilment While Keeping Your Clothes On, Dawn Eden
The Time Has Come, Peter J. Steen
The Time is Now, John Schuurman
The Touch that Stopped Jesus; Devoted!, Eugene DeJong and William Vanderhoven
The Tradition of Christianity in Which Calvin Stands, Nicholas Wolterstorff
The Tragedy of Asking the Wrong Question, Frank Tillapaugh
The Transformation of Evil, Gordon Graham
The Tree with Healing Leaves, Howard Hagerman
The Trinitarian 'Relational Substance' and Transmodernity, Mark Lowery
The Trinity Revisited, J. Dudley Woodberry
The Truth About Sex, Jenell Williams Paris
The Twentieth-Century Creation of the Church as Global Community, Dana Robert
The Twin Pillars of Christian Scholarship, Alvin Plantinga
The Two Faces of Government, John Vriend
The United States is Born to Die, Robert D. Kaplan
The Unnoticed Impact of World Christianity on 19th Century America, Jay R. Case
The Urban Church & the Urban Poor, John Perkins
The Urban Poor of the World's Mega-Cities, Viv Grigg
The Urban Poor of the World's Mega-Cities, Viv Grigg
The Urgency of the Call: Evangelism - The Heart of Missions, Anthony J. Campolo and Rebecca M. Pippert
The Use of Scripture in Church Political Controversy, Henry De Moor
The Use of the Service Book, Harry Boonstra
The Uses, Misuses and Abuses of Music, John Varineau
The Uses of Psychology in Therapy, James Vander May
The Value of Virtue: An Organizational Approach to the Challenges of Workplace Disabilities, Jason D. Whitt, Brian D. Cawley, Julie E. Yonker, and Danielle C. Polage
The Vatican Council: What's in it for Protestants?, Martin E. Marty
The Vice of Sloth: Some Historical Reflections on Laziness, Effort, and Resistance to the Demands of Love, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
The View from the Big House: Nuns and Prisoners in the American West, Anne Butler
The Vital Variable in Pastoral Care, Ron Nydam
The Voice of God, Rolf Veenstra
The Wall, Wallace Bratt
The Wardrobe of Easter: Centering in Jesus, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Compassion, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Dwelling Together in God's Word, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Forgiveness, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Gentleness, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Gratitude, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Humility, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Kindness, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Learning God's Word, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Love, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Patience, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Peace, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Singing Together, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: Teaching God's Word, Dale Cooper
The Wardrobe of Easter: White-Hot with Purpose, Dale Cooper
The Warrant for Theology in a Scientific Age, Henry Stob
The WCC and the Social Gospel, Paul Schrotenboer
The Wholeness of the Gospel, Orlando Costas
The Whole Person: Intimacy in Communication, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
The Will of God for Us, Peter Borgorff
The Wisdom of Stability, Jonathan Wilson Hartgrove
The Wisdom of this World, Cornelius Van Til
The Wonderful World of Contemporary Music, John Ferguson
The Word and Education, John VanDyke
The Word and Minorities, Virgil Patterson
The Word and the World, John B. Hulst
The Word in Your Life - Receiving It, Nelle Vander Ark
The Word is Deed: An Autobiographical Vignette, Bela Vassady
The Word of South America, Juan S. Boonstra
The Word Which Cannot Be Broken, Peter Y. DeJong
The World in Which We Live and Speak, Carolyn Weatherford
The World of the Cross, Peter Eldersveld
The Wrath of the Lamb; Speaking with Boldness, Peter Van Elderen and Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
The Year the Distance Died, Ken Bergsma
The Zurich Reformer's Contribution to Political Thought, Fritz Busser
Things I Learned In The Ministry...Only Some of Which the Seminary Told Me, Howard Vanderwell
Thinking of Suicide, Bernard Mayes
This Christian Writer Business, Garret Keizer
This is My Body: The Eucharist as Privileged Ontological/Epistemic Site, George Vandervelde
This Land, Otto Selles
This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land: Symbolizing a National Ideal in American Regionalist Art, Elizabeth VanArragon
This Nation Under God: The Aim of Redemption, Peter Eldersveld
Thomas Aquinas on the Relationship between the Natural Law and the Old Law, Randall B. Smith
Thorn-In-The-Flesh Decision-Making: A Christian Overview of the Ethics of Treatment, Richard J. Mouw
Three Case Studies and Discussion, David Tubergen
Three Case Studies and Discussion, Carol Vos
Three Facets of a Whole Education, Ted Ward
Three Groens; Our Peninent Longing For Advent, Ed Walhout and Carl Kromminga
Three Morality Chapels, Calvin College
Three Problem Areas, R.D. Sytsma
Three Sonatas by Paul Hindemith Tape 1, Dale Topp, Dale Watermulder, Bruce Nieuwenhuis, Uel Wade, and Betty Vander Zaag
Three Sonatas by Paul Hindemith Tape 2, Dale Topp, Dale Watermulder, Bruce Nieuwenhuis, Uel Wade, and Betty Vander Zaag
Through Death's Valley (Psalms 23); Going Places (Acts 8:26-40), Robert DeVries
Throw Away your Computer and Get an Education, Clifford Stoll
Thursday Morning Worship, Roberta Hestenes
Thursday Morning Worship Service, Various
Time and Space, Vernon J. Ehlers
Time for a New Reformation, Steve M. Schlissel
Tippet/Mouw Talk, Krista Tippett and Richard J. Mouw
To Be That Which One Truly Is, Carl Rogers
Today's Youth, Today's Issues, Daniel VanderArk
Together, S.F. Bayne
Together Around the World, Joel Nederhood
Together We Worship: A Curriculum for 4th-6th Grade, Robert J. Keeley and Laura Keeley
Tongue Control; Keeping our Bearings Straight; The Tragedy of Man, Ed Walhout and John H. Primus
Tongues Today?, O. Palmer Robertson
Tony Campolo, Tony Campolo
Too Deep for Words? Preaching in the Language of the Spirit, Luke A. Powery
To Ordination Through Emeritation, Jacob D. Eppinga
To See the Chruch Through Their Eyes, Gloria Goris Stronks
Tough Questions and Christianity, Peter Kreeft
Toward a Better Understanding of Yourself and Others, Stanley Vermeer
Toward a Human Medicine, Henry Stob
Toward a Phenomenology, Jean-Luc Marion
Toward a Reformed Hermeneutic, Fred H. Klooster
Toward a Reformed Theology of Missions in the Perspective of the Kingdom of God, Yasunori Ichikawa
Toward A Shared Preaching Life, David Davis
Toward Humane Economics - plus Responses, Luckey Wolterstorff and Michael Novak
Towards a Reformed Theology of Religions, Harvie Conn
Towards Century 21 In Mission-A Prospect, Gerald Anderson
Towards Century 21 In Mission-A Retrospect, Gerald Anderson
Towards Emotional and Spiritual Maturity, Calvin Theological Seminary
Towards New Forms of Reformed Confessions, H.N. Ridderbos
To Warn the Sorcerer's Apprentice, Chad Walsh
Tracing the Influence of Neo-Conservatives on the War in Iraq, Herman Keizer
Trade Liberalization and Inequality in Indonesia: The Recent Evidence, Evert VanDerHeide and Barry Ritchey
Tradition for Innovation, James K.A. Smith
Tradition in the CRC, J. Van Engen
Transcendent Noise and Beautiful Ugliness: Dismantling the Aesthetic Hierarchy in the Church, Michael Kaufmann
Transcending Participation: A Reformational Critique of Radical Orthodoxy, Jens Zimmerman
Transformational Christianity, Gerald Vandezande
Transgression, Memory, Love, Miroslav Volf
Transhumanism and the Image of God: an interview with Jacob Shatzer, Derek Schuurman
Translating Karen Christianity, Jay R. Case
Translating the Message, or Transplanting Hatred: The Case of Judas, Kim Paffenroth
Treatment & Rehabilitation of Juvenile Delinquents: What's Promising and What's Not? - Session 4, John Aulisa, Matt Fenske, Nelson Griffis, and Kathy Bailey
Trends in Domestic Missions in the Eighties - Getting Ready, Craig Van Gelder
Trends in Ministry. Report of Quest. From CTS, Robert Devries
Triezenberg Memorial, Calvin College
Triple Team Ministry, Benjamin J. Becksvoort, Robert W. Vance, and Dale W. Vander Veen
Trip to Nigeria and Others, Gilbert Holkeboer
Tropical Deforestation: Poor Stewardship, Ghillaum Prahnce
Troubadour Philosophy and a Doxological Aesthetics with Art of Plaint, Calvin Seerveld
Trudi Huisman, Mezzo-soprano, Trudi Huisman
True Faith (Lord's Day 7)|, Wilbert M. Van Dyk
Truth in Kierkegaard, Kenneth Konyndyk
Tuesday Keynote, Robert Roberts
T.V. and the Family, Quentin Schultze
Twelve Steps of Intimacy in Dating and Marriage, Melanie Beelen and Dave Beelen
Two Centuries of Religious Pluralism in North America-Monkey Business and Misconceptions of Cult Evangelism, Ruth Tucker
Two Centuries of Religious Pluralism in North America-Yankee Ingenuity and Religious Humbug, Ruth Tucker
Two Cheers for Worldview: A Response to Elmer John Thiessen, James K.A. Smith
Two Eucharistic Theologies in Conflict, Joseph Tylenda
Two Music Masters and their Protégé, Carl Kaiser, Linda Hoisington, and Lisa Walhout
Umm Al-Jimāl Site Management Plan, Dr. Elizabeth Osinga and Mrs. Jenna de Vries Morton
Unchanging...For Leadership, Mark Vermeer, Ronald Van Balkenberg, and Roger Heinz
Uncle Dick, Richard (Dick) Postma
Uncommon Decency: Christian Civility in an Uncivil World, Richard J. Mouw
Under God: Religion and American Politics, Garry Wills
Understanding Islam: Religion, Culture, and State, Adel Abadeer
Understanding Ourselves, Sidney Youngsma
Understanding Religious Fanaticism, Iain Murray
Understanding the Religious and Spiritual Lives of Emerging Adults in the U.S., Christian Smith
Undiscovered Power, Charles T. Leber
Une fee curieuse: Persinette de Charlotte-Rose de Caumont La Force, Jolene Vos-Camy
Union with Christ and Eschatology, Anthony A. Hoekema
Union with Christ and Justification, Anthony A. Hoekema
Union with Christ and Sanctification, Anthony A. Hoekema
United Calvinist Youth Organization, James C. Lont
United Methodists Conference, Africa University Choir
United Methodists Conference Chapel, United Methodists
United with Christ in Baptism, Andrew Bandstra
Unity Christian High School Chapel, Egbert (ER) R. Post
Unity in Christ and Diversity in Culture in Effective Urban Ministry, Samuel Betances
Unity in Christ's Fullness, Calvin Symposium on Worship Planning Committee
Unity in Diversity, Bernard Pekelder
Universalism, Roger Nicole
Universal Judgment, Band Concert
Univocity, Analogy and the Mystery of Being according to John Duns Scotus, Robert Sweetman
Unmasking the Vice of Vainglory, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Unraveling the Mystery or Belief and Unbelief, Ruth Tucker
Unswervingly Resolute, Dale Cooper
Untitled Radio Show on 20th Century Reformation, Carl McIntire
Upon a Psalter of 10 Strings, Dale Cooper
Urban Church Christian Education, Anthony Van Zanten
Urban Church Evangelism in a Multi-Ethnic Church, James Conklin
Urban Church Evangelism in a Multi-Ethnic Church Part 2, James Conklin
Urban Evangelism: Getting the Gospel Into Life, Robert Wainwright
Urban Ministry Focused on Grand Rapids, Earl James
Urban Ministry in the 80's, James White
Urban Presentation/Motivation for World Missions, Helen Roseveare and Harvie Conn
Urban Strategy Conference, Roger Greenway
Urban Youth Ministry, Verlay Sangster
Usage Reporting and Analysis: Current Options and Future Opportunities, Katherine Swart, Tim Lloyd, and Tricia Miller
Use of the Facility, Frank Tillapaugh
Uses of the Qur'an, Sam Schlorff
Use Your Words, Jane Zwart and Lew Klatt
Using Christian Resources (Sectional #28), Christian Reformed Church
Using Spiritual Gifts Tape 2 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
Using the Lectionary for Worship, Alvin Hoksbergen
Using the Pastor's Planning Workbook Series Tape 8 of 9, Robert E. Logan and Carl F. George
U.S. Wage Ineguality, Tracy Miller and J.D. Richardson
Utilization of Women's Gifts in the Church, Thea Van Halsema
U-turns, Bernard Pekelder
Vainglory: A Vice that Glitters, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Vainglory: How to Share Your Virtue Without Showing Off, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Validity of Urban Ministry, William (Bill) Leslie
Valuing in Social Science, David Lyon
Vancouver, BC First CRC 70th Anniversary Program, John VanHemert
Vatican 2, John D. Witvliet
Venema Aquatic Center Opening, Gaylen Byker
Venema Aquatic Center Opening Part 2, Gaylen Byker
Vernacular Scripture in an Age of Globalization--African Dimension, Kwame Bediako
Vertical Habits: Missional Churches at Worship, John Witvliet
Vespers, Various
Viability of Alternative Urban Lifestyles, Thomas Finger
Victory Through Jesus Christ, A. Lichterberger
View from Jordan: Challenges and Opportunities in the Middle East, Karim Kawar
View from the Launching Pad-The Next Generation of Christian Scholars, Wiebe Boer, Sam Glass, Sarah K. Hamersma, and Christina Van Dyke
Views on Genesis, John H. Stek
Violence as a Public Health Problem, Reed Tuckson
Violin Performance, James Buswell
Viret, Calvin, and the State, Robert Linder
Virtue and Artificial Intelligence, Derek Schuurman
Virtuous Exemplars: Churches and Neighborhoods in North America (Session 5a), David Gobel and Jonathan Bradford
Visible Signs/Invisible Works: Whiteness as a Theological Problem, Willie James Jennings
Vision 21: Informative Review, Stephen Arrick
Visitation of the Sick / In Time of Death, Dean, De Jong, and Kik
Visit of Queen Beatrix and Tree Dedication, Queen Beatrix
Vital Tactics for Caring Chaplains, James R. Kok
Voice as Counter to Violence (2 of 2), Walter Brueggemann
Voices of Calvin: A Celebration of Community, Robert Hubbard and Calvin Community Drama
Waiting According to His Promise, Dale Cooper
Waiting in the Winds, Marti Garlett
Walking by Faith / Caminamos por fe, Mariachi Ágape, Maria Monteiro, Carlos Colon, Marcell Silva Steuernagel PhD, and Martin Tel
Walking with the Wind at your Back, Earl Schipper
Waning Matter: The World Reformed and the Politics of Truth, Creston Davis
Wanted: A Play Ethic, Arthur Holmes
War and Religion in America: Worship Wars, James Bratt and Lester Ruth
War Awareness Memorial Service, Andy DeJong
War Awareness: Student Debate, Calvin College
War Propaganda: How Propaganda Makes the War Look Necessary, Randy Bytwerk
Warrented Christian Belief: Revealed to Our Minds, Alvin C. Plantinga
Warrented Christian Belief: Sealed Unto Our Hearts, Alvin C. Plantinga
Was a Calvin a Calvinist?, Richard Muller
Was Jesus Mad?, J. Armstrong
Was the use of military force justified in Iraq and Afghanistan?, Herman Keizer
Wealth and Poverty in Light of the Gospel: How Can Christians Work Together if We Disagree?, Ronald J. Sider and Robert Sirico
W.E.B. DuBois and the Encyclopedia Africana, Henry Louis Gates
We Begin With God, Theodore Ferris
Webinar: Why Vices Glitter in Stressful Times, Christopher A. Hall, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, and Carolyn Arends
Web Schedule with Session Descriptions, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
We Come a Long Way, Rory Marshall
Wedding Rehearsals - Who's On First?!?, Duane Kelderman
Wednesday Evening Worship, Al Vander Griend
We Have This Treasure; A Theology of Disability, Linda Larson
Weighing Compatibilism and Libertarianism in Analytic Theology, Kevin Timpe
Welcome and Opening Plenary Session: Ida Mutoigo, Ida Mutoigo
Welcome and Opening Session, Celestin Musekura
Welcome to the Metaverse, Derek Schuurman
We Really do Need Theology for Ministry... Don't We?, R. Mulder, C. Holtrop, and Scott Hoezee
Westward Movement, Alistair Cooke
We Wish to Plead Our Own Cause, Barbara Omolade
WFUR Question Hour, Hosted by Ronald Brown, Ronald Brown
WFUR Radio Program in Memory of Reverend Dick Walters, WFUR Radio
WFUR Radio Station At the Civic Auditorium, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Station March 2, 1965, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Station March 23, 1965, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Station March 24, 1965, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Station March 25, 1965, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Station March 26, 1965, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
WFUR Radio Station Unknown Date, 20th Century Reformation Hour, Carl McIntire
What About Our Other Children?, Theodore Verseput
What About This New Pentacostalism?, Anthony A. Hoekema
What A Man Learned In Church, J.W. Hamilton
What are Intended as Systems of Support become Systems of Struggle, Kevin Timpe
What Are We Trying to Accomplish in the Core Curriculum?, Edward Langerak
What are you Guarding? Lessons on Anger and its Antidotes from the Christian Tradition In Adam C. Pelser & W. Scott Cleveland (eds.), Faith and Virtue Formation: Christian Philosophy in Aid of Becoming Good, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
What Christians can Learn About Maturity from Recent Feminists, Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen
What Does it Mean to Be Reformed?, John R. De Witt
What Does the Future Hold for the Phillipines?, Raymond Bonner
"What do these stones mean?": Reflections on the Worship Installation in the College Chapel, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship
What Dying Taught Me About Living, John Otterbacher
Whatever Happened to Geographic Literacy?, H.J. de Blij
Whatever It Takes: The Real Struggle for Political Power in America, Elizabeth Drew
What Galileo's Telescope Can't See, James K.A. Smith
What has Wheaton To Do With "Jerusalem"?, Mark Noll
What Holds the CRC Together, John H. Kromminga
What if Forgiveness were Unthinkable?, James K.A. Smith
What If There Is A God Who Really Loves You?, Wayne Jacobsen
What in the World is the CRC? - Catholic, Richard J. Mouw
What in the World is the CRC? - Evangelical, Richard J. Mouw
What in the World is the CRC? - Reformed, Richard J. Mouw
What is a Gospel?, Leon Morris
What is Biblical Theology?, F.R. De Vaux
What is Christian Education?, Randy Ross, Mark DeYoung, Bruce Smith, Agatha Lubbers, Ken Vander Wood, and Jack Postma
What is Christian Philosophy?, Alvin C. Plantinga
What is Christian Politics?, Richard J. Mouw
What is Discipleship?, Carlos Ortiz
What is Excellence in Preaching, Scott Hoezee and Scott E. Hoezee
What is Happening in the CRC?, Steve M. Schlissel
What is Lynwood Saying to the CRC?, Rein Leetsma
What is Man?, Calvin Theological Seminary
What is Meant by Meaning, Viktor E. Frankl
What is Society?--Natural and Moral Law, Peter J. Steen
What Is The Christian Religion?, Samuel Shoemaker
What is the Faith of Christians?, John Westerhoff III
What is the Meaning of These Gifts? An Illustration of the Contextualization of the Gospel, Leonard Sweetman
What is the Reformed Conception of Godliness, Peter Y. DeJong
What is Worship?, Dale Cooper
What it Means for Christians To Live in Muslim Culture, V. Wahby
What It Means to be a Christian Physician, Dewey Heetderks
What it Means to Be a Christian Physician, Dewey Heetderks
What I've Learned From My Mentors, Cornelius Plantinga Jr.
What Jesus Means to Me, Lester R. DeKoster
What Kind of Liberalism? What Kind of Democracy?, Richard Bernstein
What Kind of Problem is Racism?, Richard J. Mouw
What Makes a Church Grow?, Salem Avenue Church
What Nature hath taught all Animals: Considerations on the Nature of Marriage, Russell Hittinger
What of the New 'Canonical Theology'?, Carl F.H. Henry
What Price Unity?, Steve M. Schlissel
What Should Christians Do About North Korea?, Stephan Linton
What's in the Genes? Designer Genes, Jonathan Wells
What's Really Going On in Afghanistan, Central Asia, Pakistan, etc.?, S. Frederick Starr
What's the Problem?, Alvin C. Plantinga
What St. Paul Really Said, N.T. Wright
What's Worthwhile With Liberation Theology?, Jose Miguez-Bonino
What's Wrong With Liberation Theology?, H. Richardson
What the Bible Teaches, What You Need to Know, Andrew Kuyvenhoven and Leonard Kuyvenhoven
What We Can Learn about Worship from Asaph the Psalmist, Rory Noland
What We Can't Not Know: What is the Natural Law and Why Should Anyone Care?, J. Budziszewski
What We Post-literates Can Learn from the Oral Culture of Jesus - Plenary 2, Dennis Dewey
What Works in American Education, William J. Bennet
What Would You Say if You Knew I Was Gay?, James Lucas
What You Need to Know About Teen Suicide, Les Parrott
When Christians Divorce, Henry Holstege
When Cultures Meet, Gary Tega
When Every Day is Casual Friday: Anxiety Hangs Over a Culture When Adults Act Like Children, Frederica Mathewes-Green
When Father Disappears.., Barbara D. Whitehead
When Helping Heals(Calvin Shorts), Tracy Kuperus and Roland Hoksbergen
When Image is Everything: The Vice of Vainglory, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
When It's Hard To Do Right, G.M. Docherty
When Managed Care Comes Knocking: Arguments for Buying Pastoral Care, Larry VandeCreek
When Nightmares Cease: A Message of Hope from Daniel 7, Daniel I. Block
When Old is New Again: Black Women's Motherwork as Political Activism, Patricia Collins
When Our Hands Grow Weary, Roger Kleinheksel
When Romance Crosses Cultures: Overcoming Obstacles & Celebrating Intimacy in Cross-Cultural Relationships, Naji Umran and Anne Zaci
When the Church is a Church; Consecration of Ourselves to God, Marinus Goote and Clarence Boomsma
When the Earth Quakes, Clarence Menninga
When the Heartbeat Stops, Ron Kool
When the Muse Won't Play: Now What?, Jan Krist
When the Roll is Called Down - Rom. 16:1-6, Fred Craddock
'When Were You Robbed?' In Search of Worship that is Reformed and Always Emerging, Doug Gay
Where Am I Wearing? A Global Tour to the Countries, Factories, and People that Make Our Clothes, Kelsey Timmerman
Where are the Mountains, Bernard Pekelder
Where God Lives; Faith, The Way to Truth, Arnold Brink
Where is Calvin?, Norman Blake
Where is Calvin?, Edgar Boeve, M Walter, John Primus, and Howard Slenk
Where is our Glory?; Are you Prepared For His Coming?, Kuldipgangar and Tymen Hofman
Where is the Promise of His Coming? - II Peter 3, Fred Craddock
Where Spiritual Formation Begins, Marti Ensign
Where the Jobs Are, Jack Houston
Where the Love of God Goes: Dealing with Disasters, Kathy Smith
Where Two or Three (Thousand) Are Gathered: The Evolution of American Megachurch Worship, Melanie C. Ross
W.H. Jellema Memorial Service, Calvin College
Who Cares?, Fred Craddock
Who Cares? Public and Private Caring and the Rethinking of Citizenship, Joan Tronto
Who in the World are Women?, Gladys Hunt
Who is Fit to Lead?, Dale Cooper
Who Keeps Whom, Del Nykamp
Wholeness of Relationship to God, Dean Deppe
Whose Kuyper? Which Inheritance?, James K.A. Smith
Whose Motivation? Which Good?, James K.A. Smith
Who's in Charge, Peter DeVos
W.H.O. WARNING: Preventing Tribal Wars Reduces Risk to Health, Stuart Kingma
Who was Herman Bavinck? An Interview with James Eglinton, Derek Schuurman
Who Were the Pharisees?, W. De Boer
Who You Are Is How You Are Heard: Personality and Personal Ethics in Preaching, Mary Hulst
Why Africa May Become the First Islamic Continent, Paul Mbunga Mpindi
Why African Christianity is a Thousand Miles Wide and an Inch Deep, Paul Mbunga Mpindi
Why are the birds not singing? Calvin biology professor and students investigate, David V. Urban
Why Are You Angry?: Exploring the Deadly Sin of Wrath, Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Why Barth Needed Hegel: Apologetics and Reformed Theology, Graham Ward
Why be a Christian?, Peter Kreeft
Why be Concerned, Mark Zylstra
Why Business Matters to God, Jeff Van Duzer
Why Chapel Services at Calvin, Bernard Pekelder
Why Christian Scholarship Needs Story and Art, Marilynne Robinson
Why Christian Schools, Bernard Zylstra
Why Christians Need Animals...And God Does, Too, Jay McDaniel
Why Christians Ought to be in Prison, Charles Colson
Why Does God Hide?, Clarence Boosma
Why Does Jesus Influence My Engineering Career?, Derek Schuurman
Why Does One Write?, Anais Nin
Why do you believe?; Lord I believe, Ted Verseput and Duane K. Kelderman
Why Everybody Needs a Masterplot, David Lyle Jeffrey
Why Follow Jesus?; In the Presence of God, Ray Van Leeuwen and John Rozeboom
Why Good Things Happen to Good People: How to Live a Longer, Happier Life by the Simple Act of Giving, Stephen G. Post
Why I Believe the Bible Requires the Ordination of Women, Melvin Hugen
Why Listening is the Beginning of All Good Communication, Quentin J. Schultze
Why Ministers Should Not Read Books about Jesus, Frank Thielman
Why Only an Atheist Can Believe: Politics between Fear and Trembling Part 1, Slavoj Zizek
Why Only an Atheist Can Believe: Politics between Fear and Trembling Part 2, Slavoj Zizek
Why Physics and Theology Need a Mediator: The Many Metaphysical Faces of the Quantum State, Phillip Clayton
Why Read Abraham Kuyper (1837-1920) on Worship?, Harry Boonstra
Why Religion is Natural and Theology is Not, Justin Barrett
Why Religious Experience is Important, Paul J. Visser
Why Religious People Feel They are Losing Voice, Nicholas Wolterstorff
Why Should Koreans Care About North Korea?, Stephan Linton
Why Students Don't Learn Much of Anything at CTS and What to do About it, Calvin Theological Seminary
Why the Bible Says Sex is for Marriage, David Beelen
Why the Dissention in the Church?, Lester R. DeKoster
Why the History of Sexuality Ought to be Taught at Christian Colleges and Universities, Gail Bederman
Why the Korean Peninsula?, John S. Park
Why the Trinity Matters for Psychotherapy, Ronald Wright
Why Waste Perfume on Jesus?, Bernard Pekelder
Why We Are Here / Are You a Follower of Jesus?, Graham Kyle
Why We Listen to Sermons(Calvin Shorts), Scott E. Hoezee
Why Were the Dutch in New Netherlands, Anyway?, Jaap Jacobs
Why Worry About Science?, Enno Wolthuis
Why Would You Want to Do This? A Philosophy of Songwriting, Pierce Pettis
Wide Open Doors, Sidney Youngsma
Wiersma Memorial Lecture, John J. Timmerman
Wiersma Memorial Lecture, James Schaap
Will a Man Serve God for Nothing, Lavonn D. Brown
Willcocks Choir Concert, David Willcocks and Calvin College Choirs
William Cope Mayer, William Cope Mayer
William Perkins: Puritan Popularizer, James I. Packer
WILLIAM ROMANOWSKI, William Romanowski
William Spoelhof Chair Lecture, Helen Sterk
Will Our Children have Faith?, Melvin Hugen
Will Our Congregationalism Kill Us?, Henry DeMoor
Willow Creek Community Church, Calvin Theological Seminary
Will the American Melting Pot Survive: Multicultural Education and the New Tribalism, Linda Chavez
Will the Real Plato Please Stand Up? Participation vs. Incarnation, Bruce Ellis Benson
Will There be Computers in Heaven?, Derek Schuurman
Will You Go With Him?, Dale Cooper
Wilmington, Bernard Zylstra
Wind Chamber Music Recital November 12, 1980, Calvin College
Wind Chamber Music Recital November 15, 1979 Tape 1, Calvin College
Wind Chamber Music Recital November 15, 1979 Tape 2, Calvin College
Wind Chamber Music Recital November 16, 1978, Calvin College
Window on the Post-Modern Condition, James Fowler
Winner Take All, W.K. Kerr
With Every Good Thing: Calvin Symposium on Worship 2008 Worship Booklet
Within the Pale, Calvin College
Without Crossing Barriers - The Mosaic, Donald A. McGavran